VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3378: : Chaos Arrow

Ye Luo is undoubtedly the player with the strongest life-saving ability among all the players. This is not only because his equipment level, overall attributes and skill system surpass others, but also he also holds the [Shi Fangzhan], after all, he only holds the country Only the players of the device component can superimpose the attributes of the national device. At this point, they will have some gaps between the dragon and the world, and they will have some gaps when riding alone. So it is inevitable that Ye Luo will attack the BOSS first.

When there was more than 20 meters away from the BOSS, Ye Luo performed [Flashing], [God Dance Step] and then [Charge]. Although a big Miss appeared, he did not stop, [Reincarnation Slash] + Flat Chop + [ Reincarnation] Even though there are so many attacks, there are still many Misses, but they also attacked the BOSS several times. The powerful attack power also caused very good damage to the BOSS, even if the BOSS's defense power is very high. After all, Many of Ye Luo's attacks were in a state of ignoring defense.

High damage numbers floated from the boss's head, and several of them triggered multiple critical strikes, which made Ye Luo firmly attracted the hatred of the boss, and at this time, the waves and the wind did not need to be shot again. Worried that the hatred of the BOSS will shift-they know that there is almost no chance of surpassing Ye Luo with their damage output, so naturally they can't take away the hatred of the BOSS.

I have to say that Ye Luo's strength is extremely strong after the state of the ultimate move and the [Tai Chi Dao], especially after the 10 [Ten Fang Battle Flag] components have superimposed attributes, even if he faces a BOSS attack, he will also drop. A lot of Qi and blood, but this is only one twentieth of his total Qi and blood, and with strong recovery ability and strong blood-sucking ability, it is easy to keep Qi and blood in full blood, especially Ye Luo will occasionally use it. [God Dance Step] It's okay to resist the BOSS's attack, so you can guarantee that you won't be killed.

As long as Ye Luo is not killed, his attack power will be able to firmly attract the hatred of the BOSS, so that they can rest assured that they can attack boldly, as long as they are slightly guarded against the boss's group attack, and this Under the circumstances, the damage they can hit is still very high, and they are most likely to kill the BOSS.

Xiaofeng Zanyue took the lead to cast the [Necromancy*Curse] on the BOSS, so that the BOSS not only continues to lose blood, but also restores its vitality to zero, so it is not too problematic to kill it.

Everyone will not waste this opportunity. They have increased their attack power and used various methods, including control skills. Although the hit rate of control skills is not high, once it hits, the threat of BOSS to everyone will be greatly reduced. And everyone can attack more unscrupulously, and it is easier to kill it.

Facing the siege of Ye Luo and others, the BOSS was furious. It decisively displayed its skills. The first skill was a single skill, which was quite powerful, but Ye Luo could easily use the 1 second invincible state of [God Dance Step] to resist.

Then the BOSS decisively used a large-scale group attack skill, which covered all players, and this skill was instantaneous. Fortunately, the damage bonus of this skill was only 250%, so even if everyone was too late to use invincible means to block They won’t be killed by a spike, even if a critical strike is triggered. After all, everyone is in the state of ultimatum and [Taiji Dao], and their vitality and defense are extremely high. Even if the BOSS wants a skill to kill them in seconds, it is almost impossible. possible.

The fact is also true. The player with the lowest defense power and qi and blood among the crowd and the more unlucky triggered a crit but only lost nearly half of his qi and blood, which is not a small distance from his zero qi and blood.

After the BOSS used this group attack skill, Ye Luo and others used their skills one after another. Of course, they focused on control skills, because once the BOSS can be controlled, then they can buy some time for everyone, and everyone can recover from these times.

It’s just that this time everyone’s luck was a bit bad. They used their control skills and failed to control the BOSS. Fortunately, the BOSS did not use the group attack skills again after the group attack skills. It continued to attack Ye Luo, so Others can get a chance to breathe.

At this time, two professional priests such as Shangqin Xin, Saturday and Daughter Red began to play a role. Various group healing skills were displayed, and the blood of everyone was quickly restored, especially the player who dropped the most blood and was deliberately taken care of. It takes less than 10 seconds to see their qi and blood to return to a healthy state, plus sitting on the piano and waiting for the priest to add [spell immunity] for them, so there is no need to worry that the BOSS can kill them in seconds.

In fact, even if those people are killed in a second, they will not necessarily be reduced. After all, everyone is in the state of [Resurrection Prophecy] and can be resurrected. According to the arrangement before the fireworks are easy to cold, the players after the resurrection will quit the battle as soon as possible, but Without these people, the damage output to the BOSS will be less, and it will take longer to kill it. Therefore, in order to kill the BOSS in a short time, sit on the Qin Xin and other priests to ensure everyone as much as possible. In a healthy state.

I have to say that sitting on Qin Xin and waiting for the priest’s healing ability is amazing, especially after sitting on Qin Xin to obtain the [Shang of Compassion], her healing output is even more amazing. Within 10 seconds, everyone’s qi and blood returned to a healthy state. In this way, everyone can attack the BOSS unscrupulously, and the vitality of the BOSS is also decreasing at a faster rate. At present, everyone can kill it within 10 minutes.

Of course, this is calculated based on the current damage caused by everyone to the BOSS. Once someone quits the battle, especially after 5 minutes, the damage caused by everyone to the BOSS will be much reduced. After all, not everyone can cast it twice. The big move, and the number of [Group Purification Scrolls] in everyone's hands is not enough to keep everyone with the big move, so they will be much more dangerous to face the BOSS, and they will need to withdraw from the battle at that time.

Ye Luo and the others also know this, so they try their best to hit the damage output within the first 5 minutes and then kill the BOSS, so they are not stingy with their skills, all kinds of powerful methods have been used, and the BOSS's blood drop speed This has also increased a lot.

Soon after, the BOSS used a large-scale group attack skill, even this is a group control skill. Fortunately, this skill has a charge of 1 second, and this long time is enough for everyone to react and then use various invincible methods—— The player who can participate in this mission, May Day, is not a master. Coupled with the reminder from the fireworks and others, there is no problem in displaying the instant invincible means within 1 second.

However, BOSS is not easy. After the group control skill was used, other group attack skills were continued for 10 seconds, and this time two group attack skills were used in succession. Fortunately, he immediately used one after sitting on Jinxin. [Group Guardian Scroll], so there is no need to worry about being killed within 10 seconds, so they can attack unscrupulously.

"Hey, for now, we can definitely kill the BOSS in 10 minutes, because the vitality of the BOSS has dropped by one third in less than 1 minute." Yaoyue toasted and laughed: "Even if it is because [ The effect of Necromancy *Curse] We also have a good chance to kill the BOSS within 5 minutes, so that everyone can more guarantee to complete this dungeon mission without attenuation."

In this regard, everyone was deeply convinced, and they were even more excited to think that they would get more generous rewards for completing tasks without attenuation.

"Don't be careless, after all, BOSS also has a question mark skill. No one knows what the effect of this skill is." Samadhi Shi said in a deep voice.

"Hey, what are you afraid of? Although the question mark skill will definitely be very powerful, the time it takes to accumulate energy will definitely be longer. There is no problem with using our reaction speed to display invincible means." Othello said indifferently: "Don’t forget that we still have some invincible means. For example, the fireworks deliberately instructed us to keep [Invincible Pill], and Shi Jie and Ye Luo can also use [Six Paths * Ten Thousand Sword Guardian Shield (group)] to hit the BOSS. There must be no problem with killing."

"Yes, there is no problem with killing this BOSS." Po Lang Chengfeng said with confidence, thinking of something, a smile appeared on her pretty face: "This is the BOSS of the top ten demon gods. After killing it Not only will it explode the Lingxi Mochizuki component, it may also explode the national weapon, tusk, the national weapon, one more national weapon will make our strength very good."

That's right, this is the top ten demon-level BOSS, and it is the first time to be killed. In this case, it will explode out of the country, and it is still a very good grade. After thinking of this, everyone is looking forward to it. But they are also more vigilant, because they don't want to be killed by the BOSS at a critical moment, that would be too frustrated.

However, the situation is not the same as what they said in Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, because the question mark skill is indeed a bit unusual, and this skill almost killed everyone.

When the BOSS's vitality was only 10% left, it finally used the question mark skill, and after seeing this skill, everyone looked dignified and no longer relaxed as before, because this skill is-[Chaos of Chaos] arrow】.

[Chaos Arrow] The effect is very simple, even a single skill, but the effect of this skill is quite peculiar, that is, the player who has this skill will not be controlled by himself for the next 10 seconds. Randomly cast your own skills. The problem is that these skills can cause damage to nearby friendly units, and Ye Luo’s strength has a chance to kill anyone even if it’s just a random cast of skills, even if everyone resists big moves and [Tao Chi Dao]. in this way.

The most important thing is that [Chaos Arrow] ignores the invincible state, which means that as long as the BOSS casts it, it will definitely have an effect, and Ye Luo will be controlled by this skill and then launched an attack. The scene is too spectacular.

"Uh, there is such a rogue skill. This is troublesome. We not only have to deal with the boss who has lost hatred, but also deal with Ye Luo's attack. This is Ye Luo's attack. It can kill us in seconds, not to mention it. 10 seconds of unlimited attacks..." Sitting on Qin Xin smiled bitterly.

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