VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3645: : Transfer the other side

At this time, the Chinese server alliance is clearly in the upper hand, and after the Eastern Stars, Samadhi and their siege tactics, they think there is a 90% chance of occupying the super gang resident, even if they can’t, they can occupy the outer wall. This means They can withdraw safely, so the leaders of the major servers will naturally not give up this action, especially thinking that keeping this super gang site will greatly increase the overall strength of the Japanese server alliance and make you think about it in the future. It is more difficult to attack.

Think about it, too, in the hearts of the major players of the Chinese server alliance, the players of the Japanese server alliance can still tame [Flying Wing * Crocodile], plus they can build the ordinary station around the super gang station to level 4 or even 5. Level, and these will greatly increase the defensive strength here, and it will naturally be much more difficult to attack in the future.

Especially thinking that the Japanese-served alliance might be able to tame the [Flying Wing* Crocodile], which will undoubtedly greatly increase the strength of the Japanese-served alliance, and it is even possible to reverse the situation of both sides after taming enough mounts.

Thinking of this, everyone in the China Server Alliance will naturally not give up the siege.

Now that everyone has decided to continue to attack the city, the next thing is easy. Ye Luo and the others must occupy the level 3 gang station as soon as possible. At the same time, the large alliance forces on the Chinese server side began to retreat and try to get out of the battle. ——According to the tactics formulated by the Eastern Stars before, they need to concentrate their forces and then attack the city, because the people of the Misty Pavilion are about to occupy the level 3 gang station, so that the big alliance forces of the middle service party will converge with it and attack the city from this direction. It is undoubtedly the wisest.

Because the large alliance forces in the Chinese server were fighting the enemy in a defensive stance, it is easy to withdraw from the battle, especially as they move away from the city wall, the Japanese server alliance will lose the city wall, defense equipment, and eight-wing fallen angels. NPC has the advantage, in this case they can't dare to head-to-head with the alliance of the Chinese server.

Of course, Ye Luo and the others are needed to completely withdraw the alliance forces from the Chinese server. Ye Luo was directly transmitted by Feng Xinglie, and then relying on the super attack power to cooperate with the attack of Long Teng Tianxia and others, it was quite easy to stop it. Lived the players from the Japanese server alliance who wanted to pursue them.

In addition, as soon as they saw Ye Luo's arrival, Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and other super masters retreated vigilantly, because they were worried that Ye Luo would cast [Chaos Arrow], and they would no longer pursue the main alliance forces on the side of the server. It is naturally easier to withdraw from the battle.

As for why Ye Luo could escape from the battle and come to support it is also very simple, because the people on the other side of the Misty Pavilion have already occupied more than 80% of the city wall. It is no exaggeration to say that the overall situation has been set there, so he will free up his hand to help the alliance forces. There is no problem, especially this can greatly reduce the casualties of the large forces, so it is even more necessary to come to support.

After leaving the battle, a large number of players merged with the Misty Pavilion under the leadership of Bacchus Dukang, Ye Yu Fei Fei and others. Because the distance between the two parties is not too far, so even if the number of players used by the alliance of the Chinese server is a lot, this time It will not take too long to transfer all of them.

In addition, players with the [Teleport] skill directly locked in the familiar Misty Pavilion players, teleported to the past and then participated in the battle. For example, Longteng Tianxia, ​​Ye Luo and others directly teleported to the past, and this made the ethereal who had the upper hand firmly. The advantages of the people in the Pavilion are more obvious, and it is naturally easy to occupy that level 3 gang resident.

In fact, after seeing the elites of the Chinese server alliance with the Miaoge Pavilion, the players who were still holding on to the Japanese server alliance were given the order to retreat, and they did not hesitate to choose to retreat. After all, they also understood the situation. They will definitely be killed if they continue to stay, and they won't do such stupid things.

Next, Bacchus Dukang and others continued to lead the transfer of large forces, and Ye Luo and the others did not idle after completely occupying the level 3 gang station. They formed an elite team to consume the super gang station. ——Ye Luo still takes the lead, and melee masters such as Breaking Waves and Riding the Wind and Eastern Killing Sky are responsible for stopping the players who rush out of the super gang station. Many super masters form a formation to prevent those people from charging Ye Luo and they are still no problem. of.

Since there is no need to worry about being charged by the enemy, Ye Luo can naturally attack unscrupulously. With super strong damage output, many eight-winged fallen angel NPCs have been killed, and of course the defense equipment has also been destroyed.

The reason why the elite team consumes is naturally because destroying some defensive equipment and killing some eight-winged fallen angel NPC will undoubtedly make the next siege easier and easier, and then Ye Luo and the others use the 100-meter displacement skill to rush to the wall. It is also easier to empty the surrounding players and then occupy a section of the city wall, and once a section of the city wall is occupied, the subsequent siege becomes easier.

In addition, although Eastern Stars, Bacchus Dukang and others are leading the army to move here at the fastest speed, it will take some time. It is naturally not suitable for launching a general attack if the army does not come to support. Naturally, the super gang station couldn't be better, what's more, they can also experience the defensive power of the super gang station in advance, which will also be very helpful for them to improve their tactics in the future.

"Sure enough, the defensive power of this super gang station is much stronger than the level 5 gang station and even the imperial city. Under normal circumstances, even if we can take it down, there will be great consumption and casualties." Sitting on the piano Xin added blood to everyone while saying: "Fortunately, we can directly rush to the city wall next, and then can easily occupy a section of the city wall with super damage output, so that it will be much easier to occupy this gang resident again. "

"Yes, at least there is nothing wrong with occupying the outer city wall." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, then she laughed: "The outer city wall is much larger than the inner city wall. After we occupy it, we can mobilize a large number of people. Elite players will come over, and the number can easily surpass the enemy alliance. With the advantage of numbers, it will be easy for us to occupy this super gang site."

"That's right, surround them if they fail, and then slowly consume them." Othello took the stubborn words: "It is no accident that we and the enemy alliance have consumed all [Group Blessing Scrolls when attacking the inner city wall. ] Wait for the killer's skill and the awakening skills of big moves and combination equipment, then Ye Luo's advantage will be reflected, hey, continue to lock the vitality at 50%, then it is equivalent to being used all the time, with super strength, it can be easily Destroying the defensive equipment on the inner city wall, it is only a matter of time before we want to occupy the inner city wall."

Hearing that, everyone was excited, because they also thought of this tactic, and for a while they all thought that there was a great opportunity to occupy the super gang site in front of them.

"Fireworks, Sister Feng, this time we must occupy this super gang site, and we must not let it to others." Suddenly, Samadhi poem said, "After all, this gang site is bigger than the imperial city. It’s not an exaggeration to call it the No. 1 Resident of the Tribulation. This title alone will attract many players to play, which will bring us extremely rich economic benefits.”

"In addition, with this super gang station, we don't have to worry about being destroyed by the Dongfang Family and other gangs without habitat and economic sources. At the very least, it will make us more secure." Samadhi poetry added. road.

"This is natural. You and I know the benefits of occupying this super gang site. Naturally, they will not let others." Breaking the waves and riding the wind said, but she frowned slightly when she thought of it: "It's just that the gang and even the server participating in the action at this time There are so many, even if our Misty Pavilion is very strong, it would be difficult to occupy this gang site, and it would be bad if we were to be taken first by others, and we can't just turn our faces and **** it..."

"Didn’t we have an agreement with the major gangs, distribution according to work, hey, the people in the major gangs were all paddling before, and our damage output must far exceed them. According to these distribution of loot, this super gang station should also belong to We." Midnight Shu said with a smile: "It is no exaggeration to say that the damage output of only one of our gangs is comparable to the sum of half of the top ten gangs. This alone should be assigned to us."

"That's hard to say. After all, whoever rushes to the heart of the city can occupy this super gang site in advance, and most of the loot will be settled after the battle. When the time comes, the gang that has occupied the gang site will not be obedient. Let the gang resident out." Othello couldn't help muttering: "The big deal is that they give us some shares. Although we will certainly account for the majority of the tax shares in this gang resident, the result is far inferior to our occupation of this gang. Resident, so it’s better that we can find ways to occupy this gang’s resident."

"Well, that's right, it's very likely to be the case, so we can't make wedding dresses for other people. It's best to grab the gang resident." June Feixue took the stubbornly, and she frowned slightly when she thought of something. How to ensure that this gang site must be occupied?"

While saying this, June Feixue looked at the fireworks on the side and it was easy to get cold, and that was self-evident.

"It's not too difficult, because our Misty Pavilion is the strongest, especially Ye Luo, Feng Sister, Fireworks, Xiao Fei, Xiao Shu, and Sunset. They will join forces. Not surprisingly, no player can stop them. Then they It must be the first to rush to the heart of the city." Samadhi poem said, and then she laughed: "At that time, let Ye Luo use some methods."

"Use some means?" For a moment, Zhiyue blurted out and asked: "What means?"

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