VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3648: : Rush to the wall

The elite cavalry of the Chinese server alliance brazenly launched a charge and then attracted the attention of the Japanese server alliance. Such conditions are fully ripe, which means that Ye Luo and others can start operations. Thinking of these waves and wind riders, they are a little impatient. Now, they began to urge the fireworks to take action quickly.

"Well, we can start the action." Fireworks Yi cold nodded, and waited for them to act without breaking the waves and riding the wind. She told them: "But then everyone has to directly use the big move and then use the awakening skill of the combination equipment. This is the only way for us. Only in the shortest possible time can it cause losses to the enemy alliance and then occupy a section of the city wall."

"Relax, we will definitely face tremendous pressure after rushing to the city wall. At this time, we will naturally use all the assassins without hesitation." Po Lang Chengfeng looked like a matter of course.

"These are not the most important. The most important thing is that there will be a group of elite cavalry to assist you Ye Luo. With your assistance, you can only display assassin methods. Only in this way can you destroy the enemies around you in the shortest time. Empty and occupy a section of the city wall." The firework said coldly, and then she turned to look at Yixiao Hongchen, Dongfang Zhantian and others: "So then you have to lead the most elite cavalry as soon as possible to lock the wind sister, they will transmit and then help block the enemy. The people of the alliance."

"Of course, at this time, our melee double-professional masters will also act together. The same is true for your mission. Of course, you can also perform some group attacks at the same time, especially the group control skills to provide damage output." The firework was cold and looked at Longteng. Tianxia, ​​Dongfang Killtian and others said, after seeing everyone nodding their heads, she continued: "Of course at the same time dual-professional magicians will also rush up, such as Feixue, Oriental Pearl, Jian Nanchun, etc. You are responsible for displaying [Vulcan Domain], [Five Poisons and Poisonous Miasma] This kind of powerful, large-scale group attack skill, don't worry about the damage overflowing, because what we have to do next is to clear the surrounding enemies in the shortest time, so there is no need to worry about using this kind of skill. "

"We need to ensure that the players of the enemy alliance are suffering the most damage at all times and have to use invincible means. Everyone’s invincible means are limited. Once they are exhausted, they will be killed, so that we can be in the shortest time. Occupy a section of the city wall within a period of time.” Fireworks Yiyi added.

Everyone was smart, and they understood immediately after listening to the words that the fireworks were easy to cold, and they also said that they would follow the order form.

After seeing everyone's agreement, the fireworks were easy to get cold and didn't say much, so I directly ordered an all-out attack. Of course, at this time, the top cavalry led by Yixiaofeiyang and others brazenly crossed Ye Luo and others to launch [Charge], a group of cavalry. The attack easily intercepted the cavalry of the Japanese server alliance and then let the super masters such as Breaking Wave Riders and Ye Luo out of the battle, which means that they can start further actions next.

After a simple discussion, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind decided to use the [Kuang Lei Sprint], and let Ye Luo and Ye Ye unless retain the 100-meter displacement skill. After all, she was the only one who rushed to the city wall and everyone locked her to transmit. After all, Because in the previous collective activities, Breaking Waves and Riding the Wind, almost all dual-professional masters of the Chinese server alliance are friends, and almost all dual-professional masters have [Teleport], and it is not a problem to lock Waves and Riding the Wind to teleport.

There are so many masters who lock the waves and ride the wind to teleport, and the strength is enough, not to mention the Yixiao Hongchen, Dongfang Zhantian and others will also lead the elite cavalry to lead them to teleport.

The fact is the same. Ye Luo and others first lock the wave and wind transmission. After all, [Transport] needs 10 seconds to charge, and [Kuang Lei Sprint] only needs 1 second, so Ye Luo and the others should lock the wave and wind transmission first, and then The player has to calculate the time to perform the [Kuang Lei Sprint] at the best time, so that when he moves to the wall of the super gang resident, Ye Luo and the others have also completed the teleportation, and then naturally they can start the next step.

Everyone is already familiar with this tactic, and it's not even used once or twice, so there is no problem at all, and Ye Luo, Dongfang Killtian and others are the first time to complete the "Breaking Thunder Sprint". The teleportation was also completed, and at the same time there were elite cavalry led by Yixiao Hongchen, Dongfang Zhantian and others.

After completing the teleportation, they smiled and didn't say much, and directly launched a [charge] against the surrounding enemies, and the same was true for super masters such as Eastern Killing the Sky, Longteng Tianxia, ​​Thousand Miles Walking Alone, and relying on their superior strength. It can easily knock the surrounding enemies back, so that a small space is cleared around, and at least no one can disturb Ye Luo, break the waves and ride the wind in a short period of time.

Ye Luo and the others didn’t say much, they directly used the [Sword Qi aspect], [Reincarnation Collapse] and other group attack skills, of course, they also used the [Thunder God Domain] such continuous damage and large-scale skills, and then What they have to do is to wait while attacking-waiting for the surrounding enemies' invincible means to end, because only in this way can they kill them and then clear them into a larger vacuum.

At the same time, what Ye Luo and the others have to do is to save their lives, but before they complete the teleportation, they sit on the heart of the piano and cast [Group Guardian] on them, plus they are all super masters who have better than other players. With more invincible means, there is still no problem with insisting on the enemy's slaying of the alliance.

And when Ye Luo and the others completed the teleportation, June Feixue, Dongfang Star, Sitting on Qin Xin and others also teleported over. Although they are long-range occupations, Ye Luo and Yixiao Hongchen have already knocked back the surrounding enemies. They can still display skills, and they only display one type of skill-[Vulcan Domain] this powerful and large-scale continuous damage skill.

According to the firework’s cold service, June Feixue did not stingy with skills, but they used nearly 10 skills like [Vulcan Domain] at once. It is no exaggeration to say that ordinary players are not invincible. It is easy to be killed by these continuous damage skills.

Of course, if there is no invincible state, only Ye Luo and the others can use the powerful and large-scale group attack skills such as [World Destroying Thunder] and [Ten Thousand Swords Return] to instantly kill the surrounding players, and [Vulcan Domain] etc. Skills are nothing more than forcing players in the Japanese server alliance to continue to use invincible means and then consume their invincible skills.

As for sitting on the piano, a priest who teleported over so early made the players of the Chinese server alliance a little surprised, because most of the players who rushed past at this time used invincible methods by themselves, so there is no need for the priest to add blood, so the priest can be late. Send over.

But sitting on Qinxin is different. She has a lot of invincible means, even just turning on the [Magic Guardian Shield] can guarantee her safety, especially when she is still in the state of big moves and [Samsara Domain], so don’t worry about it. Was controlled or killed, and she rushed over so early, naturally, not to add blood to everyone, but to use various buffs or various group invincibility methods, such as [Group Guardian] and other skills. Of course, she can also follow Ye Luo teamed up to display [Six Paths * Ten Thousand Swords Guardian Shield (group)], so that a large number of players around would have some invincible means, so it would be no problem to kill the surrounding enemies.

In a word, sitting on the Qin Heart and daring to lock Ye Luo and they teleported over because of her powerful strength, and this is one of the fundamental reasons for her to become the number one pastor of the Heavenly Tribulation.

"Hey, I have to say that the number of dual professions in our Chinese server alliance has surpassed that of the enemy alliance, and everyone's equipment level and overall attributes are also very good. They can easily knock the enemy into the air. This allows the long-range occupation and Ye Luo, Sister Feng and others can display skills." Othello laughed: "Especially to allow Ye Luo to display various skills, tusk, although he didn't lock his vitality at 50% at this time, he did it. Big move and [Samsara domain], this state strength is far stronger than locking the blood at 50%. With his current damage output, even ordinary attacks can kill nearby enemies in seconds, including the big move. , [Group Blessing Scroll] players, even those dual professional masters with big moves and combos are unlucky, they will be killed in seconds, so it is easy to kill them as long as the surrounding enemies' invincible skills are exhausted. of."

"That's right." Midnight Shu accepted the stubbornness. As he spoke, he used means to intercept an enemy rushing towards June Feixue: "Moreover, it is easier than we expected from the current situation, because our people are already Used multiple [Vulcan Domain] continuous-damage group attack skills, including [Thunder God Domain] such a skill that can control the target at any time. If you want to survive, you can only use invincible means, and a player’s The invincibility methods are limited, and once they are exhausted, they can only be killed."

"Once killed, then a vacuum zone can be cleared around, so we can easily occupy a section of the city wall." Midnight Shu added.

"Yes, that's right." June Feixue took the conversation, and then she couldn't help but muttered: "How do I feel that the situation is easier and easier than we expected, especially for super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology. It’s a bit strange that it didn’t come to stop us.”

That’s right, the super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology did not deliberately stop Ye Luo and others, and even when they saw Ye Luo and the others rushing, they deliberately chose to withdraw, and this made Ye Luo and the others so easy. The important reason for standing firm is also the reason why June Feixue and the others are puzzled. After all, in this case, the super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology will not come to stop Ye Luo and they feel that they are going to give up defending the city. Everyone feels surprised.

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