VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3390: : Attack again

The Chinese server alliance has mobilized a large number of elites to surround Hongfeng City, and it is in a posture to **** it back. This naturally aroused the vigilance of the Japanese server alliance and then mobilized many players to defend. It is no exaggeration to say that the players in Hongfeng City are far away. Far more defensive players than Yeluo when they first attacked Steel City.

Ye Luo and they attacked Iron City and they also consumed 6, 7 [Group Blessing Scrolls] and some other scrolls and assassin skills. If you want to take back Hongfeng City, the cost will undoubtedly be greater, especially if Tokyo is next. The myth is that they are desperate, maybe they will be able to use up all the scrolls owned by the alliance of the Chinese server, and once so, the alliance of the Chinese server will not be able to continue to occupy the other gangs of the enemy alliance tomorrow-just occupy the iron city. The five ordinary scrolls such as the 5 [Group Blessing Scrolls] rewarded by the brain system can be enough to allow Ye Luo and the others to continue to occupy the gang resident of the enemy alliance.

Think about it, too, you won’t get system rewards for taking back the gang resident that originally belonged to your own alliance. Doing so on Hongfeng City is just ‘for nothing’ consuming [Group Blessing Scroll] and some assassin skills.

It was also thought that these deep sea blue, number two characters and other talents proposed to continue to work on the gangs of the enemy alliance, occupy as many as possible and then get more rewards, so that they can enter a virtuous circle.

However, the players of the Central Asian server are a little embarrassed. After all, the gangs such as Hongfeng City are occupied but a lot of tax is taken away from them, which makes them like a throat.

After thinking of this, the second character of the Central Asia Service said in a deep voice: "Then why are we mobilizing so many elites to surround Hongfeng City? Is it true that it is only to attract the attention of the enemy alliance?"

Without waiting for everyone to speak, he turned his gaze to the fireworks and it was easy to be cold: "But the fireworks beauty said that we will definitely work on Hongfeng City next, is it possible to change the plan?"

That person did not dare to say that fireworks are easy to be cold and fat, so he thought of better wording as much as possible, and after he said these, he continued to look at the fireworks and it was easy to get cold. See if you are embarrassed to do things that are fatal to your word.

"We will definitely retake Hongfeng City today, but not now, we have to wait." The firework is easy to cold, and the sound is soft, but it is beyond doubt.

"Are we really going to take action on Hongfeng City today?!" Midnight Shu was a little surprised. When he said this, his brows were slightly frowned: "Sister Fireworks, attacking Hongfeng City will consume a lot of our scrolls, which is not good, right? , If this is the case, tomorrow we really might not be able to continue occupying the enemy’s alliance’s gang site, and the situation we finally created will be interrupted by this."

"Don't worry, we will not only be able to recapture Hongfeng City, but there will also be a lot of scrolls tomorrow." Ye Luo said, when he said this, his tone was quite determined: "Because today we will at least occupy the enemy alliance again. There are 2 gang sites, including Steel City, we have occupied 3 level 5 gang sites, so tomorrow we will get at least 15 scrolls, which is still far more than the scrolls of the enemy alliance."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, he continued: "Don't forget that the enemy alliance today has a lot of scrolls, and after being consumed by us, tomorrow we will have more scrolls than them."

Think about it, because of the emperor’s hymn, they completed a task and obtained 5 various scrolls, so it is calculated that the number of scrolls in the Chinese server alliance today is not too much than the enemy alliance, but tomorrow is different. Because the enemy alliance also consumes a lot of scrolls today, and they may consume all of them in the future, so Asuka and their 15 scrolls can not only occupy the gang of the enemy alliance, but also can do it today. Occupy many seats.

"Oh, that's true." Midnight Shu nodded, but soon his tone changed: "But if we occupy the 2 5th level gang sites of the enemy alliance next, we will probably consume all of it. Scroll, so do we still have a chance to get back to Hongfeng City?"

"Then it depends on how we act next. Nothing is wrong. Nothing will happen." Samadhi poem said, a smile evoked at the corner of her mouth. It was obvious that she, like Ye Luo, understood that fireworks are easy to get cold. What to do.

Hearing this, the beautiful eyes of breaking the waves and riding the wind brightened. It was not that she had fully understood the tactics of fireworks' easy coldness, but she knew that since Ye Luo, Samadhi, and firework easy to cold are so sure, then things must be like this. She got excited about these, and then asked: "Fireworks, then which server gang resident shall we do next, and how do we do it?"

Fireworks Yishui did not reply to the waves and ride the wind, but looked at Ye Luo: "Ye Luo, you go to attack Kangaroo City, Feng Sister and other super masters will also go, don’t worry about any accidents here in Steel City, after all, the walls are still With millions of elites of us, even if Tokyo Mythic tries their best, they can't get back to Steel City."

"Hey, I hope they will kill a carbine, so that we can take advantage of the city wall to hit them again." Yan Yue toasted and laughed, and then he looked at the fireworks Yi Leng and others: "It's very easy to do something about Kangaroo City. Yes, because we have already destroyed some guards of Kangaroo City and killed a lot of six-winged fallen angel NPC guards. In addition, most of the masters of the Australian server have come to the US server, so we have the most hands on it. Opportunity to occupy it."

Not only asked Yue to raise a glass to think so, but also other people. They were excited one by one, and then urged Ye Luo to act quickly.

Ye Luo didn't say much, and directly used [Cross-server*Transport], and soon he came to Kangaroo City, and then used [Cross-server*Space Portal] to teleport a group of masters such as Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind. Next, It was a sneak attack on Kangaroo City.

It is worth mentioning that after Ye Luo teleported away, the fireworks Yi Leng left the samādhi, and then asked her something to clear. The latter nodded repeatedly, and she knew her from the smile on her pretty face. Have confidence in the next action.

Not to mention that Ye Luo and the others launched a sneak attack on Kangaroo City again, and said that the emperor’s hymn they knew about the attack on Kangaroo City the first time, and then they immediately returned to the Australian server. Of course, at the same time, they did not forget to ask Their allies sent out messages for help.

At this time, it was only more than 20 minutes before Ye Luo and the others attacked Kangaroo City for the first time. The defense equipment destroyed by Ye Luo has not been fully recovered, let alone the six-winged fallen angel NPCs that were killed. The recruited soldiers will not be resurrected at all, which means that Ye Luo's sneak attack this time will be easier than the last time, even if there are more players left behind in Kangaroo City than before.

The fact is also true. Ye Luo and the others took advantage of the emperor’s hymn and others to conquer the city before they came back, and even Ye Luo and others directly used their big moves. At a time, their strength increased a lot, and even as powerful as Ye Luo soon Killed on the city wall-Ye Luo and the others did not use the [Group Purification Scroll] to perform their ultimate, but the event system of the Chinese server alliance player used [Time Clear] on their ultimate. Anyway, this skill is used. The CD time is only 1 hour, so you don’t need it for nothing.

They used their big moves, and Ye Luo and the others were still in a state of full attack power. The damage output was terrifying, especially Ye Luo appeared directly at a distance of 30 meters from the wall of Kangaroo City, and attacked instantly in the event of a sneak attack. Killed many Australian players on the wall, and then he boarded the wall.

Next, Po Lang Cheng Feng and others also boarded the city wall. The melee masters Eastern Killing the Sky, Polar Silver Wolf and others formed a formation to advance to the left and right. Of course, some people advanced into the city, but they also advanced in a very short period of time. 2 , 30-meter support, and at this distance, archers such as Yeluo and Fireworks can attack unscrupulously, especially Feng Xinglie also used [Cross-server*Space Portal] to send thousands of [Flying Wings*Nightmare Commander] 】cavalry.

So many cavalry rushed around after they appeared. The powerful cavalry easily intercepted the Australian players who rushed towards Ye Luo and others. In this case, Ye Luo and other archers can attack unscrupulously, while breaking the waves and riding the wind. They also rushed to the left and right faster.

"Sister Feng, don't leave us too far, just keep it within 30 meters." Firework Yield and gave the order.

"Why is this?" Po Lang Riding the Wind was puzzled: "At this moment we have already boarded the city wall, so the next thing to do is to occupy more walls as quickly as possible and then all the walls of Kangaroo City are occupied, so We have the opportunity to occupy all Kangaroo City."

"Sister Feng, do you think we can occupy Kangaroo City with only this hand?" Ye Luo asked back: "Especially the emperor's hymn, they have returned from the US service, and it is not surprising that Tokyo Mythology and other enemy alliance super Experts will soon come back to support the situation."

"Uh, if you just have thousands of people, you can't occupy Kangaroo City." Breaking the waves blurted out from the wind, and then her tone changed: "But we can continue to mobilize manpower, we have so many space players, and there are still many in our hands. [ Cross-server*Group Blessing Scroll], using these methods can mobilize a large number of people in a short time, and these people can definitely occupy Kangaroo City."

"No, we don't have a chance." Suddenly in the middle of the night, he saw the puzzled look of the waves and the wind, and he continued: "Because even if all of our space players have used [Cross Server*Space Portal] and used all [Cross-server* Group Teleportation Scroll] In a short period of time, there are only hundreds of thousands of players who can check the teleportation. It is far inferior to the previous manpower in Steel City. Don’t forget that the little hand has not come, and his [ Upani*Space Portal] In the CD, it is very difficult to occupy Kangaroo City with only this hand, and there is almost no chance."

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