VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3360: : It's possible

Ye Luo and the others have been rewarded for completing the task this time. Not to mention the equipment and props such as the energy stone, there are 4 pieces of national equipment alone, which is better than Tokyo Mythology, Ouyang Feiri and others in killing the fifth and sixth demon gods. There are so many rewards, not to mention that at this time, they have as many as 30 [Group Blessing Scrolls] in their hands, and there are also many [Group Purification Scrolls]. As long as Tokyo Mythology destroys the imperial city, the reward is not Too outrageous, then players in the Chinese server alliance must be able to defend the siege of the Japanese server alliance.

Of course, players such as Tokyo Mythology and other Japanese server alliances did not know that Ye Luo had obtained 4 national artifacts and so many scrolls. Even with their guess and analysis, they would never think that Ye Luo would have such a generous reward, but only It is the reward displayed by the system prompt that can deter the people of the alliance of the Japanese service-[Group Blessing Scroll] There are as many as 15 ordinary scrolls, not to mention there are many rare scrolls such as [Group Purification Scrolls] , Coupled with the Tokyo Mythology, they can definitely judge that the BOSS can explode some scrolls and even national weapons, so they are likely to no longer attack the imperial city of the Chinese server alliance.

Think about it, Tokyo Mythology, they are also smart people, they naturally know what Ye Luo and the 15 [Group Blessing Scrolls] obtained by completing the task means, especially when the Chinese server alliance has the advantage of defending the city, so even if the dark night has obtained it. The reward for the first place in the "killing game" and the Tokyo Mythology will receive the reward for destroying the imperial city does not necessarily destroy another imperial city.

If people from the Japanese server alliance such as Tokyo Mythology do not attack the imperial city of the Chinese server alliance, then Ye Luo and the others will naturally not be able to take advantage of the imperial city to severely damage it, and because the Japanese server alliance now has a great advantage, Then I am afraid that for a long time, the Chinese server alliance will not be able to counterattack. After all, siege and defense are completely different.

"Well, that's the same. They really might retreat." Othello murmured, and while talking about her, she looked at everyone: "Should we take the initiative to attack when the time comes, but you and I know that the defender will have a lot of The big advantage, plus our scrolls may not be more than the alliance of the Japanese server side, if you take the initiative to attack the city, I am afraid it will be a little dangerous."

"Especially, we have consumed a lot of skills to kill the fourth demon. For example, the big moves are in the CD. Is it possible that we have to use the [Group Purification Scroll], is this a bit too wasteful?" Othello added.

"If the enemy alliance does not attack our imperial city, then we absolutely cannot counterattack, because at this time the enemy alliance still has a great advantage, especially you and I are very expensive now, even if we are at the peak state, we cannot counterattack. Their gang resident or imperial city." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and while talking about her, she looked at everyone: "No accident, we can only conduct a war of attrition against the enemy alliance, consume them as much as possible, and then consume them. Counterattack again after seven or eight."

"Ah, I have to consume them slowly." Po Lang Riding the Wind murmured, and she was a little impatient when she said this: "How much time will it take? Don't forget that there are still many gangs stationed in the Central Asia Service in their hands. Including Hongfengcheng and Hongyancheng, don't we help the Central Asia service to get it back?"

"Yes, the [Battlestar] of both the enemy and ours has been destroyed. Hongyancheng’s defense and attack power are much weaker than before. We can still **** it back with our strength, of course, including the others. Occupied gang resident." Othello took the conversation.

"In the past few days, the enemy alliance has steadily gained the upper hand, especially the destruction of the imperial palace, which greatly weakens the players' overall strength." Sitting on the piano, he said solemnly, "And you and I also know that siege is better than Defending the city is difficult, and the consumption and casualties will be much higher. As long as the scrolls we hoard and the overall strength ratio is far stronger than the enemy alliance, then we proactively attack is very likely to fail, and even if it succeeds, there will be great casualties. This will be extremely detrimental to us."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: “In fact, it’s more beneficial for us to procrastinate, because during the period we can conduct wars of attrition against them, which will not only cause greater consumption and casualties to the enemy alliance, but also greatly The most important thing to dampen their morale is that Ye Luo is about to turn 360 degrees, and if it is delayed until that time, things will be more secure."

Not to mention anything else, just hearing the words of Ye Luo 360 Level Nine Turns, everyone understands that procrastination is more advantageous to the Chinese server alliance. The most important thing is that they know that not taking the initiative to counterattack does not mean that they cannot perform harassment tactics. , So you can fight with the enemy alliance, as long as you can break the waves and ride the wind like this, you can accept it.

"Sister Qin is right. In the next period of time, we are not suitable for large-scale active siege. We can only use harassment tactics to consume the enemy alliance." The firework was easily cold, and she continued after a short meal: "Of course we will next We can focus on harassing Hong Yancheng and other gang sites occupied by the enemy alliance, because it is in Central Asia, so we will still **** them back if we have it."

"As long as we can get it back, then Central Asia and our allies will not complain too much, so it can be delayed slowly." Fireworks Yi Leng added.

Everyone agrees with this, and they also know that it is the wisest to do so.

"In fact, people from the enemy alliance may not continue to attack our imperial city." Ye Luo said suddenly, seeing the doubts of everyone, he continued: "If the Tokyo Mythology destroys the imperial city, the rewards are too rich, For example, [Group Blessing Scrolls] and other common scrolls are more than 20 or even 30, so they are still likely to continue to work on us, because they don’t know how many scrolls we have, after all, they just remind them through the system that they don’t know us. How many scrolls and other rewards have been obtained."

"In addition, Tokyo Mythology also knows that we must consume a lot of tasks to do. This is also an excellent opportunity for them, and they should not miss it." Ye Luo added.

"Yeah, that's right." Fireworks Yi Leng took the conversation, and she continued after a short pause: "The most important thing is that people in the enemy alliance know that if they miss this opportunity, then the two sides will enter a stalemate. Then they will deal with it. Without our harassment tactics, it will be extremely detrimental to them if we drag it on. This is known from before we do the task. This is not what they want to see, so they will have a greater chance to act on us next."

"Tsk tusk, maybe it will be like this." Po Lang Chengfeng said, her pretty face was full of expectation when she said this: "If this is the case, then we can use the imperial city to severely damage and even consume them greatly. , Maybe we can consume all the scrolls in their hands, so we don’t have much scruples if we want to take the initiative to attack, at least it’s easy to get back the gangs such as Hongyancheng."

Hearing this, everyone is deeply convinced that next they expect players from the Japanese server alliance to take the initiative to attack the city, of course, they are also curious about the next Tokyo Mythology they will get rewards.

Because the mission has been completed, and the bosses and rewards have been investigated and even allocated, everyone did not wait much, and returned to the Heavenly Tribulation Continent, and the samādhi poem was the first time they left the different space. Find them when you wait, including Dukang, the **** of wine, and you can easily know the purpose of these people-they want to know what kind of rewards Ye Luo got for completing this mission.

Thinking about it, it’s easy to tell that Ye Luo and the others have completed the task by thinking about the system prompting Dukang, the **** of Bacchus, but just listening to the system reminding them that they don’t know what rewards Ye Luo received, especially the [Group Blessing Scroll] etc. The props related to the next battle, after all, this is largely related to the outcome of the next battle, so they attach great importance to these.

Ye Luo and the others did not hide too much, and of course they didn’t say everything. They just told everyone how many scrolls they had in their hands. After hearing that Ye Luo and the others actually had more than 30 [Group Blessing Scrolls] and various other scrolls. Bacchus Dukang, Feng Xing and others were shocked, and then ecstatic, because they knew that with these scrolls, they would be able to defend the enemy alliance's siege.

That’s right, even if Tokyo Mythology gets 30 [Group Blessing Scrolls] and other ordinary scrolls from destroying the imperial city of the imperial court, how about adding Dark Night’s reward for winning the first place in this month’s "killing game", so they just have 40 [Group Blessing Scrolls], and relying on these to continue to destroy the imperial city of the Chinese server alliance, after all, the defender has too many advantages over the siege party, let alone the imperial city.

Thinking of this, Dukang, the **** of wine, breathed a sigh of relief, and the heartstrings that had been stretched finally eased, especially after hearing that Ye Luo and the others still retained the awakening skills of 2 combination equipment.

"God, you still have the awakening skills of 2 combination equipment, which is incredible." Long Jieyu's pretty face was full of disbelief: "Listening to the system prompts that you are dealing with the fourth demon god, this is A BOSS that is much stronger than the Fifth Demon God, you actually only used a combination of equipment awakening skills to deal with it, which is incredible."

"It's no accident that Ye Luo brothers should have used the [Celestial Advent Scroll]." Although they were guessing, Yu Fei Fei's tone was quite certain: "Only in this way is it possible to use a combination of equipment awakening skills Next, kill the fourth demon god, the fourth of the ten major demon gods."

There are many clever people in the crowd, and they can judge these, but this is good news for them, after all, they will have a better chance to defend the imperial city. This is what they worry about most in the past few days.

"Hey, maybe after hearing the system prompt, Tokyo Mythology they dare not come to attack the city again." Long Jieyu chuckled, and her words were echoed by many people, and they all agreed.

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