VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3293: : Capture the Black Dragon City

Following players such as Eastern Killing the Sky and Polar Silver Wolf, Ye Luo, Qianli Walking Alone and others also attacked the walls of Black Dragon City. Of course, a large number of elite players were sent and a large number of mobile magic crystal cannons were installed. The Chinese server alliance has a great advantage. This can be seen from the fact that it is difficult for the Japanese server and their allies to get close to the wall where Yeluo is located, and the casualties have increased greatly, and this also means that even if they use a combination type The equipped awakening skills are not necessarily able to entangle players in the Chinese server alliance.

Once Ye Luo and most of the players in the Chinese server alliance can withdraw, then Tokyo Mythology and their use of combination equipment awakening skills and some big moves will naturally be wasted. If this is the case, then they will then deal with Ye Luo and theirs. Sneak attacks and harassment are even more difficult.

However, the Tokyo Mythology will naturally not make the players of the Chinese server feel better. After all, if this is the case, the alliance of the Chinese server may continue to attack their other gang sites, so their losses will be too great, and after thinking of this, they Send a large number of elites to charge Ye Luo and the others, and also used some [Group Blessing Scrolls]. In Tokyo Mythology, they can not only cause some consumption and greater casualties to the Chinese server alliance, but also make the Chinese server. The alliance of one side thought it had achieved the purpose of this trip and chose to withdraw.

The fact is the same. Tokyo Mythology and their doing so caused a lot of trouble for the Chinese server alliance, especially the super masters such as Tokyo Mythology and Mount Fuji with [Spell Immunity] or invincible status against Eastern Killing Sky and Polar Silver Wolf. Waiting for the masters to charge and then cause greater consumption-Tokyo Mythology, they are also smart people, knowing that the East Killing the sky and their consumption is large, the threat of the Chinese server alliance to the Japanese server will be really reduced, and then they are unable to attack other gangs. .

Of course, the most important thing is the Tokyo mythology, the fact that the foot of Mount Fuji obtains national artifacts, completes the [Devil Flame Burning Sky], and obtains rich rewards after killing the fifth demon god, and their strength has been greatly improved. They are already enough to compete with the East. The polar silver wolves contended, especially under the cover of a large number of elites.

However, in Tokyo Mythology, they did not rashly deal with Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng, etc., not only because Ye Luo is stronger, but the most important thing is that Ye Luo has more means, and it is almost impossible to exhaust him. Impossible, at least they don't have much confidence in Tokyo Mythology and Mount Fuji.

Although Ye Luo can't be exhausted, he will still harass the gang resident of the Japanese server as before, but it is too inefficient. Tokyo Mythology can still bear it. They are most worried about the simplicity and directness of the East Killing Sky. Siege.

"Boss, do we really want to abandon Black Dragon City?" Hei Long Tianzhan's expression became serious, and his tone was full of dismay: "This is a level 5 gang resident. If we are taken over, our losses will be too great, the most important thing. It is the people from the Chinese server alliance who grab this gang site and receive generous rewards, which will increase their strength and further pose a greater threat to us."

"No way, at this time we are already powerless to defend the Black Dragon City." Tokyo Myth said in a deep voice: "Unless we use all the big moves and then use the awakening skills of the combination equipment such as [8 Qi Tian Jiang], just like this. The situation we face will be even more severe in the future, especially since we have not forced players from the Chinese server alliance to use the awakening skills of combination equipment."

Hearing this, Heilongtian was silent. Although they didn't want to admit it, they knew that this was the truth, but they were extremely confused when they watched the Black Dragon City being occupied.

"Although they can occupy our gang site, there will be greater consumption and casualties, especially the consumption of Dongfang Qitian and others. Then they will not continue to work on us, so we don't have to worry about it anymore. What's the matter." Mt. Fuji sank and said: "It's still the same sentence, as long as our imperial city is not occupied, it will be fine. At this time, we can consume it with the people of the Chinese service party alliance, and wait until we tame all the [devil] Flame Beast] Then wait until the best time to fight back."

Knowing that their own side still has a killer that can turn the situation around, Heilong Tianzhan nodded their heads, no longer entangled with this issue, and then they tried their best to stop the players of the Chinese server alliance and then cause casualties and consumption.

"Hey, all the gangs in our China Service have sent elite players. It seems that only the Ouyang family and the Yinian family have not sent anyone." June Feixue suddenly discovered this problem: "Ouyang Feiri and the others never did. Those who missed the opportunity to take advantage, why didn't they do it this time?"

After hearing this, they also discovered this problem in samādhi, and they were also curious for a while.

"Maybe they have received some team task, they can't come naturally if they are entangled in the task." Samadhi poetry guessed after investigating the points of Ouyang Feitian and others for some time. I am afraid that I have come here to pick up the bargain long ago."

"Using the elite of the two gangs, the tasks they received should be extraordinary, maybe it's comparable to the [Charm Elf] we did before." Sitting on Qin's heart, she spoke with envy in her tone.

"Anyway, the Ouyang family and the Yinian family are also our gangs in China Server. They complete large-scale team tasks and get rich rewards. It is also a good thing for us to improve their strength. Smaller." Samadhi poem said, and her words made everyone nodded in agreement, and they all agreed.

The battle continues. Although the Japanese server and their allies have increased their power to block and harass, they are still not enough to stop the Chinese server from occupying the black dragon city wall. After a long period of fighting, all the four walls have been occupied. So far Players on the Japanese server side have been unable to recover. After all, the Japanese server players have been isolated and cannot join forces with their allies at this time. In this case, their casualties have undoubtedly increased a lot.

In this case, the Tokyo Mythology decisively abandoned the Black Dragon City. Of course, they did not forget to create some trouble for Ye Luo. For example, they used [Space Enchantment] to trap the heart of the city to delay time, such as the next Tokyo Mythology and some super Experts formed an elite team and launched a sneak attack on the players of the Chinese server alliance. With their strength, as long as they are not blocked or entangled by Ye Luo, Dongfang Tiantian and others, they can also cause a lot to the players of the Chinese server alliance. trouble.

"Unfortunately, our luck was not so good. This gang site was rolled away by the court players." Othello sighed: "After all, this is a level 5 gang site. After occupying it, you can get a lot of benefits. "

"We didn't consume too much this time. It's nothing if we didn't occupy Black Dragon City." Po Lang Chengfeng said casually: "Hey, this time we killed a lot of players and got a lot of points, not even better than Dongfang Tiantian's points. The increase is small, but this is enough."

That’s right, although Eastern Killing took the lead in using the [Group Blessing Scroll] and then killed many Japanese players at the beginning, which greatly improved their points, but later they were harassed and entangled by super masters such as Tokyo Mythology. He did his best, so Ye Luo and the others were chasing him up, and even the points earned by breaking the waves and riding the wind surpassed him.

Since Eastern Killing Sky's points still cannot pose any threat to Ye Luo, then Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind naturally didn't care.

"Well, this is also true." Othello nodded: "Moreover, the increase in the strength of the people in the court order to occupy Black Dragon City is also good news for us. After all, they can share a lot of pressure for us in the future, especially when they occupy Black Dragon City. Later, the Japanese server will surely be backlashed by the Japanese server, so that the Japanese server will be even weaker to pose any threat to us."

Hearing that, everyone nodded, and then they didn't struggle with this issue anymore.

"Fireworks, our people will soon be able to occupy the Black Dragon City. What are we going to do next, continue to attack the Japanese clothing gang station?" Po Lang Chengfeng asked curiously, and her words have also won many people. After all, they all wanted to get a piece of the pie—the courts had been assigned to the Black Dragon City before, and the gang resident that they would occupy next would most likely be their turn.

"No, we are starting to take action against the players of the enemy alliance." Fireworks Yi Leng shook her head. Seeing the puzzled look of Po Lang Cheng Feng and others, she continued: "Although we have occupied Black Dragon City, this time we consume It’s not small, and even the number of [Group Blessing Scrolls] consumed is not much less than that of the other party. The most important thing is that Eastern Killing Sky and the others have been consumed because they were deliberately entangled. At this time, we will put pressure on the gang resident of the Japanese service. It will be very big, especially the people on the Japanese service side have been vigilant and prepared in advance, so that we have less chance of success."

"That's right, the player of the enemy alliance has the advantage of the wall, which will increase our consumption. Don't forget that we are here to consume the enemy instead of being consumed by them, so we can't force the city like this anymore." Samadhi poetry said, and then She changed her tone: "Hey, servers such as Yinfu have sent a lot of elite players to the Japanese server to support. Players on other servers except the US server can hide in the Japanese server’s gang camp, but we can’t. Next, we find Their position and then launching a sneak attack on it will definitely cause greater casualties or even consumption. At the very least, it will have less pressure than the gangs on the Japanese clothes, and the gains will be greater."

Hearing that, the beautiful eyes of Polangchengfeng lightened, and she nodded again and again: "This is a good idea. What are you waiting for? Let's do it quickly. I'm afraid they will withdraw to their server later."

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