VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3338: : Destroy the fortress

The [Battlestar] of the Japanese server alliance drove straight into the city without occupying the walls on both sides. This is just as the samādhi and the others predicted before. After learning about these, the players of the Chinese server alliance are excited, because in this case they The Battlestar that can destroy the enemy alliance as much as possible.

At present, the battlestar of the enemy alliance is the most important force that threatens the Chinese alliance. Once it is destroyed, no, even destroying most of it will make the enemy alliance unable to attack the Chinese alliance's emperor. City, even unable to conquer the gang resident, after thinking of these, it is no wonder that the players in the Chinese server alliance will be so excited.

But at this time, Samadhi was quite calm, and she urged everyone not to be stingy and destroy as many [Battlestars] as much as possible.

Everyone knew that this was a rare opportunity, so naturally they wouldn't care about it, and they all ordered it.

When they said this in the samādhi, the enemy alliance’s [Battlestar] all rushed into the city, and rushed straight to the heart of the city, followed by a large number of players from the Japanese server alliance, including [Devil Flame Beast] cavalry. After all, the Tokyo Mythology also knew that it would be difficult to occupy the gang station in front of them only with [Battlestar].

Seeing that all the [Battlestars] rushed into the city, they knew that the time had come, and then they gave the order to act. The first to act was the cavalry led by Yixiao Hongchen, Ouyang Feiri, and Dongfang Zhantian, [Fly] Wing*Nightmare Commander], [Storm Unicorn] Cavalry, these cavalry brazenly rushed into the breach that had been breached before, and then divided the enemy inside and outside the city into two parts.

Seeing this scene, Tokyo Mythology had an ominous premonition in their hearts, but they were not too worried. Then the people who commanded them continued to rush forward. After all, as long as they can destroy the heart of the city in their hearts, they can occupy it. This gang resident, so all problems can be easily solved.

However, after seeing the strength of Samadhi and others suddenly soaring and then judging that they used the [Group Blessing Scroll] and [Group Acceleration Scroll], Tokyo Mythology's look became difficult to look at, especially when hundreds of thousands of people were found. After following the state of [Group Blessing Scroll], they realized that they had been deceived.

At this time, Tokyo Mythology is only 2,300 meters away from the heart of the city where the gang is based, but at this time, the Space Department players on the Chinese server side decisively used [Space Enchantment] to protect the heart of the city, which means Within 10 minutes, the players of the Japanese server alliance cannot destroy the heart of the city at all, so naturally they cannot occupy the gang’s residence, nor can they protect [Battlestar] from being destroyed in this way-if it were the previous Tokyo myths, they It’s completely possible to occupy the gang’s resident and use the system’s energy shield to drive out the players from the Chinese alliance. So their [Battlestar] will be safe, even if the samādhi and others are wearing [Group Blessing Scroll] and other states or combinations The same is true for the awakening skills of similar equipment.

But now this path doesn't work anymore, and they know even more that within 10 minutes they must have destroyed a lot of [Battlestar].

"Quickly, order our cavalry to charge with all their strength and occupy the city wall as much as possible. At the worst, we must break through a gap and let our [Battlestar] rush out!" Long Ying judged this in an instant and issued the order. After a short pause, he continued: "This time is not the time to be stingy. If there are scrolls or something, use them quickly, otherwise it is very likely that our [Battlestar] will be destroyed, so we want to easily occupy the alliance of the Chinese server. It’s impossible for the gang to reside!"

Not only did the sun staying dragon shadow realize this, other players also did the same, and then they also issued an order to break through the encirclement immediately, of course, they also issued the order to use the scroll, but at this time the Japanese server side reserved the 【 Group Blessing Scroll] and other scrolls are not many, [Group Blessing Scroll] is only 3 or 5, and other scrolls such as [Group Purification Scroll] are even fewer, only 1, 2, and these are not enough to intercept the middle service All players rushing to 【Battlestar】.

Yes, at this time, the Japanese server alliance still has too few scrolls. This is because the previous successive captures of so many gang sites have almost exhausted them. Maybe they still keep some in their servers, but only for a short time. It can't be sent back, and players who are currently interested in the alliance of the Chinese server will soon be able to destroy some of them [Battlestar].

At this time, the Tokyo Mythology and the others can think of the best way to keep [Battlestar] in addition to teleporting elite power as much as possible to intercept the Samadhi and others is to break the encirclement as soon as possible. Only in this way can the speed advantage of [Battlestar] be brought into play, and even As long as they can rush out of the encirclement in their hearts, they will be able to keep all the 【Battlestar】.

But at this time, blocking the gap is the most defensive and offensive unit in the Chinese server alliance — [Flying Wing*Nightmare Commander] and [Storm Unicorn] Cavalry, especially Yixiao Hongchen, they immediately used all The scroll of, which further increased their strength, so even if the Japanese service party sent a large number of elites to charge against it, it was almost impossible to break through the encirclement in a short time.

It’s also worth mentioning that there are 5000 [Flying Wings*Nightmare Commander] cavalry in the Misty Pavilion. They retain all the skills, including invincible means. At this time, these new forces can play a very powerful role. This method abruptly resisted the [Devil Flame Beast] cavalry charge several times its own, which meant that it was even more difficult for people from the enemy alliance to break through the encirclement.

It is difficult to break through from the gap. Tokyo Mythology wants to break through from other enemies, but here they also encounter great resistance, because there are not only a large number of elite attacking on the wall, but also intact as before. The pressure on the city’s defense equipment to break out from here is not necessarily much easier to break through from the previous gap.

In addition, Bacchus Dukang and Fengxing also control the overall situation. Once they see the enemy alliance’s [Battlestar] change direction, they will immediately send people to strengthen the defensive force on the wall in this direction. The players of the Chinese server alliance hidden outside the city wall can join the battle for the first time and then intercept those 【Battlestars】.

That’s right, based on the previous enemy alliance’s [Battlestar]’s direction of travel, everyone can immediately determine which wall they will attack from, so that a large number of players can be arranged to hide outside the other three walls to prepare for action at a critical moment. And when the enemy alliance’s [Battlestar] is preparing to highlight the encirclement, it is undoubtedly the best time for them to do it.

In a word, at this time those [Battlestars] have undoubtedly become turtles in the urn. Samadhi and others have been chasing them like tarsus maggots, and their tenacity is getting lower and lower as time goes by.

In the previous siege battles, these [Battlestars] lost a lot of their toughness. Now they are facing the samādhi and their full-scale attacks are naturally overwhelming. Soon those fortresses that were originally less than 50% tough are destroyed. , And this means that Samadhi and they can concentrate more power to attack other 【Battlestar】.

Four gang sites were destroyed before, plus Hongfeng City and Hongyan City, there are six. Players facing these Chinese server alliances have been holding a sigh of relief, especially those players who don’t know the Samadhi plan. Now that the situation is actually reversed, they are all excited for a while. The morale of the players in the Chinese server alliance is greatly boosted. They brazenly charge, or block the players outside the siege, or intercept the enemies that block the Samadhi and others, or It was a direct attack on those [Battlestars]. For a time, the Chinese server alliance had the upper hand.

"Haha, in just 1 minute, we destroyed the other's 3 [Battlestars]. At this time, there were only 12 remaining fortresses, and the toughness of these fortresses was mostly knocked out, plus we You can concentrate more on attacking it, and it is not impossible to destroy it all." Jian Nanchun said, he was excited when he said this.

"That's right, the worst can also destroy seven or eighty-eight, the remaining ones are simply unable to capture our gang resident, let alone destroy our imperial city." A player in the Central Asian server was quite excited. Truly, he was completely relieved.

Think about it, before, the players of the Central Asia server have been worried about losing too many gang sites, especially the possibility of watching the imperial city being destroyed. Now that this possibility is almost eliminated, they are naturally excited.

"Don't be careless, because no accident, the enemy alliance must still retain some assassins, some precautions." Sanmai Shi said in a deep voice: "They didn't use them because it was too late. After all, these were transferred from their own server. Strength also takes some time. Now it has been 1 minute since our action, so long is enough for them to mobilize enough strength."

Before the samādhi, the enemy alliance has many players whose strength has greatly increased. Obviously they used the [Group Blessing Scroll] or [Group Purification Scroll]. In a short period of time, 5,600 players suddenly increased their strength. This It means that they used at least 5 [Group Blessing Scrolls], plus the ones they used before, the number is not much less than the fireworks they sent.

With the use of multiple [Group Blessing Scrolls] and various other scrolls by the enemy alliance, the pressure on the samādhi has increased significantly. Fortunately, at this time, a large number of players in the Chinese server alliance intercepted those people and added samādhi. They are not only in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll], but also in the state of [Group Acceleration Scroll]. Using their speed advantage, they can still attack some [Space Fortress].

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