VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3295: : Multi-loop task

The system prompts that Ouyang Feitian and others were rewarded for completing the first ring mission verified the previous guesses of Samadhi and others, but after all, they are all the power of the Chinese server, so June Feixue and the others hope that they can complete the task and increase their strength significantly. , It's just that they are a little worried about whether Ouyang Feitian and others can complete the final task with the strength of Ouyang Feitian and others. After all, Ouyang Feitian and their strength are much worse than Ye Luo and Dongfang Jitian.

However, everyone also knows that Ouyang Feitian is not a fool, and this time the tasks they took are carried out one by one. Once they find that they are struggling, they will definitely seek support, so there is no big problem in completing the task. Thinking of these people Did not entangle these.

"It seems that Feitian Ouyang and their rewards for completing the first ring mission are less than ours. The scrolls and military merits are the same. We are 20 points worse than our 50 points. This is not a small one. There is a gap, why?" June Feixue was the first to notice this problem, and she was puzzled.

"Maybe Ouyang Feitian and the others have a less difficult task. After all, the task reward is directly related to the difficulty of the task." Othello blurted out, and before June Feixue spoke, she continued: "It may also be Ouyang Feitian and the others. There are more mission loops, so naturally the rewards for completing each loop are relatively poor. All of these are possible."

"But anyway, after completing this task, Feitian Ouyang's strength will be very good, and they will get a lot of scrolls at the worst. Hey, these things are the key props for future national wars." Othello added.

Knowing this, June Feixue no longer struggled with this, and then they continued to get busy.

It’s worth mentioning that the missions Ouyang Feitian and the others took are not the same as the [Charm Elf] that Ye Luo and the others received. The latter can only complete one ring a day, while Ouyang Feitian and their [Storm Domain] can complete one. After the ring, continue to the next ring.

As we all know, the first few tasks of the large-scale serial task are easy to complete. Even if the players of the Ouyang Family and the Yinian Family are much weaker than Ye Luo, it is not too difficult to complete these tasks. This is from Ouyang Feitian and the others. It can be seen that the completion of the second ring task after another two or three hours is rewarded.

After completing the second ring mission, Ouyang Feitian and the others received more generous rewards than the first ring, but they still can’t compare with Ye Luo and the others for completing [Devil Slayer] and [Charming Wizard]. Of course, the rewards are indispensable, just attributes. There are fewer rewards, which is not bad.

When Ouyang Feitian and the others completed the second ring mission, Ye Luo and the others launched a sneak attack on the enemy alliance, but this time they did not continue to work on the Japanese service, but chose the US service. After all, they must attack these enemies. It would be best if Fang Lian's'Rain and Dew' and then consume some of their hoarded scrolls.

Of course, because in name only the Japanese server is an ally of the US server, the players of the Indian server and other servers cannot enter the US server’s gang site, so it is also a good choice to start with the US server. At least it should be compared with the Australian server and the Indian server. It is easier to wait for the server.

Because the strength of Hero Blade and Hero Unknown is a bit weaker than Tokyo Mythology, at least they cannot be evenly matched with Ye Luo by taking advantage of the gang resident as Tokyo Mythology, so Ye Luo can destroy the US server gang while dealing with them. The resident city defense equipment, of course, can kill some American players under the action of [Reincarnation * Split Arrow], and it does not even need to ride alone for thousands of miles and invite them to participate in the action.

Even so, Ye Luo and the others still invited masters such as riding thousands of miles and inviting a toast to the moon to participate in the action. After all, this will increase their efficiency a lot, and it can also be safer.

The fact is also true. After thousands of miles riding alone and others joined, Ye Luo and the others have improved their efficiency a lot. It didn’t take long to destroy the defensive equipment on one of the walls of the US service gang’s resident. Luo and the others rushed to the city wall. After occupying the city wall, they can generally rely on the advantages of the city wall and the installed mobile magic crystal cannon to deal with the returning US players in the printing service. This way, the hunting efficiency has been improved a lot.

Of course, the players of the US server will not watch Ye Luo and the others attack like this. During the period, they also used the [Group Blessing Scroll] or had dual-professional masters to perform big moves, but after seeing them like this, Ye Luo and the others Will temporarily avoid the edge and then choose to work on other servers, wait a while and then kill a carbine, this effect is also very good-although it is difficult to occupy the gang of the enemy alliance, but it can consume some of the enemy alliance [groups Blessing Scroll] Or something, so Ye Luo and the others have achieved their goal, not to mention that they can earn points efficiently, which is much more efficient than Ye Luo and the others' individual hunting action.

That’s right, even though the gangs of the enemy alliance are mobilized, Ye Luo’s efficiency in gaining points is still very high, at least higher than Tokyo Myth, Dark Night, and Eastern Killing, so it’s not surprising that Ye Luo is still this one. First in the standings of the month.

In addition to Ye Luo and others, Eastern Killing Sky and Polar Silver Wolf also launched similar operations. Of course, they did not directly charge the enemy alliance’s gang resident as before. After all, Ye Luo and the others did not charge every time. They can all come to support in time, not to mention that Dongfang Killing the sky and their consumption is also very high.

Although Eastern Killing and the others do not have the advantages of ultra-long-range attack like Ye Luo and no worse than Eastern Killing in damage output, they have more manpower here, so it is not small to start operations like this. In particular, they will sneak into the same server like Ye Luo and others from time to time, so it is not too difficult for the two parties to join forces to occupy the gang location of the enemy server.

Such actions give Ye Luo and the others, or the Chinese server alliance, have a greater active advantage. This can be seen from the greater casualties and consumption of the enemy alliance. In addition, Ye Luo and the others can occasionally occupy a gang. Residents then received good rewards. In this way, the number of strategic materials such as the [Group Blessing Scrolls] hoarded by the Chinese server alliance gradually increased a little more than the enemy alliance. In the hearts of the Chinese server alliance players, they also have enough strength to fight Hong Yancheng has started, so many people suggested to Fireworks Yi Leng to do it directly on Hongyan City.

It's just that Fireworks Yi Cold refused every time, and there was only one reason given to everyone-at this time, the true situation of the enemy alliance is not known, and the enemy alliance needs to continue to be consumed before this.

Although anxious, all players know that the situation at this time is more favorable for the Chinese server alliance, so they are naturally happy to do so, so that they can gradually weaken the strength of the enemy alliance and then strengthen their own strength. In the long run, the Chinese server alliance The difference between the strength of the enemy and the alliance of the enemy will get bigger and bigger, so it will naturally be easier and easier to do it again.

In addition, in the minds of Polar Silver Wolf and Number One, the players of the enemy alliance such as Tokyo Mythology should be more anxious than them at this time, so they don't need to be too anxious and can continue like this.

In fact, the fireworks Yi Leng refused to take action against Hongyan City not because she did not know the true situation of the enemy alliance, but because she knew that it would not take long for Ye Luo to be able to reach the level of 360 Nine Revolutions and then to raise the [Blade of Reincarnation] to the level of the devil. Then it was to integrate it with [Ghanjiang]. At that time, Ye Luo's equipment level was the highest in the world, and could even crush the Eastern Killing Sky and Tokyo Mythology, so it would be easier for them to do it at that time.

Of course, the older generation of experienced players such as Bacchus Du Kang and Feng Xing do not believe in the explanation that fireworks are easy to be cold. In their hearts, the time to do it is already satisfied at this time, so they are also the main force in urging the fireworks to be cold and their hands on Hongyan City. one.

However, it is easy to find excuses for the fireworks to get cold. For example, at this time, Ouyang Feitian and the others have not completed the large-scale serial mission of [Storm Domain]. It is not too late to wait for them to complete the mission before launching an offensive against Hongyan City.

Bacchus Du Kang and Feng Xing are also smart people. Naturally, they know how Ouyang Feitian will gain strength after completing the [Storm Domain]. The worst thing is that there will be more than a dozen of them in [Group Blessing Scroll], plus Various other scrolls and props, and with these things, they are naturally more confident about Hongyancheng's hands. After thinking of these, they no longer urge Ye Luo and others, especially inviting the moon to toast, Feng Xinglie and others to follow. Ye Luo and the others can get very good benefits when they start their actions, so they naturally stop urging them.

On this day, Ye Luo and the others were working on the gang resident of the British server. A system prompt sounded. It was still the system prompt for Ouyang Feitian and them to complete the task and get reward:


System reminder (full server): Congratulations to Feitian Ouyang, Feiri Ouyang, One Thought Becomes Demon, One Thought Becomes A God... The team has completed the 7th mission of [Storm Domain], given that they have killed thousands of demons for the Heavenly Tribulation Continent The clan then makes the continent peaceful, and the system rewards them with 5 Demon-level treasure chests, 3 [Group Blessing Scrolls], 3 [Group Guardian Scrolls] and other ordinary scrolls, as well as rare scrolls-[Group Purification Scroll], one [Devil God] Crystal Soul] One piece, one piece of natural energy stone. In addition, all players participating in this mission will receive a reward of 150 points for all attribute points, the rank of a random piece of equipment will be improved, a random skill will be strengthened, 50,000 military merits, and 50,000 Some prestige, to encourage.

"Hey, Ouyang Feitian and the others have completed the seventh mission. They have a lot of missions this time, no less than [Road of Demon Slayer], and for now, they will continue to do this mission. Maybe this mission will have 10 rings, so the rewards they get are even more generous, even more than the rewards we get for completing the [Road of Demon Slayer]." After hearing the system prompt, June Feixue said to herself. .

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