VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3193: : Dive into Hanbok

Although Pakistan server has a large number of players, the player level and equipment level are somewhat different from those of some game servers, and they are not even as good as print servers in super masters. As a result, Ye Luo and the others will be easier to attack the city, especially this. When most of the masters of Shibafu arrived in Hanbok, it was at least much easier than in the British or French.

[Flying Wings*Nightmare Commander] The cavalry, led by such people as Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, Killing the Sky in the East, and Polar Silver Wolf, easily resisted the charge of Pakistani clothes, so that Yeluo, fireworks and other long-range professions can be easily cold. The four attacked with fear, and many players in Pakistan were killed, and Ye Luo's points were also rapidly increasing.

It is worth mentioning that Ye Luo's points are still the first place at this time, even 20% higher than the second-ranked Breaking Wave Ride the Wind, and the gap is still slowly widening, if there is no accident, this one He will definitely get the first place in the "killing game" and then the system rewards.

After learning that their server was attacked, some of the masters of Pakistan server returned, and then they also let some dual-professional masters perform big moves like the players of British server and French server. They even knew that their strength was relative to that of British There is a gap between the service and the legal service, so they also used a [Group Blessing Scroll]. As a result, the overall strength far exceeds Ye Luo and the others, which means that Ye Luo and the others are going to withdraw.

"Fireworks, can we really do it next?!" Polang Rongfeng asked expectantly. Not waiting for the fireworks to get cold, she continued: "Which server and which gang station will we do next? "

The fireworks were cold and did not respond to breaking the waves and riding the wind, but soon they were teleported away, this time they were teleported to Hanbok.

"Hey, we are in Hanbok?" Wei Wei was taken aback, and then daughter Hong continued: "Didn't we just pretend to attack Hanbok? How come we came to Hanbok this time and came to a hidden place? Our servers border the border."

"Yes, it's the border." Calling in the middle of the night, he looked at the fireworks and became cold as he spoke. It was self-evident.

The firework is easy to be cold and there is still no reply. Instead, an order was issued to allow players from the border to cross the border and sneak into the Hanbok, of course, including the players from the Korean clothes. At a time, hundreds of millions of players came to the Hanbok. A large number of enemies were found sneaking in from the system panel, which made them nervous, and confirmed that the next alliance of the Chinese server will take action against them.

After confirming this, they further invited their allies to Hanbok, but these allies did not refuse, they sent people to come, and this time they mobilized not only dual-professional masters, but also elite players. The number is slowly increasing over time.

"Fireworks, since we are here in Hanbok, let's do it quickly, even if it is a tentative attack, hey, there are more than 30 seconds left in our ultimate state at this time." Po Lang Chengfeng urged: "If luck is good We can still force them to perform their big moves in the dark night."

"There is nothing we can do in 30 seconds. Even if we attack, we can't destroy many defensive weapons. They should also know this in Dark Night. In this case, they will not rashly use their big moves or use the [Group Blessing Scroll]. In other words, we will not gain anything by doing it.” Ye Luodai explained, after a short pause, he continued: “Let’s wait, wait for the big moves of the servers such as the French server and the Pakistan server, [Group Blessing Scroll 】After the state is over, we will do it again."

Players in the British and French servers, especially Pakistan servers, used the [Group Blessing Scroll] later than Yeluo and the others. In addition, they left players in Hanbok, including space players, so if Ye Luo and the others are now working on the gang station of Hanbok. These players are likely to be able to come over as soon as possible. In this case, Ye Luo and the others can do better, and they can't even consume players from servers such as Hanbok at all.

There was no shortage of smart people, and they understood after hearing Ye Luo's words, and then they didn't say much and waited patiently.

At the same time, Fireworks Yibing began to arrange tasks, or tactics: "Next we will attack Luofeng City. This time we will use 5 [Group Blessing Scrolls], preferably 3 or 4 combo types. The equipped awakening skills, of course, players who are in this state must also perform their ultimate moves."

"What, did you use so many methods, you still used the awakening skills of combination equipment?!" Dongfang Zhantian's voice increased a little: "We are just pretending to attack Hanbok and we are not really going to do it with Hanbok. It is too much to use so many methods. It's wasted."

Not only Dongfang Zhantian thinks so, but also others, so they all want to persuade Fireworks Yi Leng to change their minds.

"It's a waste to use so many methods just to pretend to be a hanbok, but what if we move on to the next target?" Dongfang Star asked rhetorically, seeing everyone thinking and then showing a sudden look, she nodded: "Yes, we do this naturally to further force the players of the enemy alliance to use their means, and because we can efficiently move to the next destination, the players of the enemy alliance will waste some time because of this. Even if it takes only 10 seconds to awaken the time of the ultimate move or combination equipment, it can greatly change the result of the battle, not to mention the time they waste because of this will definitely exceed 10 seconds."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "In addition, there must be a lot of smart people in the enemy alliance. They also guessed that we are likely to be just screaming instead of actually doing hanbok, and if we suddenly use so many methods, we can undoubtedly Let them think that we are really going to attack Hanbok. Next, they will not only consume a lot of means, but will also further teleport a large number of elites. This will consume their teleportation methods, and it will be difficult for a large number of players to come here. Then support the target that we really do, so this will further facilitate our next actions."

"Yes, yes, hey, they have used this method in Tokyo Mythology. They used this method to capture Hongfeng City and destroy a lot of us [Battlestar]. Now let them try this method. . "Inviting Yue to raise a glass was quite exhilarating and authentic, and his words made everyone fully understand.

"Of course, in order to consume the enemy alliance as much as possible and entangle their large number of players, we'd better use some [group teleport scrolls] or space players." Fireworks Yield continued, and her tone was a little solemn when she said this. A little bit: "And in order to waste their time in the dark night as much as possible, the players we teleported over will continue to stay and entangle them in the dark night as much as possible, that is to say..."

"That is to say, these people will definitely die." The second character blurted out, and then he snorted: "But it is worth sacrificing some players for the next action, not to mention that we can kill the enemy several times or even more. Ten times the enemy, we do not suffer at this point, so I support this, and even the task of sacrificing can be left to the people of our court!"

To say which server hates the Japanese server alliance the most, it must be the court server rather than the Central Asian server, because the Central Asian server is only occupied by some gang sites, and the court server has been destroyed in the imperial city. The imperial city is a server. The symbol has now been destroyed, and the court clothes have undoubtedly become the laughing stock of the game industry. This makes the court clothes people feel guilty and blame themselves. Of course, they also hate the people of the Japanese clothes alliance. Now they finally have the opportunity to do their shame. They are naturally willing to do it. Kind of sacrifice.

"Naturally, you can't let your court dress specialize in the front. Thousands of [Flying Wings*Nightmare Commander] cavalry brought by us will stay behind." Breaking the waves and riding the wind said decisively: "Hey, this kind of cavalry is most suitable. The queen is here, and they have a lot of life-saving skills and control skills, and they are most likely to entangle the super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology if they stay."

Seeing the court service and breaking the waves and riding the wind, other servers also expressed their willingness to provide some people to cut off, and soon this matter was settled, the next step is to wait, waiting for the [Group Blessing Scroll] and Dafu players to bear. The state of recruiting is over.

Time passed faintly, and another few minutes passed in a blink of an eye. At this time, the status of the players who used the big moves in the Pakistani server was over long ago, not to mention the state of the British server, the French server, etc. [Group Blessing Scroll] Players in the state still have one or two minutes, which means that Ye Luo and the others need to wait another one or two minutes before they can do it.

Not to mention that Ye Luo and the others are gearing up one by one and are ready to do it at any time, let alone the situation on their side in the dark night.

I thought that Ye Luo and a large number of Chinese and Korean players had a chance to sneak into Hanbok. For a while, the players of Hanbok became nervous and they were ready for the battle. They just waited for a few minutes but still did not wait for a gang station. The news of the sneak attack made many Hanbok players and their allies puzzled. Of course, many players confirmed that Ye Luo was just to confuse them. The real target was definitely not Hanbok, so they also prepared to send them away at any time. Prepare, after all, Ye Luo's next sneak attack target is likely to be their server.

"Hey, Ye Luo Zhiqiu and the others have sneaked into our server for so long, and the tens of millions of troops from the Chinese server alliance have already sneaked into our server, why don't they do it?" Qiu Feng Shua Luoye asked in confusion: "Could it be that they are not going to attack us, they are just acting, the real target is other servers?"

Not only did the autumn wind sweep the fallen leaves, but also the Razor and other Hanbok players, because in their hearts the intention of serving the alliance was too obvious, and it was obvious that they were ready to make a noise.

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