VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3649: : Avoid its edge

Many people in the Japanese server alliance thought that when they attacked the super gang resident, Ye Luo, the wave and the wind, they would use the 100-meter displacement skills to directly rush to the city wall, but the super masters like Dark Night and Tokyo Myth did not deliberately The reason why Ye Luo and others were blocked was so because they knew that even their super skilled hands could not prevent Ye Luo and the others from rushing to the city wall, and they could hardly prevent them from using various powerful and wide-ranging skills.

Since Ye Luo and the others cannot be prevented from doing this, it does not make much sense for the dark night, Tokyo Mythology and others to rush to stop Ye Luo and the others. It will consume a lot of invincible means in vain, and it may even be bad luck. Killed, this is not what they want to see-dark night, they have seen how high the damage output of Ye Luo and others are, of course they know better that Ye Luo and others have the [Chaos Arrow] skill that ignores the invincible state. , Once controlled, even if they have no confidence to live.

Super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology are the most powerful players in the Japanese server alliance. Once they are killed and exploded, their alliance will have no power to compete with the Chinese server alliance, especially the explosive national weapon. It was also snatched away by Zhongfu, so smart people such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology would naturally not take such a risk.

Even if you think about it, even if the super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology face the attack of Ye Luo and others with the awakening skills of big moves and combination equipment, they have no confidence to stick to it. In this case, the best way is to avoid their edge. Let the other elites of the Japanese server alliance consume Ye Luo and others.

That's right, it is to let the top cavalry of one side of the alliance consume Ye Luo's invincible means. After all, even if Ye Luo faces the charge of so many cavalry and the coverage attack of various powerful and large-scale group attack skills, they can only at any time. Keep invincible, otherwise various skill coverage attacks will have a certain chance to kill them.

Even Ye Luo needs to be invincible all the time, let alone other people, that is to say, the players of the Chinese server alliance that rushes to the wall will most likely consume some invincible means, and may even be exhausted. .

And once their invincible methods have consumed some or even exhausted them, then Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others will undoubtedly pose a great threat to them, and even have a certain chance to kill them, especially oneself. When one party still has the advantage of the city wall.

These are the reasons why Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others persuaded the people in their alliance not to block Ye Luo and others directly, and these can easily persuade the leaders of the major servers. After all, they also know that anyone will stop Ye Luo at this time. Luo and others will be consumed by all invincible means and even be killed. In this case, it is better to let the top cavalry consume Ye Luo and them, so that in the next dark night they will naturally be able to compete with it and even kill it. .

Of course, this is the reason for Tokyo Mythology to convince other server leaders. The real reason is that they know that it won’t take much time for the people of the Eastern family to act on the people in the Mi Mikaku studio, and once this is the case. Super masters such as Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng will definitely not be able to participate in the next battle because of the sneak attack.

And once Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng and other people in the Misty Pavilion cannot continue to participate in the siege, then the overall strength of the Chinese server alliance, at least at this time, will undoubtedly be greatly affected, not to mention because If Ye Luo and others go offline suddenly, it will surely cause the people of Misty Pavilion to lose their leadership and make the formation of the Chinese server alliance more affected. In this case, the Chinese server alliance has almost no chance to capture this super gang. station.

If this is the case, then Tokyo Shinhwa and others naturally have nothing to worry about. It is undoubtedly the wisest way for them to choose to avoid the edge for the time being.

Of course, at this time, Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology were not idle. After holding the state of [Group Blessing Scroll], they began to attack the people of the Chinese server from both sides, although the players here are the top cavalry of the Chinese server. , But faced their attacks still overwhelming, many players were killed.

Attacking from both sides, Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology face much less pressure. They can stand firm almost without using invincible means. They only need the priest behind them to cast [Spell Immunity] or [Dispel] the negative state for them. Yes, it is no exaggeration to say that they can attack almost unscrupulously, and in this case their damage output can also be used perfectly. This can be seen from the killing of many players in the Chinese server alliance.

In addition to the top players in the Japanese server, players on other servers are still very satisfied with this situation. After all, Ye Luo and others in their hearts at this time will consume a lot of invincible means, and once their invincible means are exhausted, they will It is easier and a lot easier to stop it, and there is even a chance to kill it.

Of course, according to their previous plan, when all the players in the Chinese server alliance were dragged into battle, they would suddenly attack the Chinese server’s imperial city. It would be very useful to retain invincible means. Rush up to the city wall in the shortest possible time and then occupy the outer wall of the Zhongfu Imperial City. It is not impossible to destroy the Zhongfu Imperial City next.

Of course, they did not waste time at this time. They were trying their best to cause casualties to the Chinese server alliance. After all, the more casualties they caused, the more likely the super gang resident was to keep, and then they would attack the Chinese server emperor. A sneak attack on the city also has a better chance of success.

On the other hand, June Feixue and others also discovered that the super masters of the Japanese server alliance such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology did not stop them. This made them puzzled. Of course, they were also worried about Dark Night and their conspiracy. For a while, their expressions were also A little dignified.

"Sister Fireworks, Sister Feng, why didn't Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others come to stop us?" June Feixue was full of doubts: "Although their top cavalry is also very powerful, they can't stop us at all, because in 2 , After 30 seconds, their invincible methods will be exhausted. When the time comes, they will be directly killed in the face of our attack, so that we can occupy a section of the wall, and then naturally they can steadily advance to the sides, so they think It will be very difficult to stop us again, or even impossible to stop us at all."

"Yes, we can easily occupy a section of the city wall and then the outer wall, don't they worry about this?" Zhiyue echoed, she was also puzzled.

"Dark night and they naturally know this." Samadhi said, feeling the doubts of June Feixue and the others, she chuckled: "Because Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology also know that even if they rush over to intercept us, we can't change the situation. Don't forget to face. The group attack skills cover attacks on many of us, especially Ye Luo and sister Feng. Even if they are dark night and their attacks, they can’t bear it, even if they use the awakening skills of big moves and combination equipment, so they rushed over. You can only use invincible methods all the time."

"Dark Ye and they know very well that they have surpassed most of the players in our league in the number of invincible methods, but they can't compare to Ye Luo and Xiaoshu, and even because of the existence of Feng, they can't even compare to Feng, at least they can't compare to Ye. Luohe Xiaoshu." Samadhi Shi continued: "Since Ye Luo and Xiaoshu are inferior in the number of invincible skills, and Ye Luo and the others are strong enough to kill them in a flash, it must be Ye that they rushed forward and finally survived. Fall, which means that they will be killed, which they never want to see."

"Oh, this is also true. After all, once they are killed, they will no longer have any power to contend with us." Zhiyue instantly understood: "At that time, they will not only be able to prevent us from occupying their super gang site, in the future. There is no power to contend with us. Thinking of these, they will naturally not come directly to fight us, and even for them, they can only avoid us."

"Well, it seems like this." June Feixue nodded, but she frowned slightly when she thought of it: "I have to say that Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology are very smart, especially since they don't even need to use invincible means at this time. Even the awakening skills of big moves and combination equipment have not been used. If our invincible means are exhausted, what if they come to stop us? At that time, we will not have any strength to compete with them."

Hearing the words of June Feixue, everyone also saw that most of the players in the Japanese server alliance such as the dark night did not use the awakening skills of combination equipment. They thought that they would use these to deal with themselves and others. For a while, many people began to worry. .

"Don't worry, the awakening skills of combination equipment can last for 10 minutes, and this long time is enough for us to occupy many of the walls of this super gang site, especially in the dark night, Tokyo Mythology, they don’t come to hinder us, at least We can occupy more than half of the city walls." Midnight Shu said while attacking: "And once we occupy so many walls, then we will not be at a disadvantage on the walls, especially when we have installed a large number of mobile magic crystal cannons and transferred a large number of elites. Cavalry, even if we don't have the awakening skills of combination equipment, we can withstand the dark night, Tokyo Mythology and others."

"Yes, 10 minutes is enough for us to occupy most or even all the outer walls. Hey, then the form will be reversed, even if we don’t have the awakening skills of big moves and combination equipment to face the dark night. , Tokyo Mythology and their attacks can be withstood." Othello confidently said: "The big deal will be when we will let the top cavalry continue to charge them and consume them, so that they are equal."

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