VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3283: : Destroy the fortress

After the Japanese server used [Battlestar] and Breaking Waves and Riders to display the awakening skills of combination equipment such as [Thunder God’s Fall], the major servers have used more [Group Blessing Scrolls] scrolls, of course, they also used some combinations. The awakening skills of similar equipment, the battle escalated for a while, and it became fierce.

However, because the Chinese server alliance retained more combination-type equipment awakening skills and occupied three-quarters of the outer wall of the Japanese server imperial city, the master of formation allowed the master of the formation to use [Change Heaven and Earth] to condense multiple high platforms and place a large number of them. Moving the magic crystal cannon, so the Chinese server alliance still has an advantage-the previous British server, Australian server, Indian server and Japanese server have successively consumed the awakening skills of combined equipment due to large-scale team tasks, so the total number is above the middle The serving party has more advantages.

Of course, as smart as Eastern Stars, after seeing the current situation and consumption of both sides, they knew that they were no longer able to destroy the Japanese Imperial City.

Think about it, although the Japanese clothing imperial city is occupied by three-quarters of the outer city wall, but the inner city wall is almost intact, which means that there are more completed defense equipment on the inner city wall. They did not have it in Yeluo. It is not so easy to attack the city wall after the awakening skills of the combined equipment, and the imperial city cannot be destroyed if it is not so natural.

"Yes, I'm afraid it will be difficult for our people to destroy the Japanese Imperial City." Ye Yufei took the stubbornness, and waited for Dongfang Star and others to speak, her tone changed: "However, it is currently being consumed by the enemy alliance. With more [Group Blessing Scrolls], and not surprisingly, the 3 [Battlestars] in the daily service will be destroyed. Coupled with more casualties of the enemy alliance, the purpose of our trip has been achieved. "

Hearing that, everyone around nodded, and they all agreed with it, so they didn't bother about whether they could destroy the Japanese Imperial City.

"But how are we going to withdraw?" Suddenly Dongfang Ming said, her pretty face was slightly dignified when she said this: "You and I both know which side can stand in a stalemate in a large national war until which side has the greater advantage. , After all, staying on the last party can pick up the explosion. The most important thing is to resurrect the player who is lying in the dead state. After all, this is a Japanese server, which means that we have to withdraw out of all likelihood. Doesn’t that mean we can’t Stay for the end?"

"Relax, as far as the current situation is concerned, we can never destroy the imperial city of the Japanese suit and certainly can occupy the outer wall. Once we occupy all the walls, we can isolate the Japanese suit from their allies. This will allow us There is a great advantage. It is okay to repel the Japanese or enemy alliances with these people, especially since we still have a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls], so we must have the opportunity to clean the battlefield." Samadhi poetry is quite good. Definitely said: "It's just that we can't continue to attack the inner city wall at that time, and the two sides will confront each other."

There is no shortage of smart people, and they soon realized that they were excited after thinking that there was still a chance to clean the battlefield, not only because this could get a lot of loot, but most importantly, it would further reduce the casualties of their own players.

While the samādhi and they said this, the battle continued. The players were excited by the use of a lot of assassins on both sides. Of course, more players were sent over. After all, the battle has fallen into a stalemate. At this time, which side is the first Retreat will be at a disadvantage, especially since there is no chance to clean the battlefield.

For this reason, in addition to using more [Group Blessing Scrolls], players in the Japanese server alliance also consumed all the awakening skills of combination equipment. The same is true for the Chinese server alliance, but both sides still maintain some rationality. They didn’t use all of the [Group Blessing Scrolls], especially the people from the Japanese server alliance. After all, they were worried that Ye Luo and others would be attacked without the scrolls. At that time, they could only watch Ye Luo attack and consume them. The gang resident was helpless.

After 1, 2 minutes, Yeluo, Po Lang Chengfeng and others took the lead in destroying the Battlestar in front of them, and then they moved their targets to attack other forts. After they joined, the toughness of the remaining fortresses dropped faster. Some.

However, it is worth mentioning that at this time the remaining two [Battlestars] have already rushed towards the inner city wall, which means that the defense equipment on the inner city wall will also participate in attacking Ye Luo and them, which makes their pressure slightly increased.

"What to do, the remaining two [Battlestars] will soon be able to hide in the inner city. Are we going to follow them in?" Dongfang Xiaotian said in a deep voice. He was a little worried when he said these things. After all, there are many defense equipments. Attacking them will have a high damage output.

"It's okay. With the awakening skills of big moves and combined equipment, our blood and defense can be said to be against the sky, and there will be no big problems with the attacks of defense equipment and [Battlestar]." Coldly said: "What's more, we can use the [Orange Spirit Pill] and [Group Guard Scroll], plus the continuous transfer of player assistance. It will be no problem to destroy the remaining 2 [Space Fortress], especially The toughness of these fortresses is only about 30% left."

"Although this will increase our casualties, it is worth destroying all the [Battlestar] of the Japanese suit. After all, we don't have to worry about the fortress of the Japanese suit anymore." Ye Luo said solemnly, obviously he too. Agree to continue pursuing.

Naturally, I also know the benefits of destroying the [Battlestar] of the Japanese server. Everyone did not say anything. They continued to attack. Of course, they were also prepared to replenish their vitality and request players to support them. After all, the Japanese server was also sent at this time. A large number of players stop them, and the players from the Chinese server alliance can send over to allow Ye Luo and the others to free up more energy to attack [Space Fortress].

As Dongfang Killing said, at this time, their awakening skills, defense power and qi and blood with their ultimate moves and combined equipment have reached a level that is very against the sky, plus the use of pill to replenish qi and blood, the most important thing is After seeing the situation here, the fireworks are easy to cold and order some elite players to assist, so they can insist, at least destroying the remaining two [Battlestars] there is no problem.

The fact is the same. After 20 seconds, Yeluo and the others will also destroy the second [Battlestar], and then they can concentrate on attacking the last one. Although this [Battlestar] has already rushed to the inner city wall at this time, Yeluo, Breaking the waves and riding the wind, they still did not hesitate to catch up, even if it meant that their attacks increased further.

Of course, many players who were sent to support were unable to hold on and were killed. Fortunately, none of these people possessed national weapons. Even if they were killed, they could not drop by one level, so the loss would not be too great.

After crossing the inner city wall, Yeluo and the others continued to chase [Battlestar]. At this time, the toughness of the Battlestar was already less than 10%. It only took more than 10 seconds for everyone to concentrate on destroying it. Scroll] state or other invincible means to maintain these time is completely no problem, which means that they can definitely destroy the last [Battlestar].

"Hey, since we have already rushed to the inner wall of the imperial city of Japanese clothing, why not rush to the heart of the imperial city directly." Breaking the waves and riding the wind was quite exhilarating: "Especially we can use [Group Teleportation] Scroll] A large number of players have been sent over..."

"No, absolutely not." Ye Luo interrupted Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, and seeing the latter's puzzled look, he explained: "The reason why we are so smooth at this time is because we have the awakening skills of big moves and combined equipment. It’s precisely because of this that Tokyo Shinhwa and other Japanese super masters are right to stop us. Once our state is over, they will definitely come to stop us, and the pressure we face will increase exponentially, even just face it. We can't stand the attack on the defense equipment."

"That's right." Sitting on Qin Xin took the stubborn words: "And besides the cherry blossoms and snow, there are other space players in the Japanese service. They can use the [Space Enchantment] to protect the heart of the city to delay time. The state of the ultimate move and the combination equipment awakening skill is over. Then we think it is impossible to enter the land of no man as it is now, so we have to take advantage of the state of the ultimate move to be as soon as possible. ] Destroyed and then returned to the main battlefield, where we are needed."

"It seems that we still have the advantage on the main battlefield. It seems that we don't need us at all." Po Lang muttered, but she also knew that the city heart was too risky to continue rushing towards the imperial city. It was very unwise. .

"Our people have not yet occupied the outer wall, and cannot occupy the outer wall. Then we can't separate the Japanese clothes from their allies, so it is almost impossible for us to beat them back." Ye Luo took the stubbornly: " And if in this way, the enemy alliance is more convenient because of its numerical advantage and replenishing combat power, it will make us passive, unless we can occupy all the outer walls and then force the enemy alliance's people to retreat."

"And only after we join the battle can we occupy all the outer walls, or at a lower cost." Ye Luo added.

"Oh, I understand, let's continue to attack the [Battlestar] in front of us." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, and when she said this, she increased her attack, and the same was true for Ye Luo and others.

After more than 10 seconds, the toughness of the last [Battlestar] is also cleared, which means that all [Battlestar] of the Japanese server have been destroyed, and there is no need to worry about the Japanese server sending the fortress into the middle server or the middle server in the future. Allies are in the server.

"Fireworks, we have destroyed all of the fortresses..." Sitting on Qin Xin said, but before she finished talking about Fireworks Yi Leng, he ordered Feng Xinglie to use [Space Portal] to teleport them back.

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