VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3290: : Please help

That's right, although the masters such as Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind and Midnight Book did not take action at this time, but the Japanese server side of Mount Fuji, Amaterasu God, Heilong Tianzhan and others did not take action. These people are also very powerful, especially Mount Fuji. Xia also has 3 pieces of the past, with his strength enough to intercept the winner Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, and even slightly suppress it. After all, the Japanese server also has the advantage of many defense equipment on the wall and the support of many players.

"We can completely withstand the state of [spell immunity] and then lock the leaves to teleport over, and then let the little hand teleport us away when the [spell immunity] state is about to end." Po Lang Chengfeng said indifferently: "and in the meantime we can Unscrupulous attacks can certainly cause greater troubles and even casualties to Japanese clothing."

"We can do this, and so can the people under Mount Fuji and others. In this way, we will still be deadlocked, and even take a little risk. The situation is still not very good for us. This is just a waste of time." Sitting on the piano Heart said: "It doesn't make much sense for us to do this, it's just that the snipe and the clam fight and then let Dongfang kill the sky and the dark night to benefit."

Hearing that, Po Lang rides the wind silently, because she also knows that even if she and Midnight Shu and others do their work, it may not make any obvious changes to the situation.

"Could it be that we just give up like this?" Zhiyue said, and when she said this, she was a little unwilling to speak.

"Can't give up, absolutely can't give up. It is precisely because the Japanese clothes are more difficult to deal with that we have to do it, because they do not further weaken their strength. Sooner or later they will pose a big threat to us in the future." Po Lang Chengfeng said, slightly After a meal, she continued: "It seems that we really need some support. For example, letting the polar silver wolf and the number one person help. This is enough to suppress the Tokyo Mythology and them, at least it can cause a lot of casualties to them."

"Of course, you can also ask Uncle Bacchus to help. The strength of inviting the moon to toast, Xiaofeng Wanyue, Thousand Miles to Ride Alone, etc. is also very good, and joining us is enough to pose a greater threat to Tokyo Mythology. "Po Lang Chengfeng added.

"Let’s ask Uncle Bacchus to support us. After seeing that the situation here is very good, Eastern Killing Heaven and even Polar Silver Wolf should also participate, or they will take the opportunity to take action against other servers or other gangs in the Japanese server. It can further alleviate our pressure." Samadhi poetry said, and her proposal was echoed by everyone, and then Samadhi poetry directly contacted the **** of wine Du Kang and Feng Xing, who readily agreed.

Soon after, invited the moon to toast, popular in Kyushu, riding a thousand miles alone, Xiaofeng Wanyue and others arrived. Of course, they also led some dual-professional masters to bring them. Seeing their eagerness to try, you will know that they are about this time. The action is very much looking forward to.

"Firework beauties, here we are, just give us the task." Inviting Yue to toast was quite exhilarating.

"It's very simple. Next, we will lock Ye Luo in the state of [Spell Immunity], and then try our best to entangle the Tokyo myth to buy Ye Luo some time." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and she continued to raise her glass without asking Yue Yue to speak. : "But also be careful of the people under Mount Fuji and others, because they are likely to take action."

"Hey, understand." Yaoyue raised his glass, but thought of something he said to himself: "It seems that we should mobilize some more priests, so that we will be in a longer state with [spell immunity], of course it is best. Also let some space department professions come over, so that it will be more efficient."

Naturally knowing this, Feng Xinglie and others arranged one after another. I believe there will be many priests and space players coming here soon.

However, they will not wait for thousands of miles to ride alone. Then they directly lock Ye Luo to teleport, and sit on Qin Xin, Saturday, Daughter Red and others who count the time to give them [Spell Immunity].

After 10 seconds, Qianli riding solo and others completed the teleportation, and as soon as they reached Ye Luo, they rushed to the Tokyo Mythology, and they were not stingy with skills such as [Charge], and they even performed the teleportation. The [World Destroying Thunder], because he saw that the players in the day server were eager to move the first time they completed the teleportation, so using a powerful, large-scale group attack skill can also deter them, of course, it can also force them out at the worst. Many Japanese players display invincible skills-once the invincible methods of Japanese players are exhausted, it will naturally be much easier to use them.

Thousands of miles alone riding and others are also very powerful, and they can attack unscrupulously under the condition of [spell immunity]. This is enough to cause a lot of trouble to Tokyo mythology, so Ye Luo can free up his hands. The defensive equipment on the Japanese imperial city launched an attack, and under the action of [Reincarnation* Split Arrows], it can also attack the surrounding Japanese players-Ye Luo did not switch the archer mode when fighting with Tokyo mythology before. , After all, this is prone to accidents. Now that people who are riding thousands of miles alone, breaking the waves and riding the wind, come to support him, it is naturally much safer to switch to the archer attack.

I have to say that they are very strong. Even if the people under Mount Fuji rushed over in the first time, they couldn’t completely relieve the Tokyo Mythology. At least they couldn’t do anything to Yeluo who was hiding behind the waves and wind and others. Harassment, this means that Ye Luo can still attack the defense equipment, so it can be destroyed naturally.

Not only that, under the action of [Reincarnation * Split Arrows], nearly 10 energy arrows can also attack the surrounding Japanese players. His attack power is very high, and it can directly kill the target by triggering a critical strike. This is forcing those days. Players have to use invincible means, after all, just [spell immunity] cannot guarantee their safety.

Although there are many super masters in the Japanese server, the number of super masters is not as large as Yeluo and others. Therefore, Tokyo Mythology will be slightly at a disadvantage when facing Yeluo and others. This is because Yeluo and the others can cause damage to the defense equipment. Some losses and the killing of some Japanese players from time to time can be seen. Although it still takes a long time to destroy the defensive equipment on the city wall, it can still cause a lot of trouble and weaken the Japanese server. What's more, Ye Luo and the others also kill some Japanese players from time to time.

Soon after, Fengxing and other gangs mobilized some space players and priests, and their arrival further improved Ye Luo's efficiency, and the casualties of the Japanese server also increased a lot.

"Hey, sure enough, after asking some people for support, the effect was immediately better." Othello laughed: "If this continues, we will soon be able to destroy the defensive equipment on the wall of the city. Shang Yeluo can kill some Japanese players from time to time, so it can also cause a lot of casualties to the Japanese servers, and if they can cause casualties to them, they can weaken their strength."

"In addition, once we rush to the city wall, Ye Luo's attack strength can be further increased, and the efficiency of killing players and gaining points will also increase. Although it will not be as efficient as yesterday in India, it is also It's not better than hunting for targets everywhere." Othello added.

"Well, that's right." Samadhi said, thinking of what she said to herself: "It would be better if the Tokyo Mythology they also rushed over. Of course, they don't need to participate in attacking this city wall. They can also attack other gangs. The resident can even attack from the opposite city wall, so the casualties caused to the Japanese clothes will be even greater."

"Hey, at this time Dongfang Killing Heaven should already know our actions this time. Maybe they will soon take action. Don't forget that they did it yesterday." Breaking the waves and riding the wind said that she said this again. Once transmitted by Ye Luo and attacked again.

Although Ye Luo and their harassment of Tokyo Mythology was helpless, they were not too worried because they had prepared psychological preparations and other arrangements. Then he was going to use some [Group Blessing Scrolls] to send Ye Luo away. They, but at this time they got another piece of news that super masters such as Eastern Killing Sky also sneaked into the Japanese service.

That’s right, Eastern Killing Sky and the others also learned about Ye Luo’s actions, and even the Polar Silver Wolf. They were naturally a little bit greedy when they saw that Ye Luo’s efficiency in gaining points has improved a lot. The most important thing is that They felt that this was an excellent meeting to beat down a dog in the water, so naturally they would not miss it, so they also organized some people to rush over.

However, Eastern Killing Heaven did not lock Yeluo’s teleportation, nor did they attack other gangs in the Japanese server. They attacked on the opposite side of Ye Luo. At this time, the super masters of the Japanese server such as Tokyo Mythology and Mt. Ye Luo and the others were entangled, and the resistance they faced was much less. The extremely sturdy fighting madness of the East and the others even rushed to the city wall against the obstacles of the Japanese players and the attacks of the defense equipment. Above, they are very efficient at killing people, even far surpassing Ye Luo. For Tokyo Mythology, and especially for Tokyo Mythology, it is more important to get points efficiently. After all, only in this way can they surpass Ye Luo and go on. Get generous rewards.

Dongfang Killing and the others knew that at this time Tokyo Mythology and other super masters were entangled by Ye Luo and others, so they were a bit unscrupulous in their actions. In addition, they sneaked into the city wall with thunder and then quickly destroyed the surrounding defensive equipment. It’s going to be seven or eight, so they don’t worry that Tokyo Mythology will kill them, not to mention that they have also prepared a retreat arrangement-there is a space for players to stare here at any time and then ready to send them away at any time, so it can be guaranteed Foolproof.

It is worth mentioning that in order to be more efficient, Dongfang Killing Tian directly used a [Group Blessing Scroll], so their offensive is even more powerful-doing this in the heart of Dongfang Killing Tian can occupy a section of the city wall and then settle in the shortest time. Put on some defensive equipment, so even if Tokyo Mythic reacts, it will be difficult to drive them away, so they can always kill people efficiently and earn points. ?

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