VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3376: : Start copy

Although there were a lot of players in the Japanese server alliance, the speed of their withdrawal was very good. It didn't take long for them to withdraw all of them. Later, Ye Luo and the others did not immediately withdraw in order to prevent the players from the Japanese server alliance from coming back. A large number of their own mobile magic crystal cannons were installed on the outer city wall, so even if the Tokyo Mythology and the others make a comeback, those mobile magic crystal cannons can cause them greater trouble and delay for some time. With this time, Ye Luo and the others will be enough to come back and support. NS.

It is worth mentioning that while waiting for the players of the Japanese server alliance to withdraw their troops, the players of the Chinese server alliance are not idle. The people of the major servers deliberately arrange manpower to find high-grade BOSS, especially the Misty Pavilion sent more assassins— -Finding high-ranking bosses and then killing them can get some [Group Blessing Scrolls] and other equipment items, and with these Ye Luo they want to complete the nightmare mode [Fallen Beasts] more sure.

Soon, a large number of mobile magic crystal cannons were installed on the outer wall of the Feifu imperial city, and after so long, some defense equipment was repaired, so Ye Luo and the others could unscrupulously carry out the next step.

Ye Luo and the others did not immediately hunt down the high-ranking BOSS they had found, but formed an elite team to prepare for harassment and sneak attacks. The first target was Hongfeng City.

Ye Luo still took the lead. He rushed to Hongfeng City first, and then used the ultra-long-range attack advantage and super high attack power to destroy the defensive equipment on the city wall and kill the players who defended the city. Once more defensive equipment was destroyed, he As well as other players from the Chinese server side alliance have the opportunity to board the city wall and then occupy the city wall, and then it is very easy to take back Hongfeng City.

As in the analysis of the samādhi, Ye Luo and the others have the advantage of sneak attacks, so they don’t have to worry about the problem of gathering people, especially Ye Luo also has the [cross-server*space portal], which is very conducive to sneak attacks, and Tokyo Mythology It’s not so easy for them to gather and then rush to the place where they were attacked. In this way, Yeluo can already do some things before they arrive, such as killing some defenders, such as destroying some defenders. City equipment and so on.

But I have to say that Tokyo Mythology’s response is also very good, especially since they have guessed that Ye Luo will perform sneak attack tactics next, so they have prepared in advance. For example, the super masters on their side have also gathered together. When the gang resident is attacked, they will rush over as soon as possible, and then use the [cross-server*space portal] to transfer these super masters and then be responsible for intercepting Ye Luo and the others, and this will not take too long.

The time is not too long, and what Ye Luo and the others can do is limited. They are just hunting some players and destroying some defense equipment, so it is almost impossible to further occupy some walls and even regain the occupied gangs. .

Of course, the most important thing is that Ye Luo and the others do not have many [Group Blessing Scrolls] and other props, otherwise they dare to charge directly to the city wall and then forcibly retake the occupied gang station, and they can even occupy the gang station of the Japanese service alliance.

After thinking of this, Ye Luo and the others are more eager to complete the Nightmare Mode [Fallen Beast], after all, they only have the opportunity to do this if they have multiple scrolls.

"Sure enough, there are not many [Group Blessing Scrolls] in our hands. It is not so easy, or even impossible, for us to regain the occupied gangs. It is not obvious that the weakening caused by some players just by hunting them is not obvious, and it has no meaning. Great, it’s not so easy to even take back the occupied gang sites, let alone occupy the enemy alliance’s gang sites and destroy their imperial city." Othello sighed: "So we still need to get a lot of them. [The Scroll of Group Blessing], so that we can do this."

"But it takes some [Group Blessing Scrolls] to regain the occupied gang resident. Doesn't that mean we need to stock up the scrolls to get the next one after we have robbed a gang resident?" June Feixue brows slightly. Su Qi: "But only the first kill of the dungeon will be rewarded. Doesn't that mean we still can't..."

Although June Feixue did not continue, Ye Luo and the others already understood what she meant. For a while, Zhiyue and others were also a little worried.

"We can not take back these occupied gang sites, but first occupy the gang sites of the enemy alliance." Breaking the waves and riding the wind road, when she said these, her pretty face was full of smiles: "After all, occupy the enemy. The Alliance’s gang station can get very good rewards. For example, occupying a level 5 gang station can also get at least 5 ordinary scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scrolls], and if we have so many more scrolls, we still have the opportunity to continue to occupy other gangs. Resident, so you can enter a virtuous circle."

"Hee hee, that's true." June Feixue nodded, thinking about what she said, "What's more, Uncle Ye Luo will definitely get the first place in this month's'killing game' and then get a generous reward. , And one month later, his level will definitely reach level 360 and rank nine. Tsk tsk, all problems will be resolved by then."

Regarding this, everyone did not have any doubts, and they all looked forward to it after thinking about it.

Next, Ye Luo and the others did not continue to harass Hongfeng City, and of course they did not harass the gang station of the enemy alliance. After all, there was not much gain in doing so, and they were not even as good as Ye Luo out hunting the enemy alliance players who went out to level up. , So naturally there is no need to continue this way.

Seeing that Ye Luo and the others finally gave up the harassment, Tokyo Mythology, they were completely relieved. In their hearts, they finally resolved Ye Luo and their tactics. They were delighted when they thought that they would never have to worry about this in the future. At least there is no need to worry about the fact that the Chinese server alliance will have the upper hand because of the greater consumption of one's own side, and then the situation will be the same as before the attack on Hongfeng City.

However, the Tokyo Mythology also knows that the stalemate at this time is only temporary, because they have received news that Ye Luo and the others can continue to refine the [Dragon Soul Pill], which means that the [Flying Wing] owned by the Chinese server Nightmare Commander] There are more and more cavalry, and of course there will be more cavalry comparable to this kind of cavalry. As time goes by, the overall strength of the Chinese server alliance far exceeds that of the Japanese server alliance, and it will not take too long. In short, if If this continues, it will be the China-Serving Alliance that will win the final victory.

After thinking of these, Tokyo Mythology both have a sense of urgency. They are eager to improve their strength, and of course they want to stock up more [Group Blessing Scrolls] and other equipment and props. Only in this way can they avoid being suppressed by the Chinese server alliance.

It’s just that it’s not so easy to quickly increase their strength and hoard a large number of scrolls. It takes a certain amount of luck. Fortunately, in Tokyo Mythology, they believe that it takes some time for an alliance to improve their strength, so they still have some In time, they then arranged for more people to find high-ranking bosses and take on difficult tasks. After all, only through these can they quickly improve their strength.

In this way, both parties are busy improving their strength. Although each other will hunt each other's level-level players to earn points, but there will be almost no direct attack on the gang's premises. It is rare that the game of Heavenly Tribulation will be calm again. Come down.

Time passed faintly, and another day passed in a blink of an eye. After so long, Ye Luo and their ults and combination equipment awakening skills have all ended the CD, and after so long hunting down, they also killed many powerful bosses. Then they got some [Group Blessing Scrolls] and other scrolls. For example, the five big gangs such as the Misty Pavilion and the Long Family got 3 [Group Blessing Scrolls]. With so many scrolls, they are more confident to complete the Nightmare Mode of [Fallen Beasts] 】NS.

Without further ado, Ye Luo and the others gathered together and started the mission. At a time, 100 dual-professional masters were teleported to a different space, and then the dungeon mission officially opened. After the countdown, Ye Luo and the others also ushered in a large number of monsters. Of the siege.

"Tsk tsk, the level and rank of these monsters are very high, and the lowest are 400 monsters. Fortunately, it is us, otherwise other players will find it difficult to deal with monsters of this level." Yaoyue raised a glass. And when he said this, his tone was a little solemn: "It's no surprise that the final BOSS we face must be of the top ten demon gods, with our current strength..."

Although Yueyue did not go on a toast, everyone knew what he meant. For a while, some people became worried. After all, they also knew how powerful the top ten demon-level bosses are.

"Don't worry, Brother Ye Luo and the others have even killed the Fourth Demon God. I don't believe that the final BOSS we encountered this time is stronger than the Fourth Demon God." Qianli Zouqi said this without taking it seriously. At that time, he didn't forget to continue his attack, and a powerful attack was not difficult to resist the rushing monster.

"We are able to kill the fourth demon **** with the help of the [God Descending Scroll], and even the fifth, sixth, and seventh demon gods are killed after the player uses the scroll, and at this time we can There is no [God Coming Scroll]." Samadhi poetry said, seeing everyone's expressions dignified, her tone changed: "However, our strength has improved a lot, and this time the final BOSS we face is definitely not comparable. The fourth and fifth demon gods, plus we have gathered so many powerful masters here, there are even 4 awakening skills for combination equipment alone, so there is no problem in killing the final boss and completing the task. ."

"By the way, our pets are much stronger than before, and this is where we have the confidence to complete this dungeon mission." Samadhi Shi added.

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