VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3336: : Ready to act

As the Eastern Star said, although the players in the Chinese server alliance did not destroy the opponent's [Battlestar] in the previous operation, they also destroyed a lot of the toughness of the fortress, and the less the toughness of the fortress is. The easier it will be to destroy them in the next action.

"But the people of the enemy alliance are not fools. Seeing that the toughness of [Battlestar] is reduced, it is very likely that they will repair the fortress first, and then act after the repair. Isn't it meaningless if we continue to drag." A player in the Central Asian server was not very angry.

"It's up to us to confuse them." Ye Yu Fei answered on her behalf. Seeing the doubts of the surrounding players, she continued: "If our next defensive strength is weaker than before, then let the enemy The people in the Fang Alliance took over the gang’s resident more easily, so they would be confused, and then they would be eager to attack the next target without first repairing [Battlestar], so our chance would come naturally, after all. People from the enemy alliance can’t wait to occupy our gang’s quarters. The more the better."

Hearing this, everyone nodded. They also know how urgent the enemy alliance is. In this case, maybe they are not going to repair [Battlestar], especially in their hearts that they can crush the Central Asian suit. Gang resident.

"But what if they are not fooled but choose to restore [Battlestar] to its peak state?" One player mentioned this question.

This question made Ye Yu Feifei silent, because she also knew that if this were the case, then they would not only have no effect, but would lose more gang sites, and the loss would be even greater.

"At the worst, we can delay some more time." Samadhi said, without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "And delaying time has a lot of benefits for us, because they have increased their hands on fireworks, which means they Next, they will get more scrolls, which means that the longer the delay, the more scrolls they have, and then we will destroy those [Battlestars] more easily."

If Ye Yu Fei Fei and Eastern Stars cannot subdue these people, then samādhi poems will definitely be able to do it, because samādhi poems control scrolls such as the [Group Blessing Scroll]. Without such scrolls, their next plans would not work at all. This is just the point. They also need to follow the arrangement of the samādhi poems, not to mention that they also know that the samādhi poems are true.

Even so, the players of the Central Asia server are still quite worried, and Samadhi also sees all this, she continues: "Don't worry, it will not delay for too long, at most let them occupy one or two gangs. , We will act after ensuring that all the scrolls in their hands are consumed, and we need everyone not to worry about consumption at that time."

"Don't worry, as long as we can destroy their [Battlestar], then we have more losses and it is completely worth it." Long Teng Tianxia took the lead in expressing his position, and everyone after him also expressed their views.

Because the people in the Japanese server alliance are still some distance away from the next goal, it will take some time, so the players in the Chinese server alliance don't need to be too anxious to defend. After all, they don't know which Tokyo Mythic they will choose. It’s not too late for the gang to take action at the resident.

And then the people in the Chinese service party alliance did not idle, many people found the samādhi, and their purpose is very simple, that is, they want to buy some [Flying Wings*Nightmare Commander] cavalry from the Misty Pavilion.

Everyone has seen the strength of [Flying Wing*Nightmare Commander] cavalry, but it is no surprise that it is the first-standard cavalry of the whole day. Facing such a powerful mount, the major gangs and even the major servers naturally want to buy some, after all This will also greatly increase their strength. In everyone's hearts, being strong is the most fundamental, and can deal with all kinds of accidents to the maximum.

In order to purchase some [Flying Wing*Nightmare Commander], those people paid a great price, and even the conditions offered by some people made the samādhi poetry be thrilled.

Of course, Samadhi will not be confused by these conditions and will sell [Flying Wing*Nightmare Commander], but she did not directly refuse for the unity of the alliance relationship, and she is also very smart, and directly kicked the'ball' to it. Fireworks are easy to get cold and break the waves and ride the wind. She bluntly said that she can't sit on the Lord, and she needs to ask them for their opinions, and even suggested that they go directly to the waves and ride the wind, and fireworks are easy to cold.

Naturally, I also know that the real masters of the Misty Pavilion are breaking the waves and riding the wind, and the fireworks are easy to be cold, so although everyone is disappointed that they can’t buy the mount from the samādhi, they don’t bear any grudges. Then go to discuss the matter of purchasing the mount.

Not to mention this, let’s say that the Tokyo Mythology they chose another target to do it, and what made Samadhi and them excited is that they did not wait for the [Battlestar] to be completely repaired before they acted. The reason for this is that the players in the Japanese server alliance are common Think that the Chinese server alliance has no power to destroy their [Battlestar]. After all, the players of the Chinese server alliance have consumed all the awakening skills of combination equipment and consumed all the scrolls.

Yes, there are some careful people among them in Tokyo Mythology. Naturally, they also pay attention to the consumption of the players in the alliance of the Chinese server. Seeing that they did not use the scrolls in the previous garrison, they judged that they consumed all the scrolls, so they naturally There is nothing to worry about being destroyed [Battlestar].

Think about it, too, the speed of [Battlestar] is very fast, and only players who are awakened with big moves and combination equipment or players who use [group acceleration scroll] can catch up, and since it is determined that the Chinese server side The Alliance doesn’t have all kinds of scrolls and all combo equipment. The awakening skills are in the CD. So naturally, there is no need to worry that [Battlestar] will be overtaken. As long as it is not overtaken, naturally it will not be destroyed. So in [Battlestar] When there is not much tenacity left, it is completely too late to withdraw.

Tokyo Mythology didn't know about Samadhi's plan, otherwise they wouldn't be so careless.

Of course, Samadhi and they hope to do so, even after seeing this scene, the players in the Central Asian server who were still quite criticized do not say anything, because they also know that the toughness of those [Battlestars] is destroyed more. It will be easier to destroy it next.

It didn’t take long for the Tokyo Mythology and they came to the next target, and then they continued to attack the city. This time they attacked the city more smoothly, even smoother than before. For example, not only did they not get destroyed [Battlestar], but also The casualties were also much less than before, which made them excited, but after occupying that gang site, they did not stop, and couldn't wait to go to the next gang site.

According to the samādhi of the direction of the [Battlestar], it is easy to determine where the next goal of the Japanese server alliance is. At this time, the players in the Central Asian server once again searched for the samādhi, and what they did was naturally next. Do you want to take action?

Samadhi's words to them are also very simple, that is, wait, wait for the toughness of the enemy alliance’s [Battlestar] to consume more, wait for Ye Luo and the others to get more scrolls, of course, her most direct reason is more Simple-the fireworks are easy to cold, and no one has been sent to send the scrolls back.

Since the fireworks Yi-cold didn't send the scroll back, even if the samādhi wanted to start an action, it was impossible, so they could only continue to wait.

In this way, the Central Asian server has two 5th level gang sites occupied. After obtaining so many benefits, the players of the Japanese server alliance are even more excited, especially when they see that they have occupied so many gang sites so easily, so they Naturally, they won't take a break, after all, continuing to act will make them gain more and more benefits, so they continue to siege the city, and still haven't restored those [Battlestar] to their peak state.

"Fireworks, many [Battlestars] have less than 50% tenacity, and they have already occupied 4 gang sites on our side, and they are all level 5 gang sites. This means that tomorrow they will only be [Group Blessing Scroll]. There are 20. If this continues, they will get more scrolls. If they are to a certain extent, maybe they are really capable of capturing our imperial city." Bacchus Dukang said solemnly, after a short pause, he continued: "We can't do it anymore. Procrastination continues, it's time to act."

Nodding his head, Samadhi said: "Well, it's almost there, we can make preparations next."

Hearing this, everyone was very excited, and then they acted according to their previous arrangements.

"Beauty Poetry, how many scrolls did they send back with the firework beauties this time?" Inviting Yue toasted expectantly and asked: "[Group Blessing Scrolls] Are there 5? Hey, as long as there are 5 Scroll we have 500 people able to withstand this state, and then we will have the opportunity to destroy some of the enemy alliance’s [Battlestars]."

Because the number of scrolls is related to the next action, Inviting Yue to raise a glass is very concerned about this matter, not just him, the players who know this about you in the Chinese server alliance want to know how many scrolls will be sent back this time. .

"There are 12 [Group Blessing Scrolls], 5 [Group Acceleration Scrolls], 4 [Group Purification Scrolls], and other scrolls such as [Group Teleportation Scrolls]..." The Samadhi poem did not conceal, one by one. The number of reels is said.

"Oh my god, brother Ye Luo they actually got so many scrolls?!" Longteng's voice increased a little bit: "Hey, this is good, we have so many scrolls, plus our sudden action, tusk, next We must be able to destroy their [Space Fortress] seven or eighty-eight, and maybe we can destroy all of them. At the very least, they should be unable to capture our gang camp anymore."

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