VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3302: : How many are happy and a few are sorrowful

Feng Xing, Bacchus Dukang and the others are also very well informed. They even learned about [Storm Unicorns] earlier than Samadhi. This makes them very excited. After they have such a cavalry in their hearts, they are enough to Hong Yancheng captured, and could even sweep the enemy alliance next.

"Hey, that's right, with such cavalry, we can completely take action against Hongyancheng, and we will definitely be able to take Hongyancheng." Fengxing took the stubbornness, and after a short pause, he continued: "Not only that, next we will also You can do it against the gang resident of the enemy alliance and even the imperial city, hey, and this can greatly weaken the strength of the enemy alliance."

[Storm Unicorn] Cavalry, plus some [Battlestar], in the hearts of Bacchus Dukang and Feng Xing, they were able to take down the imperial city of the enemy alliance, and the alliance of this pair of enemy alliances was almost annihilating. Disaster, of course, is a great thing for the China-servicing alliance.

Compared with the excitement of the popular and Bacchus Du Kang, the tone of Firework Yi Leng is still flat, and she nodded lightly: "Well, yes, having this cavalry is very good for our next actions."

"Then can we do something on Hongyan City?!" Bacchus Du Kang asked expectantly.

"Uncle Bacchus, don't be too excited when you are old. Even if you are ready to take action on Hongyan City, you have to wait until Ouyang Feitian and they tame all monsters into mounts. In addition, they have to upgrade them. Then we can take action on Hongyan City. ." Samadhi poetry replied on her behalf: "And this takes some time. Is it possible that we are now doing Hongyancheng?"

"Uh, this is also true." Bacchus Du Kang smirked, and then he looked at the fireworks and was easily cold: "Then let's say that, when Ouyang Feitian and the others have tamed all the mounts, we will take action on Hongyan City. This matter can be done. I can’t wait any longer. My old foreign friends have urged me many times, especially the players of the Central Asian server."

"Well, good." Fireworks Yi said coldly.

Although it was just a simple word, after getting the guarantee that the fireworks were easy to be cold, the **** of Bacchus Dukang and Feng Xing were very excited, and then they left contentedly.

Not only the people in the Misty Pavilion and the Bacchus Du Kang, they learned about the existence of [Storm Unicorn], the entire Chinese server and even the players in the foreign server also learned about it. For a while, [Storm Unicorn] became a tribulation game. This is a hot topic, which makes a few happy and sad. Naturally, the players in the Chinese server alliance are excited and excited, while the players in the Japanese server alliance are worried.

Of course, the most exciting players are the players of Ouyang Family. During this time, the players of Ouyang Family are very proud, one by one, and even countless players want to join Ouyang Family, which greatly improves the strength of Ouyang Family. , Like the Samadhi, they judged that the strength of the Ouyang Family was already ranked in the top three of the top ten gangs, and this made the players of the Ouyang Family more'arrogant'.

However, Ouyang Feitian and other senior leaders of the Ouyang Family also know that their shortcomings are lack of super masters, and even if the overall strength of the Ouyang Family has been greatly improved at this time, it is difficult to recruit such players, so they are not too arrogant. , At least deliberately asked the people in the gang not to provoke the Eastern family and the ethereal pavilion.

Of course, Ouyang Feitian and the others would not say this explicitly, but told the players in the gang that the overall situation should be the top priority. This is the period of the national war, and everything must be united in the Chinese service.

And this kind of restraint is still very good. There is a lot of friction in the Chinese server. At least the Ouyang family does not have much conflict with the other ten gangs, especially maintaining a good relationship with the Misty Pavilion and the Eastern family.

Of course, in Ouyang Feitian and their hearts, after they have the middle service and even the first cavalry of the tribulation, they will surpass the Eastern aristocratic family and the misty pavilion is just around the corner, especially when they participate in the siege of the city in the future and will get a lot of benefits and recruit some super masters, and this Let them look forward to it, and naturally they should build a powerful cavalry as soon as possible, and then they used almost all of their power to tame the mount.

Compared with the excitement and excitement of the Chinese server side alliance, the Japanese server and other servers are a bit panic. Before they did not have much confidence to defend Hongyan City. Now they have a strong cavalry on the Chinese server. Confidence-at this time, players on other servers except the Japanese server did not know that they had tamed the [Devil Flame Beast] in Tokyo Mythology, so it was normal for them to be a little worried all day long, especially when they thought that the Chinese server alliance was fighting Hongyancheng. After doing it, I will definitely not let it go, and I will do it next, and even destroy their imperial city.

Tokyo Mythology and Mount Fuji also learned about the existence of [Storm Unicorn], which made many of them look dignified or even a little ugly, especially when they learned that [Storm Unicorn] had more attributes than [Devil Flame Beast]. Be stronger.

"Damn it, we just got the [Devil Flame Beast] and then had the opportunity to suppress the middle service. Unexpectedly, they got the [Storm Unicorn] even stronger than the [Devil Flame Beast]. Doesn’t that mean we don’t have it at all? What opportunity to destroy the imperial city of Zhongfu, even if we have [Summon Demon God Scroll]." Hei Longtian said angrily, at this time he was very irritable.

Not only the Black Dragon Heavenly Slash, but also many Japanese players. At this time, they are also very worried that the existence of [Storm Unicorn] will make their next plans futile.

"Don't worry too much, the situation is not as bad as you think." Mount Fuji sank and said, seeing everyone still worried, he continued: "Although [Storm Unicorn] has a stronger attribute than [Devil Flame Beast] , But one thing you have overlooked is the quantity. As far as I know, the [Storm Unicorn] only has about 100,000 heads, while our [Devil Flame Beast] can have about 500,000 heads, which is 5 times the number. , The difference in quantity is enough to make up for the lack of quality."

"What, [Storm Unicorn] only has about 100,000 heads?!" After hearing this number, Amaterasu's expression stretched a bit, and then he said to himself: "If it's just this number, it's not scary, we are so More [Devil Flame Beast] is enough to make up for this quality gap, especially after using [Gen Bone Pill] and [Potential Pill] on [Devil Flame Beast] [Devil Flame Beast] also has the ability to fly, hey, 5 [Devil Flame Beast] The cavalry faced a [Storm Unicorn], and the one who wins is absolutely ours."

That’s right, the Japanese server also has [Potential Pill] and [Gen Bone Pill], and after using these on [Devil Flame Beast], its attributes have been improved a lot, although it is still not as good as [Storm Unicorn], But it's not much worse, especially the [Devil Flame Beast] also has [Flying] after being upgraded, which means that this is also a flying cavalry.

Five [Devil Flame Beasts] flying cavalry versus one [Storm Unicorn] cavalry, the result can be imagined.

No one else had any doubts about this. For a time, their previous worries were wiped out, and they even looked forward to the day that they would be able to confront the Chinese service with a cavalry and then attack the imperial city. After all, they feel more fulfilled in their hearts. some.

"Although our [Devil Flame Beast] cavalry can definitely win against the [Storm Unicorn] cavalry in the upper middle service, the addition of so many powerful cavalry on the middle service side will definitely have an impact on our next actions, at least it can It has caused us a lot of trouble." The cherry blossoms were in full bloom and said solemnly: "We don’t necessarily have a chance to destroy the imperial city of the Chinese server. At least it will be more difficult than before. After all, we are the siege party, and the Chinese server’s side is. Defenders, you and I also know what kind of advantages the defender will have."

Hearing that, everyone thought of this, and for a while, their expressions became more or less solemn. After all, for them [Storm Unicorns] appeared out of thin air, which would naturally cause their next actions. Great influence.

"Although this is a bad thing for us, maybe the bad thing will turn into a good thing." Suddenly, Tokyo Mythology said, his face smiled when he said this, and he didn't sell it when he saw the doubts of everyone. Continue: "At this time, the people in the Chinese server alliance do not know that we have obtained the [Devil Flame Beast]. After all, we have done a good job of confidentiality, and after having the [Storm Unicorn], the Chinese server alliance must It will swell and it will be possible to take action against Hongyancheng at any time."

"Yes, they will definitely do it." At the foot of Mt. Fuji, he said with confidence, after a short pause, he continued: "Even if the strength of the Chinese service alliance is much stronger than ours, we are the defender in Hongyan City after all. Even if Hongyan City cannot be saved in the end, the alliance of the Chinese server will have a lot of casualties and consumption, especially if we abandon all the 【Battlestar】, it is no surprise that the alliance of the Chinese server will be able to bring the 【Group Blessing Scroll】 It consumes seven or eighty-eight, and the awakening skills of combination equipment should also be exhausted. This way, we will go smoothly and easily on the imperial city in the middle service, because at this time we use the [Summon Demon God Scroll ] The powerful monsters summoned are almost invincible, not to mention that we still have 500,000 [Devil Flame Beasts] cavalry. These are all flying cavalry."

"Yes, yes, maybe this is really our best opportunity." Susano God said with excitement, "Especially when we deliberately retain some of the methods, we will definitely be able to do the next match. Break their imperial city, and this is enough to reverse the situation."

"That's right." Tokyo Mythology nodded, and when he said this, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "If our allies will deliberately cooperate with us, for example, they will deliberately use various methods to consume the Chinese server alliance as much as possible. , To consume at all costs, then we have a better chance of destroying the imperial city of Zhongfu."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, Tokyo Mythology continued: "And once we know that there will be such a result, I think our allies will be happy to cooperate with us."

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