VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3367: : Reaching the hinterland

Under the interception of so many enemies, especially among them, there are many [Devil Flame Beast] cavalry, plus they used 6 or 7 [Group Blessing Scrolls] and multiple dual-professional masters to perform big moves, so even if it is Ye It is impossible for Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng and others to join forces to tear apart the defense in a short time and then rush to the hinterland of the enemy alliance camp, and the delay is too long. Tokyo Mythology and others occupy more non-service imperial cities. For some, the pressure on the alliance of the Chinese server will be even greater, and even once the outer wall of the non-server imperial city is occupied, Yeluo's tactics of sneak attack behind them will not be of much use.

Fortunately, Ye Luo and the others managed to cross the interception and rush directly into more than 100 meters, and this distance probably broke into the hinterland of the enemy alliance, and then Ye Luo and the others began to act-Ye Luo was ready to perform [Reincarnation] 】, and the super masters such as Po Lang Cheng Feng also cooperated with his actions, and began to lock him to use [Teleport].

Not only breaking the waves and riding the wind and the others, the fireworks also ordered a group of elite cavalry on the inner city wall to lock Ye Luo teleportation, and the role of these people is also very direct-directly intercept the players rushing to Ye Luo and then give Ye Luo Luo's opportunity to display his skills.

Think about it, even if Ye Luo successfully used [Remnant Shadows] and then rushed into 100 meters but was targeted by countless enemies, it would be great to want to display skills, and he who could not display skills could hardly cause any threat to the surrounding enemies. It doesn’t make much sense to rush over in this way. Although super masters such as Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind and Midnight Book will lock Ye Luo to teleport, they are too few in number to stop all the enemies rushing to Ye Luo, not to mention they are too. Need to use skills and then hit the damage output, so the more people lock Ye Luo to teleport in the past, the more effective Ye Luo and the others can play.

The players in the Japanese server alliance are not fools. The most important thing is that they have seen Ye Luo and their tactics many times, so after seeing Ye Luo and the others retreat, they immediately launched a desperate charge, and there were even many players resisting it. In an invincible state, they will use their displacement skills. Obviously, they want to prevent Ye Luo from casting [Remnant Shadows of Reincarnation]. Of course, it would be better if they can entangle Ye Luo directly. This will make Ye Luo and his formation chaotic. The troubles that one side alliance can cause will naturally be greatly reduced.

However, the fireworks are easy to get cold. They are obviously aware that players from the Japanese server alliance will do this. After seeing Ye Luo and the others retreat, a large number of [Flying Wings*Nightmare Commander] cavalry replaced them, and they intercepted all enemies who displayed displacement skills. , So Ye Luo and the others can use skills such as [Remnant Shadow] with peace of mind-[Flying Wing*Nightmare Commander] Cavalry can be called the most powerful cavalry in the current catastrophe, especially the mounts of the enemy alliance cavalry in [Holy Beast* The attributes of Dragon Soul Deterrence are greatly reduced, so they can block all the enemies that rush to Ye Luo without any problem.

Calculating the time, they saw that they were about to complete the [Transport] before Ye Luo successfully used [Remnant of Reincarnation]. In the next instant, he directly dashed into 100 meters, and the high damage numbers floated in the place he passed. After all, [Remnant of Reincarnation] not only allows Ye Luo to teleport 100 meters, but also causes higher damage to enemies passing by.

In the first time Ye Luo completed the teleportation, they also completed the teleportation. At the same time, there were hundreds of elite cavalrymen who completed the teleportation. After completing the teleportation, they charged in all directions without hesitation. In order to easily form a vacuum zone centered on Ye Luo-[Charge] But it can push the target back several meters, and there are many players who lock Ye Luo to teleport. They charge in all directions together, thus forming a surrounding area. The vacuum zone is naturally normal.

At this time, no player can charge Ye Luo, especially after he teleported decisively to cast [Reincarnation Clone], and then many clones protected him in the middle while attacking the surroundings, so Ye Luo even more. You can use your skills unscrupulously. For a while, group attack skills such as [Ice and Snow], [Storm Blade], [Reincarnation Collapse], and [Energy Blast] are displayed, and this prevents the surrounding enemies from getting close.

I have to say that Ye Luo is very smart. He is very particular about the place where he transmits. The surrounding players are mainly archers, summoners and priests. Even if there are some cavalry who lock these people for the first time to transmit and then intercept him, there are not many. In this case, although the number of Yeluo and the others is far less than that of the players in the Japanese server alliance, there will be no problem in a short time, and they can even kill the surrounding enemies in a short time and make the surrounding vacuum zone more. Bigger.

"Ye Luo, send all the formation masters of our Chinese service party alliance over, let them use [Change Heaven and Earth], if their skills are in the CD, then use the [Group Purification Scroll]..." Fireworks gave the order easily, but Ye Luo acted as soon as she spoke.

That's right, after seeing that a vacuum zone was formed around and that the people like Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind could completely intercept the surrounding enemies, Ye Luo decisively used the [Space Portal] to teleport through Yanyuyao and other masters of the formation, and these people also He did not hesitate to cast [Change Heaven and Earth]-although these formation masters had already performed [Change Heaven and Earth] before, Firework Yi Leng had already predicted the role of these people, so she let the time of the Chinese server alliance Players cast [Time Clear] on them to make their [Change the World] end CD, plus the use of [Group Purification Scroll], so many players can also use this skill.

The fact is the same. There are more than 10 [Change Heaven and Earth] that can be used at this time. The high platform formed in this way is slightly larger, and then I don’t say much when I sit on the piano heart. I decisively used a [Group Blessing Scroll]. Tens of thousands of nightmare cavalry were teleported over, and they appeared directly on the high platform. At this time, their task was to protect the life players in the center of the high platform and the archers, magicians, priests and other players who were later teleported.

Life players deploy mobile magic crystal cannons at the fastest speed, while the later long-range professions such as archers, magicians, and summoners launch their attacks with all their strength. Among them, there are group output, auxiliary control, and blood plus state. Players, everyone cooperates, coupled with the protection of the nightmare cavalry, can attack unscrupulously in such a short period of time, and the combined damage to the surrounding enemies will be great.

1. After 20 seconds, the living players set up the mobile magic crystal cannons one after another, and then these magic crystal cannons also began to show their power, laser lasing away one after another, especially the [Laser Arrow Rain] was used, so the damage would be even greater. High, this makes the casualties of the players of the Japanese server alliance near the high platform quite large, and the casualties will be greater over time.

The high platform is 100 meters away from the players who are still charging behind, such as fireworks, easy to cold, etc. This distance means that the attacks of the mobile magic crystal cannon can cover those cavalry who are in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] or the state of ultimate move, which means that this time These cavalry were flanked back and forth by the alliance of the Chinese server, which made the fireworks easily cold and the pressure on the [Flying Wing*Nightmare Commander] cavalry was much less, which in turn increased their speed of advancing a lot.

Of course, mobile magic crystal cannons are arranged around the high platform, which means that they can attack in all directions, and even attack enemies who have already attacked the outer wall of the non-server. This will undoubtedly make Dongfang kill the sky and their defenders of the city. It eased a lot, so the efficiency of Tokyo Shinhwa and others in occupying the city wall was greatly reduced.

For the time being, the Chinese server alliance has gained the upper hand because of Yeluo’s penetration into the enemy’s hinterland, and the advantage of the Chinese server alliance is increasing over time. The casualties of the Japanese server alliance are higher than those of the Japanese alliance. It can be seen that the achievements of the Chinese server alliance in the third and fourth grades.

Seeing that the situation around the high platform stabilized, Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng and others were not idle, and began to charge backwards. They did this to converge with the fireworks and the others, after all, let a large number of [Feiyi*Nightmare] rule ] Cavalry also enters the hinterland of the enemy camp and poses a greater threat to the enemy-Ye Luo and the others have fewer numbers, even under the leadership of Ye Luo and others, as well as the advantages of high platforms and mobile magic crystal cannons. The damage output is also relatively limited, at least far inferior to the trouble caused by the many [Flying Wings*Nightmare Commander] cavalry charging and trapping together to the enemy alliance.

It is worth mentioning that after seeing that the situation on Ye Luo's side stabilized, Space Players, such as Slender Hand, Huanongyue, Fengxinglie, etc., teleported over. Their most important role is to use [Cross Server*Space Portal] and then teleport. The cavalry from the major servers came over. Although each person can only send 1,000 people each time, the total number is much higher. If these people charge all around, the casualties of the Japanese server alliance will be greater, and it will be the worst for them. The containment effect will be obvious.

At this time, Tokyo Shinhwa and other super masters also noticed the situation here, which made them look dignified, because they also knew that if Ye Luo and the others were allowed to kill, they would surely come back in this siege, but at this time. They couldn't get rid of Dongfang Tiantian and others and entangle Ye Luo and others. After all, their frontal siege efficiency would be greatly reduced. Let alone continue to occupy the walls of the imperial city, they might be opposed. Retake the occupied city wall, and once so, the mobile magic crystal cannons they arranged on the wall will be destroyed and replaced with the mobile magic crystal cannon of the Chinese server alliance, which will undoubtedly put more pressure on their alliance.

Not only that, in the future, Eastern Killing Sky and others will definitely pursue Tokyo Mythology and others like tarsus maggots. In this case, they may not be able to intercept Ye Luo and others. At least the effect will not be very good. This will undoubtedly make the situation of the Japanese server alliance more passive, so after thinking about these, they did not do this, but thought of other methods.

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