VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3312: : Countermeasures

Dongfang Star still knows Ye Luo and fireworks are easy to cold. This is learned through such a long time of contact. She knows that when facing foreign enemies, both of them will focus on the overall situation, and spread rumors about the current situation. There is no half benefit, so she is sure that this is not what they did.

After listening to the analysis of Eastern Stars, many people nodded, and they all think so.

"Yes, I don't think it's a rumor spread by the people of Misty Pavilion, because with Ye Luo Zhiqiu's character, he will directly act on us instead of using this method. After all, that matter is a scar to him. He won't use these to deal with us." Dongfang Tutiandao said, a flash of light flashed in his eyes: "So I think this is someone else behind the scenes, in order to naturally let us fight the Misty Pavilion. Only then can they profit."

Hearing this, the eyes of Dongfang Zhantian and others lit up, and they nodded one after another. Obviously they also agreed with this statement.

"Send someone to find out who is behind the trick." Dongfang Xiaotian said coldly: "Once you find out who is behind the trick, don't blame us for being polite."

Dongfang Mingzhu and Dongfang Mingmiao nodded, and they arranged for someone to tell them to go down, believing that with the intelligence capabilities of the Dongfang family, they could find out some information soon.

"Nevertheless, the Misty Pavilion will definitely do something on us in the future." Dongfang Tutiandao, while talking about him, looked at the Eastern star: "So we still have to prepare in advance. After all, it is an indisputable fact that Misty Pavilion is stronger than us. , Once the enemy alliance is resolved, completely resolved, then the Misty Pavilion will act on us."

Regarding this, everyone didn't have any doubts, but after thinking of these, their expressions became solemn, especially after thinking that the Misty Pavilion had a large number of [Flying Wings*Nightmare Commander].

"This matter needs a long-term discussion." After a long time of pondering, Dongfang Star said: "At this time, the most important thing for us is to improve our strength. There are many ways to improve our strength. For example, we look for some powerful mounts, such as making some powerful mounts. Team tasks, such as hoarding various strategic equipment and props."

"The other thing is to win over some allies and find some like-minded partners. This is the fastest way to enhance our strength." Dongfang Star said.

"You mean we are teaming up with the Ouyang Family?" Although it is a guess, Dongfang Mietian's tone is quite certain: "Although the Ouyang Family does not have too strong super masters, their strength is still very good, especially they have [Storm Unicorn] This is also the cavalry most likely to fight [Flying Wing*Nightmare Commander]. It would be great if we could join forces with the Ouyang Family. At the very least, it would greatly reduce our pressure."

"The most important thing is that the relationship between the Ouyang Family and the Miao Miao Pavilion is not good. They are not opponents to the Miao Miao Pavilion alone. In this case, they should be happy to join us." Dongfang Zhantian added, and his proposal was also It was echoed by many people.

"The relationship between the Yinian Family, the Heavenly Killing Organization and the Ouyang Family is very good, and the most important thing is that the relationship between these two gangs and the Misty Pavilion is not very good, and you can try to win them in the future." Dongfang Xiaotian said solemnly, what he thought of His brows frowned slightly: "If the Yeyu family can be..."

"You can join forces with any gang, but you can't be with the Yeyu family." The Eastern Star interrupted Dongfang Xiaotian's words. Seeing the puzzled look of everyone, she sneered: "Because I guess it is the Yeyu family that is behind the ghost. There was a shadow of the Ye Yu family in one incident, but we didn't find enough evidence. You and I all know why the Ye Yu family did this. Under this circumstance, it is impossible for them to join hands with us."

"Even if you join hands with us, it's just trying to hide our eyes and ears. They won't really contribute, so we definitely can't join them." Dongfang Star added.

People still believe in the judgment of Eastern Stars, and they all know Ye Yu Fei's ambition and courage, so naturally it is also clear that it is not very wise to join forces with Ye Yu family.

"But even if we can join forces with the Ouyang Family, the Yinian Family and other gangs, I'm afraid that they won't be the opponents of the Misty Pavilion, don't forget that Misty Pavilion also has many allies..." Dongfang Mietiandao, when he said this, his expression was a little serious. .

At present, the relationship between the Nangong Family, the Long Family, Fengxing, and the Fine Wine Family is very good with the Miao Miao Family, especially the Long Family and the Nangong Family. Once the Miao Miao Family fights against the Dongfang Family and other gangs, then these gangs are likely to help. Surprisingly, the Eastern family is still no opponent.

After pondering for a moment, Dongfang Star said: "We can try to join forces with the heroes of Heavenly War. This gang is also very powerful."

"To join forces with the heroes of the Heavenly Battle?!" Dongfang Zhantian's voice raised a few points: "This is impossible. Although the heroes of the Heavenly Battle and the Misty Pavilion had an enmity at the beginning, the hatred has been completely resolved, especially the lonely smoke in the desert and the sunset over the river. He is my own brother, and Damo Guyan is the top master of the hero of the sky war. Under this circumstance, the hero of the sky war will definitely not agree to join us."

In this regard, everyone else agrees, they all think it is a fantasy for Eastern stars to think this way.

"No, you still don’t know much about Damo Guyan. He is a very ambitious person. You can see this from the fact that he didn’t join a few well-known gangs before, but chose to join the Misty Pavilion and Heroes of Heaven. It’s just that they were rejected by the fireworks and easy cold.” Dongfang Star said, when she said this, a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: “Perhaps the solitary smoke in the desert has been silent for a long time recently without showing his ambition. However, I think his ambition has not been obliterated, but he is just waiting for the opportunity. For him, he can only achieve his ambitions only by defeating the Miange. It's just that the heroes of Heavenly War cannot do this at all, so he I will definitely want to find some help, which means that if we agree to join him, he will largely agree.

"As for the relationship between Changhe Sunset and Dame Guyan, this point does not need to be considered too much, because family affection is not reliable in the face of true ambition." Dongfang Star added, and when she said this, her tone was quite firm and determined.

"Well, in the future, you can try to contact Damo Guyan, and maybe you can convince him to join us." Dongfang Xiaotian said, and then he looked into the distance: "Others can only rely on the foreign service. If the foreign service can be elusive. The court caused heavy casualties and losses, and then we reappeared as heroes of salvation. At that time, all the problems were solved."

"Then, can we make an alliance with the enemy in the Misty Pavilion..." Dongfang Zhantiandao, but he was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"This kind of thing must never happen. We must not stab a comrade in the back, even if it is to watch from the wall!" Dongfang Jitian, who had not spoken, finally said, his voice is cold: "This is the bottom line that we can't break, even if we If the Eastern family is destroyed, it cannot be broken. I don’t want to hear such words again in the future, otherwise I will directly expel those who say these words from the Eastern family!"

I have to say that Dongfang Jitian is very majestic in the Dongfang family, at least after he got angry, Dongfang Zhantian dare not mention this matter again, but it is difficult to say whether he still thinks like this in his heart.

"Next, we still have to focus on national warfare. As for the future, we will have our own abilities when the time comes." Dongfang Tiantiandao, seeing everyone nodding, he continued: "But you don't have to worry too much about other gangs helping me. Ge, at least the Brewing Family and Feng Xing will not directly help Miao Ge, because even if we defeat the enemy alliance, they will certainly have a certain strength. Feng Xing and other gangs will be responsible for suppressing the forces of the enemy alliance, so they will not take action. "

Everyone still believed in Dongfang's judgment of Killing the Sky. For a while, their emotions eased a little, and then they continued to look at Dongfang Killing the sky, which was self-evident.

"The next most important thing is to improve our strength. Whether it is through tasks, list of high-level bosses or recruiting masters, as long as we can improve our strength, we can try, and it is a multi-pronged approach." Dongfang Tiandao, a little bit He continued: "In addition, we must accumulate more scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scrolls]. These things can play a very important role in the future."

"Understood." Dongfang Star said, thinking of what she looked resolutely: "And I will find ways to buy these things from other gangs, including from our allies, at any cost."

Nodded, it was obvious that Dongfang Tiantian agreed to do so, and he continued to hesitate a little, he continued: "Next, contact the Ouyang Family to see if you can buy some [Storm Unicorns] from them, although this mount is not enough. Contend with [Flying Wing * Nightmare Commander], but it is also the strongest mount besides the latter. Purchasing some can greatly increase our strength and stabilize the military a little bit."

"Of course, it would be better if we could find a more powerful mount." Dongfang Tiantian added.

"Well, next I will contact Ouyang Feitian and discuss this matter." The Eastern Star said in a deep voice: "At this time, [Storm Unicorn] is not the most powerful mount. Wing*Nightmare Commander], so they won’t treat it too much as a treasure. It’s not impossible that I want to buy some."

Nodding again, Dongfang Tiantian continued: "Next, I will increase my efficiency in hunting enemy alliance players. Not surprisingly, I will get the first place to a large extent. At that time, I will receive generous rewards. You can even get a national weapon again, so you can't compete with the Shang Mi Pavilion!"

Hearing that, everyone's eyes lit up, and then they nodded together, Dongfang Xietian said: "Hey, fortunately, Ye Luo Zhiqiu and the others are going to do the task. Next, the big brother will really have a chance. No, he will definitely be able to. Get the number one in this month's points!"

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