VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3377: : Facing BOSS

This time, the players who took the nightmare mode [Fallen Beasts] mostly took over large-scale team missions. It is still very easy for them to infer the final rank of the BOSS based on the level and rank of the mobs, and it is inferred this time. In the end, the boss is likely to be the top ten demon gods, and everyone looks a little dignified, especially when the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh demon gods are all killed after the player uses the [God descending scroll]. ??????At this time, Ye Luo and the others didn't have the [God Coming Scroll] this kind of scroll specifically for powerful BOSS.

However, considering that the level, equipment, overall attributes and pets of the crowd have been greatly improved, especially considering that there are 4 combination equipment awakening skills in the crowd, they are confident again and feel that they will be able to complete it. This time the task, then they increased the intensity of killing monsters.

Although the level and rank of the mobs are very high, but this time the missions are all dual-professional masters. Among them, there are many super masters such as Ye Luo, Longteng Tianxia, ??????and Thousand Miles Solo, so it is relatively easy to deal with these mobs. At least it can be easily completed without using scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scroll].

However, while doing the task, Ye Luo and the others are also a little worried about Tokyo Mythology and other Japanese server alliances who noticed that they were doing the task and acted on the Chinese server alliance. Once that way, the Chinese server alliance still has some dangers, such as being Occupy some gang sites, or even destroy an imperial city???according to Ye Luo and their guesses, it will take two to three hours to complete the nightmare mode of the [Fallen Beasts], which is enough time for Tokyo Mythology to do a lot of things, including Destroy an imperial city.

Think about it, Ye Luo and the others cannot give up directly when doing the task. After all, doing so will be severely punished, such as losing grades, such as weakening the overall attributes and waiting. In this state, even if they can participate in defending the city. Not necessarily much can be done.

However, after Ye Luo and the others experienced yesterday???s events, the Tokyo Mythology should not rashly take action on the alliance of the Chinese server. After all, both sides consumed a lot yesterday, especially both sides consumed the [Group Blessing Scroll]. It is not so easy to destroy an imperial city under this kind of scroll, even if Ye Luo and the others cannot participate in the war.

In addition, Ye Luo and the others are quietly doing tasks, Tokyo Mythology, they don't necessarily know, and during this period they will not do anything against the imperial city of the Chinese server alliance.

Of course, Ye Luo and the others still hope to complete the dungeon quest quietly, so even if Tokyo Mythology tries to attack the Chinese server alliance, they won???t worry too much, even if they killed the final boss of this quest at that time. It consumes a lot of money, so after thinking of these, they increased their attacks and wanted to complete this task earlier.

The fact is also true. After experiencing yesterday???s events, the Japanese server alliance has suffered a great deal of consumption. In addition, they believe that Ye Luo and others have returned and are in better condition than yesterday, so they dare not act rashly, even In the hearts of the players of the Japanese server alliance, Ye Luo and them are more likely to take the initiative to attack, thinking that they will be attacked next, they are a little worried for a while, even if they saw yesterday how the super masters such as Tokyo Myth and Dark Night stopped Ye Luo and them The same is true.

Think about it. Yesterday, the reason why Tokyo Mythology they arrived so quickly was because they had guessed that Yeluo would take action against occupied gangs such as Hongyancheng. The most important thing is because of the sneak attack on the imperial city of Tokyo. Super masters such as Shinhwa and Dark Ye gathered together, and today they don???t know which server's gang location Ye Luo will sneak attack on. In addition, after yesterday???s events, Dark Ye and other super masters will separate. It takes some to gather together. Time.

Even if the Tokyo Mythology they can arrive in time, even if they can prevent Ye Luo and the others from destroying the defensive equipment and then ensure that the gang resident is not destroyed, they can't prevent Ye Luo and the others from killing, especially if Ye Luo and others have [fallen*] Swallowed players, the players killed by them don't even have the chance to be resurrected.

It is precisely this way that the players of the Japanese server alliance are defending Ye Luo and their sneak attacks that come at any time. How can they think that they will once again attack the gang station of the Chinese server alliance, let alone the imperial city.

Seeing that Ye Luo and the others did not come for a sneak attack, the players of the Japanese server alliance were slightly relieved, they wished to keep doing this, so they would not take the initiative to provoke the Chinese server alliance.

But this is what Ye Luo and the others hope to see very much. Again, they hope to complete the task silently and get rewards.

Time passed faintly, and more than two hours passed in a blink of an eye. During the period, Ye Luo and the others did not get the news of the attack from the Japanese server alliance, so they were completely relieved. After all, they are about to kill all the mobs. In other words, as long as they kill the final BOSS, they will be able to complete the dungeon mission this time.

Soon Ye Luo and the others killed all the mobs, and then they finally saw the final BOSS of this dungeon. Ye Luo investigated the attributes of the BOSS for the first time, and did not wait for June Feixue and the others to ask. The attribute map was sent to everyone and said: "In the end, the BOSS is really strong, at the level of the top ten demon gods. The attribute alone is comparable to the seventh demon god, but it is much worse than the fourth demon god.

At this time, other people also saw the attributes and skills of the BOSS, which made them a little relieved, although they also knew that the strength of this BOSS was not weaker than the seventh demon god.

Think about it, at this time, it has been one or two months since Ye Luo and the others killed the seventh demon. After such a long time, the player's strength has been greatly improved, and there are even more countries. In this way, even if there is no [God Descending Scroll], they will have a greater chance to kill it. They naturally breathed a sigh of relief thinking of these.

Although they thought of this, everyone was still a little worried. Then they all looked at the fireworks on the side and it was easy to get cold. It was self-evident. Inviting the moon to toast even directly asked: "The beauty of fireworks, how about us? Can your strength kill this boss?"

"There is no problem killing the BOSS." Fireworks Yi said coldly, ignoring the joy of everyone, and she continued: "But we have to cast [Necromancy *Curse] on the BOSS, so that it may be more likely to be killed. Some."

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Xiaofeng Canyue said lightly, and the misty Yiye behind him also said that it's fine.

Xiaofeng Wanyue and Misty One Leaf are the only two Necromancer dual-professional players in the Chinese server. This means that only they can perform [Necromancer *Curse]. This skill is designed to defeat the BOSS, so in order to be more They are sure to kill the final BOSS, so Ye Luo and the others deliberately let Misty Yiye and Xiaofeng Wanyue participate in this mission. Of course Misty Yiye and Xiaofeng Wanyue are very powerful, especially Xiaofeng Wanyue, just simply considering them. The strength is also qualified to participate in this mission.

"Firework beauty, **** the boss next?" Feng Xinglie asked: "We have 100 people here, and they are all dual-professional players, and Ye Luo brother's [Tao Chi Dao] and your [Five Elements Great Array] can be both. Covering a hundred people, that is to say, we can only use one combination equipment awakening skill to make all people stand in this state. Maybe only one such skill can kill the BOSS, so that other combination equipment skills are retained. We can do many things."

Feng Xinglie???s proposal was immediately echoed by many people, especially Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, because in her mind, once she completed the task and received generous rewards, they could directly deal with the gang resident of the Japanese service alliance, while retaining the combination equipment. The more Awakening skills she has, the more she can do it, so she naturally hopes that she can kill the BOSS with only one [Tao Chi Dao].

However, the fireworks Yi Cold did not immediately reply. It was obvious that she was analyzing the feasibility of this matter.

"Let???s take action together, so that you can be more sure to kill the BOSS in the shortest time." Ye Luo suddenly said: "[Tai Chi Dao] is not much worse than Feng Sister???s [Thunder God Heaven], the most important thing is [Tai Chi Dao] ???It can make 100 players stand up to this state, and everyone will have a better chance to kill the BOSS in the shortest time. After all, the [Necromancy *Curse] we can cast is limited, and the war of attrition is very detrimental to us."

That's right, the BOSS's vitality recovery speed is very fast, the longer such delay, the more difficult it will be to kill it, and the greater the consumption will be.

After a little hesitation, the fireworks coldly nodded, and said: "Well, okay, everyone will shoot together, and then everyone will be in the state of [Resurrection Prophecy]. Once they are killed, they will immediately withdraw from the team. We must not be dropped because of To complete the task without attrition."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "If the boss cannot be killed within 10 minutes, then Sister Feng will directly cast [Thunder God's Fall], and we will also use the [Group Purification Scroll] to continue to attack the BOSS against players in this state. Other players exit the scope of the BOSS attack."

Everyone is a smart person. Naturally, you know that you will get more generous rewards for completing tasks without attenuation. At this time, the rewards you get are more generous and important to everyone, so no one can be killed, not to mention once the player is killed. The loss of level and loss of experience are not what everyone wants to see, so they all agreed, and then geared up one by one, wishing to start to deal with the BOSS immediately.

Now that the fireworks easy to cold has formulated the tactics, the next thing is much simpler. After adjusting the state, everyone started to use the big move, and Ye Luo also used the [Tai Chi Dao] for the first time, and the strength of everyone was greatly improved. , Ye Luo took the lead and rushed directly to the BOSS, and the battle was about to start.

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