VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3330: : Return to Hongfeng City

Although it only destroyed more than 10 [Battlestars] of the enemy alliance in just a few minutes, everyone knows what kind of combat power [Battlestar] possesses and can destroy so many in such a short period of time. It’s enough to see how fierce the previous battle was, and this also caused the [Flying Wing*Nightmare Commander] and [Storm Unicorn] Cavalry to have greater casualties and consumption, plus the Eastern Killing of the Sky and their ults and The awakening skills of combination equipment are all in the CD, so they are no longer enough to destroy those [Battlestars], even if the toughness of those fortresses is more or less lost.

"As for using the remaining [Battlestar] to attack Hongfeng City, it is also feasible. After all, even if those [Battlestar] are damaged, they can still play a very good combat power, especially when we consume a lot of them. Cause too much threat." Ye Yufei Fei added, and her words also made everyone's expressions dignified.

"Does that mean that we will definitely not be able to defend Hongfeng City, and that the [Battle Fortress] in it will be destroyed?!" A representative of the Central Asian Suit said in a deep voice, and his tone was full of worry when he said this.

"No way, this is the situation at this time." Long Teng said in a sinking voice. After a short pause, he continued: "Actually, it is great that we can destroy so many [Battlestars], and destroying so many [Battlestars] is big enough. The next situation is changed to a degree. At least the enemy alliance only relying on those [Battlestars] is no longer enough to occupy our gangs, let alone destroy our imperial city."

"Furthermore, we have done everything we can do, so there is no point in entangled in these things." Long Teng Tianxia added.

Everyone knows how tragic the previous battle was, so they naturally know that they have done everything they can do, and then they can only go with the flow.

"Although the 10 [Battlestars] in front of us are not enough to capture our gang's resident, but you and I know that there are also a lot of [Battlestars] from Pakistani and Australian servers at this time, counting down to 10 There are many. If you can tune it all and then merge with these fortresses, there will be more than 20." The deep sea giant whale said in a deep voice: "So many [Battlestars] are a very powerful force, enough to capture our gang resident. Now, there is even a chance to destroy the imperial city, so what should I do?"

Everyone has a clear understanding of the strength of their own side and the strength of the enemy alliance. They also know how the situation will change if the opponent has more than 20 [Battlestar], and their expressions become solemn when they think of these.

"The most troublesome thing is that our ultimatums and the awakening skills of combination equipment are all in the CD. Even if we sneak attacks on those [Battlestars] in our current state, it will be difficult to destroy them. This will make us have More casualties." The number three said in a deep voice, and while talking, he looked at Samadhi and the Oriental star: "So what do we do, can we just watch all their [Battlestar] gather together?"

"At this time we still have some advantages, such as our remaining [Group Blessing Scrolls] and other various scrolls. The number of other scrolls is more." Samadhi Shi said in a deep voice: "It's just that many of our skills are in the CD, especially invincible. Skills, so it takes some time to restore these skills. Once our skills are restored, then we can sneak attacks on those [robots] along the way. We can still destroy some forts with our strength, so the pressure we face next will be Smaller."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, he continued: "Of course, we can finally use the advantages of Hongfeng City and the remaining [Battlestar] to cause casualties and consumption to the enemy alliance as much as possible, especially taking advantage of these [Battlestars] in front of us. Before Hongfeng City."

"Yes, there are still some things we can do at this time." The Eastern Star took the stubbornly. "You and I both know that [Battlestar] can only exert its strongest combat power after being gathered together, no matter whether it is There are only 3 or 5 [Battlestars] transferred from Pakistani, Australian, or Southeast Asian clothing, and not many, so we use [Group Purification Scroll] and then perform big moves, [Group Acceleration Scroll] and then Sneak attacks on those [Battlestars] will surely destroy some of them."

"The worst can force the Tokyo Mythology to use more scrolls, so we are likely to exhaust their scrolls. This will still help the future situation." Dongfang Star added.

Hearing this, everyone nodded, but even so, their expressions were a bit solemn, because they also knew that even if they had the advantage of the scroll, there would not be too many [Battlestar] that they could destroy next, and the enemy alliance remained. Those fortresses can still pose a great threat to them. For example, people from the enemy alliance can occupy their gangs and even threaten the imperial city.

"Hmph, if Ye Luo knew Qiu where they had so many things..." Ouyang Feiri said coldly, but he was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Brother Ye Luo can't participate in the battle is an accident, not to mention that even if they didn't participate in the battle, they played a very important role, otherwise we would have no chance to destroy so many enemy alliances [Battlestar]." Long Teng said coldly, and then He changed his tone: "I want to ask you why you came to support so late before, and you missed the best response time when you came to support so long late. It is precisely because of this that we are so passive. We are in such a situation at this time, and your responsibility is greater."

"Yes." Anangong Yunlong said coldly: "If 100,000 [Storm Unicorns] cavalry can be put into battle in the first time, how can we be so passive? Maybe we will still be occupied by Hongfeng City and be destroyed by multiple [Space Fortress] , But we will cause more casualties and consumption to the enemy alliance, and we can also destroy the enemy alliance more [Battlestar]."

"Even after initially putting more pressure on the enemy alliance, it is difficult for them to destroy our [Battlestar], and using those fortresses we can cause more casualties to the enemy alliance." Nangong Yunlong added.

There are also many discerning people in the crowd. They naturally know that the three gangs including the Ouyang Family will have to pay a lot of responsibility this time. Of course, they also think that the Misty Pavilion also has some responsibilities, because they know that if Ye Luo and Po Lang Rong Feng are there, then The enemy alliance has no chance at all.

Of course, many people will not say these things. After all, they also know what role the Misty Pavilion played in this operation—even if Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng no longer play the role of Misty Pavilion. It plays a bigger role than other gangs and even servers.

"We're misty pavilion..." Yan Yu was about to say something, but was interrupted by Ye Yu Fei.

"This is not the time to discuss who is right and who is wrong. The most important thing at the moment is how to deal with the current situation." Ye Yufei began to talk to the mud: "For example, we will try to use our remaining [Battlestar] to do something next. At the very least, you should consume the enemy alliance as much as possible."

In fact, for Ye Yu Fei Fei, the situation at this time is what she most hopes to see. After all, at this time Miao Miao Pavilion has been'blame' by many gangs or servers, and the situation she wants to see in the long run is likely to happen. So she won't give Ming Miao Ge a chance to dispense with responsibility at this time.

As smart as Samadhi, she naturally saw Ye Yu Fei Fei’s thoughts, but she knew better that this time was not the time to discuss these, and what they had to do at this time was to consume the enemy alliance as much as possible and destroy the enemy alliance more [ Battlestar].

Of course, the most important thing is that Samadhi knows that even if the situation at this time is passive for the Chinese server alliance, it doesn’t matter, because she knows that after Ye Luo and the others complete the task, their strength will definitely increase and they will get a lot of [Group Blessing Scroll ] And other rewards, coupled with the refining of a large number of [Dragon Soul Pills], the Misty Pavilion has more [Flying Wings*Nightmare Commander] cavalry, and these can reverse the situation, even if the Chinese server alliance has multiple imperial cities destroyed is also like this.

In addition, Samadhi Shi also knows how to improve Ye Luo's strength after the 360-level ninth turn. These are enough to reverse any disadvantages. In this case, she naturally disdains Ye Yufei and they argue about these, especially thinking about the end of the national war in the future. After that, they would definitely clean up the Ouyang family, the Eastern family and even the Yeyu family, since that's the case, she naturally didn't have to worry about these things.

Next, Samadhi and the others didn’t say much, they returned to Hongfeng City as quickly as possible, and then used the remaining [Battlestar] to attack Tokyo Shinhwa and others as much as possible, and the latter’s big moves and combination equipment at this time The awakening skill state of the Chinese server has ended, so even if the Chinese server alliance’s [Battlestar] is seriously damaged, it is not something they can withstand. At least they can still deal with the Japanese server before the enemy alliance’s [Battlestar] arrives. US servers and other servers caused heavy casualties and even regained some of the city walls.

Think about it, too. At this time, the more walls that the Chinese server alliance regains, the more losses it will cause to the enemy alliance, and this situation will be more beneficial to the Chinese server alliance.

"It's a pity that the enemy alliance’s [Battlestar] will arrive soon, because if we are later we will be able to take back more walls. Maybe we will have a chance to defend Hongfeng City. The most important thing is that we can keep the last. 【Battlestar】.” Bacchus Du Kang was quite pity and authentic. At this time, he and Feng Xing had settled the matter in the Central Service and came to the Central Asian Service to support.

"Yes, it's a pity, it's a pity." Fengxing took the stubbornness, but soon his tone changed: "But our people have done everything they can do, and we can't be too demanding of them."

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