VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3352: : Also thought of

Today is the last day of the month, that is to say, after the early morning, the reward for the first place in this month's "killing game" will be given, because the points of Dark Night and Tokyo Myth are one higher than that of the third place. However, one of them can get rewards. With these rewards, plus the rewards for destroying the imperial city of the court service, these are enough for the Japanese server alliance to continue to destroy the imperial city of other servers, including the Chinese server.

Once this is the case, then the Chinese server alliance will be ruined and there will be no chance of turning over. Thinking of these people in the Japanese server alliance will be excited and expectant.

Of course, the next thing they have to do in Tokyo Mythology is to wait for the end of the space barrier that protects the imperial city's heart. During the period, they also discussed who should destroy the city's heart. After all, only the party who destroys the city's heart can get the system reward. Because the rewards are extremely generous, all players on the server want to own it. After all, even if the alliance completely suppresses the Chinese server alliance in the future, there will be conflicts of interest and then it is very likely that they will fight.

All parties didn’t want to give up, but in the end it was the Tokyo Mythology who said: “This time we siege the city, our Japanese clothing has contributed the most, and even now the fifth demon **** and many demon army are under our control. It is natural to destroy the imperial city of court clothing. It’s ours."

I have to say that Tokyo Mythology is very smart. He directly took out the strongest trump card-the fifth demon and the demon army. After all, these powers are enough to separate the people from other servers, especially the other servers except the US server. Nominally, they are not allies of Japanese service points, which means that in Tokyo Mythology, they can command those demons to attack any player who dares to approach the heart of the city.

The people on other servers heard the threat in Tokyo Mythology, and for a while they retreated a little, but they would be a little unwilling to think of giving up like this.

"Of course, everyone has made great efforts in this battle, so we will not monopolize the rewards. We can give you all kinds of rewards besides the national equipment, how about it?" Tokyo Mythology added.

I have to say that Tokyo Mythology is extremely smart. He knows that the Japanese server cannot monopolize the rewards, otherwise it will be unfair to the entire alliance. It is very likely that the alliance will fall apart because of this. This will give the Chinese server a chance to breathe, as smart as he is not. This kind of thing is allowed to happen, so it is proposed to give other servers all the rewards except the national machine.

In addition to the national equipment, all other rewards were given out. I have to say that Tokyo Mythology has shown enough sincerity, especially this time the Siege Japanese Service has made the greatest contribution.

The people on other servers naturally knew this. They had no opinion on such a decision, so they soon reached an agreement—then let the Japanese suit destroy the imperial city of the court suit.

The next step is to continue to wait, waiting for the effect of [Space Enchantment] to end, so that Tokyo Mythology can destroy the imperial city.

Let's not talk about the decision made by Tokyo Mythology here, let alone the situation on the samādhi side.

Because the next arrangements have been made long ago, the players from the major servers and even the major gangs of the China server have all acted separately. The people of the Misty Pavilion are no exception, but the Samadhi, the Dragon World, the **** of wine Du Kang and others gathered Of course, this is the **** of Bacchus Dukang deliberately left everyone behind, because he thought of another thing-after the early hours of the morning Tokyo Mythology, they will be rewarded for the first place in this month's "killing game", and this is enough It affects tomorrow's actions.

"Little poem girl, celebrity girl, you guys are delicate, I don’t believe that you didn’t think of Dark Night and one of Tokyo’s myths. You will definitely get the first prize of this month’s'killing game', and this reward is enough to influence Tomorrow's battle is on." Bacchus Du Kang said solemnly: "For example, this will give them the strength to continue destroying our imperial city, even the imperial city of our service, and once so, we are afraid that we will never turn back. "

Think about it too, if the reward for destroying the imperial city of the court service is not enough to allow the alliance of the Japanese service party to continue to destroy the imperial city of the alliance of the Chinese service party, then adding the rewards obtained by the "killing game" will definitely work. This was in mind, but he was worried that the already falling morale would continue to fall, so he didn't immediately raise it, but he also knew that he would tell the Samadhi and others to discuss countermeasures.

As Bacchus Du Kang said, it is impossible for Samadhi and Eastern Stars to forget the reward for the first place in the'Killing Game'. The reason why they did not immediately mention it is naturally that their morale will fall to the bottom.

"We naturally thought about it, but the situation at the time was not suitable for speaking out." Dongfang Star said, her pretty face became dignified when she said this, obviously she also knew the seriousness of the matter.

This is not only the case with Eastern stars, but also with Ye Yu Fei Fei, Long Teng Tian Xia and others, and only the look of Samadhi poetry is slightly calmer.

"Since you have thought of it, can you think of a countermeasure?" Feng Xing was full of anticipation.

Hearing that, Ye Yu Fei Fei, Dongfang Star and others were silent. Obviously, they did not have a good response. After all, the overall strength of the Japanese server alliance at that time has far surpassed the Chinese server alliance.

"Little poetry girl, how about you, can you think of a way to deal with it?" Fengxing asked again.

"I asked about fireworks just now. At this time, they have 5 or 6 [Group Blessing Scrolls], plus they will be able to keep 5 or 6 after killing monsters and the final boss consumption tomorrow. Counting the rewards for completing the task, there should be close to 20 [Group Blessing Scrolls] and various other scrolls." Samadhi Shi said in a deep voice: "This number is a bit more than what we analyzed before, although it is still far more than Not in the enemy alliance, but because we are defending the city, we may not be able to defend it."

"In addition, the tasks they do with fireworks are more difficult than the previous large-scale team tasks. The rewards for completing the tasks will be more generous, and they can even get more than one piece of national equipment. These may change the situation of tomorrow. ." Samadhi poetry added.

Eastern Killing Sky and Ye Yu Fei have done large-scale team tasks, but their task difficulty coefficient is only SS level, and Ye Luo and their tasks are SSS level, the difficulty is a level higher, it is well known that the task is difficult. The larger the coefficient, the more generous rewards will be obtained after completing the task, so as the samādhi poem said, Ye Luo's rewards must exceed their expectations of 10 ordinary scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scrolls].

[Group Blessing Scrolls] The number is more than expected, and the Chinese server alliance is the defender of the city, so there is no chance to defend.

After a quick calculation in her heart, the Eastern star reached the top and lightened her head. She said: "Well, that's also true. At least we still have a chance to hold on, especially the Tokyo Mythology. They acted on our imperial city because our emperor The city’s defense and offensive power is the strongest, even the imperial city of the Central Asian server is not as good as ours, because the players in our Central Asian server have a much higher level of strength than the players of the Central Asian server."

"The most important thing is that their character in Tokyo Mythology is likely to choose our imperial city to do it, so that we not only have the opportunity to defend the imperial city, but also can greatly consume them and then make their previous advantages wipe out. "The Eastern Star added.

"That's how it is said, but what if we can't hold it?" Ouyang Feiri said in a deep voice, "Once we can't hold it, then we will never have a chance to turn over again."

"I still have the confidence to hold on, and even if the enemy alliance chooses us to serve the imperial city, we will definitely be able to hold on." Long Teng said, seeing the doubts of everyone, he continued: "You still haven't accurately recognized Brother Ye Luo. Their horror, they harass the enemy behind can cause a great threat to the enemy, and even the enemy's alliance siege power will lose more than 10% to 20%, especially the brother Ye Luo and the perfect use of the methods they have, don’t forget However, they have a lot of powerful, wide-ranging skills, and even a lot of compulsory control skills."

"By the way, Ye Luo brother and Chengfeng beauty have [Fallen * Devour], they can directly kill the player without the chance of resurrection, this skill alone can make the enemy extremely jealous." Long Teng Tianxia added.

Hearing that, everyone also thought of the methods Ye Luo and the others had mastered, and for a time they more or less restored some confidence.

"Yes, I am also very confident in Ye Luo and Feng Sister." Samadhi poem said, thinking of something, her mouth raised a smile: "Actually, even if our imperial city and even all the imperial cities of our China server alliance are We also have a chance to turn over again if it is destroyed, because it will not take long for Ye Luo to be able to turn around 360, once he can sweep the dark night and Tokyo mythology people after 9 turns, so just guerrilla warfare can cause heavy casualties and even have to retreat. "

"Hey, you have made Ye Luozhiqiu so amazing. I don't believe that he can reverse the whole situation on his own, especially when all our imperial cities have been destroyed." Ouyang Feiri sneered and said. He was full of disbelief while watching this.

Not only Ouyang Feiri didn't believe this, but also others, and even Dragon Teng Tianxia, ​​Yueyue toast and others were somewhat skeptical.

"Once Ye Luo has a level of 360 and ninth rank, you can make [Blade of Reincarnation] improve by one more and then merge it with [Ghan Jiang]..." Qingchengdao smiled, but she was drunk before she finished speaking.

"Qingcheng, don't talk nonsense." With a smile, Hongchen's voice became more solemn. After all, he also knew that this was the secret of the Misty Pavilion, and if it was leaked out in advance, it might cause some accidents.

Hearing Qingcheng's words with a smile, the samādhi poem frowned, and all this fell into the eyes of Dongfang Jitian and others. They gradually believed the words of the samādhi poem, and for a time they had their own thoughts.

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