VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3301: : Flying Cavalry

Ouyang Family has tamed the [Storm Unicorn], this mount is very powerful, stronger than [Nightmare Commander], this is still before using [Gen Bone Pill] and [Potential Pill] on it, if you use it on it The attributes of these two kinds of pills are far stronger than the [Nightmare Commander]. It is no exaggeration to say that it is the first mount in the middle service or even the tribulation. This is undoubtedly the first throne of the Nightmare Cavalry in the Misty Pavilion. The impact of-at this time, except for some players with limited daily service, no players know that Tokyo Mythology they are tame [Devil Flame Beast], this mount is not much worse than [Storm Unicorn].

That’s right, although the overall attributes and additional features of the [Devil Flame Beast] are a bit worse than those of the [Storm Unicorn], but the number of [Devil Flame Beasts] is a bit more, which can reach 500,000, which is more than 10. The [Storm Unicorn] with about 10,000 heads has grown too much, and the size of the cavalry has a great influence on the outcome of the battle.

Thinking of these post-Othellos and smiling Hongchen, their expressions are a bit solemn. After all, they are the commanders of the Misty Pavilion cavalry, and they still value the title of the first cavalry.

However, Ye Luo's words made everyone's expressions slightly relaxed. After all, the existence of [Storm Unicorn] can greatly enhance the strength of the Chinese server and make Ye Luo and the others more relaxed.

"This is also true. It just so happens that we are preparing to take action against Hongyan City. If there are 100,000 [Storm Unicorns] cavalry, then we are more certain to **** Hongyan City back and destroy all [Battlestar] in it." Feng Dao, and then thought of something, her tone changed: "Not to mention that we may have a chance to get a more powerful mount in the future, and then we can regain the title of the first cavalry."

Hearing that, Othello and they nodded, and they no longer entangled this. Of course, they are curious about the extent to which [Storm Unicorn] can reach after using [Potential Pill] and [Gengu Pill]. After all, this is a matter of What will happen to Hong Yancheng in the future?

However, Ye Luo and the others did not wait for long before the upgraded [Storm Unicorn] attributes came from the Long Family:

【Storm Unicorn】(Quasi-Holy Mount)

Qi and blood: +100000

Magic: +100000

Strength: +1000

Constitution: +1000

Agility: +1000

Intelligence: +1000

Movement speed: +800%

Attack speed: +80%

Attack distance: +5 meters

Additional feature: Players riding the Storm Unicorn will increase their dodge rate by 40%. This feature is not only suitable for normal attacks, but also for dodge spell attacks.

Additional feature: Players riding the Storm Unicorn will increase their physical defense by 5000 points, and the damage they will receive will be reduced by 5000 points if they are physically attacked.

Additional feature: The crit resistance of the player riding the storm unicorn is increased by 30%, and the damage of the crit when being attacked will be reduced by 30%.

Additional features: The speed of the Storm Unicorn is fast. When the knight riding it launches charge, collision, piercing and other skills, the effect will increase by 80%, and the effect of skills with stun and collision effects will also increase by 80%.

Additional feature: The player riding the storm unicorn can automatically form a storm qi. This qi can automatically cut any enemy in a radius of 20 meters and cause a wonderful 10,000 points of vitality to it. This feature should not be followed. Other mounts or skills stack.

Additional feature: The damage caused by the player riding the Storm Unicorn to the enemy target is increased by 25%. This feature includes not only normal attacks, but also spell attacks.

Additional graphics: The hit rate of players riding the Storm Unicorn is increased by 25%. This feature includes not only normal attacks, but also spell attacks

Incidental skills: [Storm Blade], [One Horn Piercing], [Flying]

Turning speed: -20%

Mount toughness: 200,000 points

Number of mounts: It can be shared by two persons, but the loaded player cannot attack actively.

Mount restriction: Only players who have learned [riding skills] and have a power of more than 20,000 can ride. There is no requirement for riders.

[Storm Blade] (active skill): After using this skill, thousands of wind blades can be condensed to attack all hostile targets 25 meters in front of you. The target that is hit will drop 300,000 points of vitality. In the next 10 seconds, it will fall into a bleeding state, losing 30,000 vitality and blood. Players who fall into the bleeding state will receive a 50% reduction in the healing effect in the next, and the skill will be used at an interval of 1 hour.

[Unicorn Piercing] (active skill): After starting, the speed of the storm unicorn will be increased by 100%, and any target within 25 meters in front of you will be pierced. The piercing can cause 600,000 points of damage to the target, and 50% of the damage Chance to stun it for 3 seconds, and within the next 10 seconds, the target will fall into a bleeding state, losing 60,000 points of vitality per second. Players who fall into the bleeding state will receive a 50% reduction in the healing effect they receive next. Skills are cast at an interval of 1 hour.

[Flight] (Passive Skill): The upgraded Storm Unicorn has the ability to fly, and the dodge rate will increase by 10% after it starts to fly.

Although the upgraded [Storm Unicorn] is not directly upgraded to Saint-level, it is also Quasi-Saint-level. The basic attributes and additional features have been very well improved, and even two additional features have been added. Increasing the damage to the enemy target by 25% and the hit rate by 25%. Two simple characteristics can greatly increase the strength of the cavalry.

The most important thing is that after the upgrade, [Storm Unicorn] has an additional skill-[Flight]. Although the dodge rate increases by 10% after flying, the others remain the same, but this can make the land cavalry change. As flying cavalry, it’s just a word difference, but there is a world of difference. After all, flying cavalry can directly attack the hostile target on the gang resident city wall. There is no doubt that this will be a powerful force in the siege, and it can also be greatly improved. The efficiency of the siege, the reduction of casualties.

In a word, the flying [Storm Unicorn] is like a tiger with wings.

After seeing the attributes of the upgraded [Storm Unicorn], Othello and others were stunned, and they instantly realized that this standard cavalry deservedly deserves to be the first cavalry in the middle uniform and even the first cavalry in the sky.

"Oh my God, the upgraded [Storm Unicorn] is so strong, not even worse than Ye Luo's colorful unicorn." Othello exclaimed, "The most important thing is that [Storm Unicorn] is not just one head. It is very likely that there are hundreds of thousands of heads. This is not ordinary. It is enough to form a powerful cavalry. It is easy to attack the city."

"Yes, although [Colorful Unicorn] is stronger than [Storm Unicorn], the Colorful Unicorn is only unique, and [Storm Unicorn] is a standard cavalry. The two have different functions." Samadhi took the stubborn words and looked at everyone while talking about her: "Especially [Storm Unicorn] has the ability to fly. Such a cavalry is not too invincible, and the most important thing is such a cavalry. It is most suitable for attacking the city, just for these, we will wait for Ouyang Feitian and the others for some time."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and they naturally knew how helpful such a cavalry could help them in their next move to Hong Yancheng.

"It is estimated that now Ouyang Feitian will wake up in dreams. After all, with such a cavalry Ouyang family's strength will be greatly improved, and their ranking in the top ten gangs will also be greatly improved, even enough to be in the top three." Chess said solemnly.

Firework Yi Cold nodded, obviously she agreed with the judgment of Othello.

Although Ouyang Family is also one of the top ten gangs, it ranks only eighth, almost at the bottom, and may even be replaced by other gangs and fall out of the top ten gangs at any time, while [Storm Unicorn] can Let it be promoted to the top three ranks, so we can see the role of this cavalry.

"Fortunately, there are not many super masters in the Ouyang family. Even if Ouyang Feitian is equipped with 3 pieces of national equipment, his strength in the robbery game cannot be ranked in the 20th. Even as more players have multiple pieces of national equipment, his ranking It will decrease." Samadhi poem said in a deep voice: "The most important thing is that there are almost no super masters in Ouyang Family except Ouyang Feitian, and Ouyang Feiri, Setting Sun Ruxue, and General Pian are just first-rate masters. No matter, there are still a lot of gaps from the top players. This should be their biggest shortcoming, and this will slightly limit the ranking of Ouyang Family."

Regarding this, everyone is also deeply convinced, after all, they also know how important a super master is to a gang.

"Hey, although [Storm Unicorn] is very suitable for attacking the city, but facing other combat methods, such as facing the super master, there is not much advantage." When said this, she revealed a powerful voice in her tone. Confidence: "Even Ye Luo, Xiaoshu and some other people can fight them one by one by facing their 100,000 cavalry, because they can't pose any threat to us at all, so Ouyang Family has no threat to us at all. ."

"Nevertheless, the role of Ouyang Family will be greatly enhanced in the future. I believe that many gangs will choose to cooperate with them to attack the city, and they will even become the main force when they move on Hongyan City." Samadhi poetry said, and her words made everyone Silently, because they also knew the high probability was like this, and that was why they had to temporarily stop their actions on Hong Yancheng and wait for the people of the Ouyang family to tame those mounts.

Just talking about this, Dukang, the **** of wine, and Feng Xing searched for them, and looking at their delighted expressions, they knew that they also knew the situation of [Storm Unicorn].

"Firework girl, Chengfeng girl, you should have known about the Ouyang family and the others, hey, they not only completed the task and got rich rewards for killing the sixth demon, but they also got a powerful Cavalry, not surprisingly, the powerful cavalry that can be called the first cavalry of the robbery." Bacchus Dukang said very excitedly: "And with such a cavalry, we are enough to take action against Hongyan City, not to mention this time the Ouyang Family has won Dozens of [Group Blessing Scrolls], so we don’t have to wait any longer."

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