VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3366: : Send someone to support

Although the damage output of dual professional magicians such as June Feixue is very high, but they are not many, they are only 1, 20 people, even with the big move, the state of the [five elements] faces dozens of hundreds. Wan elite cavalry can play a role is not too big, especially in the case of life can not be saved, so the firework is easy to cold will order Saturdays and Sundays to use the [cross-server* group transfer scroll] to send 20,000 priests over.

These priests can not only increase the blood, increase the status and drive away the negative status of June Feixue to make them safer, but also increase the blood and increase the status of the cavalry led by Yixiao Hongchen, so that the pressure on the cavalry will be greatly reduced. And can withstand the impact of the enemy cavalry more, and their formation will not be disintegrated, so June Feixue and the magicians are safer, and they can even use various group attack skills unscrupulously.

Once June Feixue is allowed to attack unscrupulously, they will undoubtedly be able to play extremely high damage output, especially with the continuous damage of the [Vulcan Domain] and other large-scale group attack skills, which can further guarantee With a smile on their safety, even if they can't repel the cavalry of the enemy alliance, they can resist them and prevent Ye Luo and the others from being flanked back and forth.

In fact, Yixiao Hongchen's task is to block the enemies behind and then ensure that Ye Luo and the others can charge unscrupulously. It is undoubtedly the task to prevent the enemy from breaking through their obstacles.

Soon June Feixue and other magicians arrived, and they didn't say much, they directly used the continuous damage skills such as [Vulcan Domain]. Of course, they did not idle afterwards, [Energy Shock], [Garious Wind Chaos] Blade], [Flame Singing Plains] and other group attack skills were displayed. For a while, the enemy Alliance cavalry had a lot of damage on their heads, and even many enemies were killed immediately, and this undoubtedly put the pressure on them. Reduced, with these breathing opportunities, they smiled and reorganized their formation, and they sent some cavalry support according to the instructions of the fireworks to be easy to cold, so there would be no problems in such a short time.

There is no shortage of smart players in the Japanese server alliance. At this time, they also saw what kind of role June Feixue and others played, so they issued orders to deliberately target them, even if they can’t be killed, they will be driven away. , For a time, many players who were in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] and even used their ults rushed to June Feixue and others. They were aggressive, and they wanted to kill June Feixue.

It’s just a smile that Hongchen won’t give these people a chance. They ordered the cavalry that had just sent to intercept those people. At the same time, they also came on Saturday and sent 20,000 pastors. Then these pastors also played a big role. The effect is that they keep adding blood to Yixiao Hongchen, June Feixue and others, adding state or [dispelling] their negative state, which greatly reduces the pressure on these people.

Even if June Feixue is followed by some masters of the enemy alliance and then charge them, there is no big problem-with the ultimate move, the state of the [Five Elements] can ensure that they will not be killed in seconds, and the priests led by Saturday It can help them dispel the negative state. As long as they are not controlled, it is easy for June Feixue and the others to get rid of the pursuit, especially since Yixiaohongchen has sent so many cavalry to support them.

The fact is also true. At this time, June Feixue and the others are quite safe, so they can attack unscrupulously. Various group attack skills have been used to cause large casualties to the enemy. Coupled with the arrival of so many priests, they are smiling. The situation on their side has stabilized. At the very least, there is no problem with persisting for a few minutes or even ten minutes.

As for Ye Luo and the others, because they lack the support of dual professional magicians such as June Feixue and priests such as Saturday, the most important thing is that the enemies in front of them directly use 6 [Group Blessing Scrolls], which makes them impact. The speed slowed down slightly.

"Sister Fireworks, our speed has decreased a lot." Changhe Sunset said in a deep voice: "So it will take longer for us to rush into the enemy camp's hinterland, and every time we delay, the enemy alliance will occupy more. Some of our city walls, once they occupy too many walls, it will be useless even if we rush to the hinterland of the enemy camp, because at that time they will install a lot of mobile magic crystal cannons, so the pressure on us people will be even greater. ."

That’s right, after all, the Japanese server alliance has more awakening skills for combination equipment, and uses more [Group Blessing Scrolls], plus a large number of [Devil Flame Beasts] cavalry, Tokyo Mythology they can’t completely stop them. They, this means that some walls will be occupied. Once the occupied walls are too large, the situation will be a little dangerous for the alliance of the Chinese server. After all, the more occupied walls means that the enemy alliance can place a large number of them on it. Move the magic crystal cannon, these can greatly increase the damage output of the alliance of the Japanese server.

"There is no way. The people from the enemy alliance not only sent cavalry several times ours to intercept us, but also used so many [Group Blessing Scrolls], plus many double-professional masters to intercept, we have such an impact speed. Very good.” Shu Shu said in a deep voice in the middle of the night, and while he was talking about this, he turned and glanced at the fireworks, which was easy to get cold. Obviously, he also knew that the situation was not so good to continue to drag.

"In fact, we can hold so many enemies, and also consume more than 10 of them [Group Blessing Scroll], which has relieved a lot of pressure for our defenders." Sitting on Qin's heart, she said without waiting for them to speak in the middle of the night. Continue: "And this will delay the enemy more time, the longer the delay, the worse the situation for them, because we have the advantage of the imperial city to mobilize player support easier than the enemy alliance."

"Yeah, that's right." Samadhi took the stubbornness, and when she said this, a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: "Even if the people of the enemy alliance can occupy all the outer walls of the imperial city, what will happen? Unexpectedly, it must be 10 minutes later, when everyone's ult, the awakening state of combination equipment, and the [Group Blessing Scroll] state are all over, so the advantage of the enemy alliance is even smaller."

That’s right, the number of [Group Blessing Scrolls] used by the Japanese server alliance is more, the number of combination equipment awakening skills is more, and the total number of dual professional players is also more. This is their advantage, and once the big move waits for the status effect The end, this undoubtedly means that their advantage is no longer.

Without waiting for everyone to speak, Samadhi continued: "The most important thing is that it is almost impossible for them to attack the inner city wall. Since they can't break the inner city wall, then naturally they can't destroy the imperial city of non-compliance, and we are also defeated. They acted this time."

"That's how it is said, but now the enemy has used more than 20 [Group Blessing Scrolls], and they have used them decisively. Obviously they have far more scrolls than we expected." June Feixue couldn't bear it. Living in the team channel said: "If they have items like [Summon Demon God Scroll], then if the outer wall of the imperial city is occupied too much, too early, then they may still be captured by them and destroy the imperial city. Yes, especially if they still keep a large number of [Group Blessing Scrolls]."

"Yes, no one knows what assassins the enemy has yet to use, and they have more [Group Blessing Scrolls] than we expected. If they can’t be forced to use them as soon as possible, then the outer wall will be occupied. After that, they are likely to continue to occupy the inner city wall." Ye Luo said solemnly: "So we have to take the next step."

"The next move?" For a moment, Zhiyue asked expectantly: "What is the next move?"

"Of course, it is to charge as far as possible to the hinterland of the enemy alliance camp and then force him to use more methods and even killer skills." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, then she looked at Ye Luo: "Fortunately, even if the enemy alliance intercepts our players, Many people have used the [Group Blessing Scroll]. It is not easy for them to stop us. At the very least, it’s okay for us to dash forward 100 meters, but if we rush to the hinterland of the enemy alliance camp at 100 meters, we will treat them like that. The casualties will be greater, and the force that can contain them will be greater. Even if we can let our masters of the formation cast [Change Heaven and Earth] and then install the mobile magic crystal cannon, we can also attack the Tokyo Mythology that has already attacked the city wall. people."

I was still wondering how to advance, but Zhiyue's beautiful eyes lit up after hearing the word'hundred meters', and she looked at Ye Luo with surprise: "Yeah, Brother Ye has [Reincarnation], yes. Teleporting directly 100 meters, there is no problem in breaking through the obstacles of these people, and even then we can surround the masters who intercepted us, and then it will be easier for our people to rush in.

That's right, Ye Luo and the others are going to cast [Remnant Shadows of Reincarnation], and before using this skill, he and the people like Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind have to step back. After all, only in this way can they use their skills without being interrupted. They can also lock Yeluo’s teleportation in advance—if Yeluo rushes to the enemy alliance camp alone, he will definitely be besieged by countless players. In this case, even if his strength is very strong, it will be affected. No, he can't even display a skill at all. In this case, even if he successfully breaks into the hinterland of the enemy alliance camp, he can't play any role.

Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng and others retreated, and a group of powerful cavalry made up their positions and then tried their best to intercept the advancing enemy. Then Po Lang Chengfeng and others began to lock Ye Luo teleportation, and he calculated the time. Cast 【Reincarnation】.

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