VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3361: : Discuss whether to do it

Ye Luo and the others brought back so many scrolls that everyone was extremely shocked and exhilarated. After hearing that Ye Luo and the others still had the awakening skills of two combination equipment, they were even more ecstatic. They were confident in their next defense. It is full, even at this time Long Jieyu and others think it is very likely that after hearing the system prompt, the player of the Japanese server alliance will not dare to attack the city again, and after hearing this, the big rock in everyone’s heart can finally be done. Let it go - different from the warlike players such as Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, Long Jieyu and Bacchus Dukang really hope to get through this crisis smoothly, so that it is more secure for the Chinese server alliance.

"Hey, maybe they really won't come to attack the city, so we can completely resolve the crisis this time." Bacchus Du Kang laughed.

Think about it, although Ye Luo and their 3 combination equipment awakening skills retain two which are far beyond everyone's expectations, but in the heart of Bacchus Du Kang, Ye Luo and the others have already had a large consumption. In this case It's more or less a bit of a disadvantage to the alliance of the previous Japanese service, at least it is not as safe as Ye Luo and they return to their peak state and then break out a battle.

"I hope they can come to attack the city, it is best to attack our imperial city." Po Lang Chengfeng took the conversation, and she laughed: "We have so many scrolls, with the help of the imperial city, the enemy alliance can definitely be hit hard. , And this battle will definitely be able to completely reverse our disadvantaged situation. Hey, the most important thing is that after causing a lot of consumption to the enemy alliance, it will be safer to execute the consumption tactics and regain the gang occupied by the enemy alliance. The station will be easier."

Although players of the older generations such as Bacchus Dukang and Feng Xing want to be more secure, they naturally know that the enemy alliance is safer to attack the Chinese server alliance. Maybe they can really reverse their current disadvantages. They can continue to have the upper hand as Ye Luo and the others did before they did the task.

Thinking of this, everyone is also looking forward to or even eagerly waiting for players from the Japanese server alliance to attack the city.

"But Tokyo Mythology, they must have heard the previous system prompts. After learning that Ye Luo and the others have won so many scrolls and even national equipment rewards, do they dare to do it on us?" Long Jieyu was worried and authentic, and would not wait for everyone to speak. , She continued: "If they don't come to attack, doesn't it mean that we have lost a chance to hit them badly?"

"In fact, the Japanese server alliance is very likely to do us..." Ye Yufei said, and she also gave some reasons. For example, the Tokyo Mythology alone can't accurately judge Ye Luo and the others from the system prompts. For example, if the reward for Tokyo Mythology to destroy the court clothes is too generous, etc., these are almost the same as the fireworks and easy cold they analyzed before.

"The most important thing is the Tokyo Mythology. They know that if they miss this opportunity to hit us hard, they will have to stand in a stalemate with us, and the long-term stalemate is extremely detrimental to them, so even if the rewards they receive are not too generous, they will only Can bite the bullet and do it to us." Dongfang Star said, and what she said made everyone feel convinced, and they all looked forward to it even more.

Next, everyone got busy, of course, he was not ready to deal with the surprise attack of the alliance players on the Japanese server at any time.

Although Yeluo and Polangchengfeng can also harass the Japanese service alliance, especially Hongyancheng, Hongfengcheng and other gangs that originally belonged to the Central Asian service, they are worried about exposing their current status and influence. The next action, so they did not do it, just looking for some leveling locations to start hunting operations, or looking for high-level BOSS to kill.

Not to mention the situation of Ye Luo and the others, let alone the Tokyo Mythology, they also heard the system prompts that Ye Luo and the others completed the task, which made them feel a little heavy, because they found that the rewards Ye Luo received were better than those of other teams. The rewards for large-scale team missions are more generous-although Ye Luo and the others have only got 5 more ordinary scrolls, these are enough to affect a large-scale battle, especially when it is still in the hands of the defender.

It was also worried that this would affect the next action, so the heads of the Japanese server alliance gathered together, and they began to discuss whether to attack the imperial city of the Chinese server as previously planned.

"It's just that there are 5 more ordinary scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scrolls], and the situation should not have changed much." Heilongtian cuts, but when he says these, he has a little confidence: "No accident, the boss destroys the court clothes. The rewards of the imperial city will be very rich. The scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scrolls] can reach or exceed 20. In addition, the 5 common scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scrolls] that Dark Night won the first place in the "killing game", we have We have at least 10 more scrolls than the Chinese server side alliance. This is a big advantage, and these should be enough for us to destroy their imperial city."

"The [Group Blessing Scroll] and other ordinary scrolls that our boss got are not 5, but 10." Razor said, seeing the surprise look of everyone, he continued: "Because we drew some scrolls from the treasure chest, and then In addition to this day, we have done missions and hunted high-ranking bosses to obtain some of these."

The dark night and their possession of so many scrolls was a surprise to the people of the Japanese server alliance, and this also gave them more confidence in the imperial city of the Chinese server alliance.

"But Ye Luo Zhiqiu and they killed the fourth demon god. This BOSS is the best among the top ten demon gods. They can surely explode some scrolls. In addition, Ye Luo Zhiqiu must have reservations in their hands to ensure that they complete the task. , So the number of scrolls they have is a bit more than on the surface." Red Maple said solemnly, after a short pause, she continued: "The most important thing is that we are the siege party, and the China server alliance has more than we do. Advantage, so even if we have more scrolls, it may not be able to destroy their imperial city."

"That's right." The eagle in the sky took the stubbornly and looked at everyone as he spoke: "Especially our people discovered that after Ye Luo Zhiqiu they completed the task, they had 4 more national artifacts, and even one of them. [Space Rod], with so many national tools, the strength of the Chinese server alliance has greatly increased. In particular, Ye Luo Zhiqiu and others are also very good at attacking behind. In this case, we are afraid that we will attack the Chinese server imperial city. Very reluctant, and once we fail, we will have great casualties and consumption, and even the advantages we have accumulated before will disappear."

Naturally, I also know how failure will affect the situation. At this time, many people began to retreat.

"Hey, although Ye Luo Zhiqiu and others have returned from completing the task, they are dealing with the fourth demon. At this time, I am afraid that they are very expensive, and they must consume all the awakening skills of combination equipment. In this case They are not a big threat to us either." The emperor spear sneered: "Even this is the best time for us to do it, because when Ye Luo Zhiqiu and they return to their peak state, then we will never have a chance to destroy their emperor. The city is over. This means that the two sides are likely to be in a stalemate. You and I both know that we will be a little passive in a stalemate, because it is a bit troublesome to deal with Ye Luo Zhiqiu's harassment tactics."

Hearing that, everyone also realized that this is the best mobile phone meeting. For a while, they started to feel a little excited again, but they were also worried that the risk of doing it was too great.

"We have tamed all the [Devil Flame Beasts], which means that the next [Devil Flame Beast] cavalry we can use will increase by 1,200,000 more than before. The addition of so many powerful cavalry is also our advantage. "Mt. Fuji went down, and while talking about him, he looked at Tokyo Mythology: "If the boss will get more generous rewards, for example, the number of various ordinary scrolls reaches 20, and other rewards are more urgent and richer, so we still You can do it."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, he continued: "In addition, the overall attributes of the court will be greatly reduced due to the destruction of the imperial city, which will also weaken the overall strength of the alliance of the Chinese server, and this is also our advantage."

"Of course, in order to be more secure, we can change the goal and stop working on the Chinese service, but choose a relatively weak target, such as the imperial city of non-servicing, such as the imperial city of Bucky." Mount Fuji added.

The proposal under Mount Fuji was immediately echoed by many people. After all, they also knew that the imperial city of the Chinese server was the strongest in the Chinese server's alliance at this time. It would be wiser to change the goal in order to be more secure.

"Well, it's better to change the goal." The hero Wuming took the stubbornly and looked at everyone as he said: "As long as we can destroy another imperial city in the Chinese server alliance, then we will want to destroy other imperial cities next. It's easy, not only because another imperial city is destroyed, the overall strength of the serving alliance will be further weakened, the most important thing is that the serving alliance in the next battle will definitely consume all [Group Blessing Scroll], etc. Scroll, and we will get rich rewards for destroying another imperial city, so it will be easy for us to destroy the imperial city of the Chinese server alliance."

In this regard, everyone also deeply agrees. The most important thing is that they also know that this is the best opportunity to completely suppress the Chinese server alliance and make it unable to stand up, so they do not want to miss it, and then they all look at Tokyo Mythology. , Because at this time he is the only one who has not expressed his opinion.

"Tokyo Mythology, what do you think?" the emperor's hymn asked, and this also caused everyone to look at him.

"Then we have to see what kind of rewards I will get next. If the rewards are more generous, then naturally we have to work on the alliance of the Chinese server because this is one of the few opportunities we can suppress the alliance of the Chinese server. Once we miss it It's almost impossible to think of such an opportunity anymore." Tokyo Mythology said solemnly.

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