VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3379: : Kill the boss

The effect of [Chaos Arrow] is quite simple, that is, you can directly control the target for 10 seconds. This effect ignores any defense, including the invincible state, and the controlled unit will randomly cast the skills it has mastered during the period.

If it's just that, the most troublesome thing is that the controlled player is in an invincible state, which means that you can't use the control skill to control it and then delay it for 10 seconds. For example, Ye Luo, who is controlled by this skill at this time, is in an invincible state— If the target controlled by [Chaos Arrow] is not invincible, then the waves and wind and others can easily use the control skills to trap it. After all, the hit rate of the control skills between players is still very high, and even everyone can take turns. Using the control skills, it is easy to delay for 10 seconds and make Ye Luo end the control state of [Chaos Arrow].

But at this time Ye Luo is invincible, the situation is troublesome, especially when Ye Luo is in the state of [Tao Ji Dao] and ultimatum, any skill can kill the surrounding players in seconds, including breaking the waves and riding the wind, and the dragon. Therefore, after seeing the effect of [Chaos Arrow] and seeing that Ye Luo is controlled, everyone will worry and laugh bitterly.

The most troublesome thing is that sitting on Qin Xin has tried to use [Dispel] to dispel his negative state, but it cannot dispel the state of [Chaos Arrow], which means that Ye Luo can only get rid of being controlled after 10 seconds. status.

"Why is Uncle Ye Luo controlled by [Chaos Arrow]? It will be better for any other player." June Feixue couldn't help complaining: "This is not just because of Uncle Ye Luo's injury. The output is very high and there is a chance to kill us in a second. The most important thing is that he is facing the hatred of the boss at this time. Now that the hatred is chaotic, then we are in trouble.

"Ye Luo has been firmly holding the hatred of the boss, and [Chaos Arrow] is a single skill, so the BOSS naturally casts towards Ye Luo." Samadhi explained that when she said this, she looked at Fireworks Yi Cold, that means self-evident.

"Sister Feng, you attack the boss with all your strength, hold back the hatred of the boss, and let Sister Qi and Yueyue raise a glass to assist." The firework is easy to cold and decisively gave orders. Without waiting for the waves and the wind to reply, she continued: "Long Tengtianxia, ​​a thousand miles away Riding alone, the two of you teamed up to entangle Ye Luo and interrupt his skills."

"Hey, this is a good idea. After all, even though Big Brother Ye is invincible at this time, it is still possible to interrupt his skills by personal entanglement, especially when Big Brother Longteng and Big Brother Solo are teamed up, as long as Big Brother Ye can be interrupted. Use the skills, then there is almost no problem." Midnight Shu laughed.

And when the book said this in the middle of the night, breaking the waves and riding the wind, and Long Tengtian, they also acted separately, because at this time Ye Luo was controlled by the BOSS. In this case, the BOSS with strong intelligence will naturally not treat Ye Luo again. Launching an attack, so breaking the waves and riding the wind to increase the intensity of the attack is not difficult to attract the hatred of the BOSS, especially when riding a thousand miles alone and the dragon world no longer attacks the BOSS.

In addition, the defensive power of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind is quite amazing after being equipped with the [Armor of Thor]. Especially at this time, she is still in the state of big moves and [Tai Ji Da Dao], so she can hold on to being attacked by the BOSS, not to mention her The replying ability is very good. With the deliberate care of daughter Hong, sitting on Qin Xin and other pastors, it is even more okay. At least 10 seconds is not a problem.

In addition, maybe because of the question mark skill, the BOSS did not use other skills for some time, not only single, but also group attack skills, and this also further reduces the wave breaking and wind riding. pressure.

As long as breaking the waves and riding the wind can steadily hold the boss’ hatred and ensure their own safety, then other people don’t have to worry about being killed by the boss during the period. At this time, they are a little nervous and Yeluo, because Yeluo is better than the BOSS at this time. The threat is even greater, especially since Ye Luo has already displayed the control skill [Ice and Snow].

Fortunately, the coverage of [Ice and Snow] is not too large, and the daughter Hong and others decisively used some skills that continue to increase blood, so everyone can still hold on, especially the BOSS did not use group attack skills, only However, if Ye Luo displays other powerful group attack skills, such as [Ten Thousand Swords Return to Zong] and other skills, then the problem will be troublesome.

Fortunately, after hearing the order, Long Teng Tian Xian, Qianli Qiqiang rushed to Ye Luo as soon as he heard the order, and then teamed up to block his long sword to interrupt his skills. Maybe a single person, whether it is Long Teng Tian Xian or Qianli alone. The riding strength is a bit worse than Ye Luo, but the two super masters teamed up to deal with Ye Luo, so even if Ye Luo was awake, he couldn't bear it, let alone he was under control at this time.

But maybe the brain system has recorded Ye Luo's operating habits before, so at this time it controls Ye Luo to use this habit to fight. For example, Ye Luo used the [God Dance Step] to get rid of the chase of the dragon and the world, and then go around by riding alone. After the Midnight Book, they used Midnight Book and other players around him as a'human shield' to stop Longtengtianxia and ride alone for thousands of miles, which made them helpless.

Fortunately, seeing this situation, Midnight Shu did not hear the command and immediately acted. With a turn of his figure, the dagger block blocked Ye Luo, and the sunset of the river also reacted to the block immediately, so that the two of them joined forces. Interrupted Ye Luo from performing skills.

Of course, the most important thing is that most of the group skills that Ye Luo wants to display have some time for accumulating energy, and the accumulating time gives them enough reaction time for Midnight Book, plus the two people work together, so it is still not interrupted to use his skills. Too big a problem.

It is easy to entangle Ye Luo with the strength of the book in the middle of the night and the setting sun in the long river for a period of time. At this time, Long Teng Tianxia and thousands of miles riding alone also chased him. The four teamed up, so it was easier to entangle Ye Luo, and know At this time, Ye Luo is likely to use displacement skills, so they are also ready to use displacement skills to pursue them.

At the same time, other players were also vigilant, and they were also ready to deal with Ye Luo coming around him at any time. Although they were not as good as Midnight Book and Long River Sunset in their strength and reaction, they evacuated here and gave Long Teng the first time. There is no problem for them to spare time.

The fact is also true. Ten seconds passed in the crowds extremely nervous, and the effect of [Chaos Arrow] finally ended. Ye Luo also let out a long sigh of relief: "This is too thrilling, but fortunately there are only 5 or 6 players. It’s killed by me, otherwise it’s troublesome."

Ye Luo used the instant skills after using the displacement skills, such as [Sword Qi], etc. The increased damage output of the skills was very high. In addition, at this time, he was in the state of [Tao Chi Dao] and ultimatum. 5, 6 players were killed by him.

Fortunately, these people are in the state of [resurrection prophecy] and do not worry about being killed, but after the resurrection, their ultimate move and [Tai Chi Dao] state ends, so these people can only withdraw from the ranks of besieging BOSS. , After all, if the BOSS then uses some group attack skills, it may cause greater casualties to everyone and reduce the number of personnel, so it is a bit uneconomical.

"Yeah, this is too thrilling. We were not killed by the BOSS but you were killed by Uncle Ye Luo. Then we were not killed unjustly." June Feixue was a little grateful, and she laughed when she thought of something. "Fortunately, You didn't use [Reincarnation Clone], otherwise we will be more troublesome, especially when the Clone is still in an invincible state. Tsk tsk, all kinds of skills are displayed, even if we want to prevent you from using the skills, it will be very difficult."

Hearing this, everyone thought of this, and for a while, they were all afraid of it.

"Fortunately, the CD time of [Chaos Arrow] is 10 minutes. Next, the BOSS should not have a second chance to use it, because soon we will be able to kill it." Othello joked, while talking She looked at everyone: "No accident, we can complete this dungeon mission without losing staff. Hey, so we should get more rewards."

In this regard, everyone was full of confidence, and then they didn't say much, and each stepped up their attacks.

After getting rid of the control, Ye Luo rushed to the BOSS for the first time, and with his powerful attack power, he easily regained the hatred of the BOSS, and this also made the waves and wind riders breathe a sigh of relief. At this time, they are more confident. Killed the BOSS.

The fact is also true. It didn’t take long for the blood of the BOSS to be cleared, and at the first time when the blood of the BOSS was zero, everyone gained a wealth of experience. The players who participated in this mission were of very high level and needed to upgrade. The experience is very rich and some of them have been upgraded, which has more or less improved their strength.

As for Ye Luo, although his level has not been improved because of this, the experience bar has also advanced a lot, which makes him one step closer to the 360 ​​level nine revolutions.

Of course, it’s not everyone’s happiest level to increase the level. At this time, they pay more attention to the rewards they will get after completing this task and what the BOSS will explode. Thinking that the BOSS is likely to burst out of the country, for a while They looked forward to it even more, especially after seeing a dazzling array of items bursting out of the place where the boss was killed, but because the players of the Misty Pavilion did not do anything, so the players such as Longteng Tianxia did not approach rashly. After all, the mission is dominant this time. Misty Pavilion, people in Misty Pavilion who are not close to other gangs will not rashly look at the equipment included.

"Hey, we have killed the BOSS, why haven't we heard the system prompt?" June Feixue asked curiously: "After all, we are the first to complete the **** mode [Fallen Beast], complete The first kill will be rewarded by the system, especially when the difficulty factor of the task we complete is still so high, is it possible that there will be other BOSS that did not kill? If this is the case, then the situation is a bit troublesome, because we may not be able to. Kill another boss, especially if the other boss is likely to be stronger than this one."

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