Firework Yi Leng is very aware of the tactics developed by Samadhi. Naturally, the key to this tactic is how many [Group Blessing Scrolls] and other scrolls they can send back. At this time, the number of scrolls in their hands is obviously not enough.

"That's true. The number of scrolls we send back next is directly related to how much they can destroy the enemy alliance [Battlestar], and this has a great impact on the situation." Breaking the waves and riding the wind said, and then her tone changed. : "But we don't have many scrolls in our hands, especially the [Group Blessing Scrolls] only have 4 or 5, which is far from enough."

It’s been some time since the fireworks Yi Leng sent someone back to [Dragon Soul Pill]. During these times, Ye Luo and the others broke out some scrolls for killing monsters, but the number is still small, such as only 4 or 5 [Group Blessing Scrolls] ] Obviously, it didn't help much for the next action.

"Yes, the scrolls are a bit less." Midnight Shu took the stubborn words, and frowned slightly when he said this: "But now the explosion rate of these monsters seems to be much lower than before, if it was the time before. At least half of the reels can be added."

"If you kill too many monsters, the burst rate will decrease. This is what you and I have known for a long time." Sitting on Qin Xin explained.

"Then what to do, if the number of scrolls is not enough for Sister Shi, their actions will be in vain." Zhiyue was full of worries.

"Next, we will focus on attacking monsters of the quasi-BOSS level. At this time, we are not killing many monsters of this level, and the explosion rate has not been affected." Ye Luo said, while looking at the quasi-BOSS in the distance. : "In addition, the explosion rate of BOSS-level monsters was originally higher. Next, we will kill more quasi-BOSS and we will be able to explode multiple scrolls, maybe it will be enough."

"This is a good way. The mission this time is very strange. Monsters will keep refreshing. The same is true for BOSS-level monsters. At least the quasi-BOSS-level monsters are like this. Naturally, we will hunt more quasi-bosses to get the benefits. More." The first nod in support.

"But the quasi-BOSS here is very powerful. After all, this is only one grade worse than the top ten demon-level BOSS. It is not so easy to kill it. We need to use a lot of methods, and even encounter two quasi-boss. Together, we have to perform big moves, especially these BOSS have a lot of powerful and large-scale group attack skills, which causes a lot of trouble for us..." June Feixue said, but she was interrupted before she finished speaking.

"Anyway, we can't go out, and the mission is not the last day. It doesn't make much sense to keep the big move. In order to kill more BOSS and then get more scrolls, it can be fully displayed, and even if necessary, you can also use the awakening of combination equipment. Skills are wasted if you don't use them." Po Lang Chengfeng said indifferently.

"That's right." Ye Luo nodded, and then his tone changed: "As for the BOSS with a lot of group attack skills, it is easy. Next, I will deal with the BOSS with Feng, Xiaoshu, Sunset, Fireworks, and Qin. Deal with these mobs so that our treatment pressure will be greatly reduced."

I still have confidence in the strength of Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng and others, and know that this is the best way to deal with BOSS with multiple group attack skills, so June Feixue did not say anything, and started to act separately. stand up.

I have to say that Yeluo and Po Lang Chengfeng are very powerful at this time. Just a few people can resist the attacks of those quasi-boss, even if they are just a boss, they don’t need to use big moves or use the [Group Blessing Scroll]. They accidentally lead to two bosses and they only need one or two people to perform their big moves to stabilize the situation, at least they don't have to worry about being killed.

As Ye Luo said, the explosion rate of the quasi-boss is very high, but the first BOSS killed has 2 [Group Blessing Scrolls] and 1 [Group Teleportation Scrolls], plus the BOSS also broke out separately A [Group Purification Scroll] and [Group Acceleration Scroll], in general, the explosion rate of the BOSS is still very good, which does not count the materials and some equipment exploded by the BOSS.

Yes, in addition to scrolls and various materials, BOSS will also burst some equipment, and there are also pet equipment, although most of them are fairy-level, but occasionally there will be a god-level, but these equipment is also considered very good. The equipment is out.

Seeing that the explosion rate of the BOSS is so high, they are excited about breaking the waves and riding the wind, and then continue to look for the boss to kill, so they get more and more scrolls and equipment, especially once they have attracted 3 heads at once. Quasi-boss, it was only after Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng and Midnight Shu performed their big moves before they successfully killed him.

Although it consumes a lot of big moves, killing so many BOSSs at once is still very good. For example, there are only 3 [Group Blessing Scrolls], plus 2 [Group Purification Scrolls] and 2 God-level pet equipment , This burst can be considered very rich.

Not to mention that Ye Luo and the others hunted the monsters with all their strength and then obtained various scrolls and equipment props. Moreover, the Tokyo Mythology did not stop after occupying a level 5 gang station in the Central Asian server. They chose a gang station nearby to start , And this time the goal is still a level 5 gang resident.

Although the number of [Battlestar] is two less than before, although the Tokyo Mythology consumes all the awakening skills of combination equipment, the consumption of the Chinese server alliance is also very large, especially the remaining [groups of the Chinese server alliance] Scroll of Blessing] There are not many scrolls left, so it is not difficult for the alliance of the Japanese server to occupy this gang resident, even without losing a [Battlestar].

Of course, the Japanese server alliance is not without losses. At least a lot of players who attacked the city were killed, but the Tokyo Mythology didn’t care much about it, because in their hearts, as long as the [Battlestar] is not destroyed and can be easily occupied The loss of the gang station of the Chinese server side alliance is completely worth it, especially when they occupy multiple gang stations in their hearts and then hoard a large number of scrolls. They can definitely destroy the Central Asian server and even the Chinese server’s imperial city, so they don’t care about these losses. Up.

In addition, the points of Dark Night and Tokyo Myths have also stabilized the East Killing the Sky. Not to mention Ye Luo. Not surprisingly, Tokyo Myths and Dark Nights will definitely be the first place in this month's "killing game". Then they get rich rewards, and this also makes them more confident, and they won't stop acting at this time.

That’s right, then Tokyo Shinhwa led their army to the nearby gang once again, and some even directly proposed to attack the imperial city of Central Asia, but the proposal was rejected by Tokyo Shinhwa because they also knew it. At that time, their state was not enough to destroy the imperial city, even the imperial city of Central Asia.

However, in Tokyo Mythology, they have accumulated multiple scrolls and their combination equipment awakening skills. After the CD is over, they will definitely have the opportunity to destroy the imperial city of Central Asia, and they don’t need to use the [Summon Demon God Scroll] at all. This will get more rewards than occupying the 5th level gang resident, and they will look forward to it after the strength of the Central Asian server is greatly reduced.

Of course, the Tokyo Mythology has a further plan, such as destroying the imperial city of the Chinese server, because they also know that only in this way can they completely suppress the Chinese server and make the alliance of the Chinese server no longer have the power to reverse the situation, but they also Knowing that this matter needs a long-term discussion, fortunately, they still have a good chance from the current point of view. After all, they can easily occupy the gang resident of the Central Asian Service and receive more generous rewards.

Compared with the excitement and anticipation of the players in the Japanese server alliance, the players in the Chinese server alliance are a bit low and worried. After all, only a few people such as Samadhi and others know the next plan at this time, so other people see their own side like this. They lost a gang resident, and they have not destroyed the enemy alliance’s [Battlestar], which naturally made them feel some despair, especially since they also know that if this continues, the Japanese server alliance will hoard a lot of scrolls and then have the strength to destroy it. Their imperial city.

"The beauty of poetry, this time the siege enemy alliance did not use many scrolls. Obviously they have been exhausted." A player in the Central Asian server said, and when he said these, his tone was full of worry: "We Is it time to act, or our losses will be too great."

Without waiting for the samādhi poem to speak, he continued: "The most important thing is that the more gangs occupied by the enemy alliance, the more generous the rewards they will receive tomorrow. Especially they will get many scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scrolls]. The number of scrolls will be far less than them, so we will still have a big disadvantage against them, maybe they can really destroy our imperial city, so the loss will be even greater."

This person’s words were immediately echoed by many people, not only the players of the Central Asian server, but also the players of other servers, especially the players bordering on the Central Asian server, because they were worried that it would be their turn after the Central Asian server. Become the goal of the Japanese service party alliance.

"It's not the time yet." Samadhi shook his head: "Because we are still not sure if the people of the enemy alliance have hidden some scrolls privately, if they do so, then we want to destroy their [Space Fortress] ] It’s not that easy."

"Remember, [Battlestar] is their greatest support. As long as we can destroy most of their fortresses, they will not pose much threat to us, even if they have more scrolls than us at that time, at least they don’t have any. What opportunity to destroy our imperial city?" Samadhi Shi added.

"Yes." The Eastern Star took the stubbornly: "What's more, although we failed to destroy their [Battlestar] in the defense of the city before, their fortress toughness has decreased a bit, which is still very useful for our next actions. Influenced..."

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