VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3350: : Had to give up

After the end of the [Group Blessing Scroll] state of the alliance players on the Japanese server side, the two sides are only in a stalemate. Although the Chinese server side has more walls occupied by the alliance, it still requires a large number of players to teleport through the teleportation array and then participate in the battle. The war of attrition can finally win, but at this time in Tokyo Mythology they used the [Summoning Demon God Scroll], and a large number of Demon monsters appeared for a while, and there was also the fifth Demon God in the state of soul. This is enough to change the situation and make the balance of victory to the sun. Serve one side and the alliance tilts.

Although the overall attributes of the fifth demon **** in the soul state are only 90% of the combat power during the peak period, it is still a boss of the demon **** level, and can even reach the level of the top ten demon gods, which is not something that players from the alliance of the middle server can resist.

Think about it, even if the players in the Chinese server alliance are in their peak state at this time, such as the awakening skills with big moves and combination equipment, they may not necessarily be able to resist the fifth demon **** and a large number of demons monsters, let alone to resist the Japanese server. The siege of an alliance player almost consumed all the means. In this case, it is impossible for them to defend the inner city wall.

Thinking of this, the faces of the players in the China Server Alliance became dignified. They worked hard but didn't want to be such a result, which naturally made them suffer and feel deeply frustrated.

"The fifth demon in the soul state can only last for 30 minutes, we..." Mission 5 murmured, but soon she gave a wry smile: "But let's not talk about resisting for 30 minutes now, I am afraid that even 5 minutes will be difficult. Keep going, because under the attack of so many powerful demons monsters, all the walls will be lost within 1 minute, and then the people of the enemy alliance and the demons will be able to drive straight to the heart of the city, and then we simply Nothing can be changed, especially at this time we have almost consumed all the relatively powerful skills."

Hearing this, everyone was silent, and they also knew that they couldn't hold the imperial city at all.

"Our imperial city has been attacked for so long, and even now even the demon army has appeared, why hasn't our country protector beast appeared?!" The court server player was quite puzzled.

"There was a system reminder before, saying that the sacred protection of the country will arrive in 1 hour." Ye Yufei said, seeing the stunned expressions of many people, she shook her head: "At that time, everyone was busy defending the city and didn't pay attention. It's normal up to this point."

"Uh, it will be an hour later. Even if more than 10 minutes have passed, there are still dozens of minutes. It's too late." Yaoyue raised his glass, and when he said this, his brow furrowed deeply: "Even if our people use [Space Enchantment] to protect the heart of the city, it is completely too late. What should we do now?!"

"I propose to give up defending the city." Dongfang Star said decisively, looking at everyone while talking about her: "Because we can't defend at all, continuing to defend the city will only increase our casualties, and even we may be killed. , And once this is the case, there will be no chance to reverse the situation."

There is no lack of smart people among the crowd, and they naturally know that continuing to defend the city will continue to increase the casualties of the Chinese server alliance, which will further weaken their strength, especially the killing of players with national weapons such as Samadhi, which makes it even more impossible. Turn the situation around.

"Person number one, what do you think?" Samadhi turned to look at figure one, and without waiting for the latter to speak, she continued: "I also agree to give up, otherwise if our casualties are too great, especially if we are killed and then exploded If you leave the country, there will be no chance, so you can leave the green hills without worrying about not having firewood..."

"Well, give it up." The number one said this sentence with great difficulty, because he also knew that continuing to persist will not only fail to defend their imperial city, but will greatly increase the casualties, so that there is really nothing Opportunity.

Hearing the agreement of the number one, the people from the major servers did not hesitate to give the order to retreat. For a while, the space system players waiting in the safe place began to act, and they immediately transmitted the most important players on this server. Go, such as players with national weapons, such as dual-professional players.

In addition, players from the Chinese server alliance began to use the teleportation array to evacuate. Although many players were still entangled and unable to evacuate, they eventually evacuated most of the players, and then these people came to a relatively safe place. The place.

"What to do now, the destruction of the imperial city of the court will weaken the player's overall attributes a lot. The most important thing is that the people of the enemy alliance will get rich rewards after the imperial city of the court is destroyed." Bacchus Du Kang said in a deep voice. Dao, when he said this, his expression was a little dignified and even a little ugly: "This is the first imperial city in the Heaven Tribulation game to be destroyed. The rewards will be extra rich. Not surprisingly, the rewards for the [Group Blessing Scroll] will exceed 20. There are also rewards such as national weapons. After possessing these, the enemy alliance may have the strength to attack our other imperial cities, and then this will be a vicious circle..."

Think about it, too, when breaking the waves and riding the wind to occupy Redfish City, because he was the first player to occupy the 5th level gang station, he received additional rewards, but there were as many as 10 ordinary scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scroll]. The imperial city of court clothes was the first imperial city to be destroyed. Naturally, the rewards are much richer than occupying the first 5th level gang resident. As the **** of Bacchus Dukang said, there may be 20 [Group Blessing Scrolls] and it is not impossible. .

People from the Japanese server alliance occupied 4 5th-level gang sites in the Central Asian server and only got 20 [Group Blessing Scrolls], the same number, plus the destruction of the imperial city and other additional rewards, even more than the high-grade country. The reward of the weapon, this undoubtedly gave the Japanese server alliance the ability to continue to attack other imperial cities, especially the strength of the imperial server players was greatly reduced because the imperial city was destroyed.

Once so, it means that the Japanese server alliance has entered a virtuous circle, and the Chinese server alliance will naturally fall into a vicious circle, and more and more imperial cities will be destroyed. The overall strength will become weaker and even very weak. There may never be a chance to stand up again.

It is precisely because of this that Dukang, the **** of wine, looked so solemn.

At this time, other players in the Chinese server side alliance also thought of this, and their expressions became a little difficult to look at.

"Don't worry too much about this, because tomorrow, they will complete the task tomorrow. Not surprisingly, they will receive generous rewards after completing the task. There will be more than 10 [Group Blessing Scrolls] alone. "Sanmai Shi said in a deep voice: "Although the people of the enemy alliance destroyed the imperial city of the imperial service, they are extremely reluctant. If they hadn't used the strange props to summon the fifth demon **** in the soul state, they would never have destroyed the imperial city of imperial service. , And if we have 1, 20 more [Group Blessing Scrolls] and various other scrolls tomorrow, the most important thing is that Ye Luo and the others will also join the battle, so there is no problem in resisting the enemy and then protecting our imperial city. "

"I don't believe in the Tokyo Mythology that they have a second item that can summon the fifth demon. If not, they would definitely not have the chance to destroy our imperial city." Samadhi added.

Hearing that, the expressions of the people relaxed a little, because they also knew what kind of rewards they would get for completing a large-scale team task. As the samādhi poem said, there would be more than 10 in the [Group Blessing Scroll], and there would be more Various other scrolls and rewards, and even two or three national artifacts.

The most important thing is that Yeluo, fireworks and other people will also participate in the war. Everyone knows how strong their strength is. Their participation in the war will definitely change the situation. In this case, they will definitely defend the second imperial city. There is no problem, but after thinking of this, everyone's expressions are slightly relaxed.

"But Ye Luo Zhiqiu will definitely consume a lot after completing the task, and even consume all the awakening skills of combination equipment. In this case, even if they participate in the war, it will not have much impact on the overall situation." Ouyang Fei Day is not good and authentic.

"Brother Ye Luo has 3 combination equipment awakening skills. Although the boss is strong in the end, consuming 2 combination equipment awakening skills can definitely kill them, so it can leave a combination equipment awakening skill. "Long Teng Tian said in a sinking voice: "There is one more awakening skill for combination equipment, more than 10 [Group Blessing Scrolls] and various other scrolls, plus Brother Ye Luo and the masters can also participate in the battle, thus defending the imperial city. There must be no problems."

"Even if Brother Ye Luo consumes a lot of them, it doesn't matter. Even if they are just wearing the [Group Blessing Scroll], they can do a lot of damage, especially after they have increased their attack power." Inviting Yue to toast and take the conversation, thinking There was a smile at the corner of his mouth: "In addition, Ye Luo brothers are best at harassing enemies behind their backs, because they have the characteristics of [Fallen * Swallow], they can directly kill enemies without giving them a chance to resurrect. This is against the enemy. The people of the square alliance pose a great threat. Once they sneak attack from behind, the players of the enemy alliance will definitely be scrupulous, which will greatly reduce their siege power, so it is even more impossible for them to destroy our imperial city. ."

"Hey, as long as they can't continue to destroy our imperial city, then the problem will not be big. When Brother Ye Luo and the others return to their peak state, we may be able to counterattack at that time." Yaoyue added a toast.

In this regard, everyone still has some confidence, or they are very confident in the strength of Ye Luo, Fireworks Yi Leng and others. After thinking of these, their expressions relax a little, at least they are not too worried about the Tokyo Myth of Tomorrow and they will continue. Attacked their imperial city.

"Although the fifth demon **** in the soul state can last for 30 minutes, there is not much time left after destroying the imperial city of the court suit, and the Tokyo Mythology has no spare power to attack our other gang sites, that is to say, 24 They won’t do anything to us again in a few hours..."

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