VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3294: : Separate actions

The players of the Japanese server alliance have already prepared, and the consumption of Eastern Killing Sky is already a bit high. If you continue to work on the Japanese server’s gang station, the consumption and casualties of the Chinese server alliance will be greatly increased. It runs counter to the original purpose of Ye Luo and the others-the purpose of Ye Luo and their trip is to consume the enemy alliance instead of being consumed.

Fireworks Yi Leng noticed this, and she immediately thought of the next action-to take action on the players who sneaked into the Japanese server such as Yinfu.

Because players on servers such as Yinfu and British servers cannot enter the gang of Japanese servers, it is much easier and easier to deal with them, especially if Ye Luo and the others launch a sneak attack on them, they will definitely be attacked. It is much easier to get a gang resident in the service, and the gains will be greater.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind, they also thought of this. Then they destroyed the fireworks, which is easy to be cold, and act quickly. The fireworks are easy to be cold and not much to say. They directly asked the spies sent out for the specific location of the enemy alliance players and then launched a sneak attack on them. The sneak attack team is naturally the super masters such as Ye Luo, Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind, plus the thousands of miles away, the polar silver wolf and others. This can easily cause greater casualties to the players of the Indian server and other servers, even if they are in Tokyo Mythology. Trying to stop it has no effect.

It’s worth mentioning that there is not one elite team formed by the Chinese server. Eastern Killing also formed some elite teams and then attacked players on other servers, which further increased the casualties of the enemy alliance, and even forced the enemy alliance. Players of using the [Group Blessing Scroll], which is still very good for players in the Chinese server alliance, at least it is much easier and safer than the gang resident attacking the Japanese server.

However, the players of Yinfu and other servers are not fools. They naturally chose to withdraw from the day service after seeing the large casualties in the wild attack. So Ye Luo and the others could not hunt for long. After all, the players of the major servers reacted. It was also very fast, and after seeing the bad situation, he chose to withdraw as soon as possible.

"Fireworks, wild attacks are good, but the enemy is not a fool, and will not watch us sneak attacks." Po Lang Chengfeng couldn't help complaining: "At this time, the people from the British server and other servers have all withdrawn, we no longer have. The goal is ready."

"Hey, it's good for them to retreat. We can continue to work on the gang resident of the Japanese service..." Black and white chess said, but he was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Although the players of the Yinfu server and other servers have withdrawn, the players of the Japanese server are still very vigilant. They must be prepared to stop us at the first time. Because they have the advantage of the gang location, we don’t even do anything about it. There will be great gains, especially after delaying us for some time, their allies will once again rush to the Japanese service to support. It doesn't make much sense to do so." Samadhi shook his head: "It would be better for us to continue to each other. Actions, such as letting Ye Luo and Sister Feng hunt down enemies who go out for combos."

Before breaking the waves and riding the wind, she changed her tone: "Of course, every once in a while, we can also attack the gangs of the enemy alliance again. Of course, it is not forcibly attacking the city, but using harassment and consumption as before. Lord, this is the most beneficial way for us."

"Really want to be the same as before?" Breaking the waves and riding the wind to look at the fireworks is easy to get cold. She is more inclined to fight on a large scale, and naturally does not want the latter to agree to do so.

"The method mentioned by Sister Shi is the most suitable for us. If it weren't for the arrival of Dongfang Tiantian and disrupting our rhythm, we would still be the same as before." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "Now Dongfang Tiantian they are consumed. Many skills will no longer act rashly in a short time, so we can continue to act at our own pace."

Since Firework Yi Cold also said the same, everyone also started to take action. Ye Luo and the others continued to deal with players from the enemy alliance who went out to level up, while Firework Yi Cold and others took the dungeon task to do it. After all, they got some more outfits. It can enhance the strength of the Misty Pavilion and further increase the advantage of the alliance of the Chinese server side.

As for the people of other gangs and even servers, they also took action. They quickly withdrew from the Japanese service. This also made Tokyo Mythology and they breathed a long sigh of relief. After that, they did not waste time, continue to enter the different space and then tame [Magic Flame beast】.

"Boss, Ye Luo Zhiqiu, will they continue to work on us?" Sakura Ruxue asked: "It's not forcibly attacking the city, but just harassment. Although the latter poses a smaller threat to us, it is correct in the long run. On the contrary, the consumption and troubles caused by us are even greater. After all, we have no good way to deal with their harassment methods."

"Yeah, even if the boss is equipped with 4 pieces of national equipment, the strength is comparable to that of Ye Luozhiqiu, but it is difficult to completely stop them. Faced with their harassment methods, we will still have players killed and still be killed Destroy some defensive equipment." Heilongtian cut his voice. When he said this, his tone was full of depression: "Could it be that we really have no way to deal with it?"

"It's not impossible. For example, if we get some more national equipment, it is best to equip the older brother, so that his skills can completely suppress Ye Luo Zhiqiu." Mount Fuji said: "Ye Luo Zhiqiu, they are the most important thing to do. The thing is that Ye Luo Zhiqiu's mobility is very high, and he has the ability of ultra-long-range attacks, but once he is entangled by the big brother, he will not dare to switch to the archer mode, so naturally, it will not cause too much threat to us."

"Unfortunately, the current level of equipment and overall attributes of the big brother are not enough to completely suppress him, especially with the assistance of the waves and wind and others." Fujiyama added, and his words also made everyone depressed.

"It doesn’t seem to be so easy for the boss to get another piece of national equipment. It requires a lot of luck. After all, you and I all know how difficult it is to get a national equipment, but it’s even more difficult to get a piece of equipment for the boss. It's difficult." The God of Suzuo said solemnly.

"Yes, so we can only rely on luck." Mt. Fuji said, without waiting for everyone to speak, his tone changed: "Of course there is another possibility that we don't need luck, that is, we have the opportunity to destroy the imperial city of Zhongfu. After all, After destroying the imperial city, the overall attributes of the players in the middle server will be reduced by 10%, including Ye Luo Zhiqiu. As a result, his overall attributes and mobility are not as good as those of the big brother. We can naturally prevent or even suppress them. Up."

"Hey, of course, once their imperial city is occupied, I am afraid that they will be overwhelmed next, so there is no energy to do it on us." Fujisan said.

If the people who used to serve in the Japanese service did not have any confidence to have the opportunity to destroy the imperial city in the service, but since the [Summon Demon God Scroll] and [Devil Flame Beast], they have a lot of confidence, even for them It only takes a few best opportunities.

Thinking of this, everyone no longer worried about it. Then they started to tame [Devil Flame Beasts] with all their strength. After all, tame all the Demon Flame Beasts earlier. Then they just need to wait for the best time. And in their hearts Luo and the others are likely to act on Hong Yancheng at any time, which also means that they have the opportunity to act on the imperial city of Zhongfu at any time.

Not to mention the Tokyo Mythology and their plans, let alone Ye Luo and Fireworks Yibing, they continued to get busy, and before long a system reminder sounded, resounding through the entire Heavenly Tribulation game:


System reminder (full server): Congratulations to Feitian Ouyang, Feiri Ouyang, one thought becomes a devil, one thought becomes a god...The team has completed the first task of [Storm Domain], given that they have killed thousands of demons for the Heavenly Tribulation Continent The clan then makes the continent peaceful, and the system rewards them with 1 Demon-level treasure chest, 1 [Group Blessing Scroll], 1 [Group Guardian Scroll] and other ordinary scrolls. In addition, all players participating in this mission will get random A certain type of attribute points increase by 30 points, 10,000 points of military merit, and 10,000 points of prestige, to encourage.

Hearing this system prompt, June Feixue and the others who were working on the dungeon task were surprised for some time, and then black and white chess said: "Sure enough, as the poetry sister guessed, Ouyang Feitian and the others received a more difficult task, and Listening to the system prompts, you can know that their mission this time is a serial mission. As the number of completed loops increases, the rewards they receive will be more generous."

After hearing this, everyone nodded. Many people were envious of Ouyang Feitian and they were able to receive such a task. After all, they also knew what kind of generous rewards they would get after completing all the tasks in the ring, especially the last task. , Maybe they will get a national weapon, even not just a national weapon. For example, in the Tokyo Mythology, they have obtained two national instruments, which can greatly improve their strength.

"Well, can Ouyang Feiri alone be able to complete tasks of this level?" Suddenly, Yanyu Xiaoxiao said, her tone changed slightly when she said this, and she was a little worried: "Anyway, the Ouyang Family and the Yi Nian Family are among us. It’s good news for our Chinese server to get rich rewards for completing tasks. However, if they can’t complete the task, it will be troublesome. They will even drop the level and explode equipment because of this. This is also our Chinese server. Loss of strength on one side."

"Well, this is indeed a problem. After all, even if the Ouyang family and the Yinian family work together, their strength cannot be compared with ours, especially the most elite combat power, so it is not so easy for them to complete the task." Samadhi Shidao , But she changed her tone when she thought about it: "Fortunately, Feitian Ouyang are not fools, and the task they receive is a multi-ring task. As the number of rings increases, the difficulty of the task increases, so that they can judge whether their strength is If they can complete the task, they should choose to seek support if they know they can't complete the task, so it shouldn't be a big problem."

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