VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3291: : The enemy comes to support

Not long after Yeluo and the others launched an attack on the gang site of the Japanese server, the Eastern Killing of the Sky and the Polar Silver Wolf launched their actions. They chose the other wall of the gang site to launch an attack because of the use of the [Group Blessing Scroll]. The Eastern Killing of the Sky easily attacked the city wall and installed a large number of mobile magic crystal cannons, so that they can efficiently kill the players of the day server and then get a lot of points. Of course, the reason why the Eastern Killing of the sky is so smooth and natural. Ye Luo and the others have entangled all the super masters in Japanese clothes such as Tokyo Mythology and Heilongtianzhan. After all, if these people are allowed to stop, the resistance they will encounter will greatly increase.

"Sister Fireworks, most of the top ten gangs, such as the Eastern Family and the Yeyu Family, sent their elites to sneak into the Japanese clothes and then launched a siege opposite us. Even the polar silver wolf and the number one person came." June Feixue will get it. The news told me that the fireworks were easy to be cold, and she frowned slightly when she thought of it: "But they seem to have used a [Group Blessing Scroll] directly..."

"What, did they use the scroll?" For a moment, he broke the waves and rides the wind and said unhappily: "This time we are dealing with the Japanese clothes because they consume the Japanese clothes. The Japanese clothes have not used the scrolls yet. Dongfang Tiantian did use them. Who consumes this."

"It seems that Eastern Killing Sky and the others are planning to occupy this Black Dragon City." Samadhi said, seeing the puzzled look of June Feixue and others, she continued: "Oriental Killing Heaven is also a wise man. He learned of Tokyo Mythology and other Japanese clothes. After all the super masters were restrained by us, they realized that this was an excellent opportunity, and then they organized an elite force to attack the city with the momentum of thunder, so that there was a great opportunity to board the wall in a short time and then occupy the black dragon. city."

"At the very least, they can efficiently kill Japanese players and gain a lot of points. Dongfang Tiantian still values ​​these." Samadhi Shi added.

"That's true. Dongfang Killing and the others actually boarded the city wall and then placed a lot of mobile magic crystal cannons on the city wall. They have an absolute advantage, and there is almost a unilateral massacre." June Feixue Said: "If this continues, they really have a great chance to occupy Black Dragon City."

"There are only 5 [Group Blessing Scrolls] rewards for occupying the Black Dragon City, not to mention that there will be other generous rewards for occupying the 5th level gang station. Dongfang Killing and the others are also very cost-effective." Dao, and then her tone changed: "Even if they can't occupy Black Dragon City, as the little poem said, they can greatly increase the efficiency of earning points. This is what Dongfang Tiantian wants to see."

Everyone in the Miao Pavilion studio naturally knows how'efforts' Dongfang Tiantian has been to surpass Ye Luo in points. In the past, he was worried about vicious competition and did not use the [Group Blessing Scroll]. Now the guise of siege can be used naturally. What's more, there is still a chance to occupy the gang resident of the Japanese service by doing so, so it is only natural for the East to do this.

"Then what are we going to do, do we also use the [Group Blessing Scroll]?" Zhiyue asked: "After all, if you don't use it, then Eastern Killing Sky will surpass Brother Ye in points."

"Don't worry, Ye Luo's points are a lot more than Eastern Killing Heaven. It can't be compensated by using some [Group Blessing Scrolls]." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "What's more, the purpose of our trip is to consume and weaken. Japanese clothes are not self-consuming. The most important thing is that we can contain Tokyo Mythology and them without the [Group Blessing Scroll], so naturally there is no need for it."

"The most important thing is that using the [Group Blessing Scroll] will cause backlash..." Firework Yi Leng added, but was interrupted before finishing talking.

"Were backlashed?" After a moment of stunned, Polang Rongfeng asked: "What kind of backlash will you encounter?"

"Once the [Group Blessing Scroll] is used, Tokyo Mythology will also use the scrolls, and even use slightly more scrolls than us, so the situation we face will not change much, and there will even be vicious competition." Shi Dai explained: "Maybe we can use up the scrolls of the Japanese clothing, but we will also consume them seven or eighty-eight, and the allies of the Japanese clothing still keep a lot of scrolls, which is still not for us. There will be too much change, and even we will be at a disadvantage."

"Unsurprisingly, people in Japanese service will soon use [Group Blessing Scroll]. Of course, they use it to stop the East Killing the Heavens." Samadhi Shi added.

Originally, there was some doubt about the words of Samadhi, but soon the situation on the East Killing Sky verified her analysis-Japanese players used the [Group Blessing Scroll] and used 2 [Group Blessing Scrolls] at once. .

After using the two scrolls, although the player on the Japanese server side still failed to regain the wall, it also caused great pressure on Dongfang Tiantian and others, and even caused some casualties. In short, this has been greatly slowed down. The efficiency of their siege to the east.

"Sister Shi, as you said, the players in the Japanese server used the [Group Blessing Scroll] and used 2 directly. This caused a lot of trouble to the East Killing Sky and the others." This news told everyone: "It’s just that we have entangled all the super masters in Japanese clothing such as Tokyo Mythology, and Eastern Killing Heaven and they have already attacked the city wall, so even if the Japanese clothing uses 2 [Group Blessing Scrolls], they can’t. Repelling Dongfang Killing Tian and others, even Dongfang Killing Tian still has some advantages."

"After all, there are a lot of super masters in Eastern Killing Heaven, and even the number of double-professional masters is far more than that of Japanese clothes, so it is normal to still have the upper hand." Samadhi poetry said, she knew this look for a long time.

"Then both of them will stand in a stalemate. This is not a good thing for either party." Zhiyue thought of this question: "Especially for the Japanese server, they consume 2 [Group Blessing Scrolls]. Can’t beat the Dongfang Killing them back, wouldn’t this be a waste of scrolls?

"It's not a waste of waste. At the very least, it can cause a lot of resistance to Dongfang Tiantian and they will delay some time, and delaying these time may be able to wait for sleepwalking." Samadhi said: "After all, we already have it here. Allies are dispatched, Tokyo Shinhwa will also invite allies to dispatch."

Everyone is smart, and naturally they know that Tokyo Mythology will ask allies for help in this situation, but they don’t care about it, and they even want to do so. After all, this will cause a lot of consumption without going to other servers. , And the purpose of their trip is to consume the enemy alliance.

In fact, it is better for the Chinese server alliance to place the main battlefield on the Japanese server or the US server, because players on other servers except the US and Japan servers cannot enter the Japanese server or the US server’s gang site, so the Chinese server side The pressure is the least.

The facts are just like what the samādhi poem said. It didn’t take long for the colorful sacred cows, colorful monsters and foxes to arrive, followed by the arrival of super masters such as Hero Wuming and Hero Blade, and after they arrived, they directly attacked the East. Harassment, so it also caused a lot of trouble.

The reason why they did it directly on Dongfang Killing Tian and the others instead of Ye Luo and others is because Ye Luo and the others have a small number of people and are highly mobile. Of course, the most important thing is that Wucai Shenniu and others don’t want to face Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng and the others, after all, they knew that they would never have any chance to kill him.

In addition, the Eastern Killing Sky and the others have already boarded the city wall and then fought with the players of the Japanese server, which means that the two sides have been entangled together, so the colorful sacred cows will have some gains as long as they wait for the opportunity to move, because The Japanese server is the main force, so they only need to cooperate, so that it will be safer to kill the players in the alliance of the middle server.

If you think about it, if the colorful sacred cows directly act on Ye Luo and others, then Ye Luo and other players can take advantage of their mobility to get rid of the Tokyo Mythology and others and move on to them. The colorful sacred cows don’t have full confidence in Ye Luo. Luo and the others were safe and sound under their attack.

"Sister Fireworks, the allies of the Japanese clothes really came, and more and more with the passage of time." June Feixue said, when she said this, she looked a little dignified: "Because some people in the Eastern Killing Sky and others followed The people in Japanese clothes were entangled, so they could not withdraw in time. Now they have to bite the bullet and fight, but they will definitely be at a disadvantage over time."

"As long as the allies of the Japanese server support it, it is inevitable that Eastern Killing will be at a disadvantage. After all, today’s situation is different from yesterday. Tokyo Mythology all retain the awakening skills of big moves and combination equipment, and the enemy alliance has walled Advantages, as time goes by, more and more players are supported by the enemy alliance, and the situation is naturally more unfavorable for them." Samadhi poetry said solemnly.

"Then what are we going to do, do you want to support them?" asked June Feixue, and without waiting for the firework Yield to reply, she continued: "Although we have a competitive relationship with Dongfang Tiantian and others at this time, after all, we are all ours. The strength of the Chinese server, or the strength of our alliance, if they lose too much, it will not be a good thing for our alliance."

"It is inevitable to help them, but we have to see how to help." Ye Luo took the stubbornness and continued after a short pause: "Fortunately, we are in the Japanese service. It is relatively easy to help them, even taking this opportunity. We can also kill a lot of people from the enemy alliance and cause them greater losses."

"Uncle Ye Luo, how do you think of helping them?!" June Feixue said with excitement.

"Just attack directly behind the colorful sacred cows." Ye Luo said: "With our strength, we can certainly cause greater casualties. This will greatly reduce the pressure on Dongfang Tiantian and the others. They can take the opportunity to withdraw from the battle. "

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