VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3388: : Quick Siege

Because it was a sneak attack, coupled with the fact that the slender jade hand used the [Uranium*Space Portal], millions of elite players were sent over and the number of players exceeded the number of players in the US server in Iron City. As a result, the alliance of the Chinese server is firmly occupied. In order to gain the upper hand, this can be seen not only from the fact that the fireworks are easy to be cold and they have a firm foothold and can continue to destroy the city’s defensive equipment, but also from the players led by Ye Luo and Dongfang Qitian are performing an efficient It can be seen by the speed rushing from side to side.

After seeing this scene, the unknown heroes realized that they could not stop the fireworks from being cold from the front. At this time, they could only stop Ye Luo and the others with the help of city guards from both sides of the city wall, and prevent them from occupying the city wall as fast as possible to delay time. After all, the longer the delay, the more players their allies can mobilize, so that they have some chance to defend the Iron City.

That's right, at this time the hero Wuming and they can only lead people to stop Ye Luo and the others from the two walls. After all, only in this way can they use part of the defense equipment, and the fact is that, after the hero Wuming and others participated in the obstacle, Ye Luo and the others rushed in. Sure enough, the speed has slowed down a lot, and the slow speed means that casualties will also increase.

However, at this time, the fireworks and others can still attack the defense equipment on the wall unscrupulously. Later, the Chinese server alliance has placed more and more mobile magic crystal cannons. These have increased the siege power of the Chinese server alliance. The pressure on such heroes and nameless people is even greater.

"Ye Luo, Xiao Shu, rushed forward, and cast [Chaos Arrow] on the unknown hero and the hero's blade." Firework Yi Cold gave the order.

Ye Luo and the others instantly understood the purpose of the fireworks being easy to be cold-using [Chaos Arrow] to control the hero Wuming and other masters not only have a chance to kill them, but also can speed up the occupation of the city wall. It is very important for players of one alliance to occupy more walls. After all, it will not take long for the Japanese server to wait for the server to mobilize a group of elites. The longer such a delay, the more unfavorable the situation of the alliance between the Chinese server and the alliance.

Of course, if you have the opportunity to kill the nameless hero and the blade of the hero, then even if you can't occupy the steel city in the next one party alliance, you will also make a lot of money, because the nameless hero and the hero blade are the strongest masters in the US server, each has 2 If you can kill them and then explode these national weapons, it would be tantamount to destroying the two of them, so the US server will not recover and it will not be much different.

When the hero's blade and their national weapons are exploded, the Chinese server will have several more national weapons, one will go down and the other will grow, and then it will be easier to deal with the US server and even the Japanese server alliance. This is not just the occupation of steel. The benefits that the city can get.

Thinking of these Ye Luo, they didn’t say much. They used displacement skills one after another and then rushed towards Hero Blade and Hero Wuming. This horrified the Hero Blade and they retreated, and even some players with national weapons also hurriedly retreated——Hero Unnamed, they saw the power of [Chaos Arrow] in the Australian server. At this time, they didn't dare to be trapped by this skill, because in this case they might not be able to survive like Dark Night and Tokyo Myth.

However, the hero Wuming and they also know the weakness of [Chaos Arrow], that is, the range of effect of this skill is only 10 meters, so as long as you are 10 meters away from Yeluo and others, it is just because the hero Wuming and others have The Chinese players hurriedly backed away to keep away from Ye Luo and the others as much as possible. They even gave orders to their Space Department players to use the [Space Portal] to teleport them away at any time.

In addition, a large number of elite players rushed to Yelou and others under the orders of the hero Wuming and others to prevent them from continuing to approach, and they breathed a long sigh of relief after seeing Ye Luo and the others were intercepted by the hero Wuming. .

Although the hero was unnamed, they escaped a disaster, but because the super masters of the US server retreated, the power to stop Yeluo and the others was greatly weakened, so Yeluo and the others accelerated the speed of advancement-for Yeluo and the others, although the hero cannot be made unnamed It is indeed a pity to wait for someone to kill, but it is also a good result to speed up the occupation of the city wall and then occupy the steel city, not to mention that they still retain the [Chaos Arrow], which means they still have the opportunity to use this skill to deal with the Tokyo myth. Waiting for the super master of the Japanese service party alliance.

Of course, you can also use this skill to deter them and then prevent them from getting too close, and this can further facilitate Ye Luo and the others to occupy the Iron City.

The fact is also true. At this time, Tokyo Mythology has already come to the US server, and even Tokyo Mythology and other Japanese masters have come to the Iron City. After all, they are nominally allies of the US server, but at this time Tokyo Mythology and their I didn’t dare to approach Ye Luo rashly, especially when I saw space players such as the slender jade hand and Fireworks Yicold and others together-they were worried about being controlled by [Chaos Arrow], the space players of the Chinese server alliance [ Space Enchantment] Control them.

Yes, the Tokyo Mythology and the others have already arrived in the Iron City, but at this time Ye Luo and the others have completely occupied the wall of the southern gate of the Iron City, and have even begun to advance to the east and west walls. Only the players of the US server can't stop Ye Luo and the others. The pace of progress.

"Hey, Tokyo Mythology, they have rushed over, and Sakura Ruxue has also come. She can use the [Profound meaning*Space Portal] and then send millions of elites to help defend the city. Why don’t they do this? After all, this is so. Causes greater resistance to us." Othello helped Ye Luo intercept the players who rushed towards him and smiled: "Especially the [Devil Flame Beast] cavalry, tusk, if they mobilize all the cavalry, it would be 500,000. , More than our [Flying Wing * Nightmare Commander], even if the quality is not as good as ours, they can still cause more trouble for us if they rush over."

"Obviously, the Japanese service does not want to make their cavalry more casualties in order to help the US service." Midnight Shu said with a smile: "Because we have already occupied more than one city wall at this time, not to mention that the overall situation is determined or bad. Not much, the most important thing is that we have used so many elites and will not immediately withdraw at all. If they feel that they will send [Devil Flame Beast] cavalry to intercept us, then we will attack it with all our strength. The number of [Group Blessing Scrolls] is far more than that of the Japanese server alliance, and even the combination equipment has more awakening skills than the opponent. If you fight hard, we will definitely win in the end."

"Yes." Ye Luo said: "Once you fail, it means that all the [Devil Flame Beast] cavalry in the Japanese server will be killed. This is a great loss for the players of the Japanese server, and it is precisely because of this that they Not immediately sent a large number of elites to defend the city."

"Of course, at this time, the British server and other servers still did not send anyone to launch a sneak attack on us from outside the city. In this case, the Japanese server will not work hard. It is only necessary to let a part of the elite guard the city." Ye Luo added. road.

"Will the British server and other servers send a large number of elite cavalry to attack us, so that we will be attacked." Zhiyue said, when she said this, her tone was a little worried: "At this time, the wall we occupy is not yet Halfway through, if the British server and other servers send a large number of elite, especially the number of players exceeds us, then we will face great pressure. Even if we can occupy the steel city, there will be greater casualties and even consumption. This is also for us. Not very advantageous."

Less than half of the city wall is occupied, which means that the advantage of the Chinese server alliance on the city wall is still not as good as that of the US server. If this time is faced with players from the British server and other servers, the pressure on the Chinese server alliance will undoubtedly be greater. Some, as Zhiyue said, if the number of players in the enemy alliance exceeds that of the Chinese server, the situation facing the Chinese server alliance is not so optimistic.

"Don’t worry, now there are not many [Cross-Server*Group Blessing Scrolls] left in major servers, and [Cross-Server*Space Portal] players can be teleported are limited, even if you use [Cross-Server*Space Teleport] Door (group)] There are not too many players that can be teleported over. It is almost impossible to surpass us in number in a short time." Samadhi chuckles: "The most important thing is from the enemy alliance. When people see that we have placed so many mobile magic crystal cannons on the city wall, they don’t even dare to act rashly when they think that we have more scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scrolls]."

"Of course, at this time, the Japanese server did not let Sakura Ruxue display the [Profound meaning * space portal], so the servers such as the British server naturally have more reasons not to send a large number of elites." Samadhi Shi added.

"That's right." Ye Luo said while casting a [Sword Qi]: "In addition, at this time we are occupying the city wall very quickly, and soon we will occupy more than half of the city wall, which means we have With the advantage of the city wall, people in the enemy alliance will not be desperate in this situation. This can be seen from the fact that they have not used any scrolls."

That’s right, as Ye Luo said, at this time, it’s just the players of the US server who have used a [Group Blessing Scroll]. Some dual-professional players have used their big moves, and their allies are just some dual-professional masters. It’s just a trick, and not many use [Group Blessing Scroll]. In this case, Ye Luo and the others still have a larger advantage. Of course, from this point, you can also see the attitude of the British server and other servers—they don’t want to go all out. Defend Steel City.

In fact, it’s not to blame for the lack of loyalty of the servers such as the British server. The most important thing is that they have almost no [Group Blessing Scroll], especially when the Australian server Kangaroo City was attacked. They still used some, so they could not get any scroll. , Especially thinking of leaving some scrolls to prevent being attacked by players from the Chinese server alliance-since Ye Luo and the others will sneak attack on the gang station of the US server, then it is very likely that they will launch a sneak attack on the gang station of the server such as the British server. .

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