VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3654: :Whether to continue

Samadhi and even all the players in the Chinese server alliance do not know the next action plan of the Japanese server alliance. In their hearts, at this time, Tokyo Shinhwa and other super masters did not try their best to stop it not because they did not want to stop it, but because they could not stop it. Serving one alliance’s siege force is like a broken bamboo. At this time, even if they try their best to stop, what they can do is just a little delay, and they also risk being killed—Ye Luo and the others cast [Chaos Arrow] against Tokyo Mythology and others. At the same time, space players such as slender hands and other space players took the opportunity to cast [Space Enchantment] to trap them and still have a good chance to kill them.

If there is a chance to kill the super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, I am afraid that Ye Luo and the others will not hesitate to temporarily give up attacking the super gang station. After all, Dark Night are the mainstays of the Japanese server alliance. After they beheaded The Japanese service alliance is also unable to contend with it.

Of course, Samadhi and they also thought of another reason why the super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Myth did not stop them-and the inner city wall.

Think about it, too, in their minds, the Japanese server alliance is only occupying the outer wall. They can also use the inner wall. When occupying the outer wall, the Chinese server alliance must have a great consumption and Casualties, when the time comes, they will undoubtedly have a good chance of resisting the siege of the Chinese server alliance with the help of the inner city wall.

And this is the only reason Samadhi and the others can think of why Tokyo Mythology didn't come to intercept them. At least these can explain the current situation.

"Well, according to this, it is really possible." June Feixue took the conversation, and after thinking of something, she chuckled, "Then if we occupy the outer wall next time, we will not continue to attack the inner wall but wait until tomorrow. , Then don’t they have any chance to defend this super gang site? Hehe, if this is the case, will they regret not stopping us with all their strength when we occupy the outer wall?"

"Haha, maybe they will be desperate to death if it is like this." Midnight Shu couldn't help but laugh, and the players around who heard him say these words couldn't help but laugh, and such laughter broke out in the battlefield. It also really surprised many people. Of course, many people thought that after seeing the current situation, the talents of the Misty Pavilion were like this. It would be easy to understand this.

"Fireworks, what should we do? Should we continue to attack the inner wall after occupying the outer wall or postpone it until tomorrow?" Sitting on Qin Xin asked the crowd while adding blood, increasing the state and dispelling the negative state. Don't wait for the fireworks to get cold. She continued: "I suggest that we start to rest after occupying the outer wall. We will attack the inner wall until tomorrow. During this period, we can also consume the inner wall slightly, so we will undoubtedly occupy the inner wall more safely."

"Well, there is no need to postpone it until tomorrow." Po Lang Chengfeng hurriedly said: "At this time, we have every opportunity to occupy the outer city wall within 10 minutes, at least without using assassin methods and using the [Group Blessing Scroll] to completely occupy it. The inner city wall, and we have so many remaining assassin items such as [Group Blessing Scroll], plus we also retain a lot of combination equipment awakening skills, with these we have a chance to directly occupy the inner city wall."

"Moreover, delaying until tomorrow is not necessarily safe, because the enemy alliance can get a lot of [Eight Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Orders] in one day, and they can also get some [Group Blessing Scrolls]. They are defending the city. Having these props will undoubtedly cause us a lot of trouble." Po Lang Chengfeng added.

"Yes, I also agree to take action on the inner city wall as soon as I enter, and occupy this super gang site as soon as possible." Othello took the conversation, and after a short meal, she continued: "We will occupy this super gang site as early as possible. Being able to take action on the gang sites of other servers as soon as possible, and this will also allow us to stock up more killer props, and our strength will be further improved."

"Yes, I also feel that taking advantage of his illness to kill him, I can no longer give them a chance to breathe." Midnight Shu echoed: "Especially at present, we are still fully capable of capturing the inner city wall, because it is not unexpected that it is not only We have kept a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls], and other gangs and even servers will do the same. With these, we can still easily occupy the inner city wall."

"I think it's better to postpone it until tomorrow, because no one knows what assassins are still in the hands of the enemy alliance, especially the Tokyo Mythology, they are not in a hurry to intercept us, maybe it is because they have the confidence to do so. So." Zhiyue shook his head: "So let's postpone it until tomorrow, when our strength is at its peak, so it will occupy the inner city wall more safely."

In this way, some people support attacking the inner city wall today, while others oppose it. No one can persuade each other for a while. In the end, they can only look at the fireworks and get cold. After all, it is her who decides in the end.

But I didn't want the fireworks to be cold and did not reply to everyone, but looked at Ye Luo on the side and asked: "Ye Luo, what do you think?"

"Anything will do." Ye Luo said casually, after a short pause, he continued: "Of course the most important thing is that we should listen to everyone's opinions. What are the opinions of other gangs and even the server? After all, it is for us whether to attack the inner city wall. It's important, because accidents may happen if you don't pay attention, so it's wise to make a decision after everyone's discussion."

"In addition, if we agree to continue the siege and other gangs and other servers disagree, what should we do, and this is not impossible, so we still have to ask everyone for their opinions." Ye Luo added.

I have to say that Ye Luo's words are very pertinent. The most important thing is that after he made such a decision, he would support whether it is breaking the waves and riding the wind or the fireworks are easy to cold, so the next step can only be done according to his statement.

The fact is also true. Fireworks and Polangchengfeng did not hesitate to choose to support Ye Luo’s idea. Then they wanted to ask other gangs and even the server for their opinions, but they didn’t want Bacchus Dukang and Fengxing to take the lead in speaking in the team channel. , And talking about whether to continue to attack the inner city wall next.

Maybe it’s because the situation at this time is very good for the Chinese server alliance, so everyone is very optimistic, and there is even "Xian Qing Yi Zhi" discussing the next action plan while attacking the city, and this has not affected the siege. Rhythm, this can be seen from the fact that the efficiency of the alliance of the Chinese service party in occupying the outer city wall has not been reduced in the slightest.

Soon the leaders of the major gangs and even the server spoke one after another to express their opinions. Perhaps because the situation at this time is very good, more than 80% of the players support the next attack on the inner city wall, which undoubtedly occupies the majority, and the rest 'S players can't influence this opinion at all.

Even so, Dukang and Fengxing, the **** of wine, did not immediately express their views, but asked: "Fireworks girl, poetry girl, celebrity girl, do you want to continue to attack the city next?"

"Naturally we will continue to attack the city." Dongfang star and Ye Yu Fei said in unison, and the former continued after a short pause: "After all, at this time our offensive is like a broken bamboo, everyone's morale is high, and the morale of the enemy alliance has dropped to the bottom. , This time is undoubtedly the best time to continue to attack the city. There is no need to wait until tomorrow. After all, there are many nights and dreams, and no one knows what kind of accidents will happen if it is delayed until tomorrow."

"Yes, that's it." Ye Yufei Fei took the stubbornness and continued after a short pause: "The most important thing is that we still retain a lot of power at this time. Not only everyone has some killers such as [Group Blessing Scroll]. Props. In addition, as time goes by, our alliance has mobilized more and more elites. By then, we can start siege from all directions, and it is easy to occupy the inner city wall. There is no need to wait until tomorrow."

Think about it, because the Chinese server alliance has mobilized more manpower, and the inner city wall is much smaller than the inner city wall. This means that the players of the Chinese server alliance can attack the inner city wall from all sides, which is better than Previously, the pressure on the enemy alliance could only be caused by a one-sided attack, and this situation will undoubtedly make the subsequent siege much easier and easier.

Hearing that, many people also realized that this is the advantage of the Chinese server side alliance. For a while, they were full of confidence and believed that they would be able to conquer the inner city wall. Even the first 20% of the players who opposed the immediate attack also changed their minds and said they could. Continue to attack the city.

"Firework girl, if we continue to attack the city today, how many chances will we have to win?" Bacchus Dukang asked, waiting for the fireworks to be easy to get cold, and he continued: "If the chance is great, then we will attack the city immediately. There is no need to do it again. Delayed until tomorrow."

"Then it depends on how many killer items we can bring out [Group Blessing Scroll]." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, and she threw the problem directly to the Bacchus Du Kang: "After all, this is directly related to what we can use next. What is the strength of the city, and this determines whether it can easily occupy the inner city wall."

Hearing that, Dukang, the **** of wine, also knew this was important, and then he began to inquire about the [Group Blessing Scroll] and other assassin items left in the hands of the people in the major gangs and even the servers, and everyone gave answers after they meditated. The major gangs of the service party alliance have stated that they can come up with at least 3 [Group Blessing Scrolls], while other servers said they can come up with at least 10 [Group Blessing Scrolls].

Counting it down, the Chinese server alliance can at least come up with hundreds of [Group Blessing Scrolls], which is not a [Group Purification Scroll] or something, and this is also a very powerful force, which has been in the hearts of many players. These are enough to take down the inner city wall.

"Firework girl, are these assassins enough?" Fengxing asked.

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