VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3389: : Occupy Steel City

The leaders of the major servers have seen that this time the Chinese server alliance will not let it go. Once the Iron City is occupied, then it is very likely that their own server’s gang station will be attacked next. They will naturally not think of this situation. Are willing to have too much casualties and consumption here, and even hope that the US server will have more casualties in order to consume the Chinese server alliance-when encountering danger, any server wants to protect itself, so they all want to retain their strength to prevent everything. one.

Of course, the most important thing is that the players on the major servers can see that even if they mobilize a large number of elites, use [Group Blessing Scroll] and other props, they can't prevent Steel City from being occupied. In that case, it is better to retain the strength to deal with the next alliance of the Chinese server. Siege.

However, the players of the Japanese server alliance also know that the greater the consumption and casualties caused to the Chinese server alliance, the safer their gangs will be. Therefore, they will not directly release the water, or mobilize some elites. Some double-professional players have used big moves to cause trouble to the Chinese server alliance as much as possible.

In addition, they also pay attention to efficiency. They try to intercept Ye Luo, Dongfang Tiantian and others from both sides of the city wall, so as to delay the speed of the Chinese server alliance's occupation of the city wall as much as possible, and the longer the delay, the longer the Chinese server alliance. The more casualties and consumption will be, after all, players in the US server can continue to support it through the teleportation array at this time.

In fact, the firework is easy to be cold. For example, if the servers such as the British server mobilize a large number of elites and use various scrolls and props, then she will also order a full attack to cause casualties to the enemy alliance as much as possible, although this will consume There are more scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scrolls], but the ability to kill a large number of elite players in the Japanese server alliance can further weaken their strength, which will make the next Chinese server alliance more advantageous.

Of course, the most important thing is that even if the British server and other servers mobilize a large number of elites and use various assassins, the alliance of the Chinese server will definitely be able to win the final victory and then occupy the Iron City. The rewards obtained by occupying the steel city can still support the Chinese server's next alliance. The action then has the opportunity to continue to occupy the gang site of the enemy alliance.

If the British server and other servers do not mobilize a large number of elites to defend the city, and do not use various scrolls, as now, this is also something that fireworks are easy to see, because they can occupy the steel city at a relatively small cost. For example, now they have only used 3 [Group Blessing Scrolls], and the remaining scrolls can support them to continue to occupy one or two gang sites, and they can also occupy them on the same day, so they will gain more benefits.

Time was slowly consuming in the battle, and another 4 or 5 minutes passed in a blink of an eye. Yeluo and the others have occupied more than half of the city walls of the Iron City for so long, so they have taken advantage of the city wall, and as time goes by This one is getting bigger and bigger.

In addition, after such a long time, neither the Japanese server nor the English server have mobilized a large number of elites, nor have they displayed many killer skills. This has more or less provided Ye Luo and the others some convenience. It is precisely because of this that they can occupy this Multiple city walls.

"Hey, it's been so long, why doesn't Sakura Ruxue use the [Upright *Space Portal]?" Zhiyue asked curiously: "These time is enough for her to make preparations, and if it is really teleported over Millions of elites may really prevent us from occupying the steel city, and at the worst, they can cause greater casualties to us."

"Not only that, but other servers seem to be releasing water. I have not transferred a large number of elites. Even the super masters of the major servers dare not rush to Brother Ye and them directly. It is precisely because of this that Brother Ye They are advancing very fast." Zhiyue added.

"As mentioned before, at this time, except for the cherry blossom Ruxue of the Japanese server, it is difficult for other servers to mobilize a large number of elites, and even if a large number of elites are mobilized, the situation cannot be changed, because the people in the enemy alliance know that we still have a lot of [groups] Scroll of Blessing], far beyond their scroll." Samadhi explained, after a short pause, she continued: "As for why the sun never sets, Dragon Shadow and others dare not intercept Ye Luo, they are also very simple. They are worried that they will be [Chaos of Chaos]. Arrow] controlled and was trapped by the [Space Enchantment] cast by the little hand, but they knew that once trapped, they would undoubtedly die, and the loss to them would be too great."

"Of course, maybe they thought of a way to deal with [Chaos Arrow], but there are still some fears, which means that this skill has a lot of deterrent effect on them, and it will also allow us to occupy with less consumption. Steel City." Samadhi Shi added.

"Yes, at this time we have already occupied more than half of the city wall, plus the [Group Blessing Scroll] and other scrolls that far exceed the enemy's Alliance, so it is no problem to occupy the Iron City." Breaking the waves and riding the wind said what she thought of her. He laughed: "At this time, we still have a lot of scrolls. Using these scrolls can completely occupy some gang sites of the enemy alliance, so that we can gain a lot."

"Of course the most important thing is that if we can occupy the 3 gang sites of the enemy alliance today, then we can have 1, 20 [Group Blessing Scrolls]. Tomorrow, we can continue to work on the gang sites of the enemy alliance, and this will be formed. A virtuous circle can go on. Hey, it won’t take long before we can destroy their imperial city.” Po Lang Chengfeng added, and her words also excited the players of the Chinese server alliance, and they also supported the occupation of steel. After the city, he will do something against other gangs.

"Whether it can be shot depends on the specific situation." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and her words easily suppressed the voices of everyone. Then everyone did not say much, and continued to attack the city with all their strength.

Although the British server, Japanese server and other servers have mobilized some elites in the next, and even symbolically used some scrolls, of course, most of them are not [Group Blessing Scroll] but [Group Guardian Scroll] and other scrolls, especially the US server. A large number of elite and also used some assassin skills, such as combination skills, combination equipment awakening skills, but this still did not change the result of the occupation of the steel city, it didn't take long for Ye Luo and the others to occupy all the walls of the steel city.

Of course, the “efforts” of the alliance on the Japanese server are not in vain. At least it consumes 2 and 3 [Group Blessing Scrolls] and 2 combination equipment awakening skills of the alliance on the Chinese server. Players don't care much, because not only they are about to occupy the Iron City, but the remaining power and various scrolls can still occupy other gang locations.

In addition, because the overall strength of the Chinese server alliance overwhelms the Japanese server alliance, the casualties of the local alliance are much larger than the Chinese server alliance. Especially since the end of the battle, it must be the Chinese server alliance. Sweeping the battlefield-the side that can clean the battlefield will get a lot of benefits. Not only can you pick up all kinds of blasts, but you can also resurrect players who are still lying down, so that the casualties are much smaller than the enemy alliance NS.

Because Yeluo and the others had already occupied all the walls of the Iron City, the hero Wuming realized that no matter how much they resisted, they would not change the result. If this continued, they would have more casualties, so they had no choice but to give up. This means that the Chinese server alliance will definitely be able to occupy the Iron City.

Because the imperial city was destroyed, the imperial city suffered the most damage, so after discussion, the Iron City was handed over to them to occupy it, which was considered to make up for their loss slightly.

It will take some time to destroy the heart of the city of Steel City and then occupy it. Because they are worried that the players on the US server and other servers will kill a carbine, Ye Luo and the others did not immediately start the next step. Of course, they did not idle. Discuss the next step. Which server to do.

At this time, the players of the Central Asia server spoke. They were eager to regain the occupied gang site, so they hoped to take action against Hongfeng City, and the reasons they gave were very good. At this time, the elite of the major servers of the China server have already After arriving at the Central Asian Service, Hongfeng City was surrounded by groups, everything was ready, and it was natural to start working on Hongfeng City.

"Although we mobilized a lot of elites to surround Hongfeng City, and the attack on Steel City also brought some elites from the major servers, but because of our siege, the enemy alliance still mobilized a lot of people in Hongfeng City. In this case, attack Hongfeng City will undoubtedly cause us to have greater casualties and consumption." Deep Sea Youlan said solemnly, while talking to her while looking at everyone: "The most important thing is that the [Group Blessing Scroll] and other scrolls in our hands are limited. If not, Using these scrolls to occupy some gang sites of the enemy alliance and then get system rewards, then we will soon not have enough power to occupy the gang sites of the enemy alliance again, so I think it is better to continue to work on the gang sites of the enemy alliance. "

"Don’t forget that we will at least consume 5 or 6 [Group Blessing Scrolls] and various other means to attack Hongfeng City now, and if Tokyo Myth and others teleport over and then use all means to intercept us, then our consumption It will be bigger, maybe it will consume all the scrolls." Deep Sea Youlan added.

"That's right." The second person took the stubborn words: "Only by occupying as many gang sites of the enemy alliance as possible can our [Group Blessing Scroll] and other scrolls exceed the enemy alliance, so that we can always occupy the enemy alliance. The gang location in turn made the situation more favorable for us."

The proposal of No. 2 and Deep Sea Youlan was immediately echoed by many people. They also believed that it would be better to continue occupying the gangs of the enemy alliance, so that they could enter a virtuous circle.

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