VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3337: : Detailed tactics

In the heart of Yueyue toast and others, as long as the fireworks are easy to get cold, they will send back 5 [Group Blessing Scrolls] and some [Group Acceleration Scrolls] and [Group Purification Scrolls] are enough to destroy the enemy alliance’s [Battlestar], but They don’t want fireworks to get cold. The number of scrolls they sent back far exceeded their expectations. There were as many as 12 of the [Group Blessing Scrolls] alone, which gave them a lot of confidence, and even confident that they could take the enemy’s [Space Fortress]. ] Destroy everything.

After learning that the fireworks are easy to cold and they sent back so many scrolls, other people are also excited, especially the players of the Central Asian server. At this time, they are also a little lucky that they did not do it in advance. After all, delay these time and get more scrolls. Let them move more smoothly, even they think that this time there are many big opportunities to destroy the enemy alliance’s [Battlestar], even if it can’t, it can destroy them seven or eight, so the enemy alliance can not only destroy them. The imperial city has no chance to occupy their gang resident anymore.

"Xiao Shi, since they have sent back so many scrolls with fireworks, let's hurry up and start the action." Bacchus Dukang couldn't wait to be honest, and many people agreed after he said it.

But she didn’t want the samādhi to be in a hurry. She smiled slightly and said, “Wait a minute, we have to develop more detailed tactics. After all, the number of scrolls we obtained this time is somewhat more than expected. We naturally need to develop more perfect tactics. , So that we can destroy as many [Battlestars] of the enemy alliance as much as possible."

At the beginning, everyone was a little anxious, especially the players of the Central Asian server. After all, waiting means that they are likely to lose another gang resident. However, after hearing the second half of the samādhi poem, they forced themselves to hold back and did not speak, because They also know that they can be truly safe only by destroying as many of the enemy alliance as possible [Battlestar].

"Then what shall we do next?" Fengxing asked curiously.

"Showing that the enemy uses weakness to lure the enemy into a deep urn to catch turtles." Samadhi said, seeing only a few players such as Ye Yu Fei Fei, Dongfang Star and so on, showing a dazed look, she continued: "The meaning is very simple, that's us. Continue to show the enemy's weakness to confuse them, such as deliberately relaxing the defense of the frontal attack of [Battlestar], so that people from the enemy alliance can easily enter the city, and at this time, there are still our occupations on both sides of the breached city wall. The city wall and a large number of our players, when the time comes, we will forcibly close the gap, and then we will be able to attack and even surround those [Battlestars] back and forth..."

"Yes, yes, this will destroy as many [Battlestars] as much as possible, and even have a great chance of destroying them all!" The Thousand Miles Cycling Riding Alone was quite exhilarating, as he said, he looked at everyone: " If it was that we were not sure to plug the gap before, but now it’s different. We have got so many reels, especially 12 [Group Blessing Reels], and 2 or 3 will be given to the players on both sides of the gap. With the addition of a large number of [Flying Wings*Nightmare Commander] Cavalry and [Storm Unicorn] Cavalry, there must be no problem blocking the gap."

"The worst can be blocked for 10 minutes. These time is enough for us to destroy a lot of [Battlestar]." Qianli Zouqi added.

"Yes, it is no problem to plug the gap, especially the fireworks they sent back 5,000 [Dragon Soul Pills]." Samadhi Shi added, seeing everyone happy, she continued: "This is the best I think at the moment. It is possible to destroy the enemy alliance [Battlestar] tactics. Do you have any suggestions or points out the shortcomings of this tactic?"

"There is no better suggestion, but there seems to be one shortcoming." Suddenly listening to the song at the moon, she continued without waiting for the samādhi poem to ask, "What if the enemy alliance's people occupy a wall and then attack the city? So? There is no such thing as a gap, or that the gap is too big and we can’t plug it at all, so we won’t be able to attack those [Battlestars] back and forth."

"Well, this is indeed a problem." Feng Xingdao, while speaking, looked at the Samadhi and others, it was self-evident.

"We have successively captured many of our gang sites, and the morale of the enemy alliance players is high. At this time, they will not be so cautious but directly rush to the heart of the city, because this can occupy our wall in the shortest time. "The Eastern star pondered for a moment and said: "At this time, the people of the enemy alliance are more anxious than us. They are anxious to occupy as many of our gang sites as possible. In their hearts, so many [Battlestars] entering the city is considered the overall decision. Yes, so they will naturally not waste time occupying the walls on both sides."

"That's right." Ye Yu Feifei took the words: "If we show weakness further, such as retreating steadily by that time, then the enemy alliance people will not be able to stop the attack and rush directly into the city. Naturally it is just as we planned."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "In fact, it doesn’t matter if they are not fooled. The siege will further reduce their [Battlestar] toughness, and we have obtained so many scrolls, and then forcefully attack their [Battlestar]. ] Definitely can destroy a lot or even all of them, and the tactics like Sister Shi's are more secure."

The people are still very confident about this, especially after they learned that the fireworks are easy to be cold and they sent back so many scrolls, so they are not worried about this problem, not to mention the people who analyze the enemy alliance according to the Eastern Stars are likely to break one After the gap, we will drive straight ahead, which means that the previous plan is likely to be implemented as scheduled.

"Yes, this question is not a problem, because no matter whether they are fooled or not, we have the opportunity to destroy their fortress." Samadhi said, after a short pause, she continued: "Next is the specific arrangement, I recommend against [groups] Players in the state of Blessing Scroll] and the state of [Group Acceleration Scroll] attack the enemy alliance’s [Battlestar] with all their strength. After all, only players with two scroll states can catch up to the fortress."

Seeing everyone nodding, she continued: "Other players in the state of [Crowd Blessing Scroll] will separate some of the gaps to block the retreat of [Battlestar], and the rest will assist in attacking [Battlestar], such as if you have a chance. Attacking the fortress, of course, the most important task of these people is to intercept those who stop us."

Everyone was very clear about such tactics, so soon everyone reached an agreement, and the next thing to do is to implement it as planned.

Soon the players of the enemy alliance led a large army to kill, and they did not wait. They concentrated their forces to attack the city. For a time, many cavalry charged bravely under the cover of [Battlestar], and soon opened a gap in the front wall—— Of course, this has nothing to do with the players in the Chinese server alliance deliberately showing weakness in order to lure the enemy into deeper.

At this time, the Samadhi and they began to feel a little nervous. They eagerly hope that the enemy alliance members will go straight ahead, so that they have a greater certainty to destroy the enemy alliance more [Battlestar] and even destroy them all-although the enemy alliance does not In the case of being fooled, the Samadhi they can also destroy some [Battlestars], but they must be much less than the former, so they naturally hope that the people of the enemy alliance will be fooled.

I have to say that Eastern Stars still know the psychology of the enemy alliance very well. The players of the enemy alliance are very eager to occupy the gang resident of the Chinese server alliance. The more the better, so see the people of the Chinese server alliance. After the defeat, they did not continue to occupy the walls on both sides. Instead, they drove straight into the city and directly killed the heart of the city. In the Tokyo mythology, their strength has already crushed the middle service side at this time, and they can use so many [Battlestars]. Easily kill to the heart of the city. As long as you occupy the heart of the city, you can occupy the gang resident. This is the fastest and most efficient way to occupy the gang resident.

"Hey, they really rushed directly to the heart of the city, and they didn't occupy the walls on both sides of the gap at all!" Yixiao Hongchen told Samadhi and others about this for the first time, which also inspired them.

"That's right, so we have the opportunity to destroy all of their [Battlestars]." Samadhi said, calming down a bit, and she gave the order: "Smile, cross the walls in the enemy alliance's [Battlestar]. After that, you are responsible for leading all the [Flying Wings*Nightmare Commander] cavalry to block their way. Don’t be stingy [Group Blessing Scroll], use all the 4 scrolls I gave you, and even use it if necessary. [ Crowd Purification Scroll] and then perform its big moves."

I also know how important it is to block the retreat of those [Battlestars], so the samādhi gave a lot of scrolls to the smile, and this also ensures that they can complete the task-think about it, although it seems that the fireworks are easy to cold and they send them back There are many scrolls, especially the [Group Blessing Scrolls], but they must use 5 [Group Blessing Scrolls] to deal with [Battlestar] in Samadhi. After all, there are 5 [Group Speeding Scrolls], so it can be distributed to other players. There are only 7 left, and Yixiao Hongchen directly divided them into 4, which shows how important the Samadhi and the others are to blocking the [Battlestar] retreat.

"Understood, promise to complete the task." A smile said Hongchen categorically, and then he didn't say much, and took people to prepare to go.

"Hey, I didn't expect people from the enemy alliance to be so aggressive. This gives us a chance." Yaoyue raised a glass and smiled: "After holding back for so long, this time I can finally breathe out a bad breath."

"Do you want to get too excited, remember that you must not be stingy with your skills in the future, and have any killer tricks to show as much as possible." Samadhi asked: "Because there is no accident, then Tokyo Mythology will try their best to keep those [Battlestars], no one. I don’t know what killer they have in their hands, so we can’t keep them."

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