VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3375: : The negotiation is complete

At this time, no team has completed the [Fallen Beasts] in the nightmare mode, and the first team to complete the dungeon task can get rich rewards, including scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scroll] and some other props. Of course, they will also be rewarded. Some Lingxi Mochizuki suits-this is a god-level pet suit. It is not impossible to obtain a set that can greatly enhance the player's strength. With these, Yeluo began to counterattack and then occupied the gang resident of the Japanese server alliance and even destroyed their imperial city. .

The most important thing is that the strength of Ye Luo and other Misty Pavilion players has been greatly improved in the past so long, not only the equipment level and level have been very good, but the player's skill system and pet strength are also stronger than before. Quite a few, especially after Ye Luo and the others obtained multiple national weapons including the [Ten Fang Battle Flag], it is not impossible for [Fallen Beasts] to complete the nightmare mode in this way.

Of course, if you invite super masters such as Thousand Miles Solo Riding, Xiaofengwan Yue, Longtengtianxia and other super masters to join, then you will be more confident to complete this dungeon mission, and these people also know that completing the Nightmare Priest’s [Fallen Beast] will be very good. The system rewards then greatly increased their strength, so even if the people of Misty Pavilion didn't pay them, they would be enthusiastic to join, not to mention Ye Luo and the others would give them some loot.

Thinking of these, Othello and they cheered up, and they looked like a [Fallen Wild Beast] who had completed the nightmare mode and then received generous rewards.

"Of course, in order to be more sure to complete the nightmare mode [Fallen Beast], we need to be in the peak state, which means that our ultimate move and the awakening skills of combination equipment must end the CD." Firework Yi said coldly, and took a while. She continued: "In addition, we also need to click [Group Blessing Scroll] just in case, but since Longteng Tianxia will be invited to participate, there are not too many [Group Blessing Scrolls] needed, just one or two."

The reason why he deliberately mentioned Longteng Tianxia is because he possesses the [Seven Stars Fall] skill, which is comparable to the combination equipment awakening skill. There is one more such powerful skill, but there are several or even a dozen [Group Blessing Scrolls]. So if it's not just in case, I don't need any [Group Blessing Scroll] at all.

"Yes, you only need one or two [Group Blessing Scrolls] just in case." Ye Luo took the stubborn words and looked at everyone as he spoke: "We will not be able to open it until at least 24 hours. In the dungeon mission, it is not a problem to get one or two [Group Blessing Scrolls] in such a long time. That is to say, we only need our ultimate move and the awakening skill of combination equipment to finish the CD and we can do it."

"Hey, okay, just do this." Po Lang Chengfeng said, thinking of why she looked at the fireworks and was easily cold: "Then should we tell Longteng Tianxia this news in advance? After all, if they consume some great power and great power during the period, The range skills are not good. Let them have a psychological preparation in advance and we will be more confident in completing this dungeon task."

"It is necessary to tell them about this and let them prepare in advance." Fireworks Yi said coldly, thinking of what she looked at everyone: "In addition, we have to select specific personnel. This dungeon task requires 100 players. I I hope that those who participate in the mission are dual-professional players, that is to say, except for the dual-professional players of our Misty Pavilion, the other manpower will be filled by the Long Family, Feng Xing, Fine Wine Family, and Nangong Family.

Even if the strength of a dual professional player is weak, it is definitely stronger than a single professional player, because only dual professional players can perform big moves, and the big move greatly improves the strength of a player, even because the four major attributes of the dual professional grow higher at the same time Using the [Crowd Blessing Scroll] dual-class strength increase will also be stronger, so choose 100 dual-professional players to participate in the nightmare mode [Fallen Beasts] have a better chance to complete the task.

"Yes, the dual professional players of our gang must participate. After all, the rewards they get can improve their strength. The lack of manpower allows Uncle Bacchus to choose some of the most powerful dual professional masters." Po Lang Chengfeng said, Then she laughed: "We only need to give them a number of people, and we can choose who is involved and let them decide for themselves."

They nodded, the fireworks are easy to be cold, and they have no meaning to this. Then the samādhi poem tells this to Longteng Tianxia, ​​Bacchus Dukang, Feng Xing, and Nangong Yunlong, and when they heard that Ye Luo and the others were doing nightmare mode [Falling Crazy Beast] After that, the Bacchus Dukang and the others were really surprised, because they also knew how difficult it is to copy this mode, and it was too difficult to complete.

But Bacchus Dukang also knows that their gang team is not completed does not mean that the team of Misty Pavilion can not, not to mention that they are still multiple gangs, so there is no big problem to complete the dungeon mission, thinking that the first kill of the dungeon will get you Rich rewards, especially there will be [Group Blessing Scrolls] and other props, they are even more excited, because they also know that once they have multiple [Group Blessing Scrolls] and other scrolls in their hands, they can launch a counterattack, which means So they can also occupy the gang resident of the Japanese server alliance and even destroy their imperial city.

Before that, Dukang, the **** of Bacchus, had been entangled in how to reverse the passive situation, especially after seeing that the strength of super masters such as Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night was enough to entangle and suppress Ye Luo. This meant that the tactics of sneak attack and harassment could no longer be used. The effect is too great. If there is no accident, the two alliances will be in a stalemate for a long time, and a long stalemate means more variables. Maybe the Japanese server alliance will suddenly complete a very good task in the future. Then received generous rewards, which is likely to lead to the collapse of the Chinese server alliance.

And when the Bacchus Dukang and the others were worried about this problem, Ye Luo and the others suddenly said that they would want to be a Nightmare Mode [Fallen Beasts]. This was an opportunity to greatly improve their strength. They thought that they could suppress the Japanese service alliance with this. Naturally excited, and they naturally agreed to come down without hesitation.

"Little poetry girl, do you want Dongfang Tiantian to join the mission, so..." Bacchus Du Kang said, but he was interrupted before he could finish.

"The Nightmare Mode [Degenerate Beast] only requires 100 players to participate, and our gangs have more than 100 dual-professional masters, which means that our gangs are enough, and you don’t need Eastern Killing them." Shi shook his head.

"But Eastern Killing Sky is very strong..." Bacchus Du Kang continued, but he was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"It's because the East Killing Heaven is so strong that he won't let him join us." Samadhi said, seeing the puzzled look of Bacchus Dukang and others, she explained: "Although we estimate that we have completed the nightmare mode [Fallen Wild Beast] ] It only takes two or three hours. It’s unlikely that the Tokyo Mythology will do anything to us in such a short period of time, but what if they do it to us? So we need Dongfang Tiantian and they lead people to stop, except for Ye Being afraid of waiting for others, Eastern Killing Heaven can stop Tokyo Myth and Dark Night."

Seeing Bacchus Dukang and others nodding, she continued: "In addition, it is no surprise that we need to use some combination equipment awakening skills and ults to complete the nightmare mode [Fallen Beast], if the Eastern Killing Sky and other masters also After using these methods, the Tokyo Mythology, they know that we consume a lot of money, they are likely to do it on us, so it is not easy for us to resist them."

"Well, that's true." Feng Xing nodded again, and looked at everyone while talking: "So the best way is to quietly complete the dungeon mission of this mode, although after completing the mission we have It will cost a lot of money, but because the time is not long, Tokyo Mythology may not be able to do it on us during the period."

Without waiting for Samadhi and others to speak, he continued: "Even if we hear the system prompts and judge that we have a greater consumption, we will not be afraid to act on us, because at that time we have already received generous system rewards. After these rewards, even if we have a greater consumption of Tokyo Mythology, they would not dare to act on us rashly, even if they do, they may not be able to succeed."

"Yes, that's it, so it's just in case that Dongfang Killian and others are not allowed to join the mission." Samadhi took the stubbornness, and her tone changed after thinking of something: "In addition, the nightmare mode [Degenerate Beast] needs There are only 100 people in the company. If Eastern Killing and the others join, it means that we will have fewer people to get rewards. I guess you won’t do that either."

"Of course, the most important thing is that only those of us are enough to complete the task, so there is no need to invite other experts to join." Samadhi Shi added.

Naturally, they don’t want others to share a piece of the pie, especially when one of them has the strength to complete. Bacchus Dukang and Fengxing nodded and no longer proposed to invite Dongfang Jitian and others to join. Then they discussed how many gangs should send. Experts joined, because Samadhi directly told them a number of people they needed, so they quickly reached an agreement-the four big gangs are eligible to participate on average, of course, it is necessary to ensure that the strongest players are selected, because only in this way can they have more chances. mission accomplished.

As for Dukang, the **** of Bacchus, they chose those experts to join in their own consideration, but it is not a difficult task for them, after all, they only need to select the strongest players to participate in tomorrow's mission.

After discussing this, Samadhi returned to life, and then continued to wait for the players of the Tokyo Mythology and other Japanese service alliances to withdraw their troops. After all, there are hundreds of millions of players. It will take some time to withdraw all of them, not to mention that even if all of them have been withdrawn, Ye Luo and the others will not leave immediately. After all, Tokyo Mythology and them are likely to make a comeback, so the imperial city may still be destroyed.

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