VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3313: : The enemy is worried

Eastern Killing Heaven is still very majestic in the Eastern family. He finally made up many things. For example, this time he made arrangements to deal with the future battle with the Misty Pavilion. It was nothing more than to improve his strength through various means, etc. Including the purchase of some [Storm Unicorns] from Ouyang Family, and the most important thing is to get the first point in this month.

That’s right. Last month, Ye Luo won the first prize in points and then what kind of generous rewards everyone knows, especially Ye Luo and they also won the national weapon. It is no exaggeration to say that the first in points and then the generous rewards. Rewards can greatly improve the strength of a player or even the entire gang, so Dongfang Tiantian wants to gain the first point and then improve the strength of the Dongfang family.

If it is under normal circumstances, it is almost impossible for Dongfang Tiantian to get the first place, because Ye Luo’s efficiency in gaining points is much higher than his. This can be seen from the fact that Ye Luo’s points have been stabilized. However, it will take 10 days for Ye Luo and the others to complete the task this time, which means that he will not be able to earn points by hunting down the players of the enemy alliance in these 10 days. In this case, it is easy for Dongfang Tiantian to get the first place. A lot, at least he has full confidence that he can surpass Ye Luo.

Everyone also thought of this, and they were all excited, especially the thought of getting the first point to get rich rewards, which greatly improved the strength of the Eastern Family.

"According to the samādhi poem, it takes 10 days for Ye Luo Zhiqiu and others to complete the task, and at this time the eldest brother's points have already surpassed him, even a lot more than Ye Luo Zhiqiu, and the next few days It’s okay to stabilize Ye Luo Zhiqiu and then let him not have a chance to overtake.” Dongfang Star said, without waiting for everyone to speak, her tone changed: “But at this time there are still people who can pose some threats to the big brother, such as Tokyo Mythology, such as Dark Night. , So next we must focus on taking care of them, and we must make Big Brother the first in points."

"Especially in the dark night, his points at this time are only a little less than that of the big brother." Dongfang Star added.

In fact, Tokyo Mythology is not necessarily worse than Ye Luo in terms of strength or killing efficiency. It’s just that he used a lot of mind to tame [Demon Flame Beast], and even now he goes to different spaces to tame [Demon Flame Beast] from time to time, so he The points are lagging a little behind. At this time, the number one on the list is Dongfang Jitian.

Even so, the Eastern Stars will not be careless and will deliberately ‘take care’ them.

"Don't worry. Next, I will bring some assassins who have been entangled in Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night to affect their efficiency in earning points as much as possible." Dongfang Tuotian said solemnly, after a short pause, he continued: "In addition, I will also unite unknown assassin masters. If we act on them, our strength will certainly have some impact on them."

They are still very confident about the strength of Dongfang Tutian and Wuming, so Dongfang Stars are not worried about this.

"In addition to the harassment of Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology by Brother Tuantian, we people should also be prepared to protect Big Brother, because then someone will deliberately target Big Brother." Dongfang Star continued to make arrangements and saw everyone nodding their heads. After that, she turned to look at Dongfang Tiantian: "Big Brother, this time you have to be patient and endurance. The main goal is to get points with high efficiency. Don't get entangled with those masters who sneak attacks on you."

"Well, rest assured, I will focus on the overall situation." Dongfang Killing Tian said solemnly.

"Besides, the eldest brother can occasionally use [Group Blessing Scroll] or perform big moves, be sure to make sure that the points are the first." Dongfang Star continued, and after a little pondering, Dongfang Tiantian nodded, he obeyed Dongfang Star plan.

"I have a suggestion." Suddenly Dongfang Mingzhu said. Seeing the curious look of everyone, she didn't sell her. She continued: "When we are going to deal with Hongyan City in the future, we will only be able to take action. It will allow the big brother to concentrate on improving her strength as before the competition. , Accumulate various equipment and props, such as hunting high-ranking bosses all the time, this can maximize the strength of the elder brother, especially if you are lucky, you can get the national equipment that the elder brother can equip."

Hearing that, everyone nodded, and they all looked forward to it, especially considering that it was this way that Dongfang Slaying Sky won the first place in the martial arts tournament, so they all agreed to continue to do so.

"Not only have the opportunity to obtain powerful equipment and props, but also a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls], hoarding such scrolls can also deal with the Misty Pavilion after the National War." Oriental Pearl added.

"Yes, it's okay." The Dongfang star nodded, and while she was talking, she looked at everyone: "If it is true that the Misty Pavilion can refine a large number of [Dragon Soul Pills] and then upgrade a large number of [Nightmare Commanders]. , Then the strength of our Chinese server is enough to suppress the enemy alliance, and we won’t have to take action by the big brother. As long as our Eastern family sends a large number of elites and provides some equipment and props, this method can also maximize our strength. Method."

Seeing Dongfang Tiantian's silence, Dongfang Star said: "Brother, I know this will have a big impact on the reputation of our Eastern family. After all, if we don't do our best in the national war, we will be criticized by some people, but we can't help it. , For the sake of the final, for the future we can only do this."

After pondering for a moment, Dongfang Killing Heaven nodded, he finally chose to put the survival of the Dongfang family as the most important thing.

Then everyone discussed some things and made corresponding decisions quickly. Then they didn't say much, and each got busy. For example, Dongfang Tiantian continued to efficiently hunt down the players of the enemy alliance. At the same time, they also Don’t forget to hunt high-ranking bosses—as the Eastern Star said, Eastern Killing Sky is no longer involved in operations against the enemy’s alliance gang resident, but it also dispatched super masters such as Eastern Xiaotian.

As for Eastern Slaughter, he led a team of elite assassins to fight Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, but it also had a great impact on them, especially when the Assassins such as Wuming and Jing Ke Assassin cooperated with them from time to time.

It’s worth mentioning that with the [Storm Unicorns] cavalry participating in the enemy alliance and then occupying some gang sites, it will not be so easy to occupy the gang sites of the enemy server, not just because there are more enemy alliances now. I rarely think of some methods against this cavalry. The most important thing is that with the actions of the Chinese server alliance and the strengthening of the enemy alliance, the 4th level gang station is no longer there. Even the storm cavalry can hardly capture the enemy alliance. The 5th level gang resident.

Since it is difficult to occupy the fifth-level gang resident of the enemy alliance, the people in the Chinese server alliance will naturally not waste time or consume in vain. They will get busy. Of course, the next step is to wait for Ye Luo and the others to complete the task-in the middle server Once Ye Luo completes the mission and returns with a large number of [Flying Wings*Nightmare Commander] in the hearts of players from one alliance, they can easily sweep through the enemy alliance’s level 5 gang sites, including Hongyan City, and even break through the enemy alliance’s imperial city. In this way, there is no need to fight against it at this time with greater consumption and casualties.

Seeing this situation, more people at this time are fortunate that they did not rush to Hongyancheng after following the words of the samādhi, otherwise they will definitely have a lot of casualties and consumption, at least more than the casualties of Ye Luo and the others involved in the mission. a lot of.

Let’s not talk about this for now, let’s say that the Japanese server alliance also knows about the existence of [Flying Wing * Nightmare Commander]. For a while, the players on these servers are worried, and they have a sense of panic all day long-servers such as the Japanese server also have their own intelligence. Organizations, and they will take special care of the Chinese server. After all, the strongest of the Chinese server poses the greatest threat to them. So inquiring about the situation of the Chinese server is naturally the top priority.

At this time [Flying Wing * Nightmare Commander] has spread throughout the Chinese server, and the intelligence organizations of the Japanese server and other servers know that these are understandable, and even they have inquired about the number of such mounts in the future, at least not more than [Storm Beast] There are few, but to find out this news naturally makes Tokyo Mythology and the others worried.

Think about it, too, [Flying Wing*Nightmare Commander] is a more powerful mount than [Storm Unicorn]. The most important thing is that the one who owns this mount or the strongest gang in the Chinese uniform-Misty Pavilion, after all, everyone knows How powerful is the equipment and level of the cavalry players of the Misty Pavilion, when equipped with [Flying Wing*Nightmare Commander], it will complement each other, and the strength is naturally stronger than the cavalry of the Ouyang family riding [Storm Unicorn].

Suddenly there are so many powerful mounts, and there are still a lot of them. This will definitely have a great impact on Tokyo Mythology and their plans, and it will affect whether they can break the imperial city of the Chinese server in the future, and if they can’t do it, they will be served. Tokyo Shinhwa and others knew what the consequences would be when the imperial city was broken, so they were naturally worried after learning the news.

"Why Ye Luo Zhiqiu and their luck are so good, we just got [Devil Flame Beast] and they have the opportunity to upgrade [Nightmare Commander], [Flying Wing*Nightmare Commander] is stronger than [Devil Flame Beast] There are a lot of mounts. The problem is that there are still a lot of these mounts, at least tens of thousands. With this large number and so many [Storm Unicorns], this will definitely affect our actions in the future." Black Dragon Tian Zhan said solemnly, and while speaking, he looked at Tokyo Shinhwa and others: "So what are we going to do?"

"Yes, after having a large number of [Flying Wings*Nightmare Commander], the strength of the Chinese server will be greatly improved. With the [Storm Unicorn] they can defeat Hongyan City at a relatively small cost and then destroy the [Space Fortress] inside. 】Destroy everything.” Cherry blossoms took over the conversation, and when she said these, she frowned slightly: “So they must have spare energy, and then they can defend the imperial city of the Chinese server. In this case, even if we dispatch all of the 【】 Demon Flame Beast] and using the [Summon Demon God Scroll] may not be successful, you and I know how strong the imperial city’s defense and attack power are."

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