VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3334: : The Confusion Project

Although we destroyed the two [Battlestars] of the enemy alliance in the previous garrison, it consumed all the awakening skills of combination equipment, and I wanted to destroy some more [Battlestars] without the killer. Undoubtedly, it is very difficult, and as far as the enemy alliance has so many [Battlestars], it can always occupy the gang resident of the Chinese server alliance.

Occupying a level 5 gang resident can get very rich rewards, but there are 5 [Group Blessing Scrolls]. If the enemy alliance hoards too many scrolls in this way, then it is really possible to suppress the middle service, even if Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng and the others may not be able to reverse the situation when they return to support, and this is the most worrying issue of Bacchus Du Kang and Feng Xing.

"Although they can't stop them from occupying our side of the gang, but because they also consume all the awakening skills of combination equipment, so the pressure they face in the next siege may not be much less than ours, don't forget them The awakening skills of the combination equipment we have are a bit more than ours, which means that their consumption was greater than ours before." Samadhi Shi said, when she said these, a smile evoked her mouth: "That is to say. Next, we may not be able to destroy their [Battlestar], but it can cause greater casualties and further consumption to them."

"At least after they have consumed all the awakening skills of combination equipment, they are no longer able to attack the imperial city of the Central Asian server. As long as the imperial city is not destroyed, we can still bear the result of losing some gang resident sites." Samadhi added: "What's more, we still have some chances to destroy some [Battlestars] under the circumstances that we deliberately targeted."

"That's it, but don't forget that they occupy more and more gang sites, which means that they can get more and more [Group Blessing Scrolls] tomorrow, but we can no longer get the scrolls." Feng Xing Shen He said: "If the amount of [Group Blessing Scrolls] they have accumulated reaches a certain level, coupled with the assistance of [Battlestar], they still have a chance to destroy our side of the fortress."

Bacchus Dukang and others also thought of this problem, and their expressions became more solemn for a while.

"Yes, at the moment, the enemy alliance can at least take a day to capture our 4 5th level gang sites, so there are as many as 20 in the [Group Blessing Scroll]. This is a very powerful force. Coupled with other scrolls, they will be able to occupy more of our gang sites more easily tomorrow, and even destroy our imperial city in the future." Nangong Yunlong said solemnly, and his tone was full of worry when he said this.

"No, as they attack the city, they will consume more and more casualties, and their strength will naturally become weaker and weaker. It will naturally be more difficult if they want to attack the city, so they may not be able to Conquering so many of our gang sites." Samadhi shook her head, thinking of something, her tone changed: "In addition, there is one thing I haven't told you, and that is that Ye Luo and the others can get some scrolls every day..."

Samadhi poem briefly explained the situation, of course, she only said this to a limited number of people. After all, too many people knew that these might cause some accidents, which was not what she wanted to see.

After listening to the samādhi poems about Ye Luo and the others doing the task, the Bacchus Dukang's eyes lit up, and his voice increased a bit: "Just kill the mobs to get various scrolls, and there is even the [group purification scroll] This is a rare type of scroll, which means that fireworks must have some scrolls in their hands at this time. After all, it has been a day since they returned the scrolls yesterday. Why do they not send back some scrolls this time?"

"Yes, if there are more scrolls, maybe the previous battle will not only destroy the two [Battlestars] of the enemy alliance." Feng Xingdao, his tone was full of doubts when he said these.

"Ye Luo and the others are not very lucky. One day has passed and only three [Group Blessing Scrolls] have been obtained, but this scroll is not enough to change the previous situation." Samadhi poetry said, seeing the Dionysian Du Kang and others disappointed. She smiled: "But Ye Luo and the others get more other scrolls, such as [Group Guard Scroll], [Group Teleport Scroll] and so on, which means that if they are lucky, they can get a lot more. [Group Blessing Scroll], so there is no need to worry about too few scrolls."

"Even if there are only 3 [Group Blessing Scrolls] can be sent back, these can more or less change the situation..." Long Jie said, but she was interrupted before she finished speaking.

"Since the firework beauty hasn't been sent back, she definitely has her plan, maybe she has a more far-reaching plan." Long Tengtian said, while talking to her while looking at the samaya, it was self-evident.

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up, and then they looked at the samādhi poem expectantly.

"The fireworks really have some plans. For example, she wants to stock up more [Group Blessing Scrolls] and send them back." Sanmai Shizhenshou lightly tapped, and as she spoke, she looked at Tokyo Shinhwa and others: "Fireworks mean Next, we have to consume as much of the enemy alliance as possible, such as consuming their ultimatums, consuming their [Group Blessing Scrolls], and after exhausting them, we suddenly use those scrolls. The effect is definitely not ordinary, at least better than now. It would be better to send those scrolls back."

"Well, that's right, because that can confuse the people of the enemy alliance and make them mistakenly think that we have also consumed all the scrolls. In this case, they will be more unscrupulous in attacking the city, and will use [Battlestar] as the main force and continue to charge. At the forefront." The Dongfang star nodded, and said that a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: "In this case, we suddenly use [Group Blessing Scroll] and some [Group Purification Scrolls], the effect will be better. It must be able to destroy more of them [Battlestar]."

"The biggest threat to us by the enemy alliance is the [Battlestar]. If we can destroy more, then our pressure will be much less, so that they will not only have the power to destroy our imperial city, but even capture us. The gang resident will be a lot more difficult, until there is no more power to conquer." Dongfang Mingxing added.

Everyone is smart, and they soon thought of this, and they also fully understood why the fireworks Yi Leng deliberately kept some scrolls and didn't send them back.

"It's really a good plan, I am worthy of the fireworks sister." Ye Yu Feifei praised sincerely, and then her tone changed: "I hope Ye Luo brothers can get more [Group Blessing Scrolls]. After all, we will get more The more scrolls, the more you can suddenly destroy the enemy alliance [Battlestar]."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and they all looked forward to it.

Not to mention the samādhi, they are expecting to wait for the fireworks Yi Leng to send people back [Group Blessing Scroll] and other scrolls, let's talk about the situation of Ye Luo and the others.

"Tokyo Mythology, they will continue to attack the gang station of the Central Asian Service, and they have the strength to do so." After hearing the news that the gang station of the Central Asian Service was occupied, Qin Xin said: "I don't know the battlefield now. What's going on here? After all, there are still so many [Battlestars] in the enemy alliance, and the pressure on our people must be great."

"Yes." Po Lang Chengfeng said, she was a little irritable when she said this: "If the punishment for abandoning the mission were not too harsh, I would have given up the mission a long time ago. I can bear watching them take our gang resident. No, especially they will pose a great threat to the imperial city of our alliance."

"Don't worry, although the gang resident is occupied, the loss of the enemy alliance will certainly be great." Ye Luo said with confidence: "The worst of Tokyo Mythology, they will also have a greater consumption, and even lose some [ Battlestar], although they will continue to occupy some gang sites in the future, they are definitely unable to occupy the imperial city of the Central Asian server, let alone occupy our imperial city, and as long as no imperial city is occupied, then all problems It's not a problem."

"But we are not sure if they are capable of occupying our imperial city..." Black and white chess said, but she was interrupted before she finished speaking.

"Don't worry, they must not have the ability to capture the imperial city. This is destined from the moment they set out to attack the gang station of the Central Asia Service." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, although his voice was soft but sure: "Because even though the enemy alliance has a lot of However, they are the siege party after all. I believe that Sister Shi and the others will definitely try to consume each other and make them lose. Not surprisingly, they must consume a lot of awakening skills of combination equipment, and once so, they will naturally There is no power to attack the imperial city."

"Well, that's true." Midnight Shu took the stubborn words: "Unsurprisingly, they really can't destroy the imperial city of the Central Asian server, let alone ours."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, he continued: "In addition, Sister Fireworks also discussed with Sister Shi about the strategy of a hostile alliance, first to confuse them and then use multiple scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scrolls] to launch the strongest attack, hey, this kind of Under the circumstances, it can certainly destroy some [Battlestars] of the enemy alliance. Maybe you are lucky enough to kill some players with national weapons in the enemy alliance. This will greatly weaken their strength. I am afraid that they will be next. There will never be a chance to occupy our imperial city, nor even a chance to occupy the gang resident on our side."

At this time, breaking the waves and riding the wind, they naturally also know the plans of the fireworks and the samādhi, and they all look forward to hearing this.

"Of course, the premise of everything is how many [Group Blessing Scrolls] and other scrolls we can get next, which greatly affects the next actions..." Fireworks Yi said coldly.

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