If samādhi they can **** more walls, they may be able to hold Hongfeng City and then keep the last [Battlestar], but there is no if in the world, and they know that samādhi and others have done their best. It's already amazing to do this.

Think about it too, if the Samadhi they did not sneak attack on the [robots] that came from Hongyan City but defended the city, maybe they can hold Hongfeng City, and at the worst, they can also hold the three walls, but no accident from Hongyan City The more than 20 [Battlestars] that came out all arrived intact and then participated in the siege. With so many fortresses participating in the siege, they still can’t defend Hongyan City, and their [Battlestar] still Will be destroyed by all.

Not only that, after occupying Hongfeng City and destroying all [Battlestars] of the Chinese server alliance, Tokyo Mythology will definitely do something on the other gangs of the Chinese server alliance because they bring a sufficient amount of [Battlestar]. They will certainly be able to occupy some gang sites relatively easily, and this also means that the Chinese server alliance will suffer greater losses.

In other words, the situation at this time is the best result.

Bacchus Du Kang and Feng Xing also judged this based on the information they had obtained before. They also knew that the samādhi they had done very well.

"At this time, Tokyo Mythology and their [Battlestar] have not arrived yet, and we have snatched a part of the city wall. Do you want us to protect the last [Battlestar] from here?" The daughter red said: "Although we have the remaining 5. The six [Battlestars] have all lost a lot of toughness, and they can be easily destroyed next, but if they fall apart, they can keep some."

"The worst thing will make Tokyo Mythology pay more. It is better than staying here, because no accident we will definitely not be able to hold Hongyancheng." Daughter Hong added.

"But even if we keep all the remaining [Battlestars], there are only 5 or 6, and they can't form a scale, so the things these forts can do are quite limited." Hua Nongyue said, talking about this. A flash of light flashed in his eyes: "I suggest using this remaining [Battlestar] to intercept the Tokyo Mythology and the others, so as to cause some casualties to them as much as possible, and even destroy some of them [Battlestar], as before. It is said that the smaller the number of [Battlestars] remaining in the enemy alliance, the less pressure we will face next."

"That's right." Yi Nian Chengde took the stubborn words: "At this time, we still have some [Group Blessing Scrolls] in our hands, and some [Group Purification Scrolls]. The most important thing is that the enemy alliance should consume all the scrolls. With the scrolls and the remaining [Battlestar] we can certainly cause more casualties to Tokyo Mythology and them, and maybe we can really destroy some of them [Battlestar]."

Hua Nongyue’s proposal was immediately echoed by many people, especially the players of the Central Asian server. After all, they also knew that the Central Asian server would bear the brunt, so as to cause casualties to the enemy alliance and destroy more [Space Fortress] 】Then the Central Asia Service will lose as little as possible, so they will naturally support this.

"Little poetry girl, celebrity girl, what do you think?" Bacchus Du Kang looked at Samadhi, the oriental star.

"There are only 5 or 6 [Battlestars] left. They are indeed too few to form a scale. These alone will not be very helpful to attacking the enemy alliance’s gang sites. It is better to use these fortresses to cause as much damage to the enemy alliance as possible. Loss." The Eastern Star said solemnly, after a short pause, she continued: "Can you destroy the enemy alliance’s [Battlestar] Besides, but it will definitely cause more consumption to Tokyo Mythology, so we will intercept them along the way. Those [Battlestars] transferred from the Australian and Pakistani service will face much less pressure, so naturally there will be more chances to destroy them."

"Well, that's right." Samadhi nodded, obviously she also supports this.

Seeing that Samadhi and Eastern Stars agreed to do this, other players also agreed, even if the remaining [Battlestar] had them, after all, they also knew that only the remaining [Battlestar] could no longer be used in the siege. To play a big role, it would be better to intercept the enemy alliance as much as possible here.

Now that everyone agrees, the next thing is simple. Everyone gathers all the remaining [Battlestar] together, and the samādhi is divided among the people vaguely [Group Blessing Scroll]. Obviously they are prepared to use these as much as possible. The enemy alliance caused some losses.

At the same time, Samadhi and the others also let the assassins of the Chinese server alliance to monitor the [Battlestars] transferred from the Australian server, Pakistan server and other servers at any time. After all, they are going to work on these fortresses, so knowing their tracks is very easy. It is necessary.

Soon the sun never sets, the Dragon Shadow and they led the remaining 10 [Battlestars] to arrive, and at the same time they also mobilized a large number of elites, and then they began to launch the most violent siege, and the samādhi they also commanded everyone to do their best Defending the city, the war is about to start once again.

Although the number of players in the Chinese server alliance is more, although the [Flying Wing*Nightmare Commander] cavalry and [Storm Unicorn] cavalry are more powerful than the [Devil Flame Beast] cavalry, although the remaining [Group Blessings of the Chinese server alliance] Scrolls] There are more scrolls, but Tokyo Mythology has a greater advantage. For example, they occupied a lot of city walls and then placed a lot of mobile magic crystal cannons, plus they have more [Battlestars], such samādhi poems They still couldn't keep Hongfeng City, and those used to desperately [Battlestar] were also destroyed.

That’s right, all the [Battlestars] of the Chinese server alliance have been destroyed. This is the case, but only 2 [Battlestars] of the Japanese server alliance can be destroyed. That is to say, there are still enemies in Hongfeng City at this time. There are 8 [Battlestars] in the square alliance, and this also gives the Japanese service one side alliance a greater advantage.

The Japanese server alliance has a great advantage. Samadhi and the others can only abandon Hongfeng City in order to reduce casualties as much as possible. Especially they know that there is no point in continuing to defend the city, not to mention that they are planning to intercept the Pakistan server and wait for the server to catch up. Coming [Battlestar], destroying them as much as possible is the most important thing.

Next, they didn’t say much about the samādhi, and they took the lead on the [Battlestars] that came out of Bafu, only to save them they only used one [Group Blessing Scroll] and one [Group Acceleration Scroll], after all, at this time The number of scrolls in the hands of Samadhi is not much, and some should be kept just in case. Of course, the most important thing is that even if you use more [Group Blessing Scrolls], it may not necessarily destroy the new forces of [Space Fortress].

Because the number of [Crowd Boost Scrolls] is limited, this means that the number of players who can chase [Battlestar] is also limited. In addition, players who only hold [Group Blessing Scrolls] have a much lower attack power, so they want to destroy them. Those [Battlestars] are not so easy, especially the Tokyo Mythology. They can’t just watch their [Battlestars] being attacked and will send elite interceptors. It is even more difficult to destroy those [Battlestars] in this way.

The fact is also true. The Chinese server alliance has almost continuously intercepted and harassed those [Battlestars]. In the past one day, they have only destroyed 3 of them, and the remaining [Battlestars] still have 9 , Plus the 8 parked in Hongfeng City, there are 17, which is also a very powerful force.

"Hey, we only destroyed 3 [Battlestars] in the enemy alliance in one day." Yaoyue toasted and sighed: "Our strength is too weak. If Ye Luo brother and them are here, even if they are there. It’s just that you can destroy more [Battlestars] with the status of [Group Blessing Scroll] and [Group Acceleration Scroll]. At least the number that can be destroyed is twice as much as now. Now there are 17 enemy alliances left [Space Fortress] This is also a very powerful force. If we lead these fortresses to attack the city, it will be difficult for us to defend."

Hearing this, everyone nodded. They also knew the methods of Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng and others. In their hearts, if they can participate in the interception of those [Battlestar] along the way, then they will definitely be able to do it again, just like Inviting the Moon to toast. Destroy more than doubled.

"But the awakening skills of our combo equipment are about to end the CD." Jian Nanchun said, his tone was full of excitement when he said these: "Moreover, our ultimatum and many powerful and large-scale skills will also end the CD. Once these methods are used, our strength will be greatly improved, so it will be much easier to destroy those [Battlestars]."

"Our combo equipment awakening skills are over for CD, and Tokyo Mythology will do the same, especially since they have more combo equipment awakening skills than ours. At this point, we still have no advantage." Samadhi. He shook his head: "So they attacked the city, especially when attacking the 5th level gang resident, it is still difficult for us to defend."

"But we still have the advantage of scrolls. After all, Ye Luo Zhiqiu and they sent back a lot of scrolls..." Ouyang Feiri said, but he was interrupted before he could finish.

"We have consumed a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls] and other scrolls yesterday, and there are not many remaining scrolls left." Samadhi poetry said in a deep voice: "And the people of the enemy alliance have occupied Hongfeng City, and it will soon be possible. Obtain system rewards, including 5 [Group Blessing Scrolls] and other scrolls, so our advantages on the scrolls are gone. The most important thing is that they have 17 [Battlestars], which makes them too big We have an advantage. With these, we can occupy some of our gang sites."

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