VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3655: : Some careful thoughts

At this time, the situation for the Chinese server alliance is very good, so more than 80% of the players agree to continue attacking the inner city wall. However, to be on the safe side, the fireworks are easy to be cold. I still ask the major gangs and servers how many [Group Blessing Scrolls] can come up. This kind of killer tool is related to what kind of strength they can have next.

After pondering a little, the fireworks said coldly: "These [Group Blessing Scrolls] are enough. If the number of scrolls reserved by the enemy alliance is not too exaggerated, we have a 90% chance to take down the outer city wall today."

"A 90% chance, the situation is still very good for us." The daughter red said, thinking of something, her brows frowned slightly: "But at this time we don't know how much the enemy alliance has hoarded [Group Blessing Scroll] Waiting for the assassins, especially since they didn't try their best to stop us before. If they keep more than us, it will not be easy for us to capture the inner city wall."

"The most important thing is that if we fail, we will suffer heavy casualties, which is extremely unfavorable for us." Daughter Hong added.

"Hey, even if the enemy alliance retains a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls], don’t forget that Ye Luo Zhiqiu still retains the 100-meter displacement skill and has not used it. With this skill, he can easily rush to the city wall. Of course we Locking his teleportation can also rush to the inner city wall." Ouyang Feiri laughed strangely: "In this way, we can easily occupy a section of the city wall, just like before, and then it is naturally easy to occupy the inner city wall."

That’s right, before the waves and the wind used to rush to the top of the city wall is something that everyone remembers, so everyone knows that Ye Luo retains the [Remnant Shadows], using this skill to him and a large number of Chinese server alliances The elite can rush to the top of the city wall, and as long as occupying a section of the city wall, it is naturally easy to occupy the inner city wall next.

"Not only that, but my eldest brother also has a hundred meters recently..." Dongfang Mietiandao, but he was stopped by Dongfang Star before he could finish.

"That's right, since handsome Ye Luo still retains the 100-meter displacement skill, the next thing is naturally easy. What's more, the assassin items such as the [Group Blessing Scroll] hoarded by the enemy alliance based on our analysis are definitely not as good as us. So we can still easily rush to the inner city wall and occupy it." Dongfang Star said, after a short pause, she continued: "At the worst, we won't have too many casualties. Don't forget that we will have Occupying the outer wall, under the cover of the outer wall, we can safely retreat to the outer wall. The next step is to face off with the enemy alliance for a day. After our killer skill is over, we can attack the inner wall again, and count it. There won't be too many problems."

For the Eastern Stars, everyone still agrees, especially that they don’t believe that the [Group Blessing Scroll] hoarded by the Japanese server alliance is more than theirs, especially the major gangs and servers of the Chinese server alliance. Most of the [Group Blessing Scrolls] numbers are reserved-not to mention other gangs, there are more than 20 [Group Blessing Scrolls] that can be taken out by Miao Miao Pavilion alone, and other gangs and even servers have fewer reserved numbers. Go to the Misty Pavilion, but it is certain that it is a lot more than what they reported before.

With these things, everyone is still very confident to take down the inner city wall and guarantee that no accidents will happen.

That being the case, everyone agreed to continue to attack the inner city wall after the outer city wall was captured, and after the decision was made, everyone did not say much and continued to attack the city with all their strength.

What everyone didn’t know was that they were determined to continue to attack the inner city wall and learned that the Chinese server alliance had so many chances to attack the inner city wall. After Eastern Zhantian began to take action, he directly gave their people an order. Hands-on commands.

That’s right, in Dongfang Zhantian’s heart, you can’t wait any longer, because as smart as the Dongfang star, Ye Luo and Ye Ye have previously analyzed why Ye Luo and Ye Ye have to deliberately retain the 100-meter displacement skills-they are planning to occupy this super gang station. Use it at the last minute to ensure that you can occupy this super gang site.

The Eastern stars naturally know how important this super gang site is. Once it falls into the hands of the Misty Pavilion, it will not only allow the Misty Pavilion to receive rich rewards, such as [Group Blessing Scroll], etc., it will definitely be more than destroying the imperial city. , The most important thing is that once you have such a super gang resident, then the ethereal pavilion is equal to invincible. At least the gangs such as the Eastern Family have no confidence to conquer it with their own power.

Even if you think about it, even if the Dongfang Family and other gangs work together, it’s not an exaggeration to take the Wushuang City, Tianxia City and Luoshui Town of the Misty Pavilion in one fell swoop, not to mention that the Misty Pavilion still has the opportunity to occupy the super gang resident in front of you, no exaggeration. In other words, if the Miao Miao Pavilion were to occupy the gang resident in front of them, then the Dongfang Family and other gangs would not have any chance to take the Miao Miao Pavilion's gang resident in one fell swoop.

Since the gang owned by the Misty Pavilion cannot be taken down in one fell swoop, then naturally the economic source of the Misty Pavilion cannot be cut off, which will cause a large number of Misty Pavilion players to withdraw from the gang and weaken the strength of the Misty Pavilion, and then the gangs such as the Eastern Family will undoubtedly face the Misty Pavilion. The revenge of the people of Ge, no gang would have the confidence to survive Ye Luo and their endless revenge.

That is to say, once the mysterious pavilion has occupied this super gang site in front of them, the gangs such as the Dongfang Family Family will have a high probability of defeating, and even this chance exceeds ninety-nine percent, and this is not what Dongfang Zhantian wants to see, so they Only support to continue to attack the inner city wall without delay until tomorrow-in the hearts of Dongfang Star and others, immediately attacking the inner city wall will undoubtedly consume Ye Luo's displacement skills of 100 meters, so that everyone is on the same starting line. At least this will greatly reduce Ye Luo and the others' chances of occupying this super gang resident.

Think about it too, Ye Luo will consume 100 meters of displacement skills when directly attacking the inner city wall. In this case, naturally you don’t have to worry too much about Ye Luo using this skill to rush to the heart of the city in the next, so vague. The possibility of Ge occupying this gang resident will undoubtedly be greatly reduced, especially when Eastern Killing Sky also possesses a 100-meter displacement skill.

That's right, Eastern Killing Sky also has a 100-meter displacement skill, but this matter is only known to a few important people such as Eastern Stars and other Eastern families. Using this skill, Eastern Killing Heaven will undoubtedly have a chance to occupy the inner city wall. One rushed to the heart of the city, especially when Ye Luo consumed the 100-meter displacement skill, it is no exaggeration to say that the Eastern Family would have a greater chance to occupy this super gang site.

Again, this super gang site is very important. After the Oriental family has occupied this super gang site, it may not be guaranteed to destroy the misty pavilion, but after possessing this super gang site, they hardly have to worry about the people who will be the misty pavilion again. Retaliation and there may be no gang resident to inhabit at any time. It is no exaggeration to say that occupying this super gang resident is equivalent to leaving them in an invincible position.

It is precisely because of this that Eastern Stars stopped the Eastern Zhantian who almost leaked their mouths. After all, this is the biggest secret they keep at this time, and they have the most chance to occupy this super gang site. If they are known by Ye Luo in advance It is very likely that the fireworks are easily cold and resourceful and have the ability to make preparations in advance. This will undoubtedly make things happen, and at least there will be many accidents when the Oriental family occupy this super gang resident.

For example, if it is learned that Dongfang Qitian possesses the 100-meter displacement skill and the firework is easy to be cold, it is entirely possible to suggest that Dongfang Qitian use the skill to rush to the city wall. In this case, it will undoubtedly make Ye Luo who retain the 100-meter displacement skill even more. The opportunity rushed to the heart of the city and then occupied the gang resident.

In the worst case, the fireworks are easy to be cold. You can also propose to attack the city tomorrow with a more secure excuse. At that time, Yeluo, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, and Night Night unless all have a displacement skill of 100 meters. This now has a lot of advantages for the Eastern family. These misty pavilions have no intention of having a better chance to occupy this super gang site.

And these were not what the Eastern Star wanted to see, so she proposed to attack the city today, and interrupted the previous Eastern Zhantian's words to avoid accidents.

After everyone was determined to continue to attack the inner city wall, the talents of the Eastern family were a little relieved. At least in their hearts, they had a good chance of occupying this super gang site by taking advantage of Dongfang Tiantian’s 100-meter displacement skill. They were looking forward to time. Of course, the Eastern Stars were still planning how to have a better chance to occupy this gang site, and they were as smart as she quickly thought of some very good ways, such as getting their allies to cooperate. Compared with the Misty Pavilion Oriental Family, there is another advantage, that is, they have many allies, and they will undoubtedly have the opportunity to be the first to rush to the heart of the city and then occupy this super gang resident with the cooperation of their allies.

Although they also want their own gang to occupy this super gang site, they are not sure whether it is Lonely Desert in the Desert or Ye Yu Fei, and they don’t want the Misty Pavilion to occupy this super gang site, so they can only agree to cooperate with the Eastern Family. Action, especially after knowing that Eastern Killing still retains a one-hundred-meter displacement skill, under consideration, they can only choose to cooperate with the Eastern Family. Fortunately, Eastern Stars promised to give them a very generous reward, so they even more Gladly agreed.

Although he got the agreement of cooperation from other gangs, Dongfang Zhantian still did not have full confidence in allowing the Eastern Family to occupy this super gang resident, and he also knew what the result would be if the super gang resident was occupied by the Misty Pavilion, so He immediately gave their people a hands-on order.

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