VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3317: : Cannot return assistance

In fact, the Eastern Star found Ouyang Feitian after the Eastern Killing of Heaven arranged. After some'bargaining', she bought 20,000 [Storm Unicorns]. In addition, it also reached an agreement between the Eastern Family and the Ouyang Family. ——Both the Eastern family and the Ouyang family have a common and powerful enemy, so it is not difficult to reach an alliance like this.

After reaching an agreement to form an alliance, the Ouyang Family and the Eastern Family launched a joint operation-as the nameless said, they launched a sneak attack on the gangs of the enemy alliance, and they got very good results as soon as they shot.

Think about it, the Ouyang family has powerful cavalry-[Storm Unicorn] cavalry, what they lack is the top master, and the Eastern family’s Eastern Killing Heaven, Eastern Xiaotian, Eastern Slaughter, Eastern Stars are just The super masters and the cavalry of the Eastern family are also very good, so it is easy to occupy a level 4 gang station of the enemy alliance in a joint attack, especially when all the [Storm Unicorns] cavalry are used.

As Ye Yu Fei Fei said, the Ouyang family are also smart people. They also know that [Storm Unicorn] is no longer the strongest mount. In that case, there is no need to'treasure the broom'. It is nothing to sell some to the Eastern family. They say that this will not only get a huge financial return, but also get rid of the previous suspicions and even reach a joint agreement with the Eastern family, so they naturally know how to choose.

Samadhi is also a smart person. From the nameless words and other messages, she quickly figured out why the Dongfang Family and Ouyang Family had joined forces. This made her look a little more dignified. After all, she also knew that the two gangs would join forces in the future. It is more difficult to solve them.

But soon the samādhi expression relaxed, because she had absolute confidence in the strength of the Misty Pavilion. Even if the Ouyang family and the Eastern family joined forces, even a Yi Nian family would not be enough to contend with the Misty Pavilion, so she naturally did not have it. What's worrying, it's better in her heart that it can solve these enemies together.

"There are major actions but they don't notify us. They have committed some taboos." Samadhi said lightly, and while talking about her, she looked at the enemy in front of the imperial city: "The most important thing is when the enemy alliance is aggressively attacking. They didn’t rush back to fight the enemy together. This is a big mistake. If everyone is like this in the future, then in the future..."

Speaking of these samādhi poems, she smiled faintly, with a faint sarcasm, especially at the end she also looked at the **** of wine Du Kang and Fengxing, which is self-evident-Fengxing and the **** of wine Du Kang are designated by the game department, and To a certain extent, you can command the game forces of the Chinese server to fight against foreign enemies, and naturally have a certain right to punish some gangs that make mistakes.

Sure enough, thinking of their responsibilities, the Bacchus Du Kang and Feng Xing's expressions became solemn, and then they gave the Dongfang Family and other three gangs once again an order to return assistance, but this order still did not have much effect-Dongfang Family, The members of the Ouyang family and the Yinian family did not immediately return to help.

It’s not that Eastern Killing is brave enough to defy their'orders'. The most important thing is that they are entangled-when they are about to destroy the heart of the city where the enemy alliance gang is based, suddenly the server has flooded out. Players then madly charged them, and even used multiple [Group Blessing Scrolls]. Fortunately, Eastern Killing Sky, their strength is very strong and they are caught in the war. For a while, it is difficult for them to withdraw from the battle and return to the middle server. support.

Knowing this situation, the expressions of Bacchus Dukang and Feng Xing became dignified, including Samadhi and Ye Yu Fei, because they realized that something was wrong-Dongfang Sutian encountered a large number of players, which was obviously besieged. The enemy alliance has premeditated actions, which to a large extent shows that the enemy alliance's people will be inevitable in the next actions.

"Although Dongfang Killing and the others were entangled and couldn't return for help in a short time, they also entangled many elite forces of the enemy alliance, and they can be regarded as a force." Ye Yufei said as he said. She looked around: "The most important thing is that our allies have sent elite forces to help defend the city, plus we can use the imperial city to defend it, so it may not be impossible to defend it."

"Of course, it would be easier if Brother Ye Luo and the others were there, and there would be no problem defending the imperial city." Ye Yufei added.

Ye Yu Fei Fei said these words at this time, it is easy for a smart person to know what it means. Obviously she wants to attribute part of the responsibility to the Misty Pavilion. She is as smart as a samādhi and naturally heard the meaning of the words. She sneered: Our people take the task before, and the enemy alliance’s people are after the action. Is it possible that when we encounter the task, we were wasted? When we were doing the [Road of Devil Slayer] task, it seemed that you also took the task resolutely. You and I have seen what kind of result it leads. If it weren't for our people, we could temporarily leave the mission, but we would lose more than just a gang.

Because I knew that there were shadows of the Ye Yu family behind the two things before, and I even concluded that I could not get rid of them. Now Ye Yu Fei is saying such murderous words, so the samādhi poems will naturally not be polite to them and directly expose them. Scars.

Sure enough, after hearing the samādhi poem's fierce counterattack, the samādhi poem looked solemn, but she didn't know how to refute it.

"Well, now is not the time to quarrel." At the critical moment, Bacchus Dukang said with a sullen face: "The most important thing for us is how to hold the imperial city. After all, you also know what it means once the imperial city is destroyed, especially It’s the wind girl and they won’t be able to come back for a few days. In this case, once the imperial city is destroyed, we are likely to lose the general gang resident.”

Think about it too, because Ye Luo, Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind are absent, the strength of the Chinese server is greatly reduced, especially when the imperial city is destroyed, everyone’s overall attributes are reduced by 10%, and the opponents of the alliance will naturally not be able to do it today. After letting go of this opportunity, they will continue to work on the Chinese server, even without stopping. In this case, the loss of the Chinese server will be very heavy, and even half of the gang resident will be lost as Bacchus Du Kang said. .

Once this is the case, it is almost the same without saying that the Chinese server will be ruined. Everyone knows what this situation means, so their expressions become solemn.

"Don't worry. Although we have lost a lot of combat power, we can use the imperial city defense after all. This is our biggest advantage." Samadhi said, her tone was quite certain when she said this: "Fortunately, the fireworks are in advance. I thought that this hand would bring back a large number of [Dragon Soul Pills]. With these [Flying Wings*Nightmare Commander] cavalry, we will definitely be able to hold on."

"Even if the outer city wall is occupied, the state of Dongfang Tiantian and their combination equipment awakening skills will definitely end, and they will definitely be unable to conquer the inner city wall." Samadhi added: "And as long as they can't treat us If the inner wall of the city poses a threat, we cannot capture our imperial city, and even we can take advantage of this opportunity to severely damage them, and the worst will cause them to consume more."

There are many clever people among the crowd. They immediately understood why the samādhi would say that the outer wall and inner wall-the weaker link of the Chinese server alliance is the number of combo equipment awakening skills. After all, the absence of Ye Luo means less. I have 3 such killer skills, but this skill can only last for 10 minutes, and everyone is confident to hold the outer wall for 10 minutes. Once held for such a long time, the enemy alliance’s people can no longer cause any damage to the inner wall. Threatened.

Thinking of this, everyone is determined, because they are still very confident in their own strength. At least they can use the outer wall to defend for 10 minutes without any problems, especially since they can continuously mobilize a large number of elite defenders. in the case of.

"Yes, as long as we delay until the end of Tokyo Mythology and their combination equipment awakening skills, there is no problem, and even we can really use this opportunity to cause greater casualties and consumption to them." Bacchus Du Kang Shen He said, looking at everyone while talking: "So I hope everyone will not be stingy and defend the city with all their strength."

"In addition, if we delay for more time, the members of the Dongfang Family, Ouyang Family, and the Yinian Family will be able to escape from the battle and return to help. When the time comes, Eastern Killing will attack the enemy from behind, so we can cooperate with them to attack the enemy back and forth. In this way, their casualties are even greater, and we can hold the imperial city at the worst." Dukang, the **** of wine, added, and his words made everyone confident in defending the imperial city.

"In fact, even if our imperial city is destroyed, it is not too serious. At least we still have a chance to turn over." Samadhi said to herself, but her voice is not loud. The surrounding players include the nearest night to her. Yu Feifei didn’t hear: “Because after Ye Luo they completed the mission and brought back all the [Dragon Soul Pill], we can start to fight back, especially as time goes by, the [Flying Wing*Nightmare Commander] is getting more and more. many."

"Of course, if you can hold the imperial city, it would be best." The samādhi poem changed her tone, and when she said this, she thought of something, and her expression was a little strange: "It's just that the Tokyo Mythology, they should also be smart people. Knowing that their strength is not enough to cause any threat to our imperial city, at least it is difficult to say that our imperial city is destroyed. If so, why did they start this operation?"

"There shouldn't be any conspiracy behind this." Samadhi murmured to herself, but soon her thoughts were interrupted because of Tokyo Mythology and they began to attack the city.

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