VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3656: : Get started

Although Ye Yu Fei Fei, Damo Guyan and others have promised, Dongfang Zhantian still believes that the Eastern family may not necessarily be able to occupy this super gang site, and once it is occupied by the mysterious pavilion, it will be the ultimate for the Eastern family. Disaster, this is not what he wants to see.

And in order to be foolproof, the best way is naturally to start with Ye Luo and others in reality. In the heart of Dongfang Zhantian, once Ye Luo and others in the Misty Pavilion cannot participate in the continued siege, then the Misty Pavilion naturally has no chance to be able to. Occupying this super gang resident, there is almost no suspense that this super gang resident will fall into the hands of the Eastern family.

It was also thought of this, so Dongfang Zhan genius decisively gave their people a decision to act on Ye Luo and the others in reality.

As for whether the Chinese server alliance can occupy the super gang station in front of him without the super masters such as Yeluo and Polangchengfeng, he has no worries. After all, they have also heard the analysis of the firework Yi Leng and others before, that is 90%. Nine's chances can successfully conquer the inner city wall, and once the inner city wall is captured, it will undoubtedly mean occupying this super gang resident.

Of course, what gives Dongfang Zhantian's confidence is that Dongfang Killian possesses a 100-meter displacement skill. With this skill in his mind, Dongfang Killian can easily rush to the city wall and occupy a section of the city wall. Such occupation of the inner city wall is undoubtedly It's an easy thing, so he doesn't worry about losing Ye Luo, Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind, and others from the Chinese server alliance can not occupy the inner city wall.

In addition, Dongfang Zhantian has other confidence, that is, the number of [Group Blessing Scrolls] hoarded by the Dongfang Family is much more than what they reported before, and he also returned to whether it is the Yeyu Family or the Heroes of the Sky War. There are a large number of [Group Blessing Scrolls] and other assassin items, and their gangs will undoubtedly not be stingy in the event of an accident, and will use more [Group Blessing Scrolls] with these to capture the inner city wall and then occupy this super The gang resident naturally has no problems.

And these are the reasons why Dongfang Zhan Tian is determined to act on Ye Luo and the others. After getting his order, people who had been waiting impatiently in reality did not hesitate to act, and dozens of people held it for a while. The stick rushed to the studio of the Misty Pavilion.

Not to mention this, let’s say that the players of the Japanese server are waiting anxiously at this time, especially as time goes by, the walls occupied by the alliance of the Chinese server are more and more, and this also makes Tokyo Shinhwa and others more and more anxious. After all, if In the future, if the people of the Eastern family don't do anything, they can only arrange for their people to do it to Ye Luo and others in reality, but they are unwilling to do so as a last resort.

Again, if things leak, then Tokyo Mythology will face severe punishments, and this is undoubtedly discrediting the Japanese clothes, so they are unwilling to do this unless they have a last resort, and they are more willing to do so. Let someone else do it for them.

While waiting anxiously, Heilongtian received the news. The news came from reality. After seeing the news, he was suddenly surprised and inexplicably surprised, and then immediately told the news to Tokyo Shinhwa’s and others-Dongfang Shijia’s. People finally started to act.

"What, the people of the Eastern family have finally started to act. They are going to do something to Ye Luo Zhiqiu and others?!" After hearing this news, Sakura Ruxue was very excited, and she didn't believe her ears for a while: "It's time It’s not that I heard it wrong. At this time, the outer wall occupied by the alliance of the Chinese server is not average. According to the principle, the people of the Eastern family should not be so anxious. For them, at least they can do it after occupying the outer wall. That's more secure."

"Hey, who knows what those people from the Eastern family are thinking about? Anyway, the news I got is that they have already started their actions and will soon be able to rush to the studio compound of the Mystic Pavilion, which means that it will not take long for Ye Luo to know the autumn. They have to quit the game." Heilong Tianzhan said very excitedly, and he continued without waiting for everyone to speak. "But anyway, as long as they do it, once Ye Luo Zhiqiu and they quit the game, then we can start. One step action, hey, but we can not only keep this super gang resident, the most important thing is that we can also destroy the imperial city of Zhongfu in one fell swoop, so that the overall strength of Zhongfu is at least 20% weakened, and this It is equivalent to a weakening of the overall strength of the Chinese server alliance by about 20%. Hey, it will be easy and simple for us to suppress them by then."

In this regard, everyone in the Japanese service agrees deeply. Of course, thinking that the people of the Eastern family have already done it, then their people don’t have to do it anymore, so there is no need to worry about what will be blamed. They are in a great mood for a while, and then Susano God looks at the Tokyo myth: "Boss, since the people of the Eastern family have already begun to do it, Ye Luo Zhiqiu and others will soon be offline, should we also be ready to proceed with the attack on the imperial city of Zhongfu? ?!"

"Don't worry." Tokyo Shinhwa shook his head, and then he chuckled: "It won't be too late for us to start operations when Ye Luo Zhiqiu and the others are offline. That was undoubtedly the time when the Chinese server alliance was the most chaotic. It is undoubtedly the easiest to succeed when we do it again."

"Well, that's right, we can't be in a hurry at this time, it's best to wait patiently." Mt. Fuji sank and said, after a short pause, he continued: "But at this time we also have to start preparing, for example, we can mobilize a part of the force to stop it with all our strength. The Chinese server alliance sieges the city, the more power we use, the more players in the Chinese server alliance will be left here, so that the fewer people who can rush to the Chinese server to support, then we destroy the Chinese server emperor The chances of the city are even greater."

"Hey, it's easy. Just tell our allies directly. I guess they are a little impatient. Once they are told that they can act, they will definitely start the operation without hesitation and cooperate with us in the operation." Ichito Taro laughed. .

After hesitating a little, Tokyo Myth nodded, and while talking about him, he looked around: "At this time, the Chinese server alliance has already occupied a lot of outer walls, and a large number of players have entered the battle. At this time, our side can use a large number of elites. Containing many of them is still very beneficial to our next actions."

"Of course, in order to be more secure, we will wait. It is best to wait for Ye Luo Zhiqiu and the others to go offline before we act. At this time, we only need to make our people ready to take action at any time." Tokyo Mythology said. , Seeing the doubtful and impatient look of everyone, he continued: "After all, you and I know that Ye Luo Zhiqiu and others are very skilled. Although the people of the Eastern family have done it, and there are dozens of them, but these People may not be able to successfully injure Ye Luo Zhiqiu and the others, so we will wait for a bit more safely."

Think about it, before they start to deal with Ye Luo and the others, Black Dragon Heaven Slash and the others will naturally have to carefully investigate Ye Luo and their news. Although they don’t know the specific origin of Ye Luo, they also know that Po Lang Cheng Feng and others are very good at it. Through Ye Luo’s performance in the game, they also know that he is a master in reality, and it is precisely because of this that Heilongtian Slash uses masters, but they don’t know how strong the people from the Eastern family are, such as Tokyo Myth. So many people may not be able to succeed, so to be on the safe side, they had better wait.

"Well, wait a minute." Amaterasu's Shinto, and then he looked at the Black Dragon Heavenly Sword to the side: "Let our people monitor the situation of the Mi Mi Pavilion studio at any time. If the situation is not good, we must be notified as soon as possible, so We can make the most correct choice."

"Don't worry, I have already arranged it. There will be no problems." Although he said that, Heilong Tianzhang was somewhat lacking in confidence. Thinking of what he looked at Tokyo Mythology: "Boss, if someone from the Eastern family If you can’t solve the problem of Yeluozhiqiu and others, then our people can only do it. Should I just arrange it directly. Once the people of the Eastern family fail, our people must do it as soon as possible, so as to ensure that there is nothing wrong?!"

After pondering a little, Tokyo Myth said in a deep voice: "The matter has reached this point. We must not have any accidents. After all, you and I also know that if Ye Luo Zhiqiu and others can continue the game, our action will fail this time, and it will If we lose this super gang resident, we will never have a chance to stand up again, so we must make that Ye Luo Zhiqiu and they can no longer log in to the game, so once the people of the Eastern Family fail, our people can only take action. This There is no doubt that you can directly arrange for our people to do this."

"Well, I understand." Heilongtian cut, and then he didn't say much, and directly arranged the words of Tokyo Mythology, and their people were ready to do it at any time.

Not to mention the Black Dragon Heavenly Slash and their arrangements, and that Ye Luo and the others are still attacking with all their strength to occupy more city walls in a short period of time. At this moment, Ye Luo and the others felt abnormal messages from smart bracelets and watches. Suddenly their expressions became heavy. While June Feixue used her own means to investigate while attacking, her expression suddenly became serious: "Sister Fireworks, Sister Feng, it’s not OK, the alarm system in our studio went off. In other words, an outsider invaded our studio at this time. Before I checked the surveillance, it seemed that there were still a lot of people who broke into our studio. There were as many as 30 or 40, and each of them was holding a stick. Obviously it was intentional rather than accidental intrusion."

Hearing that, the expressions of Midnight Book and Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind instantly became dignified. If it is normal, they would not care at all, even if they are in the game, because they can temporarily leave the game to solve those people, and they are in a position to their strength. Confident that they are confident that they can easily solve the attacking enemy, but at this moment the siege is at a brief juncture. At this time, they can't go away, at least they can't go away at all. They naturally look a little dignified when they think of these. They are a little worried.

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