VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3644: : Decided to siege

Seeing that the size of the super gang site is larger than the imperial city of the major servers, the fireworks are easy to be cold and the others instantly judged that it is very difficult for the only misty pavilion to occupy this gang site, especially in the Chinese server side of the alliance. After choosing a defensive stance, the elite forces of the Japanese server alliance can free up their hands to stop them at any time, so the risk of forcibly attacking the city is a bit too great.

At this time, you need to communicate with Dukang, the **** of wine, and decide whether to attack the city. Once everyone agrees, you don't have to worry too much about the Dongfang Family and other gangs in the next siege.

At this time, Bacchus Du Kang and a group of commanders also saw the existence of the super gang station. They instantly understood why the dark night and others had not deliberately stopped the people in the Misty Pavilion. Of course, they also realized that they wanted to take this gang station. There will be some difficulty, at least it will cause greater casualties and consumption on their side, or even exhaustion, so whether to attack this super gang resident is subject to discussion.

"Unexpectedly, the place to refresh the [Flying Wing * Crocodile] is in the center of this super gang station. If we don’t attack, then the enemy alliance can always tame this top mount. It won’t take long for them to be at the top mount. We will surpass us when we go up, and we will have more pressure to face them.” Ye Yufei took the lead in expressing his own opinion: “What's more, we already have such a large consumption now. Wouldn’t it be true if we just give up like this? It is difficult for us to say that the previous efforts have been in vain."

"Yes, the matter is here, we can only take it forcibly." Polar Silver Wolf took the conversation, and after him, the heads of the major servers also agreed, and they also supported the continued siege.

"Yes, I also agree to continue to attack the city." Dongfang Xing said, after a short pause, she continued: "Because we just give up like this, the enemy alliance can not only continue to tame the [Flying Wing * Fierce Crocodile], but also continue to strengthen it. The defensive strength here makes it even more difficult for us to occupy this gang station. Even if the surrounding ordinary gang station is upgraded to level 5 and the number increases, then it is almost impossible for us to take this place again. NS."

"Even when the enemy alliance can use this as a habitat, as long as it can't be captured, the national war will not end." Dongfang Mingxing added.

Hearing that, everyone thought of this, but there were still many people opposed at this time. After all, the consumption and casualties in their hearts would be greater if they continued to attack the city. The most important thing is that they may not necessarily be able to attack this gang. Down.

If you think about it, if you can’t take down this gang resident in one fell swoop, then the casualties and consumption of the alliance of the Chinese server will undoubtedly increase a lot, and will even reverse the situation on both sides, so it seems that the risk is a bit too great.

"Fireworks girl, Feng girl, do you think we continue to attack the city or give up?" Bacchus Dukang asked.

"We obey your arrangements." The firework is easy to say indifferently after stopping the waves and riding the wind. "You said we will withdraw immediately. Fortunately, we are about to occupy this third-level gang resident at this time. It can be withdrawn easily."

"Of course, if you decide to continue to attack the city, we will also cooperate, and we will fully cooperate." Firework Yi Leng added.

Fireworks Yibing did not directly give an answer, which was equivalent to kicking the ball back. This made Bacchus Dukang and the others more depressed. After all, they couldn't make a decision easily at this time. After all, if they failed, the responsibility would be a little bigger.

Knowing that this responsibility is too great, the fireworks are so cold that they didn't let the waves and wind respond, and she didn't give a decision, only that she would obey everyone's decision.

"Firework girl, how many chances do you think we can concentrate on attacking the city to capture this super gang site?" Fengxing asked, not waiting for the firework to be cold, and he continued: "If the chance of success is great, then we can try , If the chance is slim, then we can only give up."

Obviously, Feng Xing did not directly make a decision. He said that was tantamount to kicking the ball back again.

"This is not easy to say, after all, no one knows what the enemy alliance has assassins, and we don't know what hidden powers we have in the hands, so it is difficult to judge these." Fireworks Yi said coldly.

"You only need to give a rough estimate, and you don't need to make a decision." Bacchus Dukang couldn't help muttering: "After you make an assessment, the people of our major servers will decide whether to continue attacking after consultation. Cheng, so even if it fails, it’s not the responsibility of any one person or server. Everyone will share the responsibility."

"Yes, you only need to give a considerable evaluation." The number one said, after a short pause, he continued: "If the opportunity is great, then we can't just give up like this. After all, we have already reached this point, so we can give up. What a pity."

"In addition, other people also analyzed and analyzed, everyone brainstormed, so that it is more accurate." Bacchus Dukang said, while he looked at Ye Yufei, Eastern Star, and Base Youlan and other players who are good at strategy.

Hearing that, Dongfang Star and others did not say much, and began to analyze and calculate.

"Understood." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, and then she began to meditate, but it didn't take long for her to get the answer: "I have estimated the defensive power of the super gang resident. If the enemy alliance does not have too strong a killer. , Then we have more than 80% chance of occupying this gang site."

"80% chance?!" Fengxing's voice increased a few points, and then he said: "So we are totally worth a try, hey, especially if the enemy alliance continues like this, the defensive power here will definitely continue to increase. In addition, the enemy alliance can continue to tame [Flying Wings * Fierce Crocodile]. In order to prevent them, we have to take this super gang site. At the very least, we'd better not continue to delay if the situation permits."

"How about you guys?" Feng Xing added, and he looked at Dongfang Star and others as he spoke.

Soon Dongfang Star and others also completed the calculation, and then they also gave a general chance of success-as much as 70% to 80%.

"This also takes into account the fact that the enemy alliance has hidden some assassins. If they don't have particularly powerful assassins, we will certainly be able to capture this super gang resident." Dongfang Star said solemnly, and after a short pause, she continued: "And if the tactics are right, even if we fail, we won't have much casualties. At least there won't be too many casualties compared to the enemy alliance, which means that their casualties and consumption can only be greater than ours. Some."

"The tactics are appropriate?" For a moment, the Polar Silver Wolf blurted out: "Is it possible that you have already thought of the specific tactics. Quickly talk about it. If it is appropriate, then we will act according to the tactics you said."

"It's very simple. We all gather together to attack and concentrate our forces on the offensive. After all, the super gang occupies a wide area. If our power is dispersed, it means that the enemy alliance can mobilize more players to block. Don’t forget that we can’t surpass them in terms of numbers, so we can only break with one click.” The Eastern Star was also polite, and said directly, after seeing everyone nodding their heads, she continued: “After we gather our strength together, we After dispatching the elites and then using the 100-meter displacement skills to kill the wall of the super gang resident, then they will occupy a section of the wall with their powerful strength."

"Yes, once we occupy a section of the city wall, our disadvantage will be greatly reduced, and then we will occupy more of the city wall with our strong strength. With our strength, we will definitely be able to stand firm after occupying a section of the city wall, and then we will slowly advance. Occupy more walls." Ye Yufei took over the words: "Unsurprisingly, we will soon occupy a lot of walls. By then, the advantage of the enemy alliance will be gone. Then we will naturally be able to occupy this super The gang is here."

He pondered a little, and Feng Xing said, "We have several players with 100-meter displacement skills, such as Ye Luo and Chengfeng Girl, and they are the most powerful existences, even if they break into the enemy camp, they can hold on. Time, not to mention that while they are using their displacement skills, we can send a large number of elites to lock them in and teleport over, and then with this power we can easily occupy a section of the wall. As long as we can occupy a section of the wall, then all problems will not be a problem."

"Yes, that's right." Bacchus Du Kang repeatedly said, and then he laughed: "It is estimated that the fireworks girl also thought of such a tactic, hey, if this is the case, we have a ninety-nine chance of occupying this super gang site. The 80% of what the firework girl said is completely conservative, isn't it, firework girl."

"Yeah." Fireworks Yi said indifferently: "If all the forces are brought together and then implemented in accordance with the tactics they discussed before, the chance of success is 90% higher. At the very least, there is no problem in occupying the outer city wall."

"As long as the outer city wall is occupied, it will be easier to occupy the inner city wall. At the worst, it can be safely withdrawn without too much casualties." Fireworks Yi Leng added.

"Hey, according to this, there is a great chance of success." Polar Silver Wolf smiled: "If this is the case, then we don't hesitate to attack the city. After all, it is a pity to give up like this, especially to continue to give the enemy. They can tame more [Flying Wings * Fierce Crocodile] in the alliance time, and they can further strengthen the defense here, and it won’t be so easy for us to conquer this place at that time."

"Well, we also agree to siege the city." Bacchus Du Kang nodded after looking at Fengxing, and then he looked at the heads of servers such as Feifu and Chaofu: "How do you choose?"

"Naturally agreed to siege the city." The number one person and others said in unison.

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