VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3284: : Temporarily stalemate

Ye Luo and the others destroyed all the three [Battlestars] in the Japanese suit, but at this time they also broke into the inner city wall. If they were to go back, it would undoubtedly waste a lot of time. For them, they would have to withstand big moves and combinations. The status of equipping the awakening skills is still very important, so it is undoubtedly the quickest way for space players to teleport them back, so that they also have more time to participate in the seizure of the city wall.

In fact, Firework Yi Leng has been paying attention to Ye Luo and the others through a shared perspective. After seeing them destroy all of [Battlestar], she immediately let Feng Xinglie display [Space Portal] as far as possible to Ye Luo and the others. Teleported over.

Of course, at this time, there are still some players who were entangled or killed by the players of the Japanese server. Ye Luo and the others can't waste time by rescuing them, so they can only abandon them. Fortunately, they already have consciousness before they teleport over. , What's more, it is completely worth it to destroy the Japanese [Battlestar] in their hearts.

Ye Luo and the others didn’t say much after they were teleported back, and they went directly to both sides. At this time, their most important task was to occupy the outer wall of the Japanese Imperial City in the shortest time. After all, the earlier they occupied the side, the fewer casualties. , The casualties and pressure on the enemy alliance will be greater.

Before Yeluo and the others returned, the Chinese server had already occupied some advantages. After Yeluo and the others returned, the advantage was undoubtedly even greater. Under Yeluo and Polangchengfeng and they took the lead in the charge, it would not be bad if they could advance like a bamboo. Too many, at least the speed of the Chinese server alliance occupying the city wall has increased a lot.

However, players in the Japanese server alliance naturally also know the importance of defending those walls, so they also concentrated on defense. This also caused a lot of resistance to the players in the Chinese server alliance. At least it seems that they want to occupy all of them. The outer wall still needs some time.

Fortunately, before the awakening state of Ye Luo and their combination equipment was over, they finally occupied the last wall. This means that the players of the Chinese server alliance have occupied the outer wall of the Japanese server imperial city and then the Japanese server will follow theirs. The allies are isolated, so the pressure on the Chinese server alliance is reduced a lot, especially after the outer city walls are covered with mobile magic crystal cannons.

After occupying all the city walls, the advantage of the alliance of the Chinese server side has greatly increased, especially the placement of the magic crystal cannon, which can be seen from the greatly increased casualties of the enemy alliance.

Of course, the players of the enemy alliance have also seen this. They know that if this continues, their casualties will be very large. Even their players who participated in the battle this time were killed or even killed twice. This is not what they want to see. Yes, so they can only retreat temporarily, including players on the day server.

The players in the Chinese server alliance will naturally not miss such a good opportunity. They sent some players to hunt down, and of course they will leave some enemies as much as possible. After all, as long as they stay, they will definitely be able to kill them. The more enemy alliances, the greater the casualties.

The fact is also true. It is not so easy to retreat in a large-scale national war. Many people are left behind. Not surprisingly, all of these people will be killed. This is why we retreat first. The casualties of one party will be very large, which is not to mention that the next Chinese server alliance can resurrect the killed teammates and pick up the spoils.

Not to mention this, let’s say that the players of the Japanese and American servers withdrew to the inner city wall. They waited for it. Not only did they fill the wall, but they also learned the practice of the Chinese server’s alliance to allow the master of formation to use [Change Heaven and Earth] to condense multiple A large number of mobile magic crystal cannons were installed on the high platform. For a time, the defensive force here was greatly increased, even stronger than the defense of the outer city wall. After all, the outer city wall was damaged a lot under the impact of the fifth demon and the demon army. What's more, Ye Luo and the others attacked the city by sneak attack.

At this time, the awakening skills of the combination equipment of the Chinese server alliance are all in the CD, and even the status of many dual-professional masters is also in the CD. In this case, it will undoubtedly be very big if you want to attack the inner city wall. Of casualties, especially when players on servers such as Yinfu are still watching outside the city wall.

Yes, although it has been temporarily withdrawn, it is naturally impossible for players from servers such as Yinfu to withdraw from their own servers. After all, once such an alliance of the Chinese server will continue to attack the Japanese server imperial city, it is only for Japanese and American servers. Even if the player has the advantage of the wall, they may not be able to defend it, so they need to stay and wait for the opportunity.

If Ye Luo and the others attack the inner city wall at this time, they will definitely use a large number of elites, such as Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng and other super masters will participate in the siege, so the defensive power of the outer city wall is much weaker. At this time, Yinfu and other servers Players have a lot of opportunities. It is no exaggeration to say that at that time the Chinese server side was fighting in two lines. This would greatly increase the pressure on the Chinese server side. It would be difficult to capture the imperial city, and even the casualties and consumption would be huge. Increase, this is not what they want to see.

"Sure enough, the people of the enemy alliance retreated decisively and then prepared to use the inner city wall to stop us." Samadhi said in a deep voice: "At this time, our consumption is very large, especially at this time all the awakening skills of combination equipment are in the CD. In this case, we are no longer able to attack the inner city wall of the Japanese suit."

"The most important thing is that Tokyo Mythology, they are also smart people, they will not take the initiative to attack the outer wall, so it is difficult for us to cause greater casualties and consumption." Samadhi Shi added.

"Can you let Brother Ye Luo continue to harass and consume the defense equipment on the inner city wall in the same way as before?" Yan Yue asked suddenly with a toast, and while talking, he looked at the fireworks and became cold: "Fireworks beauty, Yi Ye Can Brother Luo's defensive power and qi and blood be able to withstand it?"

"The attack power of the defense equipment of the imperial city is much stronger than that of the level 5 gang resident, especially the space system players of the Japanese and American servers have used [Change the World] After condensing the high platform, they have installed a large number of mobile magic crystal cannons, even though With Ye Luo’s defense and vitality, the consumption effect will be very poor.” Fireworks Yi said coldly: “The most important thing is that people from the enemy alliance can also send elite players to charge Ye Luo. At this time, Ye Luo possesses invincibility. There are not many methods left, and harassment will be very dangerous, and the benefits will not be great."

Inviting Yue to toast was just a casual question, but he and others were also disappointed to get such a result, after all, this time the action was not complete.

"Although we failed to capture the Japanese Imperial City, the enemy alliance suffered a lot of casualties and consumed a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls], and we even destroyed 3 [Space Fortress], so this time we The action is considered to have achieved the goal." Bacchus Du Kang said solemnly: "At least, the enemy alliance will not be as arrogant as before, and the intensity of their hands on us will be much reduced."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and they all agreed.

"Unfortunately, I still didn't kill the players with national weapons such as Tokyo Mythology and Mount Fuji. If you can't kill them, you won't hurt the enemy alliance." Po Lang Chengfeng couldn't help but muttered: "Don't forget. They still have a lot of national weapons after Tokyo Mythology and Mount Fuji. Once their combo-type equipment awakening skills and ults end the CD, then they will still hunt and kill our people, and their strength can still cause a lot of us. trouble."

Hearing that, everyone was silent. Although the Tokyo Myth and the foot of Mount Fuji did not cause too much resistance to them before, it was because the Tokyo Myth they used to kill the fifth demon **** and do the [Devil Flame Burning Sky] mission. , Once their ultimatum and combination equipment awakening skills end the CD, then they will pose a great threat to the alliance of the Chinese server. At least the players of the alliance of the Chinese server can contend with only two or three players, even Even masters like Polar Silver Wolf and Polar Silver Fox may be killed if they sneak attack.

Thinking of this situation, everyone's look is naturally a bit ugly.

"Tokyo Mythology, they are very cautious, they don't give us a chance to kill them, and we don't have a good way." Samadhi said, and then her tone changed: "Fortunately, this time the enemy alliance was killed a lot. Players, this is a great loss for them, and their strength has also been reduced a lot. If there is a large-scale national war in the future, our advantage will be even greater."

"What's more, we can continue to consume them in accordance with the previous tactics. We can still do it with our means. We can even occupy some of their gang sites. One will lose and the other will grow. Our strength will be stronger and our advantage will be even greater. Great, they are not our opponents anymore." Samadhi Shi added.

Everyone also agreed with this, and after thinking of this, their expressions relaxed and no longer worried about this problem, especially when the players in the enemy league’s corpse state had to be resurrected because of the time limit. This meant that Not only did they lose their ranks, they would also explode some equipment. Picking up those equipment can improve the strength of the alliance of the Chinese server. The most important thing is that the strength of the enemy alliance is weakened. The advantages of the alliance will naturally become greater.

The distribution of trophies has been discussed by everyone a long time ago, so there will be no unfair distribution. At the same time, the fireworks are easy to get cold and let them sit in the heart of the piano and they count the results of this time. After all, knowing yourself and the enemy can better deal with it. Fight in the future.

"This time around 10 million players in the enemy alliance dropped, and we have about 4 million. This does not count that we can resurrect hundreds of thousands of players, so we should only drop one-third of the enemy alliance. ." The people who sat on the piano heart and them quickly counted the number of casualties, and this number made everyone excited. After all, casualties were only 30% of the enemy's, which is already a very impressive record.

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