The skills of Midnight Book and Changhe Sunset were originally very good, but after learning the Eight Diagrams Steps with Ye Luo, their skills went to a higher level. Even if Ye Luo wanted to win together, it was a bit difficult for them to defeat the waves and ride the wind. Needless to say, dealing with those invading enemies like this is naturally not a big problem, after all, only breaking the waves and riding the wind are confident that they will defeat all the enemies in the future by their own strength, let alone both of them.

Not only that, in order to prevent them from underestimating the enemy and possibly chasing them out in the middle of the night, the fireworks are easy to cold, and the more stable Othellos are offline to assist them. I believe she will firmly block the main entrance. No accident will be impossible. The front gate broke in and threatened Zhiyue and the others.

In addition, Firework Yi Leng is also ready to go offline to help at any time. Her methods are even more clear to everyone. No one will be able to approach after the arrows are displayed, especially with the cooperation of the midnight book and the others.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind, they naturally also know how fireworks are easy to get cold, and they breathed a sigh of relief when they learned that she was also ready to go offline at any time, and stopped worrying about anything.

"Feixue, you pass the monitored video to Uncle Bacchus and Uncle Fengxing." The fireworks said coldly, but she said this indifferently, but it made June Feixue and Zhiyue puzzled. Understand why she did this.

"Although the police will arrive soon, it is not so easy to ask the people behind the scenes. There are many things involved." Samadhi explained on her behalf, after a short meal to continue: "Uncle Bacchus and the others are games. The most important thing is that they also serve in the game department. It is a big taboo in the game industry to bring the grievances in the game to reality, so we know that someone will do us in reality, Uncle Bacchus, and even the game. The Ministry will deliberately pay attention to this matter, so it is relatively easy to find out who is behind the scenes."

"It's just easy to solve these thugs, but in order to avoid such things from happening in the future, the most important thing is to find out the real murderer behind the scenes." Samadhi Shi added.

"Yeah, that's right." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, and they said to her to continue: "Not only that, even if such an accident occurs, we are still confident that we can occupy the super gang site in front of us, but we are not afraid of ten thousand. Just in case, and in case this action fails because Xiaoshu and they are offline, we also have a legitimate reason. At the very least, it will be easy for everyone to know that the responsibility is not ours."

"Oh, that's true. After all, the action this time is very important. Once we fail, the responsibility will be heavy. It is naturally wise for us to find a good retreat in advance." June Feixue said, while she said this. The situation informs people such as Bacchus Dukang, Fengxing and others, and even directly shared the video with them.

Bacchus Dukang has been paying attention to the entire battlefield. After all, this is their responsibility as auxiliary control, so they also saw the three people in the middle of the night book offline. At first they wondered why the three suddenly left the combat position at such a critical juncture. , And now learned from the mouth of June Feixue that someone had invaded the Miaoge Pavilion Studio, especially after seeing the shared surveillance video, they fully understood it.

After understanding, they flew into a rage, they were mature, or as experienced as they could easily judge that this was someone who brought the grievances in the game to reality, and this is the most taboo thing in the game world, and then think about it. Ye Luo and the others are very likely to be in danger. For a while, they are angry and worried at the same time.

Of course, if other people are definitely worried about whether this action can be successful at this time, and as the elders, Dukang and Fengxing, the gods of Bacchus, pay more attention to the safety of Ye Luo and the others, so they temporarily suppressed their anger and began to ask them about the fireworks. Even they said that they could let Polangchengfeng and others go offline to solve the trouble. Later, Fengxing even proposed to let Ye Luo go offline.

Feng Xing and Bacchus Dukang naturally knew Ye Luo’s origins and his skills. They were confident that Ye Luo would be able to solve the invading enemy by going offline alone, so they urged Ye Luo to go offline. Forget that the city is still under siege at this time, and it is at a critical juncture.

Feeling the worry of Bacchus Dukang and the others, Ye Luo and the others felt the deep warmth, and the fireworks easily said indifferently: "Uncle, don't worry, Xiaoshu has already been offline. You also know how their skills are. Certainly not. What's the problem."

"In addition, our people are monitoring Xiaoshu and their situation at any time. If necessary, we will not be too late to go offline, so you don't have to worry about it when you get old." Fireworks Yi Leng added, and they were relieved when they saw the **** of wine, Dukang. After her tone of voice, she changed her tone: "But this matter is too bad. I believe the two uncles also know this, so you have to give us an explanation. This is part of the game, so I ask you to enforce the law impartially."

"Hey, don't worry, it is a big taboo in the game industry to do hands-on in reality. We will punish these people severely if they touch the bottom line, and we will give you an explanation at that time." Bacchus Dukang said coldly, and said this. At that time, he also showed the domineering he should be, and he was not angry with himself!

"Yes, our game department will definitely give you an explanation about this matter. You can rest assured." Feng Xingdao, and then asked the fireworks to be careful and they went busy afterwards, of course, while assisting the fireworks to mobilize their troops. They also told the people in the game department about the sneak attack on the Mystic Pavilion, and asked them to immediately support the Mystic Pavilion. Of course, at the same time, they also expressed their attitude to severely punish the murderer.

People in the game department naturally know how bad this matter is and how far-reaching the impact is, especially the Miao Miao Pavilion is now the mainstay of the Central Service, so they acted as soon as they learned of the situation and immediately ordered the distance to work in the Miao Pavilion. The nearest staff in the room rushed over to support, and at the same time they did not forget to call the police and so on, the response was quick and efficient, and the efficiency was extraordinary.

On the other side, Damo Guyan also saw the Changhe Sunset suddenly offline from the anomaly on the Yingmen Pavilion. Of course, the former saw the latter offline from his friends list, and instantly he realized the abnormality, which made him I became worried in an instant, and immediately connected with Fireworks Yi Leng and others, asking what happened here, and the concerns and worries were beyond words.

Feeling the solitary smoke in the desert, the people also further confirmed that he really cared about Changhe Sunset. Those things in the previous game were just things in the game. For a while, they all breathed a sigh of relief for Changhe Sunset while in the fireworks. When Yi Leng organized the language, June Feixue blurted out: "In reality, some people have done something to us. The idiots and Xiaoshu are going to intercept the invaders."

"What, someone attacked your Misty Pavilion studio?! How many people, do those people have weapons?!" Da Mo Guyan asked hurriedly. Before June Feixue and the others could speak, he continued: "How do you let my brother To solve those people, don’t you know that this is a very dangerous thing. No, I have to go offline and I will rush over as soon as possible..."

When he said that, he gave orders to the Space Department players who stayed behind in the middle service and then went offline. For a while, everyone saw his worries, and this also made everyone once again realize how concerned he is about the sunset in the Long River. Of course, the fireworks are easy to get cold. They also saw that the desert solitary smoke was not cheating, and their attitude towards it further changed, and of course they were further happy for the sunset of Changhe, especially after thinking of the performance of the desert solitary smoke at this time.

"Da Mo Guyan, you don’t have to worry too much. You also know the skill of sunset. Xiaoshu and Xiaoqi are also very good. The three of them will surely solve the invading enemy safely, and we are ready to play at any time. Preparation for the line, so you don’t have to worry too much.” Sitting on Qin Xin comforted, she continued after a short meal: “What’s more, although the Tianzhan Hero Studio is not far from us, it will take more than ten for you to come here. In minutes, things will be over long ago when you arrive."

Hearing that, Damo Guyan also realized this. Although he was still worried, he naturally knew how well Changhe Sunset was. He also knew that Midnight Shu's skill was not worse than Changhe Sunset. The two people worked together to solve dozens of people and there was no problem. , Thinking of this, he was a little relieved, of course at this time he also thought that even if he was offline, it would be too late, and in desperation he could only force himself to calm down.

"Are you sure that my brother will not be in any danger?!" Da Mo Guyan asked again.

"Don't worry, we monitor Xiaoshu and their situation through the smart bracelet at any time. Once they are in danger, we will immediately take offline support." Sitting on Qin Xin promised: "You should also know our situation, especially Ye Luo's means, so you can rest assured."

"In addition, we still have very important things to do at this time. Don't forget that we are attacking the city, and you have a heavy responsibility as the hero of the heroes of the sky. If you make a mistake in this matter, you have a responsibility that you can't shirk." Sit. Shangqin deliberately reminded.

Naturally, he also knows how his sudden offline will affect this siege, and even if the desert is alone, he cannot bear such a responsibility. The most important thing is that he has repeatedly confirmed that there will be no too much sunset on the Changhe River. A big problem, so he is forced to control himself and calm his mood.

Of course, Da Mo Guyan didn't completely relieve his mind. He directly handed over the command to the Heaven and Earth trio. They were originally the heroes of the Heavenly War Heroes, and they were also handy in commanding, at least there would be no trouble.

After finishing this, Damo Guyan once again found the fireworks and they were easy to be cold: "You share the surveillance video with me, I am still not at ease!"

Feeling the worry of the lone smoke in the desert, June Feixue did not decline, and directly shared the surveillance video with him, and after seeing the book in the middle of the night, they had prepared their weapons to meet the enemy, the lone smoke in the desert breathed a sigh of relief, especially watching By the middle of the night, their expressions were calmer.

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