VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3333: : Continue to siege

Because they know that Ye Luo and the others are very difficult to do this time, and the rewards they will get after completing the task will be very generous, which will greatly increase their strength, so Samadhi is not worried about Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology, they are vying for this month. The first place in the'killing game'.

Of course, the most important thing is that Samadhi knows that Ye Luo will upgrade [Blade of Reincarnation] and then merge with [Ghanjiang] after the 360 ​​level 9th ​​revolution. How will his strength improve? She believes that even if Tokyo Mythology is re-equipped 1, Two pieces of national equipment are not a problem, so she naturally doesn't have to worry about this issue.

Misty Rain also knows this, plus seeing that the samādhi poem is so calm and gentle, so she no longer struggles with this question, and then she starts to act according to the samādhi poem's instructions, because she knows that there will be a big battle next.

The [Battlestar] transferred from servers such as Pakistani and Australian servers have cultivated some time in Hongfeng City and restored their tenacity. After that, the Tokyo Mythology did not waste time and started to act-they wanted to take advantage of Yeluo and so on. People get as many benefits as possible before completing the task and cause losses to the alliance of the Chinese server as much as possible. Only in this way can they completely suppress the alliance of the Chinese server, even if Ye Luo and the others complete the task and then participate in the national war.

As Hua Miner and the others analyzed, Tokyo Mythology, they did not have full confidence in destroying the imperial city of Central Asian clothing, or they knew that if they did not have much [Group Blessing Scroll] on their own side, they would have a great deal of action on the imperial city. Big losses, such as the loss of a lot of [Battlestar], so they may not have enough energy to continue attacking other gangs of the Central Asian Service, so they did not rashly attack the Central Asian Service’s imperial city, but attacked a level 5 nearby. Gang resident.

In fact, the most important reason is that Tokyo Mythology they are not going to use [Summon Demon God Scroll] in the Central Asian server, because they are prepared to keep it against the Chinese server-at this time they still did not give up the idea of ​​destroying the Imperial City of the Chinese server, but in their hearts [Summoning the Demon God Scroll] is their biggest killer.

Think about it, Tokyo Mythology, they also know how powerful the Chinese server players are. Even if there are many [Battlestars], they have no confidence that they will destroy the Chinese server’s imperial city. They have more killers in their hearts to be more sure. , And [Summon Demon God Scroll] is undoubtedly the biggest killer.

In addition, in Tokyo Mythology, they are also thinking about occupying more gang sites and hoarding more scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scrolls], so that they have a better chance of destroying the imperial city of Zhongfu.

In addition, Tokyo Mythology can earn points efficiently in the siege. At least they can earn points more efficiently than Eastern Killing, which ranks third in points, which means that they will definitely get this month's next month. The first place in the killing game will then receive a generous reward, and in their hearts this will definitely give them a more chance to compete with Ye Luo and the others and then have the opportunity to destroy the imperial city of the Chinese server.

It is precisely because of these that they are preparing to attack the level 5 gang station first, and the gang station closest to Hongfeng City is undoubtedly the first choice.

And seeing the Tokyo Mythology, they really took a sigh of relief at the 5th level gang resident, especially the players in the Central Asian server, because they knew that they could not withstand the offensive of the enemy alliance at this time. Even if the imperial city of the Central Asian server is used, it may not be possible, and if the imperial city is really destroyed, it will greatly reduce the strength of the alliance of the Chinese server. This is the worst situation.

Although it is currently difficult for them to defend the level 5 gang site, they can delay the time until Yeluo and the others complete their mission and return. The most important thing is that they can use the gang site to destroy some of the enemy alliance [Space Fortress]. Can weaken the strength of the enemy alliance as much as possible, so there is still a great opportunity to keep the imperial city from being destroyed.

Soon Tokyo Mythos arrived at their destination, and the war was about to start.

Although all the [Flying Wings*Nightmare Commander] cavalry and [Storm Unicorns] cavalry were mobilized, especially the fireworks are easy to be cold, they sent players to send tens of thousands of [Dragon Soul Pills] and then tens of thousands more [Flying Wings* Nightmare Commander] Cavalry. Although the Chinese server alliance has more players and has the advantage of defending the city, the enemy alliance’s [Devil Flame Beast] cavalry has more cavalry, plus they have 17 [Space Fortress], the most important The enemy alliance has more awakening skills for combination equipment, so the Chinese server alliance retreats steadily, and ultimately fails to defend the gang resident.

It’s worth mentioning that although today’s Fireworks Yicold arranged for people to send all the [Dragon Soul Pills] that Ye Luo had refined, they did not send any more scrolls, which means that at this time, the Chinese server alliance did not have any scrolls on the scrolls. Advantages, even the system rewards obtained because the Japanese alliance occupied Hongfeng City, but there were more scrolls. This is also one of the reasons why the Chinese server alliance has been losing ground.

The reason why the fireworks are easy to cold does not allow people to bring back [Group Blessing Scrolls] It is not that they did not get the scrolls in this day, but that there are only 3 scrolls, but this is not enough to change the situation, let alone they also need to keep Some scrolls to deal with emergencies-as the mission goes on, the monsters Ye Luo face are getting stronger and stronger, and from time to time they will encounter some small BOSS, the number is still quite large, so you need [Group Blessing Scroll] to Take precautions in case.

Of course, Ye Luo and the others can also use the awakening skills of ultimate moves or combination equipment, but they are worried that they will encounter more powerful BOSS. To deal with these BOSS, they can only rely on the awakening skills of ultimate move and combination equipment, so it is very important to keep these. It is important, and it is necessary to keep some [Group Blessing Scroll].

Of course, the most important thing is that after listening to the samādhi poems, Yi Leng has already judged the next action of the Japanese server alliance and what kind of pressure it will put on the Chinese server alliance. After judging that the Japanese server alliance has already After capturing the imperial city of Central Asia, there is no need to send those three [Group Blessing Scrolls] back.

The fact is also true. Although Samadhi and the others did not resist the Tokyo Myth’s siege, they did not get nothing. For example, when they saw the [Battlestar] siege, they decisively used the awakening skills of combination equipment. And the big move then launched the most violent attack on it, which not only forced Tokyo Mythology to use their combination equipment awakening skills, but also successfully destroyed two [Battlestars].

Although only two [Battlestars] were destroyed, the Samadhi and the others are very content, because every less [Battlestar] the fortress power of the Japanese service alliance will suffer a greater loss. After all, everyone knows the number of fortresses. It is the most difficult to destroy it when the number is the most, but it is easier to destroy it as the number decreases.

What's more, at this time in Tokyo Mythology, they have consumed all the awakening skills of combination equipment, which means that they are no longer able to destroy the imperial city of the Central Asian server. As long as the imperial city can be kept, it means the strength of the alliance of the Chinese server. It will not drop too much, this is the best result.

As for the people in the Japanese service alliance, although they lost 2 [Battlestars], they didn't care much, and even in their minds, the people in the alliance had used the awakening skills of combination equipment and then could destroy 2 [ Battlestar] is normal, especially when there are so many [Flying Wings*Nightmare Commander] and [Storm Unicorns] desperately tearing apart their defenses.

Of course, the most important thing is that in Tokyo Mythology, since the awakening skills of the combination equipment of the Chinese clothing party alliance are all in the CD, it will be very difficult for them to destroy [Battlestar], so they can be unscrupulous. The ground has attacked the city, and it is easier to take down some gang sites, not to mention that the cavalry of one side in the previous battle lost more.

Yes, because they want to destroy the [Battlestar] of the enemy alliance, and Samadhi and they also know that they will try their best to intercept the Tokyo Mythology, so they have to use the most powerful cavalry-[Flying Wing*Nightmare Commander] Cavalry and [ Storm Unicorn] The cavalry charged with all their strength, so even though they created the chance to destroy the [Battlestar] in the end, it also caused the cavalry to have greater casualties and consumption. After seeing these, the Tokyo Mythology naturally felt more profitable. So I don’t care about the loss.

Next, Tokyo Shinhwa did not stop after occupying the level 5 gang station. They continued to work on other gang stations. At this time, in Tokyo Shinhwa, what they had to do was to occupy as many gang stations as possible. Hoarding more [Group Blessing Scrolls] and other scrolls, and only in this way can they have a greater advantage and then be able to completely suppress the alliance between China and the server.

In addition, in the previous battles, Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology actively launched attacks. With their strength, they killed many players from the Chinese server alliance and gained a lot of points. In this regard, they are better than Dongfang Tiantian. With more points, thinking that there is a big chance to win the first place in this month's "killing game", so they are naturally more keen to continue to attack the gang station of the Chinese server alliance.

"Little poetry girl, now our people have exhausted all the combo-type equipment awakening skills, so it will be a little difficult to destroy their [Battlestar]." Bacchus Dukang said solemnly: "Although the enemy alliance The loss is also great, but they still have a great advantage. Next, I am afraid that we alone have no power to prevent them from occupying our gang site. In the long run, the system rewards they receive will be very generous, and they may accumulate to a certain extent. It can pose a great threat to us and even completely suppress us."

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