VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3351: :still have a chance

Although according to the Tokyo mythology they speculate that after destroying the imperial city of the court clothes, the alliance of the Japanese service will receive extremely rich rewards, and even [Group Blessing Scrolls] and other ordinary scrolls will reach as many as 20, but this is just Occupy 4. The rewards received by the level 5 gang resident means that the situation is the same as yesterday.

However, the difference is that Ashitaba and Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind will return after completing their missions. After completing large-scale team missions, they can get at least 10 [Group Blessing Scrolls] and other scrolls, plus other rewards. The number of scrolls owned by the alliance is much more than when defending the city today, so it is almost impossible for the alliance of the Japanese server to destroy the other imperial cities of the alliance of the Chinese server. The players of the alliance of the Japanese server today are just using the [Summon] Demon God Scroll] can destroy the imperial city of court clothes, samādhi, they don't believe that there are similar props in the Japanese clothes side alliance.

In addition, Ye Luo and other super masters and nearly a thousand elite masters will also participate in the battle. Although they will have a larger consumption tomorrow for completing the task and killing the final BOSS, they can at least retain a combination of equipment awakening skills, and even Even if they are just under the state of [Group Blessing Scroll], they can do extremely high damage, especially if they sneak attack behind the enemy, it will cause a great threat to the enemy and greatly reduce the power of attacking the city.

With these, even if the players of the court server were weakened due to the destruction of the imperial city, it was enough to withstand the attack of the alliance of the Japanese server. After thinking of these, they relieved a little, and then began to discuss what to do next.

Judging by the current situation, the Japanese service alliance will be unable to do anything after destroying the imperial city of the court service. Both sides will be in a calm state for the next 24 hours. Using this time to prepare in advance will be very helpful for tomorrow's battle.

Samadhi and they also know this, so after discussing it, they decided to continue to arrange a large number of people to find high-ranking bosses or take up tasks as they did yesterday, hoarding as many scrolls as [Group Blessing Scrolls], after all, the more these things will deal with the enemy tomorrow The alliance's siege will be easier.

Not to mention the samādhi and their arrangements here, let's talk about the situation on the Tokyo Mythology side.

Although they gave up defending the city, Samadhi and the others still created some trouble for Tokyo Mythology. For example, space players used [Space Enchantment] to protect the heart of the city, so at least 10 minutes of Tokyo Mythology could be wasted.

For now, it seems that destroying the imperial city of the court clothes has become a foregone conclusion. This makes the players of the Japanese server side alliance excited and happy, especially thinking that destroying the imperial city will not only get extremely rich rewards, but also make the overall strength of the court clothes and even The overall strength of the China-servicing alliance is weakened.

"Hey, I didn't expect [Summon Demon God Scroll] not only to summon the fifth Demon God, but also to summon a large number of Demon monsters. This is a very powerful force." Heilong Tianzhan laughed and said: "It is considered a Chinese server alliance. The players who are smart and evacuated as soon as possible, otherwise we can kill them all, so their strength will be reduced even more, especially when we kill their players who have national weapons, it is a pity, it is a pity. "

"The Eastern Stars and others are extremely clever and very courageous. It is inevitable to withdraw as soon as they see a bad situation. After all, they also know that there will be more casualties in the stubborn resistance. This is not what they want to see." Mt.Fuji said. , And then his tone changed: "Although they failed to kill their players with national weapons, destroying the imperial city is a sure thing. Destroying the imperial city will get extremely rich rewards, especially since this is the first one. For the destroyed imperial city, the rewards will be even more generous. I remember that when the first level 5 gang resident was occupied, the system rewarded as many as 10 [Group Blessing Scrolls], and it was far more difficult to destroy the imperial city. It's much harder than occupying the 5th level gang resident, which means that the reward for destroying the imperial city will be more generous, and maybe it will be as many as 20 just [Group Blessing Scroll]."

Seeing everyone’s eyes light up, Mount Fuji added: “Not only these scrolls, but also rare scrolls and various other equipment and props, there will surely be national artifacts, and they are national artifacts that surpass the top-grade ones. ."

At the end, everyone was even more delighted, because they also knew that the first time they occupied a certain level of the city, they would definitely get the national weapon, and the level of the city-level national device would be increased, and the occupation of the 5th gang resident would get the high-grade national weapon. , And the national weapon obtained by destroying the imperial city naturally exceeds the top grade, and a piece of such a national weapon is very powerful and can even affect the battle situation to some extent.

"Tsk tsk, if the system rewards us with 20 [Group Blessing Scrolls] and other common scrolls plus other rewards, doesn’t it mean that it exceeds the sum of the rewards obtained by occupying the 4th and 5th gang resident, plus the court service because of the imperial city. Being destroyed and the overall strength is greatly reduced, we will have sufficient power to continue to attack other imperial cities in the China Server Alliance!" Hero Blade said, his tone was full of excitement when he said this: "So we have entered a virtuous circle. , We can destroy an enemy’s imperial city every day, so we can certainly suppress the alliance of the Chinese server and make them have no chance of turning over.”

The words of the hero's blade made the surrounding people boil. In their hearts, they have the absolute upper hand. Once they get the reward, they will be enough to destroy the other imperial cities of the Chinese server side, and it is the same every day. The hero's blade said that they can destroy all the imperial cities of the Chinese server alliance. Once so, the Chinese server alliance naturally has no chance to turn over.

This is what the players of the Japanese server alliance dream of, especially since they have been passive before, so they are even more excited and looking forward to it.

"I'm afraid that things are not as optimistic as you think." Twilight shook his head slightly, without waiting for everyone to ask why, he continued: "According to our intelligence, we know that tomorrow Ye Luo Zhiqiu and others will be able to complete the task, and The rewards for completing a large-scale team mission are also quite generous. There are at least 10 common scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scrolls], plus Ye Luo Zhiqiu and they can also participate in the battle..."

Although Twilight was slightly cool and did not continue, the expressions of smart people such as the red maple leaf and the foot of Mt.Fuji had become solemn, because they also thought of these, and even what they thought of was no different from what they had analyzed in samādhi.

Thinking of Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng and others returning with a large number of scrolls and then participating in the war, the expressions of those under Mount Fuji and others are even more ugly. After all, they also know how difficult Ye Luo and others are, even if they have become bigger because of their tasks. The same is true of consumption.

"Yes, even if Ye Luo Zhiqiu and the others have consumed a lot, they are also terrifying existences, especially when they have full attack power plus the bonus of [Ten Directions Battle Banner], the most important thing is they Often not attacking from the front, but sneaking from behind, this can cause us a lot of trouble." Emperor Yingge said lightly: "The most important thing is that although the imperial city of the court has been destroyed, there is only one court. The overall strength of the players on the server is weakened, which has no effect on the Chinese server. The Chinese server is the strongest existence of the enemy alliance. This force can still prevent us from continuing to destroy the imperial city.

"Once we can't destroy the imperial city, then it is very likely that the alliance with the Chinese server will enter a stalemate, and this state is very unfavorable for us, because Ye Luo Zhiqiu's sneak attack makes us hard to defend." The Emperor Yingge added.

After hearing this, everyone realized that it would not be so easy to continue destroying the imperial city of other servers tomorrow, and there was almost no possibility, especially when they thought of Ye Luo's method, their expressions were still very solemn for a while.

"We don't have a second [Summoning Demon God Scroll], otherwise even the imperial city of the Chinese server will definitely be able to destroy it. It would be great if we could destroy the imperial city without using the scroll before." Heilong Tianzhan Can't help but say, but he also knows that there is no if in the world.

"In fact, it is not that we have no chance to continue destroying the imperial city of the Chinese clothing party alliance." Suddenly, he said in the dark night, seeing the look everyone was expecting, he laughed: "You only think that we will be rewarded for destroying the imperial city, forget tomorrow. But on the last day of this month, that is to say, tomorrow we can still get the reward of the first place in this month’s "killing game". The rewards are also very generous, not only many ordinary scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scrolls] and various Rare scrolls, there is also a chance to have the rewards of national weapons, hey, with these and the rewards of destroying the imperial city of the court, we must have the strength to destroy other imperial cities, and even we have the opportunity to destroy the imperial city of China! "

"Yes, that's right, we can still get the reward of the'killing game'!" Sakura was like snow again and again. When she said these, her pretty face was full of joy: "With these things, we are enough to serve the emperor. The city is destroyed. Once this happens, the Chinese server alliance will no longer be able to resist us. The day after tomorrow we can continue to destroy other imperial cities in the Chinese server alliance.

Hearing that, everyone was also cheered up. They have more things rewarded by the "killing game" in their hearts. They will definitely continue to destroy the imperial city of the Chinese server alliance, including those of the Chinese server. Once so, they will be able to completely suppress the Chinese server. The alliance then entered a virtuous circle until all the imperial cities of the Chinese server alliance were destroyed, and at that time the Chinese server alliance had no chance to stand up.

"Doesn’t that mean that we can completely suppress the China Server Alliance and then let them use the day without turning over?!" Colorful Monster Fox said with excitement: "Great, we can finally completely defeat the China Server Alliance, and we won’t do it again in the future. Don’t worry that they will have the upper hand and may destroy us at any time!"

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