VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3314: : Discussing countermeasures

[Flying Wing*Nightmare Commander] is very powerful, and there are a lot of them. These are enough to affect the future Tokyo Mythology and their actions on the imperial city of the Chinese server. After having [Flying Wing*Nightmare Commander], the Chinese server alliance can be compared It is easy to take down Hong Yancheng and then destroy the [Battlestar] inside, which means that they will still have more power. Then, with the help of the imperial city of the Chinese server, there is a great opportunity to resist the full-scale attack of Tokyo Mythology.

Think about it, too, the imperial city is well known, especially the imperial city has dual walls. Even if they use all the [Devil Flame Beasts] and use [Summon Demon God Scrolls] in Tokyo Mythology, it is difficult to take down the imperial city. It can destroy, Occupying the outer city wall is very good, but the imperial city of Zhongfu will not be affected by the fact that it cannot be destroyed.

Once this opportunity is missed, Tokyo Mythology and the others will never have a chance to reverse the situation. It is precisely because of this that after the cherry blossoms and other talents will worry, including other Japanese service masters, they lost confidence in their future actions for a while. .

"That's right, even if Ye Luo Zhiqiu and their combination equipment consume all their awakening skills, only the [Storm Unicorn] cavalry and the [Flying Wing*Nightmare Commander] cavalry can stop us, especially with the help of the walls of the imperial city. "Mt. Fuji sank and said, while he was talking, he looked at Tokyo Mythology: "So it is almost impossible for us to break the imperial city of the Chinese clothing. After all, at that time, we and our allies must also have a lot of consumption. ."

Think about it, even if the players on the Japanese server and the US server deliberately release the water, they will definitely consume a lot of money, while the server consumption of the printing server and other servers is even greater. No accident, they will also use combination equipment. The awakening skills consume seven or eighty-eight, especially when the Chinese server has [Flying Wing*Nightmare Commander], so it is almost impossible for the Tokyo Mythology to break through the imperial city of the Chinese server.

Tokyo Mythology also thought of this, his expression became solemn, and he didn't have a good response for a while.

And not long after, the leaders of the major servers such as Wucai Shenniu, Emperor's Anthem, etc. were also found, but their expressions were not very good, and most of them even showed worry. Obviously, they also knew [Flying] The existence of Wing * Nightmare Commander knows how the existence of this mount will affect their future plans.

"Unexpectedly, the luck of Zhongfu was so good. He successively obtained two powerful mounts, and there are still a lot of them. These mounts are enough to affect future actions, and it is even difficult for us to destroy the imperial city of Zhongfu." Perfume Beauty Shen said: "So we should think about other countermeasures, such as giving up this action..."

"No, we absolutely can't give up, because once we give up, we will never have this opportunity again, and there will never be a chance to destroy the imperial city of Zhongfu and turn the situation around." The sun never set long Ying shook his head resolutely: " Maybe we can continue to save some of our strength, but what is waiting for us is chronic death. Don’t forget that this time Ye Luo Zhiqiu and their quests are not only [Dragon Soul Pill], there are other rich rewards, and these will Let their strength be further enhanced."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, he continued: "Originally, we were very struggling with the Chinese server alliance, not to mention that Ye Luo Zhiqiu's strength will be greatly improved in the future, so using the Chinese server alliance to attack Hongyan City has a great deal of power. Consumption is our only chance, otherwise we will never have a chance to reverse the situation."

Everyone is smart, and naturally they can judge this. For a while, they look solemn, but there is no good way. After all, [Flying Wing * Nightmare Commander] has greatly improved the strength of the Chinese server.

"The only thing we can do at this time is to improve our strength as much as possible." After a long time, Mount Fuji sank and said, looking at everyone while talking. After a short pause, he continued: "The other is to consume as much as possible the Chinese server alliance. The strength of, consume as much as possible of their [Group Blessing Scrolls], especially in the middle service, and only if they have a larger consumption, will the consumption increase further when they are working on Hongyan City in the future, and we will have the opportunity to use the middle service emperor The city is broken."

"Are you saying that we will increase our hands on the Chinese suit next?!" Twilight said slightly, although he was guessing, but his tone was quite sure: "Yes, it's best to work on the Chinese suit at this time. The choice, or the best time, because according to the news we inquired, we know that Ye Luo Zhiqiu, Po Lang Cheng Feng and other masters are busy doing tasks, and this time the task is different from the previous tasks, they can not be separated Mission, don’t worry about the leaves falling to know the autumn, breaking the waves and riding the wind, we can naturally cause great casualties and consumption."

"Yes, yes, this is the best time. We must consume them as much as possible, especially their [Group Blessing Scroll]. Without this item, their overall strength will be greatly reduced." The blade is busy and authentic, and many people echoed it after he said it.

"But if you just send a master to sneak into the middle server to start a hunting action, it will not kill some middle server players. This does not have much impact on their strength, and they can't even consume them, unless we treat their gangs. Do it." Red Maple said, and then she changed her tone: "But you and I all know that the gangs of the Zhongfu are all level 5, and they are equipped with defensive power and attack power. They want to break it. , Occupation is not so easy, and even if we consume the players in the middle of the service, it will cause us to have greater casualties and consumption."

Hearing that, everyone was silent, because they also knew the strength of the gang station of Zhongfu. After all, they had suffered a loss in this regard. They had no confidence that by attacking the gang station of Zhongfu, it would cost Zhongfu a lot. Even if the waves and the wind, Ye Luo and the others cannot participate in the war.

"It's a bit unwise to act on the gang resident of Zhongfu, after all, we will have greater consumption and casualties on the siege party, even if the super masters such as Ye Luo Zhiqiu and Po Lang Chengfeng are not present." The emperor praised in a deep voice. Tao, after a short pause, he continued: "So we can only think of other ways."

"What else can we do. We can't consume them if we don't directly deal with the Chinese uniforms, so naturally we can't change anything in future actions." The Sunburst Spear said in an angry manner: "Could it be that we are enemies outside of the Chinese uniforms." Let's do it? Even if we can capture some of their gang sites, I'm afraid it won't have any impact on the overall situation, right."

"No, maybe there will be some impact." Suddenly, the night said, there was a smile on his face when he said this: "You and I know that the strength of other servers except the Chinese server is much weaker, including theirs. The gang sites, and even these servers have many level 4 gang sites, we can definitely destroy them with our strength, especially when Ye Luo Zhiqiu and Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind are not there."

"That's right." Mt. Fuji took over: "Because we are a sneak attack, it will take some time for people from the Chinese server and other servers to rush to support. Maybe we will have captured the city wall before they arrive, so we can be sure that we can Hey, the server that was attacked by us will consume some [Group Blessing Scrolls], and we will get system rewards when we occupy their gang resident. Among them, there are many [Group Blessing Scrolls]. Strength will increase a lot, so..."

"If Ye Luo Zhiqiu and they don't participate in the war for a long time, then there is no problem in doing so, but according to our people's inquiries, they only need 4 or 5 days to complete all the tasks." Red Maple Leaf shook her head, she A wry smile: "It's just 4 or 5 days. Even if we can occupy some gang sites, the amount of [Group Blessing Scrolls] we will get will not be too much, and it will be difficult to completely affect the results of future battles, especially We also need to consume a lot of [Group Blessing Scroll] to siege the city, and it may not even be less than the opponent."

"Especially after we launched the operation for the first time, the Chinese server alliance is ready. Then we will find it more difficult and consume more." Red Maple Leaf added.

Hearing that, everyone was silent. Although they didn't want to admit it, they also knew that it was the case.

"Unless we can greatly weaken and consume our opponents, or our strength is greatly improved, it is bound to be difficult for us to change the outcome of future battles." The German tank said in a deep voice, and he looked at everyone as he spoke: "So Do you have a better way?"

Hearing that, everyone was silent again, and they couldn't think of a better way for a while.

"In fact, it is not that there is no better way, and even for us this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." Tokyo Mythology said, seeing the look that everyone was expecting, he did not sell it, but gently spit out a few words: " Next, we will take action on Hongfeng City of the Central Asian Service. This is our only opportunity."

"Have a hand on Hongfeng City, are you crazy?!" The emperor's spear blurted out: "Hongfeng City is a 5th level gang resident. The most important thing is that there are a large number of [Space Fortress] from the Chinese server alliance, even the number is not as large as ours. Hongyancheng’s [Battle Fortress] is so few, it is undoubtedly a dead end to act on it, and we will suffer a lot of casualties and consumption..."

"No, maybe it's a good opportunity to do Hongfengcheng." The emperor's hymn interrupted the emperor's spear, and when he said this, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "If it's normal, we don't even think about it. But now it’s different, because the leaves are known for the autumn, the fireworks are easy to be cold, and the waves and wind can’t participate in the battle. This is not only the lack of three super masters, but the most important thing is the lack of three combination equipment awakening skills, hey , In this case, we have a great chance to break Hongfeng City and destroy the [Space Fortress] inside."

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