VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3659: : Easily confront the enemy

Because Damo Guyan was worried about the safety of the sunset over the Changhe River, it was reasonable to ask June Feixue to share surveillance video, so the latter gave him a point, and saw the book at Midnight, the sunset over the Changhe River, and Othello. After he was prepared, he was a little relieved, because with his eyes he could easily judge their skill from the weapons in the hands of Othello and Midnight Shu, especially seeing the short spear and short stick in the hands of the Othello player. After a long spear appeared after being together-the one-meter-eight long spear was easy to see that Othello is a practicer, thinking that fireworks are easy to be cold and deliberately letting Othello play, Da Mo Guyan breathed a sigh of relief.

Think about it, when he first heard that Othello was also off the line to meet the enemy, Da Mo Guyan didn't care much. It was worthwhile in his heart that she would be very good if she didn't hold back, so she was a little worried, naturally worried about the safety of the sunset in the river. , And after seeing the long spear in the hand of Othello, he finally realized that she was not a vase, but she was also a master in reality. After thinking that she could share a lot of enemies for the sunset in the river, Da Mo Yan was naturally relieved.

That's right, because the dozens of people who invaded the studio of the Misty Pavilion this time were all holding sticks. It was obvious that the visitors were not kind, so they were not polite and took out their weapons, such as the long spear in the hand of Othello, such as the book of Midnight. The double-knife dagger, and the other is the Tang Heng knife in the hands of Changhe Sunset.

That’s right, Changhe Sunset is holding a Tang Hengdao in his hand, which is a bit inconsistent with his gentle appearance. After all, Tang Hengdao is a more domineering weapon, and it is also the first among all. This time I saw him take out the weapon, which shows how cautious he is at this time.

During the surveillance, the midnight book and the long river sunset stood side by side, greeted the invading enemies from the front, while Othello stood behind with a spear, accurately blocking the entrance to the Misty Pavilion building, although the front entrance was relatively wide. , But the spear in her hand is nearly two meters long, and her arms can reach the length of her length. In this case, it is easy and easy for her to block the front door by herself.

It is also known that the weapon in Othello's hand is a long weapon that is most suitable for guarding the main gate. Therefore, the firework is easy to cold, so she deliberately let her go offline and accompany Midnight Shu and they intercept those enemies together. Of course, this is also different from the position of Othello in the game. It’s not unreasonable to be replaced by a small number of people-although the Othello Earth Dragoon is a profession that is very good at frontal assaults, and her own strength is also very strong, but people like Jianba, Jianliu and others can replace her and lead everyone to charge. In other words, whether she continues to stay in the siege does not have much impact, so she can go offline to help just in case.

Right in front, Midnight Book and Long River Sunset have already met dozens of people with sticks, and the first shot is Midnight Book. His figure flashed, and the dagger in his hand passed the first enemy's stick like a spirit fox. , And then like a dragonfly, it hit the man’s arm, and a little bit of blood spattered. The man had an inch-long wound on his arm, and the knife was not light or heavy, but it happened to make that person. Loss of combat effectiveness can be seen from the fact that he can't hold the stick in his hand.

Although the visitor was not good, Midnight Shu was not a bloodthirsty person, not to mention that killing him directly at this time would undoubtedly cause a lot of trouble, so just wound him and lose his combat effectiveness.

It didn't stop there. While turning around, the other dagger in Midnight Shu's hand slashed another person's arm. The same inch-long wound appeared and the machete in that person's hand fell to the ground, and he and the first person Sitting slumped under his wound, it was obvious that he had no power to fight again.

Seeing that Midnight Book solved the two enemies with just one or two moves, and the others couldn't help but chuckle so easily, the samādhi poem praised: "Xiaoshu's double-sword secret technique has finally been achieved. After cooperating with the Jiugong Bagua step, the strength has been improved very well. Although the enemy's skill is not bad this time, it must not cause any trouble to Xiaoshu and the others."

"That's right, Xiaoshu's skills are much better than when Ye Luo first came. Thanks to Ye Luo's teachings." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, looking at Ye Luo's eyes with a faint gratitude.

"It's his own savvy, I just tapped it with my finger." Ye Luo said casually, while saying that he didn't forget to continue attacking, of course, at the same time he didn't forget to continue watching the battle between Midnight Book and Long River Sunset.

At the same time that the book shot in the middle of the night, Changhe Sunset also shot. The Tang Hengdao in his hand was quite heavy at first glance. It not only blew the dagger in the hand of an enemy, but also smashed it on his arm. Suddenly Ye Luo and the others heard a clicking sound from the surveillance. It was obvious that the man had a broken arm, and the man squatted on the ground and wailed in pain. It was obvious that he had also lost his combat effectiveness.

That’s right, Changhe Sunset smashed the man with Tang Hengdao instead of slashing it, and Ye Luo, who was quick-eyed and handy, saw that he was an enemy attacking with the back of the sword. The man's arm was cut off, so that he would always be a useless person.

And from this point, it can be seen that although Changhe Luozhidao is more domineering, but the character is still very gentle, at this time, there is still no cruelty, just let the person lose combat effectiveness.

An enemy was dealt with with a knife, and the long river stepped out under the setting sun, his figure dodges and easily dodges an enemy's stick, and then he dodges to the man's hand, the knife hit the man's heart, and the man who was hit suddenly Ruan then fainted, obviously he solved another enemy.

In this way, Changhe Sunset solved the two by one or two strokes, and seeing his appearance still had enough energy, obviously he still kept his hands, and they were relieved seeing the lone smoke in the desert and the lonely smoke in the desert and the flying snow in June. In a sigh of relief, because from this, it can be judged that the dozens of people cannot pose any threat to Ye Luo and the others.

"Hey, the Jiugong Bagua step of the sunset is also very good. I didn't expect that this step can also be used with the more cumbersome Tang Hengdao. It seems that he has already integrated this kind of footwork." Samadhi poetry praised: "Since the sunset His skill is no worse than that of Xiaoshu, and he is extremely measured in his actions, then we have nothing to worry about."

The sentence of Samadhi poetry is not only to comfort June Feixue and sit on the piano heart, but also to soothe the lone smoke in the desert, and the latter naturally sees that Changhe Sunset’s skill is much better than before, especially with the long sword. His footwork was as clever as he realized that this method was learned from Ye Luo, and from this it can also be seen that Ye Luo did not hide himself in the Changhe sunset, which made Da Mo Guyan very grateful to Ye Luo in her heart. After all, he knows that this method can't be taught to others casually-the entire game industry knows that Ye Luo is very good at Jiugong Bagua Steps. From this, it is naturally easy to judge that the footwork of Changhe Sunset is learned from Ye Luo. .

Of course, the most important thing is that Damo Guyan also saw that it was easy to solve the dozens of people with their skills in the middle of the night and the sunset. Even the enemy could not even touch the corners of their clothes, which made him relax. Take a breath.

The fact is also true. At this time, the book at midnight and the setting sun in the long river rushed towards the invading enemy like dragons and tigers, and every time they shot, one person would fall, and the enemy could not even touch the corners of their clothes. For ease and comfort, it is obvious that those people can't pose any threat to them at Midnight.

Of course, there are also people who want to bypass the midnight book and the sunset and they rush into the building, because they have not forgotten their mission this time-Ye Luo must be seriously injured.

It’s just that the book in the middle of the night and the setting sun are faster than them, and they can easily be intercepted by a flash of figure. No one can bypass them, so naturally they can’t rush to the building to relay and cause any damage to Ye Luo and the others. Threatened.

"Sure enough, Xiaoshu and Sunset are very strong in teamwork. I am afraid that I alone can't deal with the two of them." Po Lang said in a deep voice, "The most important thing is that I can't stop dozens of people alone. Especially when they want to bypass me. After all, I can only take care of the front and the left and right sides, especially if someone deliberately entangles me, but Xiaoshu and others don’t have this problem. Don’t talk about the front, the two One left and one right can easily intercept people who want to bypass them, which I can’t do.”

"Even if one or two people get around Xiaoshu by chance, they are fine. Xiaoqi is still holding the front door. With her strength, she can easily defeat the enemy." Po Lang Chengfeng added, and then she laughed: "That is to say we There is no need to worry that Xiaoshu will not be able to solve the enemy."

"Sister Fireworks has long said that nerds and the three of them can easily solve the bad guys." June Feixue chuckled. She finally let out a long sigh of relief after seeing Changhe sunset and they responded easily.

"If this is the case, then we don't have to worry about anything. Next, we have to concentrate on attacking the city." Sitting on Qin Xin said, her pretty face was faintly cold: "Using such a trick to stop us, At this point we have to show them that they can't succeed not only in reality, but also in the game."

"Yes, this time we must let them lose all the games." Po Lang Chengfeng took the stubborn words, but as soon as the voice fell, she saw a person from the side of the book in the middle of the night and then rushed towards Othello. She was surprised: "What's the matter, how can a person of that level bypass him with Xiaoshu's strength, even if that person's skills are better than ordinary people."

At this time, June Feixue and the others also saw a person who bypassed Midnight Shu and then rushed towards Othello. For a while, they were somewhat worried. After all, in their hearts, it was undoubtedly a master who could bypass Midnight Shu. Maybe Othello. One person cannot solve him.

Thinking of this, everyone was a little worried for a while, and June Feixue was even ready to urge the fireworks Yi Leng to go offline to help, and even she herself was ready to go offline.

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