VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3292: : Behind the enemy

The Eastern Killing of the Sky and the Polar Silver Wolf are also the main forces of the Chinese server alliance. Naturally, Ye Luo and the others will not watch their heavy losses, so they decided to support, and Ye Luo also thought of how to support in an instant. The colorful sacred cow launched a sneak attack behind them.

It didn’t take long for the colorful sacred cows to transmit at this time. At this time, there were not many players they mobilized. At this time, Ye Luo and the others sneaked on it. It would definitely cause great trouble, casualties, and these will make Dongfang kill the sky. Their pressure is greatly reduced, and they can naturally take the opportunity to withdraw from the battle.

In June Feixue, they also knew that this kind of support method was the most effective and the most important thing was the safest, so they agreed to do so.

Without further ado, Ye Luo performed the [God Dance Step] to avoid the entanglement of the Japanese players, and then the slender hand, which was prepared long ago, used the [Space Portal] to teleport him away, and then he was directly using [Cross Server* Teleport] ] Teleported to the periphery of the other city wall and then launched a sneak attack on the colorful sacred cow and others-Black Dragon City is one of Ye Luo's frequent targets, so there are some teleportation points left by Ye Luo around, which are convenient for him to do a lot. thing.

Of course, before completing the transmission and then working on the Wucai Shenniu and others, Ye Luo directly transmitted all the people like Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, Fireworks and Cold, etc., and these people didn't say much, directly to the players of the Yinfu server and other servers. In order to attack, they even didn’t stingy with skills. All kinds of powerful and large-scale group attack skills were displayed for a time. This made the server such as the printing service and other servers caught off guard. After all, they did not expect that Ye Luo and others at the south gate of Black Dragon City would suddenly Come to the North City Gate.

It is worth mentioning that Ye Luo and the others are not stingy. They directly used a [Group Blessing Scroll]. The reason for this is that the colorful sacred cow, the sun never set Long Ying and others used some [Group Blessing Scroll]. They don't use that and they can't pose much threat to it.

Although Ye Luo and the others are not many in number, they are all double professional masters. Among them, there are many super masters. There are also masters with full attack power such as Ye Luo and Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind. They are holding the [Group Blessing Scroll After the status, the damage output was terrifying. In addition, it was a sneak attack, which caused a lot of casualties to the players of Yinfu and other servers, and this caused a chaos in the formation surrounding Dongfang Jitian and others.

Facing the attack from Ye Luo and the others, Wucai Shenniu and the others were under great pressure, especially after Yanyuyao performed [Change Heaven and Earth] to condense a high platform and then the players on the Chinese server side placed the mobile magic crystal cannon on it. They could only temporarily avoid the edge and withdrew to the two sides, which means that there will be no enemy besieging them behind Dongfang Tiantian, and they can safely and boldly deal with the Japanese players who are rushing forward.

In this situation, it is easy for Dongfang Killian to get rid of the battle and then retreat, but they did not retreat, and even teleported more players and then rushed towards the two walls. Obviously they wanted to occupy more walls.

"What's the matter? After seeing us coming to support and driving away Wucai Shenniu and others, Dongfang Killing and others should evacuate. Why didn't they do so but instead mobilized more manpower to come over?" June Feixue was puzzled. , And she also asked many people's questions.

"It's very simple, they are not willing to give up Black Dragon City, or they don't want to give up so efficient points." Samadhi Shi said, pondering a little, she continued: "But they have to say that their judgment of the situation is very good. Worrying about the harassment and sneak attack by the enemies behind, the strength of Dongfang Tiantian and others can easily withstand the impact of Japanese players, and their advantage is still after they occupy more walls and place more defense equipment. It will be bigger, and you will naturally get more benefits if you continue to do so."

"That's right." Fireworks Yi Leng took the stubborn words: "The reason why the Eastern Killing Sky and the others were so passive before was that they didn't expect the colorful sacred cows to come so quickly and be flanked back and forth. The most important thing is that the Japanese suit reacted quickly and then used 2 A [Group Blessing Scroll], this prevented Dongfang Killing from occupying more walls and placing more mobile magic crystal cannons, otherwise they would not be passive even if there were enemies behind them to harass Dongfang Killing."

"Now that we have solved their worries for them, they can naturally continue with the previous things." Fireworks Yi Leng added.

"Isn't it that we are making wedding dresses for them?" Othello couldn't help muttering: "To save them, we wasted a [Group Blessing Scroll], but they were killing them in front. They got it."

"Although so, they do it better for the current situation. Otherwise, if we really retreat, then the previously used [Group Blessing Scroll] will be wasted, and at this time they will increase the casualties of the enemy alliance. , Even if you are lucky, you still have a chance to occupy the Black Dragon City." Yaoyue toasted: "So currently they are still very helpful to the overall situation.

"Yes." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded: "So we will suffer if we lose a little bit. Anyway, it can greatly weaken the strength of the enemy alliance."

"The most important thing is that in the Eastern Killing Sky they occupied enough walls and then installed a large number of mobile magic crystal cannons, we can also rush to the wall and then kill the players of the enemy alliance, and even have a better chance of occupying Black Dragon City by doing so. "Po Lang Chengfeng added.

I also know that the situation at this time is much better than everyone's retreat. Othello and they did not continue to entangle these, and continue to drive players from servers such as India Server and British Server.

The Eastern Stars have also seen what Ye Luo is doing. They are more confident and bold to seize the walls on both sides, and even in order to increase efficiency, they have mobilized a lot of manpower to come over, so the occupied walls are a bit more, just now It won't take long to capture all the walls of the north gate of Black Dragon City.

And once all the walls on this side are occupied by the alliance of the Chinese server, Ye Luo and the others can also board the wall. After all, they occupy so many walls to accommodate many players from the Chinese server alliance and then place a large number of mobile magic crystal cannons. These are enough to suppress the Wucai Shenniu and others, and at the very least, they can withdraw with the advantage of the city wall and the mobile magic crystal cannon.

In addition, super masters such as Yeluo and Po Lang Chengfeng can speed up the occupation of other walls after attacking the city wall, which will further allow the alliance of the Chinese service party to gain an advantage and a greater advantage. This will also have a further opportunity to occupy the Black Dragon City, which is the worst. It can also cause greater casualties and consumption to the Japanese service and its allies.

The fact is also true. When Yeluo and their [Group Blessing Scroll] state had 3 minutes left, Dongfang Tiantian and the others finally occupied the entire North Gate City Wall. Then Ye Luo and the others were not polite, and went directly to the northeast corner of the city wall. With their strong strength, they can easily kill the surrounding Japanese and American players and then occupy a corner of the East Gate City Wall. After a good start, they can naturally continue to occupy the East Gate City Wall.

Of course, after occupying these walls, Ye Luo sent more players and installed more mobile magic crystal cannons, and even called all the masters of the formation to cast [Change Heaven and Earth], which further stabilized the situation and allowed them. Has become more proactive.

The situation has completely stabilized. Although there is still a long way to go to occupy the Black Dragon City at this time, Ye Luo and the others have been able to efficiently kill the players of the enemy alliance and then have a big upper hand, which makes everyone relax. In a sigh of relief.

"Hey, the enemy alliance has used 7 or 8 [Group Blessing Scrolls], and we only used 4 or 5, which is a bit less than them. This is considered to consume them." Othello laughed: "The most The important thing is that the casualties of the enemy alliance are larger than ours at this time, and the situation is still very favorable for us, even if the enemy alliance mobilizes more and more game machines at this time."

"Yes, because we have already occupied a lot of the city walls, so even if the enemy alliance mobilizes more players, the situation is just the same as yesterday's action on the Japanese Imperial City. Unless they are willing to use more assassins, they can only continue like this. "Samadhi said: "It's just that they are reluctant to use too many assassins, because this is too risky. After all, if they use assassins and we don't use them, then it will be more difficult for them to deal with our sneak attacks. ."

"The most important thing is that this time it is to help the Japanese server, and other servers don't necessarily use the killer trick." Samadhi Shi added.

Think about it too, because it occupied a lot of city walls and installed a large number of mobile magic crystal cannons, at this time, the Chinese server alliance has a lot of advantages. At least in this case, a large number of players are removed, especially Ye Luo and other doubles. Professional masters still have no problem, so Tokyo Mythology, they used the awakening skills of the combination of equipment such as [Yaki Tianxiang], it is useless. After all, they can't do anything to the gang station of the Chinese server alliance, so they thought of this. In the situation, they will be a lot more cautious, as the samādhi poem said, there is a high probability that they will not easily use the awakening skills of combination equipment.

At this time, the Chinese server alliance has a great initiative. It can attack and retreat. You can leave the Japanese server directly. However, players in the Japanese server alliance can't do this, so they need to be careful to use certain killers.

Tokyo Mythology is also aware of this, so they did not rashly use the awakening skills of combination equipment, and even they have made plans to abandon the Black Dragon City. After all, if they want to keep the Black Dragon City, the loss in their hearts is too great, and The risk is too great.

The most important thing is the Tokyo Mythology. They think that if the Chinese server alliance'gets some cheap', they will withdraw, so that they can continue to accumulate power and have a chance to deal a heavy blow to the Chinese server and even the allies of the Chinese server in the future. It is a disaster of extinction.

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