VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3194: : Strong Siege

That’s right, so many players from the Chinese server alliance have blatantly entered Hanbok and also aroused the suspicion of players from the Japanese server alliance. Many people think that the fireworks are easy to cold. This is probably to make a noise, which means that the alliance of the Chinese server will take action. The goal of Hanbok is probably not Hanbok.

After thinking of this, the players of Hanbok were a little relieved. After all, they don't want their servers to be targeted, and at the same time players of other servers are a little worried because they worry that their servers will become targets next.

With this in mind, players on the British server and other servers began to be vigilant, especially the Australian server. Because of the emperor’s hymn, they thought that the Kangaroo City was damaged so badly that it might become the next target of the Chinese server alliance. It is precisely because of this that the emperor’s hymns have left many players behind in the Australian server, and they are also ready to return to the Australian server to support them at any time.

"I hope so, and of course it's best to be like this." Twilight said in a cold voice. When he said this, his brows wrinkled slightly: "Such an obvious loophole, with fireworks easy to cold, will certainly not be committed, maybe She just wanted to take the opportunity to attack our gang resident, and even our imperial city. After all, if they had better luck, they would still have a chance to capture our imperial city."

The previous sentence of Twilight Slightly Cool was said on the team channel of Hanbok, while the latter sentence was said on the ally channel, and his purpose of saying this is also obvious, that is to make their allies believe that the Chinese server alliance is going to be right. Hanbok started, after all, only in this way will these allies continue to send forces to Hanbok and make Hanbok safer.

Of course, Twilight Weiliang's words are not unreasonable. The so-called abnormalities must have demons. Since the players of the Chinese server alliance do so, they are likely to plan to attack Hanbok, and think of the players of the British server and other servers. It also feels very likely to be like this.

"In addition, you and I all know that the Chinese server alliance wants to capture our side’s gang site, at least, it needs millions of elite players, but before they used the [Ukraine*Space Portal] and [Cross Server* Groups] in the US server. Teleportation scroll] and other cross-server teleportation methods, which means that it is difficult for them to mobilize millions of elite players across servers in a short period of time." Twilight continued slightly cool, while speaking, he looked at everyone: "That is Said that they did not have the strength to conquer your gang's resident, at this time they can only occupy our gang's resident, after all, they have mobilized hundreds or even tens of millions of elites."

What Twilight Weiliang said is also true, and after thinking of the word'tens of millions', everyone further believes that people from the Chinese server alliance will act on Hanbok and forcefully attack the city-tens of millions of elite players and 1 , 20 [Group Blessing Scrolls] and various other scrolls. In the hearts of the players of the Japanese server alliance, these are enough to occupy the 5th gang station in Hanbok, especially the consumption of the Japanese server alliance is much larger than that of the Chinese server alliance. in the case of.

"Yes, the fireworks are easy to be cold. It is very likely that they will be scheming against Hanbok." Red Maple nodded, thinking of something, her expression became a little dignified: "Even they want to destroy the imperial city of Hanbok, because only in this way can they get more With generous rewards, there is enough power to continue to conquer our gang resident."

"The most important thing is that at present, the Chinese server alliance has such strength, because they have a lot more than us [Group Blessing Scrolls] and other scrolls, and there are more dual-professional masters who retain big moves than us, even this. At that time, they also possessed more combination equipment awakening skills than us, and these can support them to destroy the imperial city of Hanbok." Red Maple Leaf added.

Hearing that, everyone is more aware of these, and after thinking of these, their expressions also become difficult to look, because they realize that if the imperial city of Hanbok is really destroyed, then Zhongfu will enter a virtuous circle, that is to say, they It can always occupy the gang resident and even destroy the imperial city of the Japanese server alliance.

Of course, the alliance of the Chinese server side has entered a virtuous circle, which undoubtedly means that the Japanese server side has fallen into a vicious circle. As more and more gangs are occupied and more and more imperial cities are destroyed, the latter will continue. It is not an opponent of the former, and will even be devastated by the former and quickly determine the final outcome of the national war.

Thinking that the faces of these people became difficult to look at, they quickly made a decision - absolutely not to give the China Service Alliance an opportunity like this.

And what can prevent all of this is that they have to mobilize as many elite players as possible to help the players of Hanbok defend the city. As long as the number of elite players mobilized is sufficient, then there is still a chance to prevent the Chinese server alliance from destroying the Hanbok emperor with the advantage of the imperial city. Not only that, but it can also consume all the scrolls owned by the alliance of the Chinese server, and the reward of a steel city alone is not enough to support the alliance of the Chinese server to continue to occupy their gang station, let alone to Destroy their imperial city.

After thinking of this, they began to mobilize some elite players. At the same time, they also prayed that the people from the Chinese server alliance will start later. After all, the longer the delay, the more players they can mobilize, so there will be more opportunities. Repel the siege of the Chinese server alliance.

Time passed faintly, two or three minutes passed in a blink of an eye, and the state of Bafu holding the [Group Blessing Scroll] for such a long time has finally ended, which means that Ye Luo and the others can start the next step.

Ye Luo and the others did not waste any more time, they directly launched a sneak attack on Luofeng City-Ye Luo used [cross-server * teleport] to arrive at Luofeng City and then charged at the fastest speed, still 30 meters away from the city wall. At the time, the waves and the wind and others also completed the teleportation, and Ye Luo also completed the [cross-server*space portal]. Thousands of [Flying Wings*Nightmare Commander] cavalry appeared immediately, and they were outrageous the first time they appeared. Rush to the city wall.

Of course, those who break the waves and ride the wind, kill the sky in the east, and the polar silver wolf are faster than these cavalry. Many of the cavalry also launched a charge, and thus successfully knocked back the players defending the city of Luofeng. Since then, there has been an extra space on the city wall-[Charge] can knock the target back a certain distance, and [ With the blessing of Flying Wing*Nightmare Commander, the effect of [Charge] is better, and there is no problem with such forcibly creating a space on the wall.

With this space, Ye Luo and the others have a place to stay, and then many long-range professions can attack the city unscrupulously, especially under the cover of the many cavalry and the waves and wind.

Of course, the main target of archers like Ye Luo is the defense equipment. Under the action of [Split Arrows], multiple energy arrows will automatically lock the nearby Hanbok players, so that both the defense equipment and the Hanbok players can be destroyed.

After arriving on the city wall, the number two used one or two [Group Teleportation Scrolls] without hesitation. Twenty thousand elites emerged for a time. After they were teleported over, they didn’t say much, and blatantly charged on both sides of the city wall. A pair must occupy the most aggressive posture in the shortest time.

Of course, other servers have also used some space-based methods or used the [Cross-server*group transfer scroll] to send a group of elites. For a time, the number of players in the Chinese server alliance here far exceeds that of the players in Hanbok.

Not only that, everyone used 5 【Group Blessing Scrolls】according to the command of the fireworks to get cold, and even after Ye Luo and others used the 【Group Purification Scrolls】, the players in Central Asia and Bucky also used 2 combinations. The awakening skills of similar equipment, of course, super masters like Ye Luo and Breaking Waves and Riding the Wind naturally also resisted this state, which greatly improved their strength.

After performing their big moves and then with the awakening skills of combination equipment, Ye Luo and the others are almost invincible. With their powerful attack power, they are not only quickly occupying the walls on both sides, but even breaking the waves and riding the wind, the East Killing the sky and others are still there. Under the order of the fireworks to be easy to cold, they rushed directly to the heart of the city in the city, looking like they would destroy it and then occupy it in the shortest time.

The fireworks are easy to be cold and deliberately let the waves ride the wind. They did this to create a sense of oppression and urgency for Hanbok and even their allies, making them mistakenly believe that Ye Luo and the others will attack the city in the shortest time, so they will definitely find ways to intercept it. Not surprisingly, there will be many people who use big moves and even use the [Group Blessing Scroll], and use the awakening skills of combination equipment.

The fact is also true. Seeing Ye Luo and the others gave up their previous temptation methods and started to attack the city with all their strength, the expressions of the people in Hanbok became dignified, because for them this was the worst result. After all, they even hope Ye Luo and the others will attack Other servers-Although Twilight had speculated like that before, he still hoped that Ye Luo and the others would just make a noise and would not actually do anything to Hanbok. After all, they would not have to worry about any losses.

Think about it, even if the many allies of Hanbok mobilize elites, they may not be able to prevent Ye Luo and the others from occupying the gang site, and naturally there is only one best way-that is, Ye Luo and the others do not do anything with Hanbok but against others. Server hands-on.

But this is the end of the matter, and it doesn’t make much sense to entangle this. The most important thing for the dark nights at this time is to defend the city of Luofeng. They must not be allowed to occupy it-the Chinese service party alliance has already occupied the steel city, if it is occupied again After Luofengcheng, the system rewards they obtained by just occupying the gang resident will be able to support them to continue to attack other gang resident. This is not what everyone in Hanbok and their allies want to see.

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