VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3365: : Can't advance or retreat

Super masters such as Ye Luo and Po Lang Cheng Feng withstand big moves, and the state of [Tai Chi Dao] led 2300,000 [Flying Wings*Nightmare Commander] Cavalry sneak attack behind the alliance of the Japanese server side. If they can enter the opponent's camp Then a center blossomed, which would undoubtedly cause severe damage to the enemy and determine the outcome of this battle.

People such as Dongfang Tiantian, Longtengtianxia, ​​etc. naturally know this, so they try their best to entangle enemy super masters such as Tokyo Mythology. They don’t stingy with various skills, including all kinds of assassins, and even the 100,000 [Storm] of the Dongfang Family and Ouyang Family. Unicorns] The cavalry brazenly launched a charge against Tokyo Mythology and the others, in a posture that they must be entangled.

The reason for entangled in Tokyo Mythology and other super masters is not only to prevent them from occupying the walls of the imperial city, but the most important thing is to prevent them from getting out and then blocking Ye Luo and others. After all, they are the only ones who are also the same with big moves. Only players with combined equipment awakening skills can intercept Ye Luo and others, and Ye Luo, Breaking Waves and Riding the Wind will undoubtedly easily tear apart the defense of the enemy alliance and lead many cavalry into the enemy without anyone intercepting them. In the hinterland of the party alliance.

The fact is also true. Without the interception of super masters, Yeluo, Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind, etc. can easily advance, and the speed is quite fast. At present, it will not take long to get into the hinterland of the enemy camp. At that time, they can Greater restraint on the enemy alliance’s siege power, and the pressure on the players of the Chinese server alliance defending the city will undoubtedly be greatly reduced.

In fact, the super masters such as Tokyo Shinhwa are a bit unable to advance or retreat, because if they get rid of the entanglement of Dongfang Tiantian and others to stop Yeluo and others, the intensity of siege will undoubtedly be greatly reduced, which will greatly affect the efficiency of their occupation of the city wall and delay. Longer time, and the most taboo is to be delayed when attacking the city. After all, their casualties and consumption will be greater every time they delay for some time, and this is also one of the advantages that the defender has.

However, if the Tokyo Mythology continues to attack the city with all their strength, Ye Luo and the others will be able to lead a large number of cavalry to tear apart the rear defense and rush into the middle of their camp. This will also have a great impact on the siege, and it will not take long for Tokyo Mythology, etc. People also have to face Ye Luo and their back attack, so they will be flanked back and forth, and their situation will be even worse.

Faced with such a situation, the players of the Japanese server alliance became serious. Fortunately, they still have the next step-the assassins lurking in the periphery after hearing the orders of Tokyo Myth and others decisively used a large amount of [cross-server] *Group Teleport Scrolls], and some [Group Teleport Scrolls] were also used. At a time, hundreds of thousands of elite players appeared, and then they brazenly charged Ye Luo and the others, plus those players who changed the direction of the Japanese server alliance At this time, Ye Luo and the others were surrounded.

Think about it, Tokyo Mythology, they are also smart people. They also know that Ye Luo and Po Lang Riding Wind’s best tactics are sneak attacks and harassment from behind, and they also know the threat this poses to their alliance, especially when they learn that the slender hands are acquired. After the [Space Staff], so they will naturally be vigilant, arranging a large number of assassins to wait behind and then mobilizing a large number of elites to counter sneak attacks in the back is undoubtedly the best response.

I have to say that Tokyo Mythology and their tactics are very good. At least they caused a lot of trouble to Yeluo and the others when they first mobilized a large number of elites, but Yeluo and the others soon reacted to it and had a countermeasure. ——Firework Yi Leng orders Yixiao Hongchen to lead 50,000 [Flying Wings*Nightmare Commander] cavalry and 1,200,000 ordinary nightmare cavalry to intercept those who sneak attack from the rear.

At the same time, Fireworks Yi Leng also ordered several formation masters in the Chinese server alliance to decisively display [Change Heaven and Earth], and it was performed behind Ye Luo and the others. At a time, they stood up on high platforms one by one. The fireworks are easy to be cold, and a large number of living players came to the high platform and then installed the mobile magic crystal cannon. Soon after, a laser beam shot out, which caused a lot of harm to the players in the surrounding Japanese server alliance.

Not only that, the Misty Pavilion also mobilized tens of thousands of green dragon summoners and flying archers. They attacked condescendingly on the high platform, but assisted them in intercepting and suppressing the cavalry rushing from the rear, various control skills, and a variety of control skills. All the energy arrows shot away, which greatly suppressed the offensive of the Japanese alliance.

Of course, the most important thing is the [Flying Wing * Nightmare Commander] The cavalry is very powerful. They formed a line of defense under the leadership of Yixiao Hongchen, Yixiao Allure, Othello and others, and brazenly resisted the charge of hundreds of thousands of elite cavalry behind. It’s easier to resist with the help of [Holy Beast*Dragon Soul Deterrence] and the mobile magic crystal cannon on the high platform, the blue dragon summoner, the priest legion, and the archer legion, even when facing several times the enemy. At least there will be no problems in a short time.

Since there is no need to worry about smiling Hongchen, they can't resist the enemy's charge and are attacked from behind, then Ye Luo and the others can continue to lead the cavalry to charge aggressively, and they also know the reason for the high speed of soldiers, so they also increased their attack. Intensity-Masters such as Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind have successively used the powerful and large-scale group attack skills such as [Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect], and even used several combination skills, and this has also increased the casualties of the Japanese first-party alliance. Ye Luo and the others reunited faster.

They thought of everything in Tokyo Mythology, but they did not expect that Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng and others retained the awakening skills of 2 combination equipment, and they directly used them at the first time when they launched a sneak attack, so no player can intercept them at all. Can hold them, even if there are more and more elite cavalry mobilized in the rear by the Japanese service alliance.

Knowing this situation, their expressions in Tokyo Mythology became more solemn. At this time, they still couldn't get away, and even if they could get away, they couldn't even intercept Ye Luo and the others, so they could only order their people to stop Ye Luo and others with all their strength and order them. Stop Ye Luo and the others at all costs, and at the worst, delay as much time as possible.

The purpose of delaying time is very simple, that is, Tokyo Mythology, they want to occupy as much of the outer wall of the imperial city as possible during this time. Once the wall is occupied and a large number of mobile magic crystal cannons are installed, then they can not only accelerate the occupation. Walls, and these walls can also attack Ye Luo and other players who sneak attack behind them, so Ye Luo and the others will be surrounded by heavy encirclement. In this case, even if Ye Luo and the others cannot be killed, the pressure can be greatly reduced. Then give more time to the siege.

It’s just that Tokyo Mythology, they also know that their people can’t stop Ye Luo and others who are in the state of awakening skills with ult and combo equipment, especially they also led more than 200,000 [Flying Wings*Nightmare Commander] cavalry. After thinking of these, they ordered their people to use multiple [Group Blessing Scrolls] decisively, and then attacked and intercepted Ye Luo and the others with all their strength.

I have to say that Tokyo Mythology attaches great importance to Ye Luo and others. They used 10 [Group Blessing Scrolls] against Ye Luo alone, 6 of which were used by the cavalry responsible for intercepting Ye Luo and the others, and the other four It was used by the cavalry who besieged Ye Luo and the others from behind-I have to say that Tokyo Mythology is very smart. They also know that it is difficult for them to intercept Ye Luo from the front, so they increased the power behind the siege. Let them break through the obstacles of Yixiao Hongchen and others. In this case, the threat to Ye Luo and the others is greater.

The fact is the same. The enemies they were facing were several times or even ten times theirs. Now those enemies have used 4 more [Group Blessing Scrolls] and many dual professional players have performed big moves, which makes them The pressure has doubled, and even their line of defense has become somewhat unstable.

Knowing that this was not the time to be aggressive, Yixiao Hongchen immediately told the situation here that the fireworks were easy to be cold, and asked for support.

In fact, after learning that the enemies behind used multiple [Group Blessing Scrolls], the fireworks were easy to be cold, and I knew that those people could not resist the smile, and at this time she also decisively issued the order: "Feixue, you and Yanyu lead some The flight mage army will support Yixiao Hongchen and the others, remember not to charge, use skills behind Yixiao Hongchen, and remember to display continuous large-scale group attack skills such as [Vulcan Domain]."

It is worth mentioning that the magicians such as June Feixue and Wednesday did not follow Dongfang Tiantian to defend the city on the wall together. After all, it is reasonable to say that the magician can play the greatest role in defending the city on the wall.

However, the magicians such as June Feixue, Wednesday, and Misty Rain did not do this, but followed Ye Luo and their reunion. The reason for this is not only because their powerful damage output ability can greatly increase the speed of Ye Luo and the others. The most important thing is. The thing is that these dual-professional masters have very strong life-saving capabilities-dual-professional magicians such as June Feixue are all wearing the [Five Elements Grand Array] and the state of ultimatum. In this case, as long as they are not supercharged by Tokyo Mythology, etc. There is no danger for the masters to stare at them or get close to them by a large number of melee masters from the enemy, and this is why the fireworks Yi Leng urges them to hide behind the cavalry such as Xiaoxiao Hongchen and attack them.

Think about it, too, the biggest problem facing magicians is life-saving. After all, they can’t even save their lives, let alone damage output, but since June Feixue they don’t have to worry about being killed, so naturally they can follow Ye. Luo and the others may go to support Yixiaohongchen and the others.

After Feixue led a group of magicians to take action in June, Yi Leng continued to give orders: "Saturdays and Sundays, you also go to support them, remember to use the [Cross Server* Group Teleport Scroll] to send 20,000 pastors, Let them do their best to add blood to Yi Liao Hong Chen, and of course they have to save their lives."

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