VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3316: : Actually teamed up

The Japanese server alliance has a very strong mobility, especially in the [Space Wand] attached to the cherry blossoms like snow, the [Original * Space Portal] can teleport 1 million players at a time, which means they can directly transfer 300,000 [Devil Flame Beast] The cavalry throws into the battlefield of Hongfeng City. This is a very powerful force, which can achieve unexpected effects when used to attack the city.

And this tactic is most likely to destroy the Chinese [Space Fortress] in Hongfeng City to the greatest extent, so everyone agreed to do so.

Then everyone discussed some specific tactics, and then they acted separately-they mobilized a large number of elites to sneak into the middle service, and they wanted to take advantage of the absence of the leaves and the waves and the wind to attack them. .

Seeing a large number of elite sneaking in, especially the super masters of the enemy alliance, almost all of them have arrived. The players of the Chinese server are nervous. They all think that Tokyo Mythology wants to take advantage of the absence of super masters such as Ye Luo to start the game. Try to weaken the power of the middle server as much as possible, and many middle server players return to the middle server to defend.

Of course, Bacchus Dukang and Fengxing also contacted their allies as soon as possible and asked them to support them. If it is normal, if Ye Luo, Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind can participate in the battle, they will not be nervous at all, Bacchus Dukang and Fengxing. They even hope that people from the enemy alliance will attack. After all, this can take the opportunity to cause greater consumption and casualties. However, the absence of Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng greatly reduces the strength of the Chinese server. In this case, they still don’t have much. If you have confidence, you can't defend on your own at least, so requesting support is the best choice.

Think about it, too, Ye Luo's absence not only made the Chinese server lose a lot of super masters and multiple dual-professional masters, but the most important thing was that the Chinese server lost 3 combination equipment awakening skills. This is the key. It is no exaggeration to say that in the absence of Yeluo and the others, the combat power of the Chinese server is greatly reduced. Even with the help of the gang station alone, it is not enough to withstand the attack of the enemy alliance, and even the enemy alliance may It poses a threat to the imperial city of the Chinese server. In this case, Fengxing, Bacchus Dukang and the others will naturally be on the verge of an enemy and then ask allies for support.

After learning about the whereabouts of the Tokyo Mythology and their requests for help, the Polar Silver Wolf and the others did not say much. They immediately sent a group of elites, and even the Polar Silver Wolf and other super masters came personally. Let Fengxing and Bacchus Dukang breathe a sigh of relief.

It's just that this is what Tokyo Mythology they hope to see-attract all the elite and super masters of the Chinese server alliance, and then they can launch a sneak attack on Hongfeng City and it will be easier.

"Little poem girl, it seems that Tokyo Mythology already knows that Ye Luo and Feng girl are doing tasks and cannot get away, so they want to take advantage of this opportunity to attack us and weaken our strength as much as possible, so they will aggressively attack. Even directly assemble forces outside our imperial city." Fengxing said solemnly: "Because they also know that only by destroying our imperial city can we weaken our strength as much as possible and cause us great casualties and consumption."

"Yeah, it's a pity that Ye Luo and the others can't come back. With our current strength, we may not be able to hold it." Bacchus Du Kang said in a deep voice. When he said this, his expression was a little serious: "Because our people have found the Japanese service. I have tamed a powerful mount, which is not much worse than [Storm Unicorn]. The most important thing is that there are a lot of these mounts, about 2 to 300,000, which is more than [Storm Unicorn]. ] Much more."

While talking about this, Dukang, the **** of wine, sent the illustrated book of [Devil Flame Beast] to Samadhi and others. After reading the illustrated book, everyone’s expressions became more serious, and they also felt the pressure, especially when they heard [ The number of Demon Flame Beasts is 2 to 300,000.

But the samādhi was an accident. She looked as usual, obviously unmoved.

"Little poetry girl, you are so calm, wouldn't you have known this long ago." Feng Xing was the first to discover the look of samādhi, and when she said these, she became excited: "Couldn't the fireworks girl have long been enacted." How to deal with it, if this is the case, tell us quickly, and let us have a psychological preparation."

"We don't know the existence of [Devil Flame Beast]. If it weren't for the uncle, you still don't know." Samadhi shook her head and saw Feng Xing's stunned look, her tone changed: "But I did discuss with Fireworks. The enemy alliance took advantage of Ye Luo's mission to act on us, so arrangements have been made in advance..."

"What arrangement?!" Fengxing interrupted the samādhi with excitement, and the **** of wine Du Kang and other players looked at the samādhi with expectation.

"Fireworks caused some players who did missions to abandon the mission and brought back a large number of [Dragon Soul Pills], probably 80, 90,000, which means that 80, 90,000 [Nightmare Commanders] can be upgraded to [Flying Wings] *Nightmare Commander], with this cavalry, it should be enough to deal with all kinds of troubles." Samadhi did not reserve, and directly said his trump card.

"What, brought back so many [Dragon Soul Pills]?!" Bacchus Dukang became excited: "Although the number is still not as good as [Demon Flame Beast], [Flying Wings*Nightmare Commander] is better than [Demon Flame Beast] The most important thing is that we still have the advantage of defending the city. These are enough to deal with big troubles."

"By the way, we still have 100,000 [Storm Unicorns] cavalry. The number of high-quality cavalry is not much less than that of [Devil Flame Beasts]. At least these disadvantages can be made up for by the advantage of defending the city. So we basically Don’t worry about anything.” Bacchus Du Kang added, and when he said this, he looked at the enemy alliance army outside the imperial city: “Maybe we can take this opportunity to severely damage the enemy alliance, so that our actions will be easier in the future. , Easy."

"That's right." Long Teng Tianxia took the stubborn words, saying this was a smile at the corner of his mouth: "Perhaps the Tokyo Mythology, they didn't expect that the firework beauties were prepared in advance and sent a lot of [Dragon Soul Pill], so they Take the opportunity to do something with us, presumably they will be in trouble this time."

In this regard, everyone was deeply convinced that they no longer worried about Tokyo Mythology and their siege, and even looked forward to them one by one. In their hearts, they must take this opportunity to severely damage the enemy alliance.

"Hey, why didn't the people from the Ouyang family, the Eastern family and the Yinian family return to defend the city? Even the East Killing Heaven, Ouyang Feitian, and Yi Nian Cheng Shen did not come back?" Daughter Hong was the first to discover this situation, she The brows furrowed deeply: "They dare not participate in such a major event, it's too..."

"The family of Ouyang, the family of Ouyang, and the family of Yinian jointly launched a sneak attack on a gang of the enemy alliance. At this time they are fighting." Suddenly they said, "They have already attacked the city wall, and even Dongfang Tiantian and Ouyang Feiri Together, they have already entered the city and will soon destroy the heart of the city. Under such circumstances, they will naturally not rush to return."

"What? They attacked the city?!" Hearing the nameless words, Bacchus Dukang was shocked, and then his tone was full of irritation and blame: "Isn't this a delay, if our imperial city is lost, then they are guilty." It's big."

The strength of the Eastern family and the Ouyang family is very good, especially the Eastern Killing Sky is the strongest player in the Chinese uniform except Ye Luo, plus the 100,000 [Storm Unicorn] cavalry of the Ouyang family, this is a very powerful force. Combat strength, without their strength, the defensive strength of the serving party is much worse. It is because of this that Dukang, the **** of wine, is so angry.

"Ouyang Shijia has teamed up with the Dongfang Shijia. This is incredible." Yanyu's face was full of consternation: "Aren't the two gangs in the same situation? Why did they suddenly join forces at this time?"

Speaking of the last time, Yanyu looked towards Wuming. In her heart, she was afraid that only Wuming, the first person in the intelligence organization, could know the situation.

"Before the Eastern Stars found Ouyang Feiri and bought 20,000 [Storm Unicorns] from them. Besides, they discussed a lot of things. Then they joined forces on a gang station in the enemy alliance. Obviously they have reached some kind of agreement." Wuming Shen said, and his words shocked countless players present, especially when he heard that the Eastern Family had purchased 20,000 [Storm Unicorns] from Ouyang Family.

"Ouyang Feiri was willing to sell so many [Storm Unicorns] to the Eastern Family. Are they crazy?!" Inviting Yue toasted with an incredible face: "That is one of the most powerful mounts. After owning it, it’s almost the same without mentioning the sweeping game, but Ouyang Feitian is actually willing to sell it. I think his brain is a bit bad.

Not only are they asking the moon to toast like this, many people also think so. Of course, they all envy and regret it. Naturally, the envy is that the Oriental family bought 20,000 [Storm Unicorns], and regretted if they Knowing that you can buy this mount from Ouyang Family, I am afraid that they have already purchased it, even at all costs, but they also know that it is too late at this time, because Ouyang Feitian will definitely not sell [Storm Unicorns] 】.

"Actually, Feitian Ouyang is not stupid, because he knows that [Storm Unicorn] is no longer the most powerful mount. [Flying Wing * Nightmare Commander] is. Since it is not the first mount, it is not unfeasible to sell some. "Ye Yu Fei Fei said, while she said this, she looked at everyone: "And using 20,000 [Storm Unicorns] can ease the relationship with the Eastern family. He is naturally happy, especially if he can join hands with the Eastern family. Agreement, after all, they have common pressure."

Speaking of these Ye Yu Fei Fei glanced at the samādhi poem, the meaning is self-evident, of course she was very happy at this time, because the current situation is exactly what she wants to see most.

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